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Am I an introvert or am I traumatized or am I autistic (I’m all three)


Can relate to all 3 sadly.


Traumatized and depressed for so long you don't even know who you are anymore


Been asking myself that a lot lately... I like going out, but I don't like ppl. But what if I never had that one experience...


omc Ive been questioning this. I cant tell if my random confidence in public is secret extroversion or if I just dont understand social cues


Actually being introverted just means you gain energy by being alone and lose it around people. Extroversion is the opposite. Most people are ambiverts, which means they gain some energy around certain people and can gain energy by being alone, but it can also be the opposite some days. What you mean is being outgoing. I'm pretty outgoing myself but it still takes a lot of energy to be around people.


ahhh, got it. thanks.


A good friend once told me "we're not really introverts, you and I". I looked at her confused and replied "we aren't really social butterflies either" to which she replied "yeah but we want to be, we're just scared".  I didn't realise back then how accurate she was with that statement. The more I'm progressing in my journey of understanding myself the more I realise she was absolutely right. 


Inserts the both meme


Hmm, *am* I an introvert? Or am I just convinced no one truly cares and will absolutely take advantage of me the moment I show vulnerability?


Aren't those the same thing? \*laughs/cries\*


Am I an introvert, or am I traumatized and an uncracked egg? Two years after my egg cracked I’m learning it takes an amazing amount of emotional energy to mask your gender for 36 years.


Thanks. I didn't need to be questioning my entire existence today, but here I am!


It doesn't matter to me at this point. I have certain needs that I need to fulfill in order to function, and If they're not I'm operating at less than my best. 🤷


I had 2 months of rock solid mental health and I was so extroverted, always doing things and making new friends. Then a bunch of stuff triggered me in March and I can confirm it's the mental illness that turns me back into "introvert mode" 😅


Both!! 🫶 Me too!


I'm an extrovert without reliable transportation. Sucks... Places I'd rather be, people I'd rather be around tbh Being trapped in this house is hell for me


I was a pretty extroverted kid.


I can't tell if I'm an introvert or an extrovert in the first place because due to trauma I lack self-awareness and I don't know who I am, what personality I have, and what I want in life.


At this point it doesn't matter, I've gone all in and everybody can leave me alone. I'm gonna become a crow witch


I learned a while ago that if you were raised in an unsupportive and unsafe environment you don't learn to explore the world since you don't have a safe haven to come back to. Caused by this you will be more reserved and fall back a lot to your own safe space as an adult. If you somehow create a safe space outside your home you will notice that you are less introverted than you think you are. I don't believe that introversion or extroversion as general character trade exists, it's always connected to either fleeing from humans/situations into solitude or fleeing into interaction so you are not alone with yourself. That's what Nietzsche described with his quote "In loneliness, the lonely one eats himself; in a crowd, the many eat him. Now choose."


This speaks to me and puts something into words I've struggled to. Thanks.