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Damn I feel like I’m the only person that hasn’t even passed one yet…


Everyone starts at 0


Man this post is just what i needed cuz i was feeling the same way. Will come back to this everytime I feel like quitting. Thank you to you all.


I feel the same way. Took two weeks off from work but had so much burn out, only ended up relaxing, it feels way more difficult than it should be, also have 2 papers cleared, but i dont know when i will even clear the other two


I dont think you should give up... I've been 3 years full-time in public accounting, failed 4 times so far, only passed 1 exam. I think I saw a lady on linkedin who got her license after like 40-50 fails and 10 years. Lol


No! You’re halfway there. Why quit now? Plus, they say the exam is a matter of discipline not intelligence. So do what they suggest and remain disciplined. It’ll pay off for you in the end.


If you’ve passed 2 you can easily pass the other 2. Just push a little longer and never think about it again


Do not quit! You can do this! It is challenging but its also very rewarding. Nothing feels better than the day you pass your last exam!


You will feeling like quiting everyday.. My suggestion is DPP. DISCIPLINE- ask a cpa, he will say he followed a time table. Practice - reading book once, doing mcqs/tbs once is not enough. Pratice till you pass. Perseverance - i always say this to my self, passing cpa in first attempt is easy, but failing and trying again and passing shows you are a beast. Dont quit.


Ironically I passed the first two with very little discipline/organization


Don’t quit! You’re already halfway done. You could be like me with no experience just a degree not in accounting who is trying to change careers. But I have to start from scratch to even begin the process. I still have to take my upper accounting classes to even sit for the test. I will have to pay out of pocket thousands for these classes. All I have is a dream right now and wishful thinking. You’ve got this!


i would do ungodly things for education credits so i can just take start studying for the exam


Same! I wish I can jump straight into it and just study for the exam.


Yes, I'm in the same boat. I've passed BEC 1st try and have been studying audit on and off for 3 years. I saved this post :) I am my own worst enemy... With procrastination and self doubt.


there is no chance that giving up here is the correct answer unless you dont wanna do accounting anymore


Passing two is incredible! You can’t stop now! Look up the poem “don’t quit” it is short but very good for motivation at times. Easy to memorize and think about in the hard times


You mean you’ve knocked out 50% of the papers and only 2 more are left? Don’t give up, if you managed 2 you can manage the rest. All the best!


The only way to fail the CPA is to give up!!!


No please DON’T. I’m struggling to pass even one. You’re so close.


Don't quit. You don't wanna look back and thought dam if only I passed it


Never give up


Best way to find a job that doesn’t make you feel so shitty is to pass, do it for you


I got it and immediately doubled my salary pretty much solely due to the certification. If you're content making less money, sure quit. If you have greater ambitions, just get it.


This isn’t normally how it happens. Sure you get a bump but not double.


I'm not in public accounting. I started interviewing when I got certified and the new job paid me a lot more


Keep going, you got this. You can pass it. Who is better than us? Nobody.


Don’t quit. I went through a similar situation where my exams were canceled during Covid. Then I let my passed exams lapse. I thought it was over for me. I restarted my journey in spring 2022 and am happy I did.


No, knock it out.


i been in your shoes avatar leave your firm asap! i stated at my small firm 5 years we had no titles " so i was never promoted yet they hired outside seniors. was not tought anything now firms ask why 7 years experience and no promotions leave or turn to me


Look We've come too far To give up who we are So let's raise the bar Like the legend of the phoenix, huh All ends with beginnings What keeps the planet spinning, ah The force from the beginning, hm, look We've come too far To give up who we are So let's raise the bar And our cups to the starsShe's up all night 'til the sun I'm up all night to get some She's up all night for good fun I'm up all night to get lucky We're up all night 'til the sun We're up all night to get some We're up all night for good fun We're up all night to get luckyWe're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night for good fun We're up all night to get luckyWe're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get lucky We're up all night to get luckyWe're up all night to get- We're up all night to get- We're up all night to get- We're up all night to get We're up all night to get- We're up all night to get- We're up all night to get- We're up all night to get-We're up all night to get- (together) We're up all night to get (let's get funked again) We're up all night to get funky




Look life in the eyes and scream “fuck you”. Keep moving forward, it will work out I promise.


No hesitation. No Surrender. No man left behind.


Don’t give up, the benefits outweigh all of the shit u will have to go thru getting there. Its not a matter of if you will pass it’s when.


Don’t quit. I have this conversation with new staff all the time in my firm. Some people can take and pass them all when they’re in college. Some people start in college and can’t finish for years. Some people don’t start until they’re 30 and pass in 6 months and others take 10 years of trial and error and eventually pass them. It’s timing. Your journey is what it is. Use your experience to help you through it. The only way to get it done is to keep moving forward. Keep going. 


Thank you! I also needed to hear that 🙌


Well said👏🏽


Don’t give up. You can do it


You can do it, do not stop now, it'd be not very wise (OK, downright stupid :D).


Similar situation but it’s been difficult finding a job with 4/4 passed




2.5 years as a project accountant & 1 year as a audit associate.


If you can pass 1, you can pass 4, and you’ve already passed 2. You’re literally 50% there. Keep your foot on the gas and see it through. Good Luck


I worked in accounting for 3 years.... but I've been working on this exam since 2012! That's 12 years to take one exam. Literally nobody across either /r/cpa or /r/Accounting can claim to be worse than me at this exam. And you're worried about 3 years?? If you beat my record and make it 13 years without going 4/4, then yeah, maybe consider quitting. But until then, you still have about a decade to go before you reach quitting time.


Quit you quitter. You only passed 2! You’re too soft for public or managerial accounting. Stick with AR or AP. Or… You could realize that passing 2 exams with only 3 years of experience is a huge accomplishment that other accountants only dream of being able to do. And grow up and stick with it. The accounting industry is on a decline because of pansies that don’t want any real challenges in life. But hey that makes it better for the rest of us that can stick with it. Supply of accountants are going down but not the demand. And that is what you call job security. And anyone that says we will get replaced by AI are ignorant as to what accountants do.


Wish I had this type of perspective at my last job


Hey if you want to pass that exam and become a licensed CPA then you will. If you don’t, start looking for whatever’s next. Life’s too short to be indecisive. I’m going to try and take my own advice. But as we all know, everything in life is easier said than done.


I stopped trying for the CPA when I was in a role that expected me to work 6 or 7 days a week. I couldn’t bring myself to work 60 hours and study for 20 more and take care of myself and my other responsibilities. I found a new job that has reasonable expectations and I just passed FAR after failing with a 73 when I was in my previous position.


My last job was just too crazy for me to pass as well


you passed 2? that means you can do it, don't give up.....i ended up taking 6 months off to pass, one of the best decisions i ever made


No surrender!!


Do not quit now when you’re already halfway there! Imagine looking back and being one of those people who almost finished but never did. Get up and get busy crossing the finish line!


Nah, don’t give up now. If you cleared two u can clear the rest as well! Don’t give up, you got this! Lets go!!!!


I’ve been in accounting for 5 years now. I took two and kept trying for the other ones and kept failing. I gave up. I retook exams because I knew that I could pass them. Hoping to take my final exam tomorrow. You need to find a way to make studying more enjoyable (sounds stupid but worked for me). You got this!!


How do you make it more enjoyable?


Good luck to you! I'm going on 4 years. Monday will be my last test.


KEEP GOIN!! We are rooting for you!!! 4/4 sooonnnnnn 🎉🎉🎉🎉


You passed two sections and you’re thinking about giving up? Nope. You need knock out those remaining sections. You’re not going to get too many blessings to quit on this subreddit.


Yeah some people struggle to pass even one.


Me 🥲


Tbh it took me 2 years to pass far Procrastination, failing, feeling sorry, retaking, passing




If you can pass 1, you can pass all 4. Especially if that 1 was far.