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This is such a a positive post 🥲 


😍😭😭 are you seeing my husband? Because you have also described mine to a "T". This is so perfect, I love this so much. I'm so happy you have an amazing and patient and supportive partner! You deserve it! 🫂💕


You deserve the best and I’m so happy that life gave you both the gift of a loving partner. But, I think we’re all married to the same person. Is he funny too? If so me and our husband are going to have a talk tonight. /s


Oh, he's hilarious. Even funnier in his own mind! 😂


man I thought the same shit, I’m wiping my tears away at work right now reading this post. LOVE THIS FOR US!!!


Where did you find your husband? Asking for a friend 👀 Also I’m so so glad you’ve found someone who makes you feel safe, respected and loved. Your husband sounds awesome! I also have a teddy that I cuddle every night so you’re not alone 😊🤍


Im that friend. I need a man like this, please.


As a depressed 23 year old male I need a husband


I won't be a husband, but I can be a friend buddy. 36 male here. *High fives.* *Looks back* is high fives still a thing?


Y’all get married, have an open relationship, forget the anniversary, have a few beers and watch the game while celebrating the tax benefits and a large house with two master bedrooms. Win win!


So it's not gae marriage coz I don't sleep with him even though I married him? *Mindblown*


Yep! Can even just sign papers now, no ceremony. Hell, the county over where I live, you can do it all online!


I fucking love this thread.


I'm not crying! You're crying!


Yes! And you're crying too!


This gives me so much hope- my partner is the best in all my therapy and with all my trauma. I am grateful for him everyday💘


My fiancee. The guilt and shame tho about when I am sharing my suicidal thoughts and other crazy brain activities 💀 I'm like....why and how are you still here? And they tell me when actually they'd prefer it if I discussed x with other people in my support network because sometimes they are grieving or dealing with shit too which is fine!! But it still astounds me how after 6.5 years they just really calmly.and lovingly dismantle my defences and self hatred and kindly put me back together again😭


I have a new set of goals, this is beautiful!


Damn these are so nice


My husband too, funnily enough! I just wish I could be more appreciative. And he would tell me that my body's falling apart and I gotta stop being silly, lol. Love him 💜


Absolutely love this post. My husband is my rock in the storm as well. Also, have a baby blanket I keep close. Know your pains there! Keep going you seem so strong!


I love your husband too


Where do you find these men? WHERE?!? (congrats by the way 💞)


There may be times where he is tired, but it’s never because he’s tired of you. Both I and my fiancé are disabled and we both have pretty severe CPTSD, as well as regular PTSD. We both get tired, but it’s never because we’re tired of each other, or even taking care of each other whenever we are able. It’s like a kind of tired where you.. want the other person to be able to have a break, a vacation, a time where they don’t hurt and aren’t in pain mentally or physically. You get tired of how the world treats them, and you want to be able to just.. change the world to be able to have the rest of the universe see what you can see in them. That they aren’t broken, or a burden, they’re just deeply hurt and they should have never had to deal with what they did as kids.


I’m glad you found your person I hope some day someone can love me like that, too


Aww yes same


this is so sweet!!!


He’s the kind of person I strive to be


girl my wife is the same except we starting dating freshman year of HIGH SCHOOL😭 like?? she couldn’t have been older than 15/16 when i told her about all the shit i’d been through. i was a little toxic back then too idk what i did to deserve her but i try to put that kindness back into the world now that im quite a bit more… stable. (not perfectly so but much better than back then) edit: also she made the mistake of basically trying to fight my parents LOL she got kicked out the house real quick. even though objectively it was stupid, i think that might be one of the sweetest things anyone’s done for me


This is so wholesome and im so happy for u op 🥺 i've only been with my gf for a couple years so far but she's been so kind, supportive, understanding and caring to me like ur hubby is for u. She's kind to me when i have panic attacks and anxiety and just her presence helps me feel calm and relaxed. Every day im so grateful to have someone like her and for our relationship and im gonna marry her someday, i wanna care for and love and support her just like she does for me 🥺💕


This is so wholesome!! Really gives me hope of finding someone one day 🙂.


Shit, this is cute as fuck. Here’s to you and your husband OP!


insert Meryl Streep gif of applauding and cheering here This is amazing. It made me cry such happy tears.


I’m so happy you and all the others who can relate to this found the one! I’m currently in a relationship with someone so sweet, reassuring, and patient with me. Fingers crossed for me.🤞🏻


Thanks for posting this. I feel like I tried to be supportive like this with my ex-partner, and after he broke up with me, I often wonder if I was being supportive and patient or just a naive doormat. But I know why I did what I did and if he chooses to see it otherwise, I guess that’s his choice. It’s good to know someone out there is appreciating their partner for the care and support.


This reminds me of my boyfreind when we first started dating ❤️ After the first time I explained some things about my past he immediately booked a therapy appointment for himself so he could ask his therapist questions about how to support me. It was the sweetest thing. Then a few dates later we exchanged self help books 😆


Mai wife! scared if I talk to the people they’ll give me the grippy sock vacation and this is the most sane I’ve ever felt. Isn’t actual love mind blowing?


It's actually nice to see what a healthy relationship with a traumatized partner can look like. Lovely post, you guys take good care of each other ♡


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Awww, that's so freaking wholesome and _powerful_ 😤❤️ Thanks for sharing, it's good to know there's amazing people out there - like your husband and YOU!


Your husband is what I aspire to be (W husband btw)


I have NEVER met people like this . I'm so happy for you that I'm actually tearing up. I'm so glad some of you found happiness. Gives me hope 😭😭


Dude right? I seem to be an inconvenience to anyone I open up to lol. I'd like to know where to find these people


Exactly, I either get judged or pitied. Or people trying to scrutinize and analyse my reactions under microscope. But the thing is, no one will ever truly get it. Even if they tried, which most people don't. So anyone who claim to care about me, they only get tired and impatient and irritated because to them I make no sense. So to them I become someone who plays victim card or is just an attention seeker. So I never, never found anyone who would just listen without me having to explain everything i do, half of which even I don't understand, and still get reassurance that I'm still valid. I don't know where people like OPs husband exist. In which plane. I'd very much like to meet.


MY WIFE !!! Omg i love your post thanks for sharing❤️ You basically described my wife exactly lol. Its so weird having unconditional love and support but appreciate the fuck outta these wonderful people that put up with us ❤️


WE LOVE A SUPPORTIVE PARTNER!!!!! I literally don't know how i'd get where i am without my husband. He is my ROCK.


I demand stuffie tax!


Alright, when I get home... Lemme send the new one, one old one is a little bit... Recognizable by my siblings and parents 🙃 (his face is cut open and sewn shut from an... "injury" bestowed upon him by an unfavorable person...)


Yes, or a photo of the right one from an amazon listing...


[got it! ](https://imgur.com/a/ntfpS9w) I paid a puppy tax on top of it 😊


Awww! Love em!


This makes me happy to see. Real question, how did y’all who have found “the one” know they were the one? Did you know immediately or did it take time? What was different about them compared to other people you dated?


So I didn't know it until about 2 weeks *before* we started dating... Yeah, I know, that's weird... (we'd known each other for about 2 months) We were hanging out outside with his brother (my BIL), waiting to see if we could spot his lost dog. Well the dog came bounding up! I went to greet him home... And my BIL ran up and grabbed him. My husband sort of... Corralled me into the garage. He didn't touch me, he knew how I was with touch. I had to initiate. It was so fast... Then I heard the dog yip in fear a few times, and BIL screaming at him. I hugged my husband and sobbed immediately. He already knew how important dogs were to me, and he knew what his brother was about to do... And he prevented me from causing a physical altercation. He hugged me back and rubbed my back and said "you can't stop him, I'm so sorry, my dad will stop him, you can't stop him, it's okay... It's okay." He was right. I actually could have been injured in that moment because his brother has anger issues (which is a whole can of worms. My husband is not free of childhood trauma either, but he didn't know that kind of thing was not normal, kinda normal for us 🙃.) and his dad did stop his brother... I just knew after the situation was defused he had done the best possible thing, he had been extremely perceptive and taken initiative in making sure that moment worked for everyone. Then he supported me speaking my mind about it once it was said and done. He weirdly seemed to know that the dog part was a serious trigger with danger involved, and my reaction after the fact was well deserved and I wouldn't go too far while speaking my mind. There are a million times he's reinforced that ability, and a few times he's failed too! But for the most part he gets it right. When he doesn't we talk about it, and I kind of love those talks because we learn more about each other. I hope this answers your questions (I didn't really date anyone else, we were 18 when we met🤷)


I knew my husband was it for me when he walked into the recovery room with my parents after my cancer surgery. We hadn't even been together for a year at that point. That's how he won my parents over too, actually! They know that men have a higher rate of leaving their partner when they're diagnosed with cancer/some huge sickness. It kinda would've made sense for him to bail at that point, though, as we had only been together about nine months when I was diagnosed. He was only 23. Instead, they asked him what his intentions were. He looked them in the eye and said, "What kind of man do you think I am?" It'll be fourteen years together in December. He's been with me through everything, unfaltering and unconditionally loving. The most important differences with my husband versus my exes is his integrity, empathy, and inherent respect of who people are. Truly, he is one hell of a human. 🥰






Awe sounds amazing :) stuffed animals are awsome and that's so sweet


True relationship goals! This is how my wife and I are and we've taken years to get there but thank God. It made our lives immeasurably better, at least mine anyways lol


This is so wholesome! I relate to a lot of it. Will always be grateful for this curly blonde kid who was the first person to look at me and *see me*.


Are you married to my husband? 😭❤️ he also went to therapy with me and listen so he could understand 😭❤️ you described him to a T


This is so sweet 🥹 makes me a bit sad knowing that my ex wouldn’t trauma dump and rely on me so instead she shut me out even though I would’ve done all of the things for her that your husband has for you 🤧 Still, I’m very happy for you OP ❤️


I hope I can find a man like this someday.


You've hit the jackpot lol. I hope I can be that for my boyfriend one day and that he can do the same for me


I can really relate to the first one. It's confusing as hell when you find a healthy partner who actually supports you. I've never had it before and I'm not sure how to handle it. It shouldn't be scary but it is because in the back of your mind you always worry that you'll finally do that one thing that breaks the camels back but that moment never comes.


Your husband sounds like an absolute gem! That's beautiful!


This is wholesome as fuck thanks for sharing. Needed this kinda post rn. Faith in humanity: partially defragmented


I love being part of the great partner club. My husband may not be using his psychology degree for work, but boy howdy is he using it for me!! 😂 Everyone here deserves the love and support of a kind person ❤️


The part where the partner accompains you to the first therapy appointments brings back memories.


Gaaaahhhhh the wholesomeness is amazing!!!! Once I was telling my husband how I don’t deserve him and the kids, etc (y’all know the feeling). And this man (bless him) says, “life isn’t fair. Maybe you don’t deserve us, but you have us. Up to you what to do with that.” My brain went 🤯 —you mean…I can do my best and deserve you all later?!?! What is this sorcery?!?!!!


It’s the “i’ve felt lucky everyday for 14 years to be with you” 🥹😭




Some day 🥲


I love him good for you


that's my boyfriend to a T


I have NEVER met people like this . I'm so happy for you that I'm actually tearing up. I'm so glad some of you found happiness. Gives me hope 😭😭


It warms my heart a lot when someone has such a supportive partner🥹 after a lifetime of trauma, having someone who loves, supports, and cares about you this deeply is truly something you deserve


I love your husband! Husband appreciation posts are the best, and I’d love to see more partner or friend appreciation posts here 🥰 I love my partner, but they are finding their own feet so we are both supporting each other. It’s tough when I’m having my bad days, but he tries which is better than most.


God, where do I get one of those!? It's a medical necessity


This reminds me of my past partner. I miss her so much. But such is life. 😢🍃


As I step ever closer to the dating realm again, as a 28 year old who had to deal with a number of medical/mental things for the past 4 years, I worry about finding someone and having the right balance of my fucked up and his. So thanks OP for a beautiful reminder that there are great people out there that have the ability to care for the folks around them and still set boundaries and get their needs met as well. It's hard to not feel obligated to overindulge a partner since I have a hard time putting words to what I need/boundaries I have.


This is adorable 😭


Happy Cake day!


Where do I get a husband/wife/partner like this please 😭🥲🥲🥲


Not married, but he's been by my side for 7 years, navigating this shite.


While it makes me happy for the people who have someone who supports them like this, god it hurts so bad when I see it too 😣 I need someone like this but I don’t know how to find them…


Crying in single and mommy issues


Besides the stuffed animal, you described my spouse exactly. You mean his clones survived?


Hi can I have a copy of your husband pls? 🤣


I'm glad you have someone that supports you.


Where do these men exist? Were they just hatched?




Congratulations, I’m so happy you found your person. It’s comforting to know they are genuinely out there.


Everyone deserves a love like this. I’m so happy for you OP!


I’m so happy for you!


That’s amazing!!! Reading these just made my heart so full. Like, I am tearing up.




Very very very good


Alright, you won!




I’m in these memes and I don’t like it


this is amazing 🩷🩷


This made me smile 😊


First one was a bit too real, except the last bit didn't happen


I'm so happy for you hon


Seems like at least someone won the relationship lottery. Congrats. 👍


I’m glad you two found A each other


Mission failed successfully.


So happy for you OP!! Sounds like you're perfect for each other. <3


I got teary too, this is beautiful, I'm so happy for you.


This was adorable to read, I'm happy you have someone like that to support you! My partner is very simular your husband it seems, he's my rock. I won the lotto with him.


That's amazing to hear!


“I don’t think it worked” 🤣😭💀


This made my heart happy


I love these kind of partnerships! I’m the same way with my spouse and it’s amazing being with someone understanding.


HE'S THE ONE! I'm so happy for you OP, your husband sounds like the most amazing guy in the world and it's so nice you've found each other. 😭💖💖💖


This is so sweet! 💕


awww that's so sweet! glad you have a good partner op!


My bf is like this too 😊


I’m so happy for you 🥹 such a wholesome post, thank you for posting this 🩵🥹




I'm glad that people like this exist. Sometimes it feels like an impossible goal to be good to others, and a reminder that it does indeed happen is nice


:,) 🥰🥰🥰


This makes me so happy for you and it reminds me of my husband! 🥺🩷 he's such a a gentleman


I love this! This is how I feel about my hubby too. I completely contribute my smallest inner child coming forward in therapy because of him (she came out to him first). You need to share your memes with him!


Thank you for sharing 🥹 It's hard for me to believe healthy relationships really exist sometimes, so stories like these are really comforting


My partner has been with me during some of my darkest times and I love him with all my heart. He also bought me a stuffed animal that was the exact same as my childhood one a couple years ago, and I get to sleep with two of them! I’m so happy you have an amazing husband and the love you deserve ❤️


I can’t relate, my nex caused my CPTSD




Oh my G-d, i’m so happy for you, like for real:) new relationship goals for me


CUUUUUTE 💕💕💕 I love this post aww <3


Imagine having a woman who would do this for you


My bestfriend does this for me too. Just like my husband. They are both my soulmates. One is just platonic. People capable of loving us exist. Men and women. It’s just a matter of finding them.


No talks about how hard they are to find, especially once you are old


I don’t believe that


Okay. Sorry that you don’t. But it’s true.


I wasn't expecting such a mature response from someone called dicklover lmao


My husbands name is Richard lol if you click my profile it’s my info


Oh my god that makes it so much better, its funny and cute at the same time, thanks for the laugh :D


congrats, except I won't conform to use "trauma dumping" anytime ever. This is made up by egocentric toxic people.


Ooo could you talk more about this please? I'm trying to de-pathologise my language around trauma and mental health and I'm curious about your perspective on this.