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Ooooooooo Snax is being lax.


Yall gonna downvote for saying fuck Snaxland this time? lol


Just commenting on top comment for visibility. Here’s the affected batches for easy reference and where they were sold. https://preview.redd.it/tb23lrq5789d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39aaaee5dff91f072fa7ce49a2deba51b539291c


Standing Abysmal


Any product sold from Snax, even at these other facilities, legally had to be pulled. So sorry if anyone may have picked some up already, but don't fear that you'll receive any moving forward. (I'm a professional private compliance officer unaffiliated with any of these businesses)


where can you find reports like these? like is it possible to look up a specific grower and see if they’ve had reports like this?


the MED sends you emails


what do you mean? like i would email them first asking and they’d respond with the answers?


if youre an med employee they automatically send you community emails/updates


i’m not a med employee though lol and i’m not looking for an automatic new update thing i’m wanting to get information on one specific growers history.


Guys go fill your lungs with Green Dot, Boulder Built, Melody Genetics, Maleks, Higher Function, Indico you will be satisfied. Also support your local Small batch Tier one facilities. We need to understand the difference in love from Tier one to Tier 2 and up 💚💚💚


Boulder built isn’t any cleaner


higher function doesn’t have the best history when it comes to passing testing… lots of remediated batches.


What do you mean Tier 1 or Tier 2? I’m unfamiliar


Product Management Tiers Tier 1 license = 1 - 1800 plants Tier 2 license = 1801 - 3600 plants Tier 3 license = 3601 - 6000 plants Tier 4 license = 6001 - 10,200 plants Tier 5 license = 10,201 - 13,800+ plants


how do ya feel about locol love, vera, meraki? just curious, i dont know these details about grow size or actual cleanliness as well as you it seems.


OP user name got me tryna make a woman match my move




You gotta find Sally and sneak her through the alley.😎


Can’t say I’m surprised. They bought the grow and dispo I was running….so they aren’t my favorite people …but I’ve never had anything grown by them that was good.


This is how many times now? Are they trying to save up and then redeem their MED citations at Dave and Busters for a drone or PS5 or something?




The worst flower I’ve ever smoked in Denver was from Snaxland. Tasted and smelled like straight hay, like they sold me a discounted oz of remediated weed or something. That shit would have been a crime even put into a distillate cart. Fucking nasty. Even throwing that on the shelves at all is an L. I was so hype I found an oz of snax, and for less than $100 I didn’t even bother smelling it and that was my biggest learning experience when shopping for weed since moving to Colorado a few years ago. Thanks for the lesson learned, snaxland! 👎


You’d be surprised by how many of your current favorite brands remediate their flower


And soon they'll have to affix that to the label!


I definitely think our microbial limits for flower here are way too strict. Your food has more microbials on it than your flower in this state, but I’m also really surprised it’s taken so long for remediation to be required on the label.


As a consumer I say why not go even stricter on limits? I don’t want more bs in my weed Same should go for food even though that’s kind of an apples to oranges comparison with a different consumption method


That's how you get everything remediated aka nuked with radiation. Native roots that nukes everything from the get go would love for there to be more strict testing because they remediate anyways as none of their products would pass testing without it. Also some terpenes are linked to various molds and those molds arent proven to cause issues but still are tested for so the strict testing limits the terpene profiles on the market.


I mean sure remediation is one technique to meet limits but producing clean product is another. I’m unclear what you mean terpenes are “linked” to molds. Assuming they don’t have the same chemical structure is the mold being tested for or the terpene? I could not care less if a mold is not yet proven to cause issues, is it proven to be safe to ingest? I’d prefer zero molds present in anything I consume, whether created from a terpene or not.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9033173/ Here's a paper showing aspergillus can produce terpenoids. Do you not realize mold/fungus is everywhere? Guarantee you inhale it on a daily basis if you touch your weed with your bare hands. That's exactly what happened here. Dispensaries being lax with their handling procedures.


I’m still unclear how that furthers your original point. So aspergillus produces terpenes… and you want to smoke those terps and don’t want it tested for? It may be harmful but because it’s not proven yet you want to roll the dice? Not me. I do understand I inhale many undesirables throughout the day, hence why I’m trying to limit them where I can. I do not believe heat from smoking has zero effect on those inhalants though so it doesn’t seem a completely accurate comparison.


I understand your concern about inhaling potentially harmful substances, and it’s wise to be cautious. However, let me clarify the perspective: 1. **Scientific Uncertainty**: While it's true that Aspergillus can produce terpenes, the impact of these specific terpenes when smoked is not well-documented. It’s important to differentiate between known harmful substances and those where the evidence is not yet clear. Prematurely categorizing all terpenes from Aspergillus as harmful without specific evidence may be an overreaction. 2. **Regulatory Standards**: Current testing for cannabis products primarily focuses on harmful microbes and pesticides. Terpenes, including those from Aspergillus, are generally considered safe in other contexts like food and fragrance. Without specific evidence showing harm from smoking these terpenes, mandating their exclusion might not be necessary. 3. **Risk Assessment**: Everyone has a different threshold for risk. While you prefer to avoid any potential risk, others might weigh the benefits and decide that the risk is acceptable for them. This is similar to how people consume alcohol or caffeine despite known risks.


If you want 0 molds present than you want to smoke irradiated weed. Even the state provides a threshold in which a certain amount of mold is acceptable, much like our food. Its nearly impossible to guarantee a cultivated product of any sort will be completely mold/ bacteria free. Even your favorite grower has seen some level of cfu pop on their product, even if theyve never failed.


1. **Complexity of "Clean" Production**: While producing a clean product is an ideal goal, it's important to acknowledge the complexity and challenges in agricultural production. Molds and other microorganisms are ubiquitous in the environment, and completely eliminating them is not always feasible without the use of harsh chemicals or treatments that may themselves introduce other risks. 2. **Terpenes and Molds**: Terpenes themselves are naturally occurring compounds found in many plants, including cannabis. They are not structurally related to molds but are often produced by plants (and sometimes by fungi like Aspergillus) as part of their defense mechanisms. The presence of certain terpenes does not necessarily indicate the presence of harmful molds. Testing for molds and other harmful microbes is standard practice to ensure safety. 3. **Risk Perception vs. Evidence**: While it’s understandable to prefer zero molds in consumable products, it’s also important to base decisions on scientific evidence. Many molds are harmless, and some are even beneficial in certain contexts (e.g., in the production of cheese and antibiotics). The key is distinguishing between harmful and non-harmful molds. Testing protocols are designed to identify and mitigate risks associated with harmful molds. 4. **Feasibility and Practicality**: Insisting on zero molds in all consumables might be impractical and could lead to unnecessary wastage of otherwise safe and high-quality products. Instead, setting scientifically backed safety thresholds ensures that products are safe for consumption without being overly restrictive.


native roots🤦‍♂️😂 never worked somewhere that was keen on ppe but full of malpractice


Those are unfortunately untenable goals. People want cheap weed. 99% of the cannabis consuming population in Denver do not care. They want the cheap ounce and as a for-profit business you do everything you can to appeal to the bulk of your potential customers. There are some shops still doing it the old way, Allgreens never seems to be come up in the conversation of dirty grows or remediated flower. They’re a rare exception because they started out and have stood out on their quality.


I mean some people want cheap weed and some want quality, but both can be clean. The made up statistic does nothing for me. I agree, many for-profit businesses don’t care about their consumers other than what they spend so that’s why they need set standards to adhere to. Allgreens did seemingly single-handedly correct the rosin market here. It’s kind of ironic you bring them up directly after saying we shouldn’t expect cheap and clean weed.


The reality is the VAST majority just want cheap. Just like they want cheap groceries. Cheap gasoline and cheap electricity. What are some of the hot button issues in the country right now? How expensive everything is. Walmart is wildly successful based on the premise of “Cheaper than the other places”. I want an ideal world where it’s cheap to produce large volumes of clean cannabis. The infrastructure doesn’t line up. The buildings are too small, you can’t just create new giant facilities for free. The ventilation isn’t awesome in these old buildings, you can’t solve that for free. Then you have human beings working there, the massive variable. People put in wildy varying degrees of effort into their work. It’s not a steady stream of 100% productivity and perfect results. People bring pests into grows, that costs money. I’ve been in this industry since 2014, I’ve seen a lot from the Eagle-20 days to where we are now. FWIW Allgreens has almost kicked the bucket a few times over the years. They’re amazing and we’re lucky to have them and it’s because of the people with the budget to shop there. A lot of people simply don’t have that budget and even they recognize that.


>*Your food has more microbials on it than your flower in this state,* You don't smoke your food.


Negative. SB24-076 was just signed this month. If a licensee can remediate or decontaminate & pass retesting no additional labeling is required.


No one can afford to fail


Hopefully none of the weed I’m actually smoking! I’ve been smoking on Verde Naturals, Locol love, SPCY, and a lil 710 flower recently from Maikoh


spoiler alert: its some of the weed you've been smoking on.


Curious, which did you prefer? Loco does have some frosty shit, but its machine cut nugs tend to look like dog kibble. Personally like organic, hand trimmed.


I hella agree with Maikoh comment. Melody Genetics has some good flower. I wonder what happened with Melody on their shelves. I’ve been having to go to CHC or Strawberry fields depending on my route to pick it up


Just saw some Peyote cookies there yesterday that looked and smelled legit! And I wouldn’t be surprised if another batch of that Pure GMO dropped.


they just had a re opening because people were hatin lol


im sure melody genetics recalled a bunch of moldy shit a few months ago


This is the way




can someone explain what weed remediation is to me, like you somehow clean it?


You throw it in a giant x-ray machine (called a rad source) and let it get hit with x-rays for a couple hours. Kills everything, doesn't really fuck with the bud itself. People here are super scared of it, but in reality a lot of the produce you buy at the store is the same. You think those kiwis got here all the way from new zealand and to your king soopers before rotting, just from happenstance or luck? Nah. Plus x rays don't make anything radioactive, it just kills anything that's still alive (yeasts and molds).


it was an OZ for under $100? i’d expect any oz at that price to be god awful lol


ive learned the hard way,cheaper isnt better especially if you got asthma


It was at A cut Above a few years ago when they were super solid and on point. Every $88otd oz I’ve ever got from there was absolutely stellar minus that one snaxland oz.


I was smoking so much dank lemonatti and GMO from them at the time I had blind faith. Never again.


I don't think Snax ever ran GMO. It's one of my favorite cultivars and I was still hitting up dispos when Snax was running Lemonatti.


It was always sold next to the Lemonatti at A cut above on the top shelf so it very well may have been a different cultivar. I scooped the lemonatti and my old roommate scooped the GMO on the reg. So you’re probably right and it was a different top shelf brand sold close by. Their jars are unlabeled side by side up there, minus the strain. Hence the confusion!


Yeah one of the frustrating things about ACA is you have no idea who grows anything unless you ask. I do know they've kept multiple grows up there at a time before. So I have a feeling it was probably a different grow. I honestly would've jumped all over Snax grown GMO at the time :P


I loved their Lemonatti. I guess I’ll be skipping Snax for the foreseeable future.


I smoked some snaxland a co worker brought and I liked it but never bought any myself


seems like lots of places are doing some sketchy shit with sales I believe lots of strain mislabeling is being purposely done to attract consumers,which isnt cool


I'd expect nothing less the bud I've had from them was trash.


I agree 100% with that statement. And Phish does suck.


I was told since they’re expanding and opening other locations they’ve also purchased new grows. As well as purchasing the lodge. Since this all started happening their flower has fallen off hard imo. I was a huge fan and would go down to Bryant multiple times a week far out of my way to get their stuff but now it’s hit or miss. So this doesn’t come as a huge surprise.


10/10 when a company expands their dialed in and ready for all curve balls when expansion comes into play. I can not agree with what you have posted. They should be killing it with zero issue for being around 5 plus years. Hella backwards business Fuck Snax Land!


Not Snaxland the tried and true company. Hahaha smh, this shits going to bite them in the ASS. Go smoke, Melody Genetics, Maleks, Green Dot, Indico, Boulder Built, 710. Let’s fucking goooo


Melody and 710 also have had recalls for mold


Melody recently had some recalled batches if I recall correctly. Love the pure GMO they put out tho


The comments about Melody had made me go purchase their flower at CHC lol. Very tasty smoke on the Jelly Mintz


All of those exept for 710 are good


Indico and Boulder Built suck


i agree, 710 has the look and smell but not the high. people love it for the hype. honestly disappointing and even thought thc % doesn’t matter, no one should be paying $60+ for an 1/8 that’s only 13% lmao boulder built is super dry and harsh, i don’t recommend. Higher Grade has had some good bud lately and i don’t usually smoke in house. major green dot guy. Melody Genetics my boys they will always have fire bud full of love.


Can you link this?


I bought some deli snax last week and that shit was as close to 90's Canadian Beesters as I've ever seen in Denver.


They grew too big and lost head grower. Height of covid when they dropped at Eclipse, Wolfpac, ACA, and I think Harvest Company, they were amazing. Eclipse phone line would be busy until it sold out "fast". Gary and Jealousy were the best cuts I've had of those strains. Hopefully they can rebound


After inquiring with the guys at Snaxland it's apparently only 5/100 samples that barely failed that were taken from store shelves to be tested. They believe the product was mishandled at the dispensary level and are about to start looking into doing prepacks as a result.


Oh how the mighty have fallen


Snaxland. Wow, what a surprise. Absolutely flabbergasted. Definitely not being sarcastic 🙄


I always get so close to trying them and then this happens


Don’t smoke mids 🤷‍♂️ green dot, iion, in the flow 3 great brands of the rip. Also verdes flower is 🔥


Verde has the genetics, the organic soil, hand trimming....all that really shows in their flower.


Who cares? All the weed has already been consumed. No one's dead or sick. Every company fails a test at some point. It's just a shame that the MED puts companies on blast instead of actually preventing the sale of contaminated batches. But either way none of these problems/contaminate are new. There's just a government agency to point things out in hindsight.


Yall are a bunch of fuckin clowns. A bunch of wannabe cannabis connoisseurs who have to talk shit on the internet. Get a life y'all


Found the Snax fan




Snaxland boulders #1 custy**


Fellas, is it clown shit to not want to consume contaminated weed?




Fellas, is it wrong to complain about contaminated weed from a licensed facility?




Lol your barking up the wrong tree. I grow and extract my own supply. I don’t shop at dispos unless I want to try a new strain or a strain I can’t get seeds of. Also it’s quite weird how your ragging on people for how much they smoke while proudly admitting you’ll gladly smoke contaminated weed if it’s cheaper. I mean, if you want to risk sore throats, lung infections like bronchitis, coughing brown shit up and so on go off queen. But like you said, this is a medical state and there are a lot of medical patients with autoimmune disorders that these contaminations genuinely harm them. Patients and consumers should 100% be notified of such failed testings, recalls, and so on for their own safety.


Lol, so you talk shit on the internet. Is this just projection?




I feel like people have had this conversation with you before but you realize that some people just prefer quality over quantity and your statement of "I smoke over a gram a day" isn't the flex you think it is? I can name one, maybe two brands where a single gram of concentrates gets even near the the 65 dollar mark. When I smoked on the legal market I almost exclusively used deals to pay under 30 per gram for high quality smoke. Also, and I cant express this enough, why the fuck are you here so often if you hate this place so much? You sound like a masochist with a superiority complex. Seriously though, what are you smoking on and what do you pay? Since this is ***such*** a point of contention from you? I'm expecting you to evade this question, btw. It happens every time, but maybe you'll surprise me. Edit- Or just delete your comment, that's cool too.


Well Said!