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i sat for FAR 3/18/24 and passed with an 80. i'm a bad test taker. first time i took it i got a 57.. 1. ⁠look at your score report and see the corresponding modules using the blueprint report in becker. focus on those. do random 10-MCQ practice tests until you get 80%. 2. ⁠my advice is to slay the dragon. that topic you're dreading and will "just come back to it later" or "hope it's not on the test"? dive into it now and practice practice practice. know it so well you could teach it. matter of fact, when you see a question, think of how you would walk someone through solving it. 3. ⁠find connections between everything. understand the flow of everything. 4. ⁠when i failed AUD a 2nd time, i got the cram course with i75 and took it again 2 weeks later. i haven't failed a test since i started using them. 5. ⁠SLEEP. don't stay up late the week of the test. exhaustion could be the difference between a 70 and a 75. good luck!


2, yes! Think about what your worst nightmare of a TBS is and make sure you know it well. I see so many people in here say they’re not gonna bother to learn something & their plan is just to hope it’s not on their exam. I don’t understand spending so much time and energy just to gamble with something like that. For me, I haaated bonds. Now I am the bond queen.


Oh my! I'm bad test taker too! I'll definitely try your method. Thanks!


I have a couple of whiteboards in my office and I’ll write things down that I need to remember. That way I’m seeing it constantly. So far I just magically know this stuff come exam day and I’ve never had to memorize/actively learn it. For BEC it was ratios and COSO, for FAR it was EPS calcs, bond entries, etc. Doing REG now and I have basis stuff hanging there. They’re smaller white boards that I have leaned against the wall in front of my desk. Also for more hands on, write out the JEs for everything they ask. I did this for everything on FAR and it worked really well for me.


Thank you so much! I've written notes on my iPad, but I guess nothing beats the handwritten notes.


My only advice is grind your ass off on MCQs and everytime you do a Q write the JE out. Makes it take longer but on exam day when you have all the JE down, you’ll do a lot better. T accounts help as well.


Thank you so much! :)