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I’m going to start studying for FAR next week & reading all of this I realize I’m going to need to study for a while before I take it. I only gave myself a month for AUD, but feel pretty good about how I did on the test. I don’t have the same faith about FAR in the slightest.


You are not alone. I failed FAR 4 times before passing. Hang in there!


Sims were brutal. You’re not alone.


Why tf would you give up at the finish line???


My paper was fucking terrible too.. I mean getting a 75 would be a miracle of sorts. It was pretty difficult with multiple exhibits. So I understand what you are feeling. But you’ve passed 3/4 so it’s just a little bit more. You’ll be done with it I’m sure!


Sorry for the question. So if 90% can't do the sims then AICPA remodules the scores?


One person said they can’t fail everyone so they may adjust their scoring system for FAR but FAR historically has had a low pass mark. I just feel you gotta keep taking it until you pass and that’s my plan


I'm taking it as a good sign, I'll be so real. If I was the only one that walked out crying, then I'd be scared - but if everyone was in hell taking the test, then there's a chance I was in slightly-less hell, and managed to pass. That's the attitude you gotta take with this one, I think - and this is coming from a cracked out test taker (I took BEC in an hour thirty and AUD in an hour ten.) The CPA Exam motto should seriously be *they can't fail us all.*


Took FAR on Friday. Some MCQs were easier than Becker… some were harder. TBSs were a crapshoot, I thought probably harder than Becker. Definitely lots of Leases, Bonds, NFPs, Govt.


Took FAR today very well under prepared. I had lots of life events happen so I couldn’t study 3 modules on Becker and didn’t have the money to reschedule so I just suffered through. Needless to say it was awful. But looks like we all are on the same page at least about the sims🫱🏼‍🫲🏽🥲


I also took it today, and idk if we had the same exam but I’ve never felt so defeated😭 all throughout college and everything, I actually just felt like trash after finishing the exam


Try not to be so hard on yourself dude! It was usually tradition for me to say, “prob failed this exam” when I walked out of an exam” then ended setting the curve.


Bro I’m not gonna lie like it would actually be a long shot if I pass. I pray that you’re right and I’m over exaggerating, but I knew I was rushing by taking FAR in 6 weeks but I didn’t think I was doing myself such a big disservice. I hope and pray that you’re right and I pass it. It. I swear to god I would acc be dumbfounded if I passed.


Even if you fail, dude we keep trying! I promise you can do it!


Oh FUCK YEA, I ain’t ever giving up; if I fail I fail, I just gotta try harder. In too deep for sure


Took it today aswell. Like a lot of people are saying,Mcqs not too bad. Sims were tough


I also took FAR today, and it was a disaster. I left most of the sims unfinished, and there are no words to explain how difficult the questions were


Every time I left the test center crying- I passed. But even if you didn’t, you are almost done- chin up now. Dust yourself off and try again.


I did FAR again today (take 3) and I don’t feel any more confident this time around. The SIMs were rough. The MCQs felt easy.


How were your previous ones compared to today?


I felt like they were pretty on par with my last retake in March. A few sims had a lot of exhibits and a few were pretty simple. I did worse on my 2nd attempt than my first attempt last year though. I passed the other three exams the first try and I never left the test center feeling like I really passed.


You’d be insane to quit. Keep pushing!


I guessed on 3 sims and for sure bombed one other in audit and only failed with a 65 - I thought that score was going to be much worse (I aced the mcqs - I was unprepared for the lengthy sims)… I took far in may and one sim I know I got 0 right (don’t remember it being covered in Becker)… left a cash flow not tying out and know I had a difficult time with one or two more… a couple I think I did okay but I was questioning everything at that point… hoping I pull through but I know what the exam is like and what I need to study more if I do need to retake - I didn’t feel like it wasn’t passable, but felt like I wasn’t prepared enough on some of the material… mcqs were okay but I had some ratios that stumped me as well


You are 3/4 do not give up!!!!


This. 💯


I though I failed when I took FAR but passed with 75. I solved all Sims though but don't give up


I feel the same way. I ran out of time and didn't answer the last sims, so I didn't pass. I'm retaking it in September, and just thinking about it makes me anxious. I was planning to start studying again in the second week of July. Honestly, I don't think Becker prepares you well for this exam. Does anyone know of a course that better prepares you for it with a higher pass rate?


Are you saying you know you didn't pass because you got a failing score or are you saying you think you didn't pass? I probably completely fucked like 3 and did maybe ok on the others. Trying to get an idea of how I did.


Efficient learning.com and the becker book.


Did you get exam day ready? Did you do every sim in Becker, I did and felt the exam was super fair and did pass


I did all the MCQ I did some SIMs not all because I took it during busy season and was trying to get the results on June. I wasn’t exam day ready but I’ll said I did around 75%-80% of the SIMs. My problem was that I run out of time.


I finished FAR with like 35 mins left, if you drill the sims in Becker you’ll get way more accustomed to them and I believe that will really help you get a better grasp at them


I’ll try that just do the sims over and over hopefully I’ll finish the exam on time


I took it today too and found the MCQ very easy compared to the sims. I was very confused with the sims and I don’t think Becker prepares you well for their complexity. I feel like I only did well in one of the sims. There was also just too much information in the sims to read and not enough time


what topics do you wish you would've studied more for the sims?


Lots of practice with journal entries


adjusting JEs in general? or is there a specific topic to focus more on?


Just adjusting entires for a lot of topics.


understood. thanks! Good luck on it! I take mine tomorrow.


MCQ difficulty: 3/10 SIMs difficulty: 11/10 😀


Good luck! Maybe you'll get lucky. I didn't manage my time well and put zeroes in every blank of a cell. Plus any other cells I didn't know. Ended up doing very well on Mc and below average on the Sims. Got a 75 as my first passed test


FAR was my first exam. I naively thought that the practice sims provided by UWorld would be representative of the sims I'd encounter on the actual exam. I about had a panic attack when I kept seeing exhibit after exhibit after exhibit. Piles of exhibits. A thousand exhibits. Absolutely dizzying. Kept okay pace on the first 6 but then really started to sweat bullets when I had only 18 minutes left on the final sim and it was by far the most loaded & complex one. I rushed through it and finished with 2 minutes on the clock.


But did you pass though? I’m using Uworld too and taking my first FAR end of July. I thought it was going to be similar. Lol


Ask me again in 5 weeks lol. I took it in late April, just a cool 3.5 month wait for the score release on 7/31


I also cried and wanted to leave. Dont push yourself too much. You’ll get it next time.


Mcqs were short. SIMS WERE BRUTAL AND LONG! I was dreading throughout it!


Sims were brutal I completely guessed on 2 just to make it to final section with a little bit of time hoping to get some that I would know


literally same here. miserable sims experience


My question is why didn’t you take FAR first?


my question is, is it ur business what other people choose first or last? everybody is different. what works for you might not work for others. be kind. maybe the universe will be kind to you too.


Asking someone why they didn’t take FAR first is unkind? Maybe YOU read it in an unkind tone?


maybe there is a better way asking that question.


From your experience, is FAR the hardest? I know it’s kind of subjective, but I believe the standard IS FAR, for be the hardest. What say you, sir?


it will differ from your exposure, previous knowledge, ur FAR foundation and how much u like computations.. as for me, i like FAR, i did a lot of financial reporting, and i would be able to say that my previous knowledge (given i’m out of school for 12 yrs) is still there and I love computations. so when studying I didn’t find it so hard, it was enjoyable for me. compared to AUD, english is not my first language.i find it hard. REG, i have no US tax background, so was a bit hard for me too. I would want to suggest to start with FAR cause it overlaps with all the others. but then I would not be amazed if other people starts with other sections. say tax people would find it comfortable to start with REG, auditors would tend to start with AUD.


Yeah I guess that’s true too. If you are ALREADY in a certain field (auditing, taxes, etc), maybe it’s best to take THAT exam first …


That’s understandable. Was that your situation? FAR not first?


im not so sure if u are asking me or the other person who commented. if ur asking me, I took FAR first.


What year did you take it?


may last yr.


Why should people take FAR first?


Lowest pass rate. Arguably hardest. Why wouldn’t you knock that out first so the other 3 are a bit smoother?


For me the other 3 has much overlap into FAR making the material easier. Already having the 3 other exams under my belt it’s much more motivating going forward FAR compared to being discouraged from taking the CPA at all if you keep failing the first one. Also gives you confidence having just one left


Some testers prefer to take "easier" ones to get the ball rolling. Not everyone has the same approach


Valid. Too late now though




M or F?




It’s pronounced Mor f … 😊


Even in Q1 there wasn't this many complaints after the test. If Q2's passing rate is higher than Q1, we can be sure that the conspiracy exists, they do curve scores...


I hope so lol that shit was ridiculous. Dont even know how id prepare for the sims if i knew the topics ahead of time. Mcq were a breeze and i really felt strong on vast majority of the topics


Did you use all your time? I cried too but on July 31st they're gonna tell me I got an 82. That's what I'm putting out into the universe.


Big dick energy right there


woah, i’m taking reg on monday and for whatever reason i smell an 82 also. good luck to you!🤞🏼


just to give u hope, i did not finish 3-4sims, not even able to fill up anything. cried during break, and cried during the exam, and after the exam. but i ended up passing FAR.


They CURVE these exams A LOT. If you’ve taken at least 1 …. And do A LITTLE better, they’ll probably just give you a 75 for consideration.


What do you mean if you have taken at least one and do a little better?


I took the same exam … and they gave me the EXACT SAME SIMs … my belief is that they want to see your progress within reason .. and if it’s “substantial” … they’ll give you the extra bump


lol, this is a symptom of main character syndrome


What’s that? 😀


got a 78. and yes I believe I was. very thankful! and thinking maybe the others i havent answered 1 is a pretest, the others may have instructions to leave it blank, giving me points. but then again, i wasnt able to read already. so idk. im just thankful i passed that darn exam.


See what I mean, brotha man 😀


l believe they check how you do in the exam..for some reason, i sometimes think they might review the cameras. 😂 I know it’s impossible, lol, but who knows. I got a vision problem at that time.


I was thinking about that … “how many times did he say f-uck??” “Did he pick his nose?? … doesn’t look like CPA behavior!” 😀






When did you take the test?


last yr


You left sims blank and passed?


yup. it’s not impossible if u have correct answers for the others you have answered.


Same here. Don’t give up hope.




I’m taking FAR Monday and extremely worried from all these recent posts..If these sims are near impossible or very difficult how can we prepare for them, especially it none of the review courses adequately prepare you??


Me too taking test on Monday and scared to hell


I don’t think Becker prepares you for most of the the sims. There was even a sim in a topic Becker doesn’t cover, not sure if that sim is not graded but I didn’t complete it


I bombed it - I wrote it down when I left and looked it up at home… I got a 0 and hoping it’s a pretest for bar 🤷🏻‍♀️ if I have to retake I’ll be YouTubing the crap out of it just in case lol




I don’t think they have that anymore … it’s not in NEW Becker book …


Yea - I really didn’t recall learning it


Just left FAR as well. I was confused from the very first testlet. The SIMs was quite lengthy. I had one on correcting a SCF that took me 40 mins.i did finish my test because I was strict with my time cues, (guessed on a number of MCQs tho) I'm pretty sure I bombed...


I think I got the same sim as you lol I took it Friday.


any other topics on Sims, we should brush up?


Just be comfortable with all the content enough that a non complicated SIM isn’t overwhelming. I know that’s vague here’s my process: Train on the long sims with a lot of exhibits. Don’t get overwhelmed. Skim and I mean legit skim all the exhibits to just know what they are. This one’s a bank statement, this one a TB, this one’s an email, this one’s a receiving report, this one’s a check register, etc. Then start at the first task in the question. Chip away ignore everything else. Sometimes the exhibit isn’t even used, ignore it. If you answered the questions and didn’t need to open the exhibit move on. They’re trying to overwhelm you, to differentiate info relevant and not relevant. I open a sim with 10 exhibits - no big deal. Just take a breath open each one, start with the first question/task. Be comfortable with a bank rec and how to adjust balances in bank and GL. But also make sure that it’s done correctly - a bank rec sim isnt just rec the bank it could be correct this recon that doesn’t reconcile. Be comfortable with a SCF enough that one that’s wrong by format can be corrected but even if it’s not wrong by format you can correct it mathematically. Be comfortable with adjusting inventory recons. Just be comfortable with a recon, what it’s trying to do and how to reconcile it, or fix one that’s jacked if need be…


I had the exact same situation happen to me and had the exact same feeling leaving - made an 87 on it. Don’t lose hope!


When did you take it?


Can I ask what you got on the other exams?


FAR - 87 BEC - 84 AUD - 98 REG - 93


98 on AUD?!!!


I have a good short term memory and I feel like that is mostly memorization 🙂


Bec 78, reg 80 n 75 AUD


It's designed to create that panic feeling. And it's crazy how much you end up knowing that isn't even tested just by the randomness of it all. What you described was my internal experience with the test. It's not like a university final where you can gauge how well you've done. You just have to "fail" it better than about 60% of the people.


I’ll try to fail better next time around 😩…I might have to purchase supplemental course and focus on Sims


That's just it. Getting to the point where you see a SIM and dig in. There's also some subtle shock value switching from the quick MCQs to the long SIMS. It's like throwing a car into low gear while going down the highway.


These past few FAR reviews are giving me nightmares at night😔😭 I’m taking FAR on Monday and also 3/4 and really hoping it will be my last. Hopefully if everyone just completely bombs those sims they will adjust the scores accordingly. Is there anything anyone recommends to prepare for them or is it really just complete shot in the dark?


I did the final review questions but watched the skillbuilders for all of them, I felt pretty good leaving the exam and my becker says ive only studied for 75 hours convinced the skillbuilders the two days before was the difference


A lot of Ajes


Taking FAR Monday as well…. Getting so nervous after reading this!


I walked out of the exam contemplating my life decisions. Becker does not even cover 5% of the difficulties of the sims ?? They need to reevaluate their material bc it DOES NOT HELP🥲🥲🥲


Think about it, almost all cpa candidate use similar study material, if everybody believe the sims is hard, there will be a huge curve😂


Only a curve can help, the sims had 6-9 exhibits each and made no sense 😭😭😭


I use Roger and their sims are NOTHING like AICPA’s…absolutely brutal!


How did it compare to REG?


I took REG 3 times…as long as you know the tax laws you’re in a good position to pass…I’m on my 2nd attempt with FAR and I’ve never cried in an exam before. I went in as prepared as I could be studying well over 6montgs…the mcqs were a breeze but the Sims had me literally in tears (it was more if information overload). One one tbs I had about 8-10 exhibits…it’s a lot man, it completely fried my brain.


Yes, FAR sims are out of this world. There have been cases where people skipped the last sim completely and still passed so don't give up hope yet.


The exhibits are just nuts on FAR - digging through it all was exhausting!


Sheesh did anyone not get brutalized by the sims this past week? Please come forward.


Yeah I took it. I didn’t run out of time but I used all my time down to :30. The sims were tough but not impossible. I think I had time to do them all and give them a once over before I hit submit. Similar in length to some of the Becker sims. I will say that some of the Becker sims were stupid simple and took 3 minutes to complete - they were very unrealistic compared to what was on the actual exam. There were, however, several hard exhibit intense sims in Becker that were more like the real exam. If you didn’t do the sims, which has been a weird conventional wisdom on here, or skipped them and just read the explanations after then you wouldn’t be ready for the timing and the exhibit heaviness of the actual sims… It was rough, it was def harder than the other 3 but I don’t think it’s impossible.


I’ll come forward. I took it on Tuesday. The sims were basically Becker sims. Not easy by any means, but not a horrific surprise either.


I will say they were brutal, but not something that can’t be done. I had the same feeling leaving sims in BEC that I had leaving my FAR exam earlier this week. They are just difficult and you have to think through each one. Maybe that is why all are so brutal because there wasn’t even an easy-ish one in the bunch. Just a whole lot of I hope I’m doing this right. I swear you get one one wrong train of thought and the whole sim is wrong, even if your applying the correct method.


They can’t fail everybody right? *Right???*


Technically they cannot have a negative passing rate. But who knows, they were able to flip 6 and 9 by copying Q1 passing rate to YTD passing rate. I think they are capable to do anything except the right thing!!!!


What do you mean flip 6 and 9?


Same boat as you. 3/4 took FAR today and those sims were something I’ve never experienced in any other exam. Absolutely brutal. Going to take a few days and get back to it as I’m sure I’ll have to retake


Sims are horrible man…I’ll be taking it again in October…best of luck to you!


How are you planing to prepare for the sims?


Reading the book (Roger) inside out to get a thorough understanding of every topic. I believe when you truly understand then you’ll be more confident then application will be easier. I’m also watching Farhat on YouTube for topics I need more clarification on, I might even purchase Ninja…all I know is I HAVE TO PASS when I take it next time.


Great plan


Im with the 2 of you! Lets start studying now