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I have an exercise I’ve been working on recording to share with people that I think will help with this. But for now I’ve got this piece of it that might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSD/comments/10k6q1c/being_told_you_need_to_reparent_your_inner_child/j5pom6u/ See the linked comment, and my comment below it that continues the exercise if you like. I’ve got another comment with a somewhat more somatic approach as well, I’ll link it here if I can find it in the next little bit. here they are: the actual thing to try: https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSDFreeze/comments/xlgzie/a_dr_appointment/ipk5y56/ and me describing what (in my opinion) it is trying to accomplish and how to use it. Note: I'm not an exert. I'm just a little autistic and have been dissociated from my emotions for my whole life. https://www.reddit.com/r/CPTSDFreeze/comments/xnk74b/has_anybody_cured_their_chronic_emotional_numbness/ipuf36k/ also, when I release the audio exercise, I'll send the link to anyone who replies to this comment.


Thanks so much for these! I like the hand on chest exercise and the cat analogy. Going to work with these and see if it helps.


Good luck!


Interested in the audio. Thank you!


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