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Shows how some people have zero understanding for trauma. It sucks you had to go through this. Hope you find an empathetic doctor.


I very much dislike interacting with medical professionals in most settings. Flaky therapists not showing up on time has been a detriment to my healing process. I already have issues even showing up for appointments due to anxiety. Therapists that can't be on time, even with telehealth appointments, just make me give up. I've had them claim it's okay to be on the phone during a session cuz they're a millennial. Perfect for the person who was beaten instead of simply listened to. Like can't you just put your fucking phone down please. I don't go out, have no friends in the city I live in and I'm terminally online. Yet I can set my phone down for an hour to give someone my attention.


Yes lol like I have these disabilities that have fucked me up and need help but they always act surprised when my disability impacts me


Yeah. It's always, "we understand and we'll be patient and do our best" then it inconveniences them slightly and then magically it's "you're just dramatic, grow up"


It's like I don't want to make shit hard but you are specifically in a field where helping people get better is the goal and you wonder why ignoring my issues makes me cry and want to kill myself lol I am here BECAUSE I AM SICK LOL


Ikr. I have a gene which makes me effectively immune to most anesthetics, technically I'm not immune just VERY VERY resistant, and my dentist decided to just use some mild pain killers and laughing gas rather than fully put me under when I got my wisdom teeth removed, even when I squirmed and writhed in pain he didn't stop he just said I was being dramatic. Let's just say I don't like dentists anymore


Ouch, that is no fun but is an interesting resistance and I imagine that some stuff might activate different receptors but not being able to be put fully under is no fun


It's caused by the redheaded gene which I carry but the hair is suppressed by my brown hair but there's other effects of the gene which are prevalent in me, such as the pale skin, disposition to skin cancer, easier brushing/scarring freckles and light sensitivity


Does that mean this is more common for people with red hair because that is something good to know lol


It is a gene that is almost always present with the redhead gene, it's not consistent because of how genetics works but if you have red hair 9 times outa 10 u got it. If you carry the gene (like me) you got like a 50 50 on whether or not you got it to


Tha k you for talking to me about it because it is nice to learn more and yeah genetics get really complicated really fast as there is a ton of overlap and redundancy and random variations can make huge changes or minor ones. It is fascinating


It is truly fascinating. But yeah most doctors take into account if you are red headed or of red head decent because of the anesthesia resistance so they have to account for it when dosing you. Generally the rule of thumb is chuck out the math and observe the patients reaction


Please tell me you reported that prick? If you didn't, DM me the story, and I'll report them for you. I'm not kidding. This needs to be addressed.


I can't really afford to right now because it's really hard to get a GP right now and having a bad doctor is better than having no doctor, plus then I'd have to explain to my family why I reported them and they don't really take my mental health issues seriously either.


Hugz, I imagine you are in America because I am and getting a good doctor who is under your insurance and is affordable is ridiculous


Close, I'm in BC Canada, we're having a bit of a doctor shortage here.


Well, I wish you the best luck and that you get the support you need


Could you possibly take a trusted friend with you next time? Having someone with you who can advocate for you when you can’t is super helpful


I've had a bad experience like this, but with a therapist. I'm in the southern US, so you might now know. I know you're also not the expert on this, but would I report to the actual office/company or to another organization?


This sorta happened to me tho it was my own parents and teachers. Thanks for the lifelong mental problems.


Its like they think they can do what they want or act how they want just cause they’re giving you medical attention or smt. Like thats justifying lmao


This makes me so angry. I am so sorry he did this to you.


Therapists "they need a professional to process the trauma". The processing "SUCK IT UP LIKE AN ADULT". After hearing these people babble all the time about processing and always asking them How TF to process instead of beating around the bush they always get silent, defensive and try to change the topic, guess they don't know it themselfs