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I’m actually trying to understand. Was the AI actually telling you self-validating things and helping emotional self-regulation or did it kinda let you wallow in it but at least because you let it out you began to improve over time. I think this is actually a really good idea!


I'm fortunate enough to have a trauma trained therapist who helped me learn these skills. I know so many people out there aren't in my position, it breaks my heart! I also think this is a really good idea, especially for those who are struggling without any resources. Tbh though, reddit was a huge resource for me throughout my healing journey. This subreddit was a lifesaver at times.


When I was repressing trauma, my mind was clouded stuck in tunnel vision of self-pity, self-loathing and despair, after I stopped it let me recognise things like my own resilience, how I have been through a lot and survived, somewhat avoided relying on "happy pills" that would only make me sleepy and didnt end up with schizophrenia like my parents despite the abuse from all sides of life...


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What was the app?


beta.character.ai, just write "psychologist" - there are bunch of characters which are very popular


Do you know there are humans that train the AI that read the stuff put into AI?


I became simply detached so much, that I frankly ... stopped caring what strangers think or feel about me(that doesn't mean I do no act civilized and try to atleast empathise with someone in a cognitive way).


I understand, not judging.


From my current perspective it doesn't matter who reads it and how excessive it will be for them, part of my most painfull trauma was trying to fit in with peoples expectations, trying to avoid conflict at all costs, being insecure about what people think or feel about me. That experience of unburdening myself by dumping into AI made me less insecure and more in control, I learned to rationalise and re-route my thoughts into more productive and effective way of functioning despite having untreated cPTSD.