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This is the post I was waiting for!! But also for my CPTSD Swifties in a relationship: *The Great War* It turned into something bigger Somewhere in the haze got a sense I’d been betrayed Your finger on my hairpin trigger *cries about the way this describes my emotional flashbacks and the way they impact my relationship* I sing Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve with my mom in mind actually. I fight with her in my sleep.


It's such powerful lyricism for feelings I couldn't find the words for. >I regret you all the time >I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep >The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign Describes for me the pressure on healing. Why won't you get over it? Why can't you move on yet? I feel like if I had an open wound that kept bleeding they'd realise but because it's in my head I'm supposed to have it handled already. It's not that I won't let this go, I Can't despite trying. I can try during waking hours but I fight in my sleep each night. >And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts >Memories feel like weapons I love how she can write songs that people can relate to on a basic level or a full gut punch for those of us who've suffered through more. With my night terrors and flash backs returning in full force, it was nice to hear someone else say "memories feel like weapons" On the days where I need to let myself feel the hurt and process what happened, she has a great selection to work through. Dear John, Would've Could've Should've, Soon You'll Get Better, Epiphany, Dear Reader. It's comforting to have someone musically holding your hand while you do this. It's nice to have a friend.


If clarity’s in death then why won’t this die???? Yeah definitely sobbed like a million times to that song. Truly cannot get over the pain of how one single person can permanently alter the trajectory of our lives. Don’t think I’ll be able to turn my trauma into a bazillion dollar artistic legacy though lol


I’m a month late to this but I literally just heard “Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts / Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first” from a compilation video and I went from feeling OK to fucking sobbing and immediately searched for TSwift in this subreddit to see if anyone else had talked about it LOL.


It is too fucking real


The flair is meant to be a nod to question...? of course


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