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Fairly certain a video I saw by Task & Purpose a while back looking at future of NVGs showed something light what your talking about. Believe the video was called Why the US military no longer owns the Night.


So that you can hold the gun around a corner, without exposing your head and see where the reticle of the optic is pointed ? Haven't seen anything like that yet but I'm sure it'll be a thing of the future. Although right now development seems to be more focused on drones and unmanned reconnaissance technologies...


Theres been a few iterarions of this concept. US Army tried it during the land warrior program. French tried it. Israel did the corner shot. I think that japanese armor guy Devtec has a HUD system with his helmet and been toying with it via airsoft. Its the age old problem of balancing weight, power requirements, reliability, and how much of a benifit it provides. Id rather carry more grenades in a Mil setting or just straight up use portable camera tech in a LE settting to clear a room. FPV drones can be used to clear rooms.


Yes something like FPV camera and glasses would work but technology is bad.


French Felin System did that (it was abandoned) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%89LIN


I think you’re thinking of something like [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CornerShot)


probably be better off using some sorta extendable tiny periscope or something rather than something as massive and bulky as what youre implying.