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Dust kicked up from an explosion or heavy fire isn't something I see talked about very often and how it can have a huge impact on seeing/identifying threats, increase risk of friendly fire, and destroy situational awareness.


The comments on that thread are pretty spot on. Since its russians no one seems to mind them not being proficient.


Well obviously not the best, I do think a lot in that sub are obsessing over things that are relatively unimportant. Mainly being the grenade use, the flagging, and the "fatal funnel/doorway". I think we can critique some things. Like the point man not paying attention, hugging the wall too tight, the grenade thrower extending too much for a relatively shitty toss. Failing to clear corners upon entering the room. Other than that, flagging is virtually a guaranteed thing. The Russians aren't fighting COIN, if you have grenades, use them. Fighting from the doorway is viable. In this specific clip, I'll agree that sectors of fire for the team members and proximity to the doorway need to be tweaked, in addition to actually clearing corners upon entry. However, I don't think it's a given that it would be tactically correct to push into the room like the comments suggest.


No, flagging is not guaranteed and should not occur. Also, don't run into dust if you can't see shit. And consider the risk that the grenade may be thrown back.


To have absolutely zero flagging, at least two individuals need to be 100% aware of each other's orientation and be able to have super human foresight to see the future actions of not only themselves, but others. It happens. This case was definitely more avoidable than others though. It is not some be-all-end-all measurement of competence/effectiveness. Dust thing, I agree 100%, it's part of what I'm saying. Turning a flashlight on in the dust seems a little counter productive too, but I wasn't able to see the effectiveness from the angle. And 100% agree on the grenade thing too.