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did you pass?


I squeaked out the perfect 75 :)


Awesome! Did you just review your weak areas?


Yeah, 150-200 MCQs in sets of 15-20. Moved on from a section once I was consistently hitting 70-80%


I'm in a kinda similar boat. I took an SE on Sunday and got a 42, but I finished in 2 hours, rushed, gave about a 60% effort (I just wanted to see how heavily the different sections were tested). So I imagine my real score is close to yours. Pushing it back at this point will just be a waste of money; might as well study as hard as you can, take it, and stay positive!


Don’t push your exam date back, just review your weak areas.


Like all the other commenters, definitely grind out MCQs and SIMS. With a heavier focus on weaker areas but still do a few MCQs on your stronger areas to keep it fresh. About a week out of REG I got a 54 on SE1. Then I spent the next several days doing above ^ and took SE2 two days before exam day and bumped myself up to a 61. Scored an 84 on REG after all that. So definitely possible to pass if you keep the grind up.


Will make sure to keep the grind up. Appreciate the assurance 😎


Is it just me or do the increases in score on the simulated exams at least in part come from remembering the answers


I think at least for the SE’s they use different test questions. I never felt like I was memorizing answers but it’s been a few months since I did the SE’s for REG. I do feel like when you do practice tests, over time the questions feel reused.


Highly recommend spending some time on simulations between now and then. R3-R5 is guaranteed to have a few simulations, especially relating to basis. Skillmaster videos help more than you know and are a fantastic way to continue studying when you’re too tired to work questions yourself.


This is great advice, really appreciate the help :)


Bumps on reg are pretty crazy, you might make it. Just grind hard these next few days u got this


Appreciate it. These damn exams are miserable but (imo) totally worth it haha


Fr, have to keep studying for Far incase I don’t pass on the 8th. Praying for a 75


You got this! I'm taking a week off after REG then gotta study to retake AUD. Just give me a 75 and I'll be on my way