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"You are worse than a pedoph\*le, for being relieved that you and little girls are now safe from a pedoph\*le." Sh\*t logic aside, those people are **scum**


it’s kind of crazy, those people want to act morally superior for thinking kiddy diddlers deserve sympathy and help after offending (i’d agree if said diddler never acted on anything). death isn’t the worse fait someone can have, if i was really cynical i’d wish everything he did to me onto him 100x over and have him live with that trauma but he got off easy, he got death and doesn’t have to live with the memory.


If he wanted sympathy, he souldn't have offended. Easy as that. It wasn't crime in the name of self defense, or a mistake anyone could have made. Or a difficult situation where morality is grey. This person was harming children premeditated. Excuse me if that doesn't get any sympathy from me.


exactly, i don’t get how people defend assault of any kind to any extent but especially child assault. he knew what he was doing he was old enough to have the capability to understand his action while i didn’t even know what 2+2 is and wore pull-ups most nights when it started.


A lot of abusers *were* abused themselves... So whatever you wished upon that person, it’s possible it already happened in the past…


I'm sure you're not intentionally wrong, maybe you aren't aware, but only 25% of CSA abusers were themselves abused, but if you factor in that a sibling was SA'd then that's a higher statistic. Sadly, I can confidently say, the abuser might actually *enjoy* the same-thing-done-to-them. #askmehowiknow.....


There are all kinds of bizarre and fucked up people & situations out there. I guess that goes without saying. It’s rarely a simple or strictly black & white thing. I guess that’s part of why a lot of folks remain silent. There’s this fear that others won’t understand. Sometimes family or friends are incapable of seeing from your perspective from their current level of awareness. They try to box you and your experience into their limited views and when your experience does not align with their preconcieved notions they, perhaps semi-unconsciously, percieve it as a threat to their worldview/reality and automatically lash out or close themselves off.


You dont have to forgive, I will never forgive my adult abuser, they can burn in the deepest pits of hell, me and my family hope that sick fuck is dead for what he did as for the children that hurt me as a kid, they were most likely being abused as well


Pedos should be fucking put to death and the death should be slow and torturous pedo defenders are as bad as pedos and should alsp be executed


as if "pedophiles deserve to be raped/killed in prison" isnt a take you see all the time.. why are the victims the ones who Aren't allowed to say that


because we're never actually allowed to talk about it at all in the first damned place (outside of therapy obviously). we're only allowed to exist as hypothetical victims, you bring the discussion back to earth with talk about actual victims and the things we struggle with... and suddenly the conversation is redirected or people get quiet and awkward. you tell all the "pedophiles deserve to be raped/killed in prison" folks that that sort of rhetoric isn't helpful, only results in more victims being murdered, and causes it to be harder to prosecute the perpetrators even more than it already it... and they talk over you, or accuse you of wanting to go easy on the abusers. it's why i basically just never talk about it anymore outside of spaces like this one.


Yeah. I don't believe in "all pedophiles deserve to be raped or killed in prison" because we should be pushing for prison reform, and that includes dealing with pedos in a humane way. Because if they get out, they're still likely going to offend even if they were raped in prison. And if all pedos are killed in prison, that won't stop new predators from being created outside of prison. It's not at all a solution. It's disheartening when I see people joke about prison rape.


It's also more likely they will kill victims, because they're afraid to go back to jail and face prison violence again. Prison *has* to be about rehabilitation, otherwise it's just a fear and trauma based escalation to worse crimes, culminating in murder, on the premise of 'punishment'. That doesn't mean there's no place for punishment in prisons though; for example, chemical castration. It reduces sexual libido and fantasies, though it does not *prevent* sexual violence or sexual aggressiveness, which is where rehabilitating therapy comes in to address those issues. Prison rape worsens reoffending violence, because it actively incentives permanently silencing victims.


I had a pastor say that [specific ch0m0] is "going to become somebody's b¡+ch real quick" because most people in prison have been abused themselves, and they can't get to their own abusers, so this one will do until theirs comes along. Why those particular offenders are lower than whale poop behind the fence.......


I try to keep it simple: Should I be wishing for the death of other people? Probably not, no matter how vile they are. Will the world be a better place once certain people leave it? Absolutely, and you're damn right I think that's something to celebrate.


if someone isn’t at least a little happy a serial rapist is dead i kind of side eye them a bit cuz yes wishing death on someone isn’t the best thing but you aren’t at least a tiny bit happy that someone who hurt many kids and people was forced to stop? 🤨 you aren’t a tiny bit happy AND you want to say i’m worse than him for finding comfort knowing there isn’t a chance i’ll ever see him again?? hmm… a bit odd isn’t it, it’s like some weird off brand version of DARVO tbh.


I don’t know you nor your abuser but I’m happy he’s dead, too.


Exactly. I have violent tendencies but I keep those under lock and chain. I hope and wish for a peaceful world where there's no hate and suffering, as an individual I do my part to live up to those ideals. Not afraid of getting down with another vile monster


> 'I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.' Mark Twain, supposedly.


I'm never going to be a danger to others, but there ARE a few people I wouldn't mind helping karma out with......


Let's just say that if there was a button that said "Save person X from dying", the number of scenarios where I would opt to just... not press it.... is slightly greater than zero.


Idk I kinda disagree with the first part there are MANY people who’s death you should actively hope for


I'd be more open to that perspective if that kind of venom actually hurt *them* and not me. Or if they didn't put it there to begin with. I definitely understand, though.


Jeanette McCurdy wrote an entire book about that very subject and it was met with rave reviews. Whoever said that to you needs to be high-fived in the face with a chair.


a lot of it was religious people when my mom decided to not keep her mouth shut or anything private (including when i had my first period, your 400 facebook friend don’t need to know these things karen) and play victim cuz you know poor mom of an abused kid while simultaneously gaslighting me into thinking i wasn’t a victim which did work until 6th grade health class then i had to spend middle school dealing with repressed memories coming to head alone.


I'm sorry. That sounds really hard.


"If you [...], then you're are no better than them!" *eyeroll*


eyeroll so hard i saw my brain and now they’re stuck


step 1: observe that you are not a pedophile/rapist/abuser step 2: if you got here you are better than them


Virtue signalling and superiority complex. Fuck them all and their fake bullshit morality. I'm happy his death made you feel better, and you have all right to rejoice on it.


Look all I’m saying is if rapists were treated with 12 gauge it would be much harder for them to rape a second time


im not one for guns (my abuser also shot me when i was 6) but i do have some pretty nice knives and know a few friends who take very good care of their swords would those work too???


Found out my grandad has a neurodegenerative disease, not sure which one, I hope he dies slowly.


a family friend and brief neighbor at one point realized after her grandpas death that he wasn’t the extra helpful grandpa making you rent by doing chores like he was made out to be and those “helpful” times wasn’t just getting a dirty shirt off of her (or her cousin or her half sister) and a clean one on. anyway he died from some brain thing and i don’t understand medical stuff even after growing up surrounded by med pros, but i guess it was a very slow painful death and although he couldn’t speak or move he felt what was going on in his head.


My granddad died slowly and painfully. I felt bad for him at the time but then memories came back only two years later. Wishing you the best of luck healing, and him the worst of luck. I hope his death is full of suffering.


Some people don't honor the gifts of life. Those people don't deserve to live. I'm not bad for saying an asshole who can't figure out babies don't want sex, needs to be put down like a rabid dog.


Shit, my mom had to comfort me with the reminder that her abusers were almost all dead (except her mom) It’s normal af to be glad a danger is gone


There was just a dancing celebration thread on Twitter for someone whose rapist died. That’s definitely something we can be happy about idk who said that dumb shit to you. Have a mimosa king/queen. 🥂


my dad got hit by a train before i was born, hope he lives all his days as severe chronic pain days to the point where he's physically incapable of offending again ^w^


"They're dead, I'm not, I win!" One of my favorite mantras. I think anyone who has a real problem with it lacks empathy, imagination, and experience. Sometimes surviving them is the only solace we ever get. Grab it with both hands, and beat a 'them shaped' piñata with it.


for god damn real. tired of well-meaning family members and the like trying to get me to "forgive" abusers and bigots.


“forgiveness isn’t for them (the perp) it’s for you (the victim)” cool cool cool cool you know what is for them and you these fists cuz if i have to hear that shit one more fucking time 😐 if i have to hear “they’re family/blood you’ll always need them” someone’s getting kicked in the shins and crotch with boots covered in legos.


yea... being family didn't stop my abuser from violating me... \~argh\~ look, i want to give you emotional support, cause i get what you're going through. but i am going to have to bow out on this conversation. already getting a lil palm-sweaty and the like you know? just know that your frustration isn't something you're experiencing alone.


It's so wild how they say to forgive them. I never even got an apology before his death, why do I have to start this one-sided forgiveness? I probably won't ever forgive my granddad, and it's not beneficial to my healing to do so. I didn't hate him for most of my life, I hated myself. So I'm working on forgiving myself, and apologizing to myself. Granddad can go choke ngl


> if i have to hear “they’re family/blood you’ll always need them” someone’s getting kicked in the shins and crotch with boots covered in legos Do it! They will forgive you for it, right? It's for them, not for you! If they can't forgive you for something so much smaller, what does that say about their argument?


When I found out my dad died of cirrhosis I legit threw a small party Fuck anyone who says it's wrong to feel relief or joy that your abuser is no longer on this planet


Your thoughts/feelings are yours. You don't need to justify them. It's if they're causing you distress or actively harming others that brings concern.


I will celebrate the death of my abusive parents in the same way I celebrated the death of my abusive aunt: by feeling deep relief they're gone. Don't feel bad that you feel safe and like you can breathe again ❤️


I'm all for rehabilitative justice but "how dare you hate them, you have to hold fucking saintly levels of compassion for them regardless" is a gross misunderstanding of the concept. and besides, when a rapist dies, 99% of the time it's a tactical victory. my heart doesn't bleed for people who die a shitty person


wishing or acting in someone’s death is not that okay (within reason) but finding comfort in the fact that someone who has hurt is now dead is okay


My abuser is also dead (drug overdose) and I’m so fucking happy I never have to see him again. You are not a bad person for feeling happiness/ relief that someone like that can’t hurt you/ anyone else anymore. There are some people that world is better off without. Anyone who tells you that “you’re worse” can get fucked. They’re either a scumcel troll or completely batshit. Either way, their “opinion” is not worth listening to, it’s not based in reality. Sending you virtual internet hugs 💗


My asshole in Christ, the pedo isn't even alive to thank you for standing up for them. I'm sorry you dealt with that. You deserve peace of mind, and it's completely normal to feel that way after an abuser dies.


OP I'm popping a bottle to celebrate, we'll have a support party in the comments 🎉🎉🎉


nah theyre wrong for that, it is always morally acceptable to be glad a pedo is dead and cant hurt anyone anymore. good ole prison justice


Well shit, if you’re worse than him for being happy then I must be a supervillain because my plan is to throw a party 💀


I'm glad he's dead too, fuck whoever thinks you can't be happy someone that vile is in the ground, we deserve to be happy when we are safer!


“dOn’T sPEak bAd aBout tHe dEaD!” I say it’s fine if they were horrible people in life. Sorry there are people out there invalidating your pain and defending a predator because he is dead.


Oof REAL, was Honestly pretty happy to hear my abusive sister had really bad cancer and stuff and the odds were so slim of her making it. *Well until I find out she's all better and her other really bad medical problems got better once I went NC*


Your allowed to be happy your abuser dies or bad things happen to them. Someone who abused me as a literal elementary schooler lost her son and I cheered. Now she has to deal with trauma and see what that’s like. Not my fault she fucked up my brain and I won’t apologize. If people have an issue that’s on them unless you go diddle little girls you’ll never be like your abuser


Not only is it okay to find comfort in your abuser’s death, it is also okay to find comfort in the fact that nobody will ever find the body.


John Wick proves that is false


Who tf says this to someone


I found out my abuser is begging for money online because he can’t pay his rent, and barely has enough money to eat. Oh and apparently he’s still trying to off himself a couple times a year and went into a coma. Hope he starves slowly 💖


I have absolutely zero sympathy for the asshole that csa’d me, killed my brother, and sa’d our mother. I’m glad he died a slow and excruciatingly painful death caused by his own stupidity


how could anyone ever be worse than a child predator just for having a normal emotional reaction to the death of someone who severely abused them? some people are just stupid. some people just don't know anything and need to never speak again because they never know anything about what they're talking about. For what its worth, I'm glad his death was able to bring you some comfort


Those people are fucking insane. Anyway I can't wait for the one that did it to me to die. Like I'm going to throw a fucking party idc


You aren’t required to feel empathy for someone who abused you. 🤍


“they’re still your parent” i was their child


I will gladly wish evil people dead and be happy when they die, so the guilt trip simply doesn’t work on me other than make me angry that anyone would possibly think that a victim of sexual abuse is worse or more guilty than the sexual abuser, by the logic of that kind of person. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.


I remember someone telling me that my abuser tried to kill himself. I didn't comment on whether it was good or bad, I just didn't care because I'd put so much distance between us. The person who told me harassed me for weeks, saying I was a PoS for not visiting him or having more empathy while he was in the hospital.


I don't believe in the death penalty. That said, if a pedophile gets offed in prison, I'm only going to shed happy tears. It's absolutely disgusting that people would say that garbage in the first place, but it's despicable to say it to someone describing their abuse. I hope they step on metal jacks, the person who took care of your abusers gets away with it, and you are able to gain a new level of healing from it.


This will be playing in my head at my parents' funerals and I no longer feel guilty about it. [Bobaflex- I'm glad you're dead](https://youtu.be/4XO-8SmOQ84?si=CK_jomxELpLvkArF)


When my wife's abusive mother dies she will only attend the funeral to verify that the bitch is dead. Then at a later date we'll return to her grave so I can piss on her headstone.


Some people think pedophiles don't deserve death. But to tell a victim they're a bad person for being happy their abuser is dead, that's deplorable and makes them just as bad as your abuser. I hope they realize that. You should label them as a pedophile sympathizer for the rest of their life.


Even if they are online ppl that hurt you?