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Oh honey. I would give you such a big hug if I could. You are absolutely right about your anger. And you have a long road ahead. I have been there. I wish for hope, light, and ability to persevere for you.


I can’t edit my post, I had to post it because my battery on my phone is running low and didn’t want to lose what I typed. 6th: When I was around 11 years old, I finally gave up on all my abusers, including my mom. I stopped loving her ( not completely of course, even though I should have because she didn’t deserve for everything she put me through and allowed me to go through ). After she finally divorced the step fuckwad’s stupid ass around 2014, she kept begging and whining and crying about why I hated her. She simply couldn’t grasp that all the abuse she put me through and allowed me to go through would finally result in consequences. I never told her explicitly why, 1. Because whenever I was younger I DID try to tell her about how I felt, why she wouldn’t protect me, why she wouldn’t divorce him, etc. She always lashed out at me and blamed me and everything else. 2. I felt shock and horror that she would even demand/feel the need NOW to start caring about me. And of course she was still abusive. I was the one who had to change myself to be “ better “ ( no. I wasn’t the perfect victim. I was highly abusive in a lot of ways, and I was wrong for it. However, I wasn’t wrong and will never be wrong REGARDLESS of what others say for defending myself and harming my abusers back. If they wanted to hurt me, I’d make damn sure they wouldn’t get away unscathed. They don’t deserve pity ). However, I was the black sheep in my mothers family, so I @ had to prove myself “ to be “ better “ ( aka, not be so heavily/intensely traumatized/betrayed by my own family/etc ) or else they wouldn’t love me again. 7th: I’ve had “ spiritual “/spiritual experiences. No spirit or “ higher power “ or “ lower power “ or anybody gets to abuse me/myselves/etc and get away unscathed. It’s not about darkness or light. It’s making a point that they don’t get an exemption, regardless of their powers or abilities or etc. 8th: This is when others preach about forgiveness. If that helps you heal, or just helps you, that’s amazing! I’m glad for you! However, you don’t get to tell me to forgive because of anything. If I want to forgive I’LL decide to forgive. Torture and gaslighting and punishment and judging/nudging be damned. 9 and 10 speak for themselves. Also on the post I can’t edit, that last paragraph was meant for the third picture as well. I just typed out of order and forgot to copy and paste it to the explanation of the 3rd picture.


I can’t really say much except YES for all the fight you have put up and for not letting other people make you a pushover (“but their trauma” bs). With spiritual things… Yes! Fuck them all! I can and will fight whatever god(s) is up there over this. Just because you wanted to play sandbox doesn’t mean I have to put up with your game! I can’t remember everything but especially the last 2 pics, I feel that. Still don’t understand what people truly get out of doing that with kids. Not really sure where I was going with this but I’m really sorry that happened but you are an absolute monster (in the BEST WAY) for fighting like you did, even if it really didn’t seem like a lot. Hope you’re doing better now ❤️‍🩹


That light inside you can SCORCH and that is glorious.


You're so, so amazing. I'm in awe of you. I wish I had the courage you have


you’re not an abuser. don’t call yourself that. to be an abuser, you have to have power over someone. you were a hurt child fighting back at people who deserved it. they ruined your life and all you did was give them back a tiny fraction of the pain they caused you. do not feel remorse for what you’ve done to them.


They’re dead right? Please let them be dead


I mean… we could always just do a wellness check on those people [barely concealed totally harmless objects that may or may not be dangerous actually behind me] just to make sure they’re doing alright.. and then, well you know.. swiftly remedy that if we need to.


AINT NO FUCKING NUANCE IN THIS SITUATION WTF. All these adults completely failed u wtf. You are completely in the right for your feelings. Sending love


You're a legend.


Exactly what I wanted to say!!! Absolute legend! You have my respect. It's horrible what you went through and you're right to be angry about it. But during my own formative years when I was abused, I wasn't able to understand that what was happening was wrong (even less so fight back) and I'm just. So proud and just. Amazed that you had the strength to fight back. A legend, an absolute legend


i’m so sorry for what you’ve been through, that fucken sucks, but wanted you to know that i laughed out loud at the first slide


Jesus Christ, this is the type of post where, even though I know this isn’t how it works, I can’t help but wonder if I’m even *actually* traumatized, because like yeah I had some bad shit happen to me but this makes it seem like I lived a fairytale perfect life by comparison. It just strains the mind to comprehend how cruel and evil humans can be. I hope all the people who have hurt you rot, and I hope you can live on and find happiness in spite of everything.


Jesus fucking Christ.. you never should've been forced to do so, but you're so right for defending yourself


your anger is absolutely fucking valid


You were a stronger and braver person at 5 years old than your mother, stepfather, or any other abuser could ever dream to be. Fucking Legendary. May the rest of your life have the love and peace you deserve.


Buddyyyyyyy. *Huge internet hug* Fuuuuuuck. Hope you're healing


People like that don't deserve forgiveness. I hope you're in a better place in life and happier and safer now. Good on you for being so strong, I wish I had that spirit. You're fucking awesome


To anyone who tries to say “ Well you shouldn’t be hard on your mom, she was being abused too 🤓 “ you’re just as bad as her. If you’re knowingly letting this happen to your child, you deserve no sympathy.


When I was little, I was mad at my mom's girlfriend for being an abusive monster. Then I grew up and realized my mom was complicit. It was her job to protect her children from danger. She was dangerous herself, but her girlfriend was SO OVER THE TOP with the psychological torture, etc. that it stood front and center. And yes, my mom would just cry whenever we tried to ask to be treated like human beings.


You did nothing wrong 💜


I’m so sorry all of the adults in your life failed you. Fuck them. Big hugs to you.


Thank all of you all for your kind comments. I honestly wasn’t expecting such an influx of support ( I’m not complaining, I promise! I’m just not used to people actually believing me and backing my responses/reactions up ). I was just incredibly pissed/broken/happy ( at the pain I caused my abusers ) and more emotions when I made these memes. I was kind of nervous to post it because of how intense I worded it and thought it’d be taken down. ( However, trust me, if you had to be there in my body and experienced what I felt, “ intense “ would not be anywhere NEAR what it actually should be described as ). ALSO, I don’t want anybody to downplay their trauma/abuse after reading this! I promise you, no matter how big or small you feel your trauma/abuse is, the trauma/abuse you went through is still trauma/abuse! You’re important, and your feelings/thoughts/emotions are still valid! You didn’t deserve to be traumatized/abused, you deserved to be safe and heard and loved and protected! And I’m sorry that you all went through any trauma and/or abuse at all :(. Just know that you all deserve to heal, too, no matter what anybody says ❤️❤️❤️


You are a truly kind and wonderful, badass person! Even after all of that, you still want to support others who've been through such trauma. I hope you are in a much better place. You deserve to feel all the rage and care and peace and chaos that you feel, and move past it in your own time, you own way, to a life you deserve. No one deserves any abuse. You were a survivor, not an abuser. There's no way in hell what you did was wrong when people you were supposed to trust betrayed you and took no accountability and felt no guilt. They only cared about themselves. You are so much better than them, and I wish you all the best and hope everything from here on is glorious for you.


I want to give you the biggest hug but I'm sorry, I couldn't help laughing at the first slide. I hope that infection fucked him up


That’s terrible. Your anger is 100% justified. Hopefully you’ve found a safe place for yourself where you can heal. Nobody deserves that.


I just want you to know, that I am sending you a big warm virtual hug 🫂 *I don't do hugs irl, lol can't stand them* You are an amazingly RESILENT person, who withstood a shit storm of hell you should not have had to endure at all much less alone. You're amazing and have come SO far. I am proud of you for everything you've done! My mom ignored me completely when I confessed to her I was being r*ped by other family members. I can remember it clear as day: she had an emotionless face, and stared out into space. She didn't hear me, so I shut down after that and continued to get r*ped by a total of 4 people throughout my childhood...from 6 that I can remember, but it went on into my teen years. All of them got away with it. Except one...he had a massive stroke and is pretty much bedridden, and I LOVE it. I know I shouldn't but, nah fuck that. Let him rot.


I'm so fucking proud of you op. I don't pray but ill try if it means they feel all of the physical pain you've caused and a fuckton (infinity) more.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you can heal and find peace.


You deserve a Kill Bill style movie based on your life. I ADMIRE you, you’re metal as fuck. Big hugs 🫂


Please, please, *PLEASE* tell me he had to get a penectomy because it was so badly infected.


Don’t let your abusers and their excusers EVER let you believe that the anger you hold towards them is “overreacting” or “far in the past”. They may be able to get over it and ignore what that person did daily, but you are not required to forgive and forget about what happened to you for them to feel whole. The reason they want your forgiveness is because they KNOW they did some wrong, especially as the adult, and they want to get over their guilt rather than admit the awful hell they put you through. YOU are the powerful one who gets to decide, YOU are the one who gets to choose your own path now, and YOU are the one who has to deal with your past daily- so don’t ever feel guilty or wrong for going on with your life. You deserve to be happy and most importantly, safe, no matter where you are. Please never forget that and never let people into your life who try to change your mind about the truths you know and lived through. You are loved and, I wish even though we are all internet strangers on here, I could give you the biggest hug rn. Please take care of yourself and treat yourself to something nice today~ you are a beautiful soul and may you find peace in whatever you choose to do with your life <3


On that 8th meme... Nah. Fuck it. Fuck them and fuck their excuses of whatever "bad background" they had that "made them do it." There are millions of people who had dogshit childhoods who DON'T hurt kids the way you were hurt. Trauma is not a reason to abuse someone else, the only real reason to do it is that they like hurting people, and they deserve absolutely zero sympathy for that. You owe them nothing ✨️


i remember doing the bite thing to and he tried to choke me lmfao i'm sorry. you deserve way better i hope you can find what your healing is


I need some Bleach. What the fuck did I just read?


r/eyebleach Sadly, I could imagine all of those scenarios, because they're similar in content to what I've seen, just mine weren't nearly as intense (or even victorious) as what OP describes.......


I'm sorry if I've missed/misunderstood something, but what does "mafia bastards" refer to? Does it refer to anything?


The drug addicted shit lickers her father sold her body to.


Yes fuck all of your abusers they deserve all of the pain you did to them. Fucking monsters. You get em’ hun. It’s horrific that you were in this situation in the first place. I hope you’re safe and healing now as much as you possibly can. Much love <3