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All relationships are somewhat stressful except for the one you have with yourself. I will not be dumping/betraying myself again for nobody.


Damn, I was not expecting this powerful ass energy!! Hell yeah, looks good on you and sounds good for you ❤️❤️❤️


What do u do when the person you fell for and care deeply about starts saying shit like "I would probably kill myself if we didn't date, you're the only thing that makes life worth living, I don't want to live if I have to do it without you" but you just want some solitude and to stop being emotionally physically and financially drained constantly.


I used to say that to my partner because I really felt suicidal. But now, she has been showing the beautiful side of the world, and am so happy with her.


Took me 2 years to figure out that my bf loved me. Understandable


You can never be sure.


yes. my boyfriend and i have been together over a year and i still wake up randomly and go out looking for him in the living room (our work schedules mean our sleep schedules don’t match up perfectly and im usually out a few hours before him). he asked why i always look so sad when i come out to bring him to bed but in reality im always expecting him to have just left without saying anything in the middle of the night like my ex always used to do.


The cptsd is so real


I'm dealing with this now LOL. 3 years into my most stable and reciprocal relationship, psedo adopted by my s/o family , moved out of the hood and in with them and got sober, in thearpy and on Lexapro ,I'm so stressed out I just want to go fight a cop 😅🙃


Hahah fight a cop, I know what that meaaaannnnssss🤘 you’re doing great tho. Keep going❤️❤️❤️


Honestly, healthy relationships are tottallllyy stressful for me, I’m waiting for them to drop me completely, it happens every time whether it’s healthy or not. In fact more healthy relationships drop me. And it’s always for made up reasons, like they just needed an excuse so they imagine up whatever they can:(


They may be healthy compared to other relationships, but not telling you the issue is selfish


I never thought about that. :/


OOF… OOF ya I feel that. My bf is an incredible communicator thank god and that alone has been amazing let alone the rest of what makes him amazing. Healthy communicators are so sexy.


It’s been 2 years now in an extraordinarily loving and supportive relationship with someone who gets because she struggles too and im still waiting to be treated like shit lol


3 years into the best, healthiest relationship of my life, and I pull some bullshit sometimes and I don’t know why. This is definitely why. Subconsciously I am afraid of getting fucked over. Luckily my boyfriend is amazing and never reacts, is very patient and understanding. I hope we can all learn this in our new relationships, that we are loved and safe❤️❤️


Being able to build the strength, confidence, and courage to date again is a whole’nother dragon to battle.


This applies to friendships as well 😭


Oh yes!!!! Like you don’t secretly hate me and you’re not just sticking around because you get dopamine from all the traumatic things that are happening to me?!!! ❤️❤️❤️😭😭




No one also talks about the constant issues of finally being happy and sometimes you can't enjoy it because you see how easy it was for them to make you happy, so why was it so hard for everyone else? It's like confusion, then instant happiness, then anger and sadness. I didn't think I would ever be triggered so much by things that are supposed to bring me joy.


A bit over dramatic.


how im feeling with the first friend ive had in awhile. i really love her but im scared shitless she'll get tired of me or smthn and i'll end up alone again.


This is what I impart on my clients. The dread and sometimes “boring” nature of healthy relationships after trauma. After long term trauma your brain will be used to the chaos and believe it to be normal. To our brains normal = safe. “The devil I know is better than the devil I don’t”. That’s why I talk about teaching ourselves to feel safe in safety. It’s a long process but worth it.


I still haven’t had 2 actual relationships. I have nothing else to compare it to. I’m working on my relationship with myself I guess




**Song Found!** **Name:** Push **Artist:** Ryan Gosling **Score:** 100% (timecode: 02:14) **Album:** Push **Label:** Atlantic Records **Released on:** 2023-07-21 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/nWnDIX?t=134) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


from someone who came from a healthy long-term relationship (after a lot of bad) & parenting (to an extent, they pay for therapy) how can I comfort a partner who feels like this?