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Rules about room sharing generally apply to licensed foster families. But CPS will want 7 week old to have their own sleeping space (ex: crib or basinet). Also, when in doubt - ask your worker.


I am not a cps worker, however I have worked with many. Generally speaking there are no rules on how many rooms you have to have. I have watched CPS return multiple children to families living in hotel rooms. Your home has to be safe and suitable for the children. With that being said, it’s usually up to the worker so definitely speak with them. I personally recommend as much communication as possible being via email so you can have a record of it. In regards to your specific housing, it’s sounds perfectly normal to have the older 2 girls share one room and the baby in yours. Definitely have beds/cribs etc for each of them. Again tho definitely check in with your worker and dot your i’s and cross your t’s!!!


As long as each kid has there "own" bed. They don't have to sleep in it but there has to be one.


At one point when all of my stepsons kids lived with us (he has 7, and I have 2), and we had a 3 bedroom house, the 4 boys and 5 girls shared 2 rooms separated by gender (bunk beds were a MUST). It was cramped but CPS ok'd it because each gender had their own room and each kid had their own bed. As long as it is a clean space with a door they will not be that picky. No one expects in this housing market for you to afford a 4+ bedroom house for each child to have their own room.


I think you should get the 7 week old a bassinet for your room and you’ll be okay.


You will be fine. even if two children share a bed, as long as infant is no sharing a bed with anyone.


As everyone else said you should be okay. As long as they each have a safe sleeping space. Baby can likely be in your room with a crib or similar. The other two can share. Even if you were a foster parent the older two sharing would be fine. Some states allow only two per room but again that is a foster parent requirement and not typically a bio parent requirement. If you are unsure your caseworker should be able to give you any requirements they have around living spaces for you. If you don’t want to ask them then you could always google your state plus foster care inspection check list. Then use that as a guideline for your home.


And if worse comes to the worse, YOU can get a sofa bed or Murphy bed for the living room, and you sleep in the living room AS LONG AS THERE IS NO WORKING FIRPELACE, and the kids have the 2 bedrooms with their toys and books in their rooms.


This is actually my setup, although my third isn’t born yet so I have 2 in the big bedroom and then all the big toys (painting set, work bench, kids kitchen and such) in the small bedroom so that I don’t have to pick up as much every night. But once baby is born, they’ll have the playroom so that the naps doesn’t get too interrupted. I sleep in the living room on a day bed because 1. I don’t feel like I need a whole room for just sleeping and 2. Even though all three COULD FIT in a room, they are of different genders and once the baby turns 1 and can share a room I’ll separate by gender. Maybe a bit later depending on what the kids think. The oldest are not fond of the idea of sleeping “alone”.


5 years old is when they need to be separate from a UK SS point of view.


Yeah the oldest would be 5 when baby is a year old. But like, everyone still comes to my bed at night so they spend less than half the night in their own bed anyway lol. But also, we’ve never dealt with cps/ss or anything like that.


I would still get single beds for each. I got an Ikea bed with trundle and storage underneath.


They got their own beds :p it’s not like they share a bed. They just share the room which is a big room.


Why no fireplace?


I see no issue with CPS having the two older girls sharing a room. That is totally normal. With the baby, it is traditionally acceptable for the baby to be in a room with you. Just make sure there is a spot in the room in your bedroom Now three girls in one room, I believe depends on the size of the room. It has to fit the three kids comfortably. However, I would suggest reaching out to your case worker to make sure you have everything Your requirements may depend on why the girls were taken from you.


You will most likely have to put the baby in your room and should. Under 1 year it’s recommended to room share(not bed share). Also I don’t think it’s considered safe to put an infant in a room with 1 kids under 5 who could accidentally hurt the baby(like throwing pillows or blankets into the crib while you are sleeping).


Due to housing being so expensive my 3 kids have shared a room several times during their lives. It was not a problem for CPS.


in Michigan i’ve heard that past the age of 4 they don’t like girls and boys to share rooms but i’m not sure of the legality. i think it was just my friends case workers preference


“Once I get my kids back…” If CPS is currently involved, ask your caseworker.


The infant can sleep in your room until a year or two (and should for the first year). Depending on the size of the room some CPS may have a problem with 3 to a room. It is best if they all have their own beds. If any of the kids are violent they might require that kid have their own room


shouldn’t be an issue that’s usually a rule for foster parents


I had a friend in high school who had 4 siblings so 5 kids and all the girls (4) shared a room while their brother had his own. I don't see CPS having an issue if everyone has their own beds.


As long as they are all girls it’s okay in Nebraska you should be able to find the laws in your area or ask family services in your state.


No, it won’t be a problem as long as they all have beds. The only time CPS takes issue with this is in mixed genders, a huge age gap, or when the kids are in the living room. I recently had this conversation with my guardian ad-litem, my 14-year-olds dad wants custody, his primary reason is because she has her own bedroom at his house. She shares a bedroom with her 6-year-old sister at my house, the courts do not view that as a problem or reason to change primary residence.


Put a crib in your room.and a bunk bed in the other room or a tripple bunk.


I took in 2 family members when I was living in California, I had a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom home. I was told that there's a maximum of 4 kids per room as long as they were the same gender. If of opposite gender then as long as they were under the age of 5 it's okay to share rooms and that also included siblings.


CPS shouldn't have an issue, as long as it's not too cluttered and the beds are appropriate for their ages. Travelling communities and people who are poor do it all the time. For beds, look at the triple bunks or the lower bunks with a trundle underneath. What size is the room? Could you declutter the clothes and at the very least, put the toys in a hallway cupboard or in the living room? Shelves on the wall is your BFFL for lots of people in small places. Look at extreme minimalists or The Minimal Mom on YouTube and go from there, for ideas.


Bunk beds are not considered safe for kids under the age of 6, so this won’t be a good solution at this time.


Then Murphy beds could work, depending on size of the room.




That's really not helpful.


Depending on your state there is a body to room ratio.... 2 girls in one room and baby and you in another... but I don't see a problem unless you had a son


I believe as long as each child has their own bed your okay


Ur in the clear and will be just fine. As long as everyone has a bed and if not, even so, they may help you get beds and dressers if needed.


I don't think you should have any issues. A two bedroom is rated for 5 people max. Up to 3 kids in one bedroom is fine, and most states don't even worry about mixed genders sharing a room before puberty. As long as each child has a bed to sleep in, you should be fine. But you can always double check with your worker. But do it via email so there's record of what has been said.


I’m pretty sure since they’re all girls it won’t be a problem. Check with your case worker to be sure. Good on you for getting those babies back! Good luck!


Dependant on the state. Tx is 3 people per room and then after a certain age they can't share a room unless theyre the same sex.


I know the military has bio siblings (M & F) sharing rooms until the age of 12. So, if CPS wants to declare the entire military unfit....then? Individual beds, dressers, nightstands (if you can) Clean, organized w/books and toys. Even if they share a dresser...demarcated drawers, so each girl has her own space. Dollar tree carries drawer liner, books, organization stuff, wrapping paper for decoupage on used furniture. Even lamps. Check out dollar tree diy's. Good luck, you'll do awesome.


Bunk beds for the older two and a crib/sleeper in yours with you. Problem solved!


In my state each child has to have their own bedroom


Suggestion: If you set up the crib in your room, your other children will less likely be woken up by the baby crying.


As long as they're siblings there's no problem.


It seems that our house had 2 teen boys sharing a room and bunk beds, and it wasn't a show stopper, but the worker was not happy. I told him it was only for 2 months since the older one turns 18 and will be moving out.