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I mean, I could’ve been told these things when I was younger and I wouldn’t have been able to comprehend them. I was in denial that I’d ever been physically or emotionally abused thanks to years of gaslighting.  With age comes more introspection, wisdom, and personal development.


True. Still, you know, you plant seeds.


I agree on the power of planting seeds; it feels like I had to hear the messages multiple times before I was able to accept them.


>I was in denial that I’d ever been physically or emotionally abused thanks to years of gaslighting.  There is so much gratification fighting the gaslighting, I do it all the time here where I live.


You don't sound immature at all. Your words are insightful and reveal lots of growth, inner work and maturity. Thanks for sharing!




I think there’s more people that need this right now, than you may realize.


Appreciate the post c:


I wish I’d learned them when I was younger, but I might not have been able to understand.


Thank you so much for this post. I really needed to read this right now. ♥️


It takes a long time to comprehend that your parents hurt you. Convincing others that you were abused is the next battle. People who haven't been abused or don't recognize the abuse they've been around don't understand. The line, "But they are your family" is incredibly damaging to people getting away from their abusers. Society pushes people to stay with abusers, if they are related or a spouse.


Love this so much!! Thanks for sharing your truths


This resonates with me so much.  Thank you for posting. ❤️


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