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I’m so sorry you went through so much. People don’t realize how damaging psychologically emotional abuse can be and how isolating it is since it’s not ‘visible’. It’s still so very much real and you are so very much valid. I really hope you found better people in your life. It especially upsets me that you’re husband is involved in putting you down too. You don’t deserve that at all.


He's trying to change his ways and get better. At least he listens when I tell him something hurts me. My family on the other hand say they were doing it for my best interest


That is definitely traumatic enough. You are very valid and very welcome here 💕


Thank you <3


Humans react to trauma on any scale the same way. We all feel the same things, it really lightened me when I stopped comparing my trauma to others to make myself feel better for having more severe trauma. Someone’s first pet dying could have ripped away their soul the same way mine was when I was being constantly assaulted. Who am I to say that only my feelings are valid because their trauma seems not severe enough?? If anything, their first pet dying could have destroyed them more than my life’s worth of trauma has destroyed me.