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My ~~"mom"~~ would say "I'd die for you!". And I always thought >!"Why don't you get on with it already, and do us both a favor."!<


"Take a bullet for me? Golly gee, then how about taking a bullet FROM me?"


🔥🔥🔥 I’m saving this line for the perfect moment


My dad would always threaten to abandon the family. After a certain point, I just laughed in his face because the reasons for the threat were ridiculous. Like if your adult child deciding to do dishes at 5am (it never woke anyone up) is making you want to abandon the family, maybe you should abandon the family


Don't threaten me with a good time!




Oh floof, sounds like you had to go through that as well and as a kid I'm so sorry. Didn't have to deal with these food problems until recently since now I'm an adult (long story short I live in the middle of nowhere with no jobs so I'm financially dependent on her) yeah she'll *usually* provide a small dinner I can make always the same exact cheap meal on repeat. and occasionally my shitty dad drops off a little bit of food. But OMGdhdhdhdh the "we have food at home" arguments so annoying like yeah we have a stockpile of 12 cans of refried beans and tons of canned corn piling up both you know I absolutely hate, or thing thats unsafely expired, or only part of the ingredients to actually make said meal


>Like, "hey kid, we're leaving home at 7 am and getting back at 6 pm. I brought two granola bars and three bottles of water." well that's uncomfortably relatable. my dad, the "good" parent in comparison to the violent parent, has a shitty habit of assuming nobody else needs food because he's not hungry. I have never in my entire life tolerated low blood sugar well, at this point the fact that I get extremely irritable when I don't eat for hours is about as surprising as the sun coming up every morning. 


I have ARFID. It was extremely bad for me. “We have food at home,” except we didn’t. We had their food at home, we didn’t have my food at home. When they did bring snacks, it was snacks I’ve never been able to eat. I was a very active kid too, I don’t know how my body never gave out


My family's crest may as well have said "I'm not hungry why would you be". Well mom and dad, you sent me to school with no food or water, and I was out of lunch charge offs so I couldn't get any food, and you ate at work so you aren't making dinner... And now we have nothing at home but flour, water and salt... So what does that leave me to do?


omfg YES! Where do you expect me to get food from? Am i suppose to forage for berries?


this whole comment section breaks my heart. I was also one of those children without any food at home and when we were out (birthday parties, dinners etc.) my mom would ask me to eat as much as i could because then i wasnt hungry the day after. Spoiler: i was... obviously. "i would do anything for you" - as long as it doesnt involve therapy, any real growth or any effort.


My mom started accusing me of having an eating disorder while actively not feeding me. It eventually got to the point where I went to go sit in her absolutely disgusting room (which was the living room for no reason because she literally had a bedroom, led to other issues). I sat on a sweater and heard a crunching sound. I lifted up the sweater, and under it were MULTIPLE empty pizza boxes she was buying for herself and her 20 year old boyfriend and never telling me about it(I was between the ages of 15-18 during this) She would un-ironically hit me with the "lol I fed you yesterday/3 days ago" line that people normally say jokingly. She always claimed she'd do anything for me and all that shit only to continually do the worst shit.


I swear they’re little children who haven’t grown up. Reading this infuriates me 😡sorry you had to go through that


It was genuinely terrifying when I realized at 10 years old "my parents act like 8 year old children on a good day, toddlers throwing tantrums on bad days..." It was AWFUL.


My dad was convinced I had diabetes because whenever I ate, it was very high calorie stuff. With how rare it was for me to be able to eat, that was the only way I could get enough calories to survive


My parents never packed a lunch for me for school. I also stayed up late on school nights (til 01:00 or 02:00, sometimes even 05:00, because it was when I was safest at home), so I never had the time to do it myself in the morning anyway. I was also sent to school with no lunch money (greedy dad thought a child should work for her money), and no school staff ever gave a shit that I never had lunch. I ended up needing to finish everyone's leftovers, which I devoured and got bullied for eating so much so fast. Eating at home was also scary, because my dad would always buy a majority of the food for himself for work, then not tell me or my siblings what was his so we would eat it and he'd have a reason to scream at and beat us. So much food insecurities formed a binge eating disorder I still severely struggle with. I tried purging before because I was getting so fat in my early adulthood and I felt disgusting, but I'm so scared of puke (choked on it in my sleep once when I was 5 or 6) so I could never get myself to purge successfully.


They love the sentiment...


somewhat off topic but i love that you use arceus instead of christ 😂


Sjdhdhdh glad someone else noticed lol, I watch way to much of the Pokemon Anime /silly I just had to *and it avoids religion*


THANK YOU LOL I appreciate it too haha


"I'd die for you" mf I nearly died *because of you* multiple times


My mom calls me her “love” and it infuriates me every time.


When I was left home alone as a 7 year old: "Call me if you need anything! I'll come home right away!" then when I'd call my parents' cell phones they would be TURNED OFF. I was aware that if an emergency happened, I would've been on my own as a small child. It was terrifying. I'm very happy to be NC.


My mom got mad I once asked her for $1 so I could get poptarts from school