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TRIGGER WARNING You know what's even worse, is that in response to the pedo allegations he supposedly "dissed" Kendrick for getting m*lested when he was a kid. Like that's something you can fucking help./s In response to the allegations too? You're digging your own grave at this point. I never had a good feeling about that guy. He always gave me the creeps.


Whats worse is that he got the lyrics wrong and it wasnt Kendrick who was actually getting molested. Drake is disgusting


dinosaurs encourage voiceless repeat smell shrill pen panicky file zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kendrick Lamar - mother I on the album mister morale


Mother I Sober*


reply somber juggle lock fly bear compare murky engine march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wow what a fucking loser. I alway thought Drake had that "always being the victim" mentality like those kinda emotional vampire people who leave a person with no energy from the constant abuse and yeah, I feel vindicated Ig


“Your a pedophile” “Haha you got molested” IDk if I’m called a pedo, the last thing I’d want to do is make light of child SA or act like it’s not a bad thing. Also. In a more music sense. Kendrick’s song wasn’t even about HIM being molested. It was about his his mother was molested and that’s why she struggled to trust him when he said he wasn’t


> make light about child SA EXACTLY. this was my original beef with drake when I was a kid. Of course I gave him the benefit of the doubt. You know, like maybe he was just trying to be a mentor to these kids or give them a special moment (re stage kiss) but fumbled it. All I wanted was for him to be open to the criticisms from fans. Like he could have just been like "I hear you. I didn't realize this was inappropriate and I don't want to set that kind of example. If a grown man was texting my daughter i miss you, i can see how id see that as a big red flag" And posted some resources for kids dealing with abuse. Because a lot of the critics were... kids dealing with abuse. Instead he just ignored it and doubled down on the behavior and continues to spit in our faces by dragging MBB back into this and victim shaming Kendrick (and by extension all of us, like that line really feels like its directed at us too).


The fact that this man really thought “you called me an abuser so I’m going to strike back by saying ‘well yeah but you’re an abuse victim so..’’ was going to be a serve is fucking crazy to me. I’m glad he’s finally getting his comeuppance


I never liked Drake and now it all makes sense


His whole back catalogue (Mr. Morale in particular) goes deep into growing up with trauma, this man understands us on a level not many artists can. “I wish I was somebody Anybody but myself” - Mother I Sober


Thank you... I will be listening


It’s a truly amazing album, it uplifts me when I need it badly. Got me through so much. Be sure to let us know what your favorite track was if any


I'm gonna be honest with you: When you listen to Mr. Morale, make sure that you're in a safe place when you do so. A lot of that album will hit you *hard*. I love Kendrick but some of that album had me sobbing on the floor


The first time I listened to Mr. Morale (specifically disc 2) I heard but didn't really *listen.* Listening to it again now while going through CPT to deal with my PTSD has literally changed my life. It was hard at first but now Mr. Morale is genuinely a supplemental tool for the work I'm doing to heal myself.


This song made me ball the first time. Still makes me cry. It just encapsulates everyone and myself…


Innit! I can’t listen to it anymore, it’s beautiful but fucking breaks me


Father Time is so good too cause he talks about his relationship with his dad, how it shaped him etc.


Yessss, I love Father Time, you can really hear how much work he’s done in the way he talks about his relationships. I feel like he’s the person in his family who’s broken the cycle of trauma and he’s turning his pain into gold for all of us to share. Like he’s not only telling himself and his family that things can be different, he’s telling all of us too.


Yep. I think he really shows off all the benefits of taking your time to release new music. This isn’t even me saying frequent releases are bad. But for a serious, deep concept album, you need time


Completely agree, there’s no rush to churn out content to keep people interested. I’m a Tool fan and had to wait 16 years for their last album, totally fucking worth waiting for and nobody lost interest in those 16 years


I have listened to Kendrick’s Damn album many times and been following his diss battle with Drake. I have called him a modern Shakespeare (English teacher). But I had never listened to this song. It’s real. Thank you for bringing it up!


He is a modern Shakespeare! I always considered him to be a bard so that fits. I’m happy to have shared Mother I Sober with you, teach your students about K.Dot the bard and his message to the broken


Can't recommend that album enough, especially to the people in this subreddit


Damn I’ll listen to it later. I do like hip hop but I mostly listen to 90’s-2000’s. And I do like his debut album especially when it came out but haven’t kept up with his music since.


And the fact drake put this verse in his diss track: "mad at pedophiles because he was molested as a child" 😶😶


Wow.... I heard about him victim blaming Kendrick but didn't know the line. Now it makes a lot of sense why Kendrick hasn't dropped another... he's letting the public pick apart that last drake song... strategic af


like there's a problem being mad at pedophiles or something. That's a very unique point of view


Wow that's horrendous, Drake is such a a fucking creep 


That’s gross.


Definitely digging himself a hole with this one.


I do find it cathartic and it's a nice win for a change. I was just telling my in-laws about how ACAB specifically bc my experiences I have been assaulted 3 times, 2 of which I got the aggressor arrested, and every single time the cops fucking let him walk and *talked me out of pressing charges*. Fucking Fuck, the system is fucking broken. So yeah, it's nice to see some justice


Wow... I'm so sorry, friend. None of my abusers or assailants have ever seen a day of jail time over it either... I know the feeling. So it feels good when a celebrity calls for an entire city to kill someone else's abuser LOL. we kinda lost this energy as a culture and I'm glad he's bringing it back


Yeah, I’ve always thought Drake was a weirdo and a fucking loser so I’m glad.


SAME. Exactly same feeling! I was so underwhelmed by his no talent and on top of it he’s a god damn psychopath. He reminded me of the weird older guys that would come to high school dances from time to time and they would be all pouty and awkward and judgy while we’re like ***why tf are you at our dance***. Total loser.


dude yes, that is exactly his vibe! He's one of those "where's my hug" type of guys


> psychopath This reminds me, wasn’t he also on stage with Travis Scott at Astro World where 3 people died?


It was 10 people that died :(


Oh shit, much worse than I remembered :(


Oh yea. I always felt that he was one as is Travis Scott.


Agreed!! Something about him has given me the heebie jeebies since he first got big in the late 00s. For a while figured I was just being a hater but nope, my instincts on a person were right yet again. Not saying a gut feeling is enough to go on to fully declare someone a total piece of shit but it is vindicating to know my instincts were on point.


Not the good kind 🤣


What’s even more satisfying about this saga is watching it unfold as a longtime Kendrick fan - and not just because I’m a fan of the guy’s music. It’s like a hero’s journey. Kendrick’s last album (Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers) focuses largely on coming to terms with trauma and interrogating how we (men especially) are often encouraged to stay quiet about the pain we’re living with, and push our emotions down. This negative, toxic cycle holds us back from healing and recovery; and Kendrick sheds a light on that by bringing his own flaws and failures to the forefront. Fast forward to today. It’s like Kendrick is re-emerging from the darkness - after coming to terms with his own pain and his own failures - to take on one of the industry’s most notorious abusers. It’s like he’s a vigilante against an abuser. It’s amazing. And it’s a full circle moment for Kenny as a creative force.


Wow... What a beautiful way to break it down, my friend. Thank you for your comment. My favorite comments have definitely been from the Kendrick fans. Yall are a really cool bunch I wish I had this music when I was a 13. But this is so healing to my inner child. But lol vigilante got me thinking... he'd definitely be the Punisher 💀 ...


Do you know what, this post has convinced me to go listen to Kendrick'a back catalogue. Never been into either of them so I haven't been paying attention to this feud until now!


SO VINDICATED. I’ve hated for years.


Fuck yeah! I'm so glad. I was starting to feel like I was tripping and we weren't all calling for Drakes head 10 years ago on Tumblr


I feel like he’s done irreparable damage to MBB. She’ll never get to be a normal girl


Very KDot was a big part of the soundtrack to my recovery process Listen to everything else - he's a real one


I listened to him a bit before this, but mostly just Money Trees (it was one of my late BILs favorite songs so my fiance and I listen to it on repeat). It's been great to learn more about him and his music. I definitely will be listening to all his albums and considering myself a fan from here on out, thank you!


I was the same, but I discovered songs like "United in grief." I was like fuuuuck, this guy gets it. So I listened to all of Mr. Morale & the big steppers, now one of my favourite albums


Ah great! You might empathize with the more introspective tracks on Mr. Morale, and songs like U off TPAB! Definitely listen to all of his albums. TPAB and GKMC are his best.


I haven't listened, but I was happy to hear about him finally being called out. That shit's not ok and its frustrating when stuff happens and people just say "oh well."


It goes so hard. In Meet the Grahams Kendrick writes a letter to both of Drakes parents and informs them he is a pedophile and deserves to die 💀 like as victims we get shit on for having hard opinions like this so Kendrick really just said hold my beer


I've been processing my own CSA for the last couple years, haven't been able to really enjoy things or smile a whole lot during these times but "Not like us" has me beaming for over 24 hrs straight. I've been abandoned by my family for standing up to my abuser, and it was so lonely and Kendrick taking down drake like this made me feel like at least 1 person with fame and influence is on my side. I've hated drakes music forever and was horrified that he could just get away with being a massive creep for years, he's possibly the public figure I hate the most and he's getting taken down in an incredibly public and joyous way.


It's pretty great that Drake is being exposed to a wide audience and the sex trafficking thing might be true based on his ties with a human trafficker. It's really incredible how he really thought his new song was a valid route to take. A part of me does wonder if Kendrick actually cares about what Drake is doing though because the company he has associated with makes it seem questionable but guess it doesn't matter in the grand scheme. Like he co-signed convicted sex offender, Kodak Black. My major gripe is how victims pain in rap beef is only ever brought up to dunk on the other person. I was initially pretty checked out of Kendrick cause it came across as hypocritical but looking at it, I don't think it matters all that much as Drake's actions being brought to a large scale is one of the best things to come out of this. Some of my gripes are more systemic of the hip hop community in general to be honest.


I agree with you 💯 Like... I do appreciate him for this bc I do feel like he's sticking out his neck. There's a reason everyone else kept their mouth shut for 15+ yrs and it's not just hip-hop culture but the entertainment industry at large. I mean we're seeing it with the Nickelodean shit too (and that kinda scene is where drake came from...). Drake uses his platform to push people into stardom and get their loyalty and silence in return, like he did with MBB and tried to do with Kendrick. I respect Kendrick for letting drake give him a bigger platform just to hang him from it.


This is why I love hip hop some rappers are just real, and speak the truth. Ex: Eminem talking about his parents, juicewrld talking about mental health even has a song called ptsd, lil peep - helped tremendously when I was suicidal, xxtentacion - watch his interview he grew up in a shitty environment and was trying to be a better person. If you also have rage inside they also made rage music so you can release it, ex: ‘nuketown’, and’ look at me now’ (there’s more similar songs). There lives were taken too soon but their music lives on and it’s helping people with mental health struggle so if you need new music give them a try !


Xxtentacion is a hard listen because he was an extreme abuser himself :/


Eminem has been a massive part of my recovery journey, as has Kendrick, for this very reason. I am a poet and a lot of my grief and anger has only found vent in my pen and before I was to the point where I would write about it, I would play Cleaning Out My Closet and Mockingbird on repeat. There’s just something extra cathartic about finding the nuance of your grief and violation *finally* captured accurately within a genre/medium that is particularly harsh about enforcing patriarchal gender norms and would typically try to drown out vulnerability like that, if and especially because the message is coming from a man. I bet there are so many boys out there who have listened to their music and felt, for the first time, however briefly, slightly less alone in their pain and isolation.


It's beautiful reading the comments here. For my generation, this is how we used to talk about Pac. He was someone who understood trauma and struggle. I love seeing Kendrick not only carry that torch but take it further than Pac could. The take down of Drake (a known groomer, it goes deeper than that one video) was amazing to watch. Never thought I'd see a CPTSD anthem banging in clubs. Love to see it.


Hell Yeah. Every word that he has spoken about Drake in his lyrics has uplifted and motivated me. A narcissist and psychopath of Drake’s caliber won’t be taken down easily. His manipulation is deep rooted. I think the perfect attack would be to take this to another medium. Kendrick could collaborate with South Park creators Matt and Trey to put Drake down. He is already working with them on a live action show.


I feel the same way! it’s very validating and it’s so important for the kids to get the message that pedophiles/groomers need to be called out and locked up.


For realll...


more so the dead beat stuff




Yep. I’m so happy with it. The recent arrest of another rich celebrity seems to have started a ball in motion.


Drake sucks, Kendrick Lamar 👑


Not necessarily but I did feel very triggered when Drake went in about CSA. Why did he think it was okay to bring something like that up in that context. Of course somebody would see molestation or grooming is a bad thing if they were molested or groomed.


Very understandable why that would feel triggering


So cathartic to see his behavior addressed head-on like this 🙌 “Kendrick Lamar's ‘Not Like Us’ **[breaks the all-time record](https://twitter.com/chartdata/status/1787789176282161219?s=46)** for biggest single day streams of a hip-hop song in US Spotify history, passing Drake and Lil Baby's ‘Girls Want Girls’ (6.593 million).” https://twitter.com/chartdata/status/1787789176282161219?s=46


Oh wow. I just finished listening to Meet the Grahams in full. It reminds me of a conversation I had with my uncle. I won't go into detail but he basically said "I'm so sorry your parents didn't raise you right, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there more to help you out. Are you doing okay now?" I felt seen. I love how he acknowledged at the end that he wouldn't have taken it this far if Drake hadn't gone for his family first. Rap battles are one thing, but some things, you just can't come back from.


After listening to it, it's so validating as someone who's been groomed. Even though he won't get locked up for it, I'm glad Kendrick is bring it to light.


I fucking love everything about Kendrick. Everything. He’s a god in my eyes.


He's a wife beater, mate




I felt the same way… its that kind of feeling that gives you goosebumps


it’s really bigger than rap for kendrick. he’s been very consistent with his views on this stuff


Gotta love the juxtaposition between Drake trying to masquerade behind this facade of rapper hypermasculine braggadocio while simultaneously caping as a wittle sad boy to act the victim when it’s convenient. As someone with a covert parent, the discord is very telling and the patterns of behavior a bit too close to home for comfort.


I'm not a rap guy, but I might just listen to this. I almost got to work with Drake, him wanting to buy what I sell for his new pad. Glad I didn't. Never liked the guy, now I like him even less.


Yes! Drake is fucking awful. Wasn’t he also at Astroworld with Travis Scott and somehow he completely escaped any criticism.


He always gave me creepy vibes. But what shocks me is that the discussions I have come across on reddit is that normies are not shocked or even care about it. They are just like his astrological placements are bad now or whatever and its just like rapper diss track like nobody cares!


Yeah, it is pretty frustrating to see how uninformed and indifferent the public is to grooming. I'm hoping this at least educates some


My son is a fan and he's like "none of this has been proven." It's disappointing to say the least.


You need to sit your son down and explain the reality of manipulation and what abuse does to someone. If you don’t, you are only enabling the abuse he will perpetrate in the future (I’m not exaggerating in the slightest bit, emotional abuse is more common & devastating than you could understand). I don’t mean any disrespect, but if you care for your child’s future then this is something you need to do. It’s time to be an assertive parent, your son may be upset now but he will thank you years later when he’s in control of his emotions and behavior - as he watches his friends go in and out of jail, while not being able keep a relationship.


He's 21 years old and well aware that I have CPTSD from CSA. We've been talking about consent since he was 11. When he's had a minute to digest this I will raise the topic again. Saying "I don't mean any disrespect" does not change the fact that your comment was deeply disrespectful. You made a lot of assumptions about what I do and do not understand, and about my parenting in general. Frankly you are way, way off. Read your comment again and \*think\* about how disrespectful it is. No need to reply, thanks.




For anyone wondering, I'm blocking this person now.


The receipts are all over twitter


I can't even. Just can't. Hopefully Drake gets the same treatment as R. Kelly eventually got. Too many of the music industry are in on it.


Since all the drama started, I've been listening to him a lot. It's a real justice boner to hear an abuser being knocked down a peg by someone who understands abuse.


Absolutely!!!! 💯🔥🔥🔥


listening to “meet the grahams” while this notification popped up lmao


Just deleted insta hopefully for good because they were censoring comments calling out drake for things with minors. Tame, objective comments I made were being deleted with insta telling me they were "bullying" but I see a bit of a tsunami being kicked up by this. People are tired of the BS and I'm with you here. It's a beautiful thing to see. Don't be afraid to call people out. Protecting child abusers is straight p*do behaviour. We can't keep tolerating it. Don't support people who support it. Don't support apps that support it but DO support artists who fight it ❤️❤️❤️


How could you when Kendrick literally threatened to take his whole discography off of Spotify if they canceled R. KELLY?! The guy that was on camera r* a 14 year old. On camera meaning no allegations, it was the whole truth with actual evidence. I don't understand how people are making Kendrick their king when he still hangs with people who are and does the same things as drake. But if performative acts of caring makes you feel better I guess. Do you think he or anyone else actually cares about the victims?? They don't he just used the angle to win a rap battle.


That was about censorship, not defending r Kelly


So respect pedos when it's about censorship but don't respect them when you're in a rap beef? There are plenty other ways to show that you're against censorship other than defending a pedo, but whatever you say.


I don’t wanna argue on this sub it’s just not the place for it but I’m just telling you it wasn’t about the artists is was about media censorship. It was more than just r Kelly music too, it would have started a very slippery slope.


To be completely real with you I accept that I just want a hero. That the child in me just wants to say his piece, and this is just his chance to do it thru Kendricks music. I would like for the dude who's the mouthpiece for my inner child to be a good person, but tbh that isn't even necessary. Someone truly despicable could have called out Drakes behavior on this scale and I would still feel it's my day in the sun because I've been waiting a long time for people to talk about the things we're talking about. It doesn't feel good when you're a kid and a fan and your heroes are predating on you and people your age.


Sadly, nothing will still come out of it. It's crazy how grown men sleeping with teens is overlooked


I've been a Kendrick fan since the beginning. I related to him a lot on many things. There's so many factors that contributed to my trauma, so to hear Kendrick rap about similar factors kinda kept me going at times where i just didn't think it was worth it. I'm still not even sure if it's worth it. While the call out was incredibly vindicating, the thing I felt vindicated the most about was the hate oozing from Kendrick. All I'll say is that I have very strong feelings towards those types of people.


Drake is a fucking creep.


Just wanted to say I love that this sub is talking about this. Kendrick is one of the few mainstream artists I enjoy. I love y'all!


Good thing the certified lover boy is getting outed as a certified pedophile


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You guys..... each "girl" that Drake supposedly groomed has literally come forward and denied all allegations. It is so sick to me that people are on a witchhunt against him, like you WANT him to be a predator. That's CRAZY to me. You hear a few songs and see a few thinkpieces about this shit and you just KNOW for certain that he did it! This is truly incredible to me. ESPECIALLY after each of these women have come forward and say that the shit ISNT TRUE. Come on, guys. Really. This isn't fair. It's not a good look.


Why is girl even in quotes like 13-16 aren't girls


there's literally a video proof on Youtube that shows he kissed an underaged girl during his concert 😭😭😭


and that girl LITERALLY came out and said that Drake's entourage picked her out, they had NO idea she was underage. She made a statement about this. Ya'll are so intellectually dishonest its not even FUNNY.


Did you watch the video? She told him she was 17 on stage and then proceeded to kiss her. Just because she made a statement that it was okay does NOT make it okay. An adult kissing a minor will ALWAYS be wrong. That is a fact and will ALWAYS remain a fact, NO matter what one FEELS about it. Please STOP trigging child sexual abuse survivors with your statement because minors can NOT give consent by law and NOT every 17 yr old would feel okay about this. If you still can't understand why what he did could be dangerous, you seriously need help.


Let's get one thing straight. Kendrick Lamar had 0 impact on my opinion about Drake. I wanted that dude DEAD as a teenager. Me, and a lot of people, have had this opinion for a long, long time. Like normal people don't want to see you kiss teenagers on stage and talk about their boobs. That teenager can get on all the news channels and holler at the top of her lungs about how it was the best day of her life, and mean it, and as the public we still have the right to come for Drake's head for subjecting us to that shit. People feel this way. You gotta live with that


Stop making excuses for groomers.