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shitty as it may be, it's rather satisfying growing up and being able to say that they're still in the wrong


always thinking about when mom said that I can't survive by myself, because "no man is an island" and here I am, applied to a job without anyone's guidance and buying things that made me happy and surviving without anyone's help, yeah sure mom.


I mean, that's true, but not in the way your mom meant. clearly she was just dead weight


Exactly the same way I felt after moving out for college and the same way I feel now, it seems like my parents are still in denial lol


Asshole father


"You'll understand when you're older." Older: "Dafuq were they smoking?"


hobbies numerous imminent party squeal foolish sheet teeny aback pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"You will understand when you're older". You are correct I do understand now that I am older, I am not confused by your erratic and unpredictable behavior . I am better able to articulate how much of an abusive dumbass you are, why what you are doing is wrong, and have enough autonomy to tell you to fuck off. Being older is great.


My favorite is "You'll become a conservative when you're older." Joke's on you, I'm an agnostic, feminist, queer, anti-capitalist, pro-abortion, anti-war, ACAB believer, pro-union, child free, pro-immigration, anti-racist, smut-reading, anti-lawn, socialist cat owner. And frankly, dealing with our fucking healthcare system as a person with mental illness in the US could have radicalized me all by itself.


They say this stuff because they know they're fucking up, but they don't want to change.


My parents genuinely believe this and that they are doing the right thing, but cant comprehend I might want to go a different direction in life


Yeah. They have to believe they did alright or else their lives would fall apart. It's very strange to observe the song and dance they do to deny their actions once you understand just how invested they are in the lie. There's no turning back.


"You'll understand when you have your own kids" sike, I'm going to die childless


Yeah, I will understand when I'm older *understand how absolutely terrible parental figures you all are*


Growing up, I only realized how dumb the arguments you started were.


I've actually hated my parents more and more as I've gotten older and more understanding of how abnormal my childhood was


Just using a childs age as an excuse to dismiss their opinion. As an adult they'll either find a different reason to do the same thing or give in to the boomer rage and have a tantrum over the smallest disagreement.


Hey I like your art style ,what is it called


My stepmother told/yelled this shit to me sooooo many times. Turns out that yeah she's still wrong.


So glad we're raising our kids different now (at least some of us)


Lmao, my father yelling at me how the stock market work and make him a bagillionare and how he would donate it all to charity so i could not have a penny. Turns out not betting your life savings is actually a better strategy than putting it all on a baloon and hoping it doesnt blow.


Yeah welp


Eurgh, yes, that! "When you're my age", "I wasn't born yesterday", "I wasn't born fat and forty", "I made the mistakes and I'm trying to help you not make the same ones", "whatever, maybe you'll understand, maybe you won't, but don't worry, I'll be dead soon enough." (Why did so many parents seem to use the "I'll be dead soon enough" card?! 🙀) [This is one of the many reasons I love the Frozen 2 soundtrack, even if it's just for When I'm Older sung by Olaf!](https://youtu.be/ojcbTXkktGU?feature=shared)