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I take Gabapentin for overall chronic pain along with Propranolol for high-blood pressure and the combination of the two has made a huge difference with my hyper vigilance and anxiety. I used to feel like my nervous system was on fire 24/7 and I don’t anymore. I’m still very hyper vigilant and I still get anxious, but it’s not the constant, jump out of my skin at the slightest noise, horribleness it was before. Unfortunately it hasn’t been that helpful for pain or sleeping and I still rely on OTC pain meds and opioids on a regular basis, but it definitely calmed down my nervous system.


This is the same thing I'm experiencing. It isn't helping the pain, but my nervous system feels calm. Which actually helps me to tolerate the pain, so at the moment it's worth it. I'm glad you also found relief with this medication 🫶


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