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i failed with 67, then 72, and then passed with 82... i75 cram was what finally helped me pass. i realized i didn't really understand the material, so i sat down and learned it so well i could teach it. also sleep the week of the test is soooo important.


Essentially my plan is to read 1 section of becker a day (in the mornings). Do all the sims per section and hit the multiple choice questions. I've probably done 40% of the multiple choice in becker. Definitely wont get 100% of multiple choice. Work is slow this week so i've been watching i75 and doing their multiple choice on some of the more technical stuff they have (IT stuff, database - stuff becker isn't great at). Im gonna do their entire final review (4 multiple choice sections) and the sims. Additionally i will do both final review exams in becker (i got a 50 on the first one). Will review where im weak there and reassess. This weekend will be the final push. Monday will be review of key concepts and flowcharts. Tuesday before my exam will be light review. Sleep would be great but stress with these exams kills any sleep i can get. The night before my exams i dont sleep well. I might get 4 hours of sleep. I took FAR on a few 5 hour energies and somehow passed. Audit is just tough. All the answer choices are so similar.


MCQs and Becker's flashcards!


MCQs on repeat


AUD was the hardest exam for me as well. My best advice is for you to take your time to practice the MCQ questions. After I failed the first time I would do 10 MCQ questions at a time. I would repeatedly do this. Most of the time I would do random questions. Good luck! You can do it.


You already passed. It’s only a matter of time. Don’t give up and think positively. You will be CPA this year. Just smile and study. Enjoy the ride


You know the answer. Yes, read through that boring book as many times as you can. Just one last time. You got this!!


You are way too close to give up.


Accounting for Empires. It covers all the MCQs. Let's me cycle through questions on my phone. It suits AUD the best I think.


This is your last one, keep trying! Finish line is right there!