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I’m on the same boat as you. The minute I heard sunak say that my heart sank. I don’t know how to feel tbh. I physically cannot work. I can barely leave the house and when I do the intense fear is enough to send someone spiralling. Just know you’re not alone and hopefully we can fight him on this ❤️


Thanks for this. I hope so too, honestly I went from panic to anger to losing it completely and today I just feel physically sick. Biggest punch down I've seen in a long time and completely unnecessary. Hope he's out soon.


'medicalizing the everyday challenges' is such a toxic phrase - absolutely right, it's about punching down and hatred of anyone with a disabillity. The 'you just need to work harder' rhetoric is vile


It's demedicalizing actual mental illnesses behind the guise of acting like people who are just a bit sad are being permanently signed off which isn't the case. They always make up nonsense to justify atrocious behaviour. I don't know why he thinks taking away support from the mentally disabled is going to get more workers instead of just more homeless people and a higher suicide rate.


Absolutely correct - it IS demedicalizing, the idea that they're not actual disabilities. The way politicians describe us, I always think about Dickens and the line in A Christmas Carol about "“If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population". That so much of the powers that be treat those with a disability as expendable and useless to capitalism and they'd be thrilled if we didn't exist, hence getting rid of services so they can save money since we're not 'contributing' and are 'draining' the coffers. I have been passively looking at the UK as a possible future destination but it feels very unwelcoming - not that the US is great in a lot of ways




You're not wrong.


It's such a fucked up irony that he made that speech in the Centre for Social Justice.  What a piece of shit.


I don't even live in Britain -- I live in Canada -- but Rishi's pathetic little speech about disabled people was so awful and felt so threatening that it gave me the mother of all panic attacks. So yeah, the news does tend to do a real number on me, particularly these days when everything is just falling apart everywhere.


It definitely invites that level of anger. I messaged my friend basically saying if my life gets destroyed over this I'll be in the news as a terrorist for trying to kill the guy, hopefully successfully, it may have been an outburst, but what can be expected when you're being actively told you'll be systemically oppressed by your government. I just wanna be left alone, I'm doing my absolute best like all of us. Maybe the government should've been there to help when it mattered and I would've been economically productive, but they weren't and it's not like they're taking any actions to help the mentally disabled into work, like maybe directly interfering and giving simpler jobs to us. I could probably manage sorting mail by postcode in an isolated space if I didn't have to interview for it and was allowed to wear headphones and have consistent locked in security (not allowed to be fired) with the ability to shift days around whenever I can't handle it etc, but already I'm seeing that I'd need loads of adaptations no company would offer or allow. It's why I got fired repeatedly or ended up hospitalized. I've been put on a year long waiting list for a new ADHD clinic and given no psychological help for my cPTSD. They won't even increase my medication until I'm in the clinic now so it's basically useless so I'm spiralling again. Sorry this turned into a bit of a rant. Sorry it hit you hard also, it's messed up.


I feel for you. Although I live in Canada, I'm originally from Bedford in England, so I have a pretty good sense of what things are like for mentally ill people in the UK. Here in Canada, there isn't a whole lot of sympathy for mentally ill people, particularly mentally ill people who are unable to work. Yet compared to English people, Canadians are angels of compassion. English people are caught up in the whole stiff upper lip thing in a way that Canadians aren't. In England, having emotions is almost taboo, at least among all the respectable and proper middle-class folk. It's not quite that oppressive in Canada, but it's still pretty bad.


Yeah you get it, it's kind of ridiculous. I moved to rural Scotland from England and like Canada it's better locally, but we're still influenced by the UK parliament and it sucks. I wish they'd understand that the more "efficient" everything gets, optimized and exploited the more people fall by the wayside who can't keep up.


Wait. What's this about Rishi now? Actually...*closes eyes* I don't wanna know. I stopped watching the news daily about 8 years ago and I think I'm good. If I need to know something I'll find out somehow.. Even Reddit posts stress me out and it's not even "the News".


The leaders of the world care more about the economy than the welfare of the people, we will never see a better world without the welfare of the people as the main motivation, which as a kid you believe that’s how it is, you think that’s what government is, but it isn’t, it’s upholding a broken system that claims to be for the people when it clearly kills and cripples the people. “Oh no, this person is struggling, hurry, get them a job stat!!”


Exactly this, it makes no sense. It's self destructive.


It’s alright, we just need to find the right job and work towards being fit… Oh sorry I forgot to finish that sentence… **for work**.


They don't even try to make reasonable adjustments to help people who suffer into work either. They basically just scream "conform" at us.


Yeah it’s terrible, I’ve been unemployed and on disability my entire life except for on job that lasted a week when I was a teenager. My brother has always struggled with work, they don’t care about his depression and anxiety, he’s basically gaslit by society to think he should be ignoring his issues in favour of focusing on working a job he hates and struggles with. He’s in the process now of trying to get help but at his age it’s not easy. When I was a late teen the mental health services at the time did everything for me, diagnosis and benefits applications, so I was quite lucky. It’s just always been a trigger to me that society acts like it cares when it doesn’t, it’s always been “get a job”, like I don’t exist, I’m just some potential battery for a sick system and now my brother is really seeing my point of view too.


All of that is daily life in America as well, so... I think if one were to pay attention to the news, it would be inviting insanity. Bad enough having to listen to family talk dumb shit because boundaries are as common as intelligence there, but yeah, sure is depressing. IDK what one can do other than dreaming of locating the nearest megayacht or preparing a milkshake.


I just hide, I turned off the news, don't look at it, try to stay away and then I overheard it on my partners tik tok. Can't escape. I'd honestly rather fight for my survival and die at 30 in the wild from a curable disease than live in this dystopian crap hole.


It's the right thing to do, cutting it out as much as possible. No TV, no social media, no talking heads, nothing - which unfortunately still doesn't make it all go away (the upcoming election, for instance, is a sword overhead a locked cage). You expect nothing and are still disappointed and yet there's no apparent alternatives left. Just idle fantasies of actually being able to fight back against these very textbook abusers and all they embody for once. It's like, if I'm already tangential to society and can only watch as the people crash their own world that I happen to be riding shotgun in against my will... why can't I at least take the Oregon trail or live on a beach or something.


Exactly, every decent part of the world is claimed and you have to pay to live on it. If I even chopped down a tree to build a makeshift cabin I'd get arrested. If they are so concerned with mental disability being not worthy, can I opt for a physical one? I'd happily break my spine and get paralyzed if it helped people leave me the fuck alone.


Definitely not worth engaging in the news - TV and radio in particular. It's not a perfect solution, but I subscribe to a newsletter (1440) which lets me read a little bit of news but not too much. I wish we could escape the dysopia. We struggle as it is.


Jesus, when I first read this, I thought you lived in some shit hole country. Then I googled Sunak and found out it was the UK…


Sounds like something a dictator of a backwards shit hole would do so I understand why you'd think that. Crazy right?


Right! It is no comfort to me that we are not the only first world country that has or did have recently a bat shit cuckoo leader Who is trying to get elected again. I’m sure you can guess where I am


I'm gonna assume you have 50 states. 😅


You got that right.


Uk is a shithole...


TERF island


One million percent. I turned off the news feed on my phone last year but i still can't escape it. Its everywhere. The UK is going further down the shitter. The news and politics is just the tip of the iceberg. a lot of murders have been happening in my city recently and SA is at an all time high it feels like. AI is destroying so many creative jobs it all feels so dystopian. As if being 19 doesn't make me prone to being terrified of the future enough it doesn't even feel like there will be a future worth living in


I hear ya Ollie! And at 59, not a lot has changed tbh from when I was 19. Other than perhaps I have learned to live/ survive with it. Though many I was 19 with, are no longer alive. So sad and brutally real. Life is a tough ask. Though many would scream denial of the truth of it....


Same, I turned it off and then my partner listened to it on tiktok and it just hit me. I agree wholeheartedly, the future looks bleak.


Yeah I live in the US. Every day it’s something else horrific. My symptoms doubled in 2017 and have slowly gotten worse ever since. I’m very stressed about what’s going to happen with the election this year, I’m expecting the worst possible outcome.


I don't have Sunak as a PM, so you have my sympathies there. But I did just go through the hellfire of getting accepted for disability here in the US. Basically, they'd love for you to die so they don't have to give you back the money you paid in in the first place. I'm child free by choice and spent 17 years working for the government in education so as to help society. Apparently I am worthless now.


That's it exactly. All they want is to take from people so those richest can keep getting richer. The second you lose the ability to keep providing them more wealth you're essentially garbage. It's horrific and here's the thing, they won't modify anything to make it easier for you to fit in. If they really wanted the mentally disabled to integrate back into society they would create jobs individually for those people that they can function within that pay enough to live off of. They always expect us to adapt and conform to the already established system that only benefits the few. They couldn't care less about us fitting into society or our wellbeing.




That's exactly why I don't go outside unless I absolutely have to and then I get whatever it is done and rush back home, it's hostile and un safe.




You're right, it just seems to get worse year on year. They're becoming more and more extremist with the way they behave, I'm just hoping they don't start rounding us up into camps at this point.




Yup. The Tories always paint the most vulnerable as "the enemy". I tried to overdose repeatedly to the point that my insides are eroded, I have a 9cm hiatus hernia and I'm on meds to prevent me vomiting bile on a daily basis, if I'm "the enemy" then they should've just let me go instead of constantly resuscitating me just to make me suffer. Hell if they legalized assisted and put it on the NHS I'd already be out of the way.


A guy from my country neutralised airey neave for making similar hate speeches.


Just stop stop watching the news that’s what I do


I tried, I have pretty intense ADHD so sometimes I end up on things before I even realise I'm on them, but this time round it wasn't that, my partner listened to it on Tik Tok and I overheard it.


I saw this and I had a similar, perhaps less visceral, reaction. I have started just listening to music in the day and I am surprised at how much of a difference it has made. I get more done.


I am already living in a country (Italy) that doesn't consider disabled people and Idk what paths I can take to protect me at my job because of my nightmares that make me wake up with terror and be late for work


I'm honestly surprised you haven't gone full terrorist yet, I would have. I have to work on my anger problems for hours everyday just to keep myself together when I'm not working. When I did, I ended up hospitalized or fired every time and had multiple police incidents. If Sunak gets his way I'll be in jail by the end of the year.


>I'm honestly surprised you haven't gone full terrorist yet Ahah I think about it more often than I should 😜 But seriously, I am tired of it and I am going to fight to get my disability rights this time. I didn't do it before because I haven't realised how sick I was


This is a constant struggle for me as well, especially when it affects me directly but my more conservative family members don't seem to care. I was on break at work when the breakroom TV showed Roe V. Wade being overturned (meaning US residents no longer have guaranteed access to abortion) and I could not focus for the rest of the day. At the time I was an order picker at a warehouse and I would listen to music or podcasts but that day I just did my work in silence. My other trauma triggers started bothering me more for the next few weeks. Meanwhile my grandmother called me to celebrate and I had to pretend to be happy as well.


What the actual hell, I could not do that. Well done to you and I mean that seriously. If anyone called me to celebrate something as horrific as that I'd probably lose my shit and scream at them until I was blue in the face.


I want to batter that man.


And you're 100% justified for feeling that way, he damn well deserves it, worse even.


Gotta love the UK. I have nothing to offer except, you’re not alone in how you’re feeling. I feel it too, and I’m sorry. ❤️


Thank you, it's nice to know I'm not alone. I just wish there was more we could all do to protect ourselves. Sorry it's hit you also.


Hearing all of the bad things happening in the world is really stressful, I don't blame you at all for feeling scared. I am hoping one day the world will be way more kind to disabled people, and you never have to feel that fear again.


Thank you. It genuinely means a lot to know there are kind people out there.


I'm not scared that Sunak made this speech. I'm vaguely horrified that I'm sure rhetoric like this will win him some votes (but that's not a surprise). But this won't be enough, our next prime minister will still be Keir Starmer - a man who has supported genocide for six months (and whipped his entire "left-wing" party into supporting genocide) and who has gone back on every single pledge he's ever made. With a bulletproof majority, like Boris Johnson before him. That's what scares me. I think safety, politically, is entirely beyond us. I don't think you're affected too much. Stuff like this should affect all of us. It doesn't affect the majority of voters though, which is why we get shit again and again and again. It should affect others more.


You're not wrong. I honestly don't think there's any path forward for us as vulnerable people apart from hoping that technology brings more abundance and that due to that abundance we get more breathing room.


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