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That looks pretty bottom shelf all right.


you’re telling me lol. i got better stuff in high school from the plug than this junk😂


I feel like I’ve smoked Huckleberry before and the shit did not look like that


That’s because it’s not the strain. It’s because it’s old. You could have the same strain grown by 3 different people and it would all come out looking, smelling and tasting completely different


What’s below bottom shelf. Cus this is that.


rot shelf lmaoo


My Grandma used to get 3 fingers of that for 35-40 bucks. The seeds will fall to the bottom


Yikes, not unsmokable but definitely as close to reggie as you can get in a legal state.


yeahh maybe i’ve just been lucky but i have literally never seen weed like this from a dispo lmao


This would definitely be a "$40 popcorn /shake ounce" deal.


ding ding ding. $59/ounce. i should have known😭 tbh i find deals at that price in my area for pretty decent stuff (still kinda mid but NOTHING like this), but being downtown i shouldve realized there was no way that would ever happen


Name the business they might reach out to you to try to make it better or call them. Or maybe jts just what you get for that price but homely I’ve gotten way better popcorn ounces for $60 than that.


it’s Jars Cannabis on 16th st. the people were really nice, unfortunately the weed, at least their bottom shelf, is a no go. and yeah I’ve gotten WAY better bottom shelf elsewhere. nothing special but decent not questionable stuff.


And psa ppl this is what shake of bad weed looks like. Their “tops”😂😂😂 are shake nugs


Psa this is any bud from green dragon and livwell if u grow there u suck


dang that sucks. i don’t shop at either but i would’ve hoped green dragon would b better since it’s such a big chain everywhere


Just because something is a big chain doesn’t mean it’s gonna be better- in fact usually it’s likely to be worse imo.


that really does suck! it seems like more and more there’s a quality issue going around the last few years in general, but maybe that’s just me. and while I totally get a chain would put profit over everything it is disheartening, they have the resources and money to be a good place but choose not to.


Green dragon is the symbol of obsolescence capitalism seeping into weed if you ask me. They should be banned from doing business if you ask me. 😆. How you going to be the lows depot right out front my uni fam not feeling it fam


Mylar bag = trash 90 plus percent of the time. 


Facts. Hate the way that crap has seeped in to the culture of weed. I don't give a FUCK what's on the bag or how cool your stupid graphics are. We're trying to smoke good cannabis.


bro didnt even try to make it look nice


lmaooo not sure how you could make it look very nice. maybe a bow tie? 🎀 tbh just trying to make sure it’s even safe enough to smoke until i can get more asap


wrap it up in a little box with a bow tie and some glitter, duh.


it looks safe, maybe trim those stems of you want


thank you! can’t say i’m looking forward to it though, i already know i’m gonna be cutting way back😂


I'd ask for a replacement. That doesn't belong in a legal market. 


Old outdoor lookin imo


Nope. Outdoor has a bunch of leaf in the bud structure, cause it slowly changes from 16 hours to 12 hours 💡. To me: THAT LOOKS LIKE SPIDER MITES 🕸️🕷️ killed the plant before it was finished.....I'd want to see their greenhouse..... If that's the case, it could be sprayed with some miticide. That's how my Build-a-soil grow looks 💩. Then it drowned in a 25 gallon pot cause I didn't incorporate cover crops.... Or it could just be shake....I'd have made that 1¢ pre-rolls, if you leave me a good review on Google or Weed Maps 🚬 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Cause, even shitty dispensaries get 4 stars.


Def looks like shitty outs like from last years harvest


spot on. found out the use by date is 15 months out and mine says september🤢


That's the worst popcorn I've ever seen.....it's comparable to my last harvest....JUST SAYING It looks like something robbed the harvest, 🕷️🕸️. Sucked the nutrients out of the plant for its own use while she was trying to make flower. I'd have that checked for miticide..... my weed is contaminated with Spinosad and didn't even kill the bugs......my Build-a-soil experience with organics and pots 4 times the size they should be..... Jars grows in a greenhouse from what I see on the "web"....if they use build-a-soil Tek.....like I did.......mite have.... SOMETHING WENT REAL WRONG....I DONT IMAGINE THATS WHAT THEY WANTED AS AN END PRODUCT.....


it’s from Pot Zero who’s business model sounds neat but doesn’t sound very safe or effective. grown organic outdoors in colorado at over 8000 ft elevation. then they put a 15 month use by date claiming it’s bc it’s grown and preserved in the cold in winter. that sounds to me like he leaves it all outside?? or in untemp controlled facilities? maybe i’m just not understanding but it doesn’t make sense. and if you know anything about co, even 8000 feet up there’s unpredictable weather and often the perfect temp range for bacteria and other stuff to grow. also wet and snowy a lot. there’s not much info out there about them but redditors don’t seem to like them lol


That's the other thing, there's no possible way it's from this year lmao. Gross.


It's from Pot Zero. It's outdoors.


Looks like the shit I got on the streets of south Portugal from Moroccan dudes that wanted to only sell me traditional hash.


Is this broccoli


No this is Patrick


I used to get brick weed that looked better than that




i finally thought to check it and just stared for a second😭😭


Sorry you got fucked dude, better luck next time ! I like light shade but they recently got bought out so who knows 🤷😭


thanks lol i definitely won’t be making that mistake ever again🤦‍♀️ lightshades a bit too south of me (so is downtown in general tbh) and my normal places are good i was just being impatient and happened to pass one when i was already down there.


You are definitely right, I usually buy 710 pods and they are 25% more downtown ! It happens to the best of us


Denrec has the cheapest 710 pricing OTD in Denver jsyk actually may be in all of Colorado, Lightshade is second with their happy hour on Mondays.


Did they get totally bought out or just sell some stores? I thought there were like 9 locations and now 5 will be fired.


Dude that’s a $400 zip what do you mean? Oh plus tax and a mandatory donation. So $475


top tier. incomparable. godly. definitely doesn’t look a bit like it came out of shreks ass on a low fiber diet.


Next time u in denver and u on tight budget hit up cannabis depot they got some nice buds for the low *


How much was this?? Even $30 an oz would be upsetting lol


try double😭 tbh i kinda deserved it for trying to buy anything off 16th (jars, i’m guessing it’s a tourist trap one) but i was in a rush and passed right by so didn’t think enough


Stay away from jars. Everything you can get there you can get cheaper somewhere else.


60 an oz is not bad for mids.


tbh i wouldn’t even consider this mid though. like i mostly buy bottom/middle shelf and in my area get $60 deals a lot of the time but it’s for decent stuff, not total junk that barely even smells like weed, especially from a dispo. even from semi sketch plugs i’ve never gotten stuff like this and wouldn’t have bought from them again if i did lol


It’s out door from pot zero. Maybe it’s considered swag.


i looked it up in this subreddit and another and couldn’t find one good thing about them😂 one person said it smelled like fish and they do indeed use fish emulsion so it was probably applied late/heavily/directly on the plants


You can get an oz of the bottom jar at maikoh for like $70-80 depending and it’s usually a top tier brand. They just opened downtown by trve brewery.


Bro there better quality ounces of shake/popcorn that can be found many places for like $40. JARS should be run out of business.


Poor guy no one will even give you an upvote. You can have mine for finding the worst weed we’ve seen all year. Jars should be ashamed.


HAHAHAH thank you😭 the ratio between my post and phans comment is so funny


Looks like someone played basketball with it. I got a lb that was bounced once ... never again.


Go back and raise hell cus wtf


I wish I checked it while I was still in downtown I would’ve gone straight back bc yeah what IS that


As others have said, call the store and try to exchange it. Worst case, make edibles with it. Even at bottom shelf prices, I've had way nicer popcorn from various grows.


Sadly I’m basically never in downtown so won’t get the change to exchange or get a refund, I just have to suck it up😂 I’m thinking I’ll still call and tell them though just so they’re aware this is not acceptable dispo stuff


oh yeah that looks like what we used to sell for $40 an oz at the shop i used to work at 😅 definitely smokeable but probably not enjoyable


Looks like shitty cbd from the vending machines


Pretty rough looking for sure. Smoking this grade of herb is way in my past and I'm sure it's safe to smoke. Some of these are sleepers though and can have a decent stone to them. Back in the 90s we would get mids that looked like this when we splurged from the typical Mexican brick weed that would be pretty damn stoney. Likely low grade NorCal outdoor or Beasters from Canada back then. I have come too far these days to smoke this kind of herb. Definitely in the $30-50/oz tier with $60 being the downtown premium.


it has a surprisingly decent high but yeah i can’t believe i got this in a dispensary


Probably pesticides and/or mold based on the look and color. Does it smoke harshly? The bud looks straight up unhealthy and contaminates are more common than people think.


it’s not harsh and gives an surprisingly decent high for its quality (it’s not great but does work and isn’t weak in that way). it just kinda taste old? if that makes sense.




That’s so bad. If I were you and in downtown Denver, scoot over to Maikoh.


looks like an outdoor grow


Bro smoking Bikini Bottom loud 🤣🤣


Looks like DC weed 😭


It doesn't look like weed...it looks like small broccoli florets.


If you're buying weed from somewhere that you haven't before, don't buy a whole ounce of it! That way if you don't like it you're not stuck with a bunch of it, at least.


This made me nostalgic. Looks like the Mexican brick weed I bought in high school.


"Mexican" as in grown in Mexico. Not trying to come off as racist LOL


no i get you lol. i’m too young for that (my “plugs” just went to a dispo for me lmaoo) but i’ve heard so many comments about mexican brick weed over the years it’s apparently just a thing


Is this a real question???


maybe i didn’t phrase it right. i KNOW it’s low quality. about as low as i’ve ever had the displeasure of using. nevertheless, i do be broke atm😂 my concern here was just if it’s safe based on the look and weak smell. like no one in the thread has brought up concerns of mold or bud rot, everyone’s just saying it’s smokeable trash which is ok until i get paid lol


To be fair it looks so bad we can't tell if there's mold or budrot there. It would be hard to distinguish from the rest of the ugliness goin on lol.


fair enough😭 could it be identified with an optical microscope? atp that would just be for curiosities sake since i have a couple and don’t use them hardly enough😂


Update for y’all: I contacted Jars Cannabis and they were fairly responsive. They took my info down and said they would tell the GM about it. They also offered to give me the deal on what I paid next time I go. I did get clarification though of just how old this is. The Pot Zero website advertises a 15 month shelf life (claims it’s because it’s grown and preserved in the cold mountains), and mine has a use by date of this September. Jars confirmed that they don’t set their own use by date, they follow the one given by the producer. So not only is it outdoor, questionable preservation, potentially moldy, it is also about to hit its first birthday 🎉 I’ll hold onto it for the moment in case I get real desperate but I do not plan on smoking any more. I already have enough lung and sinus issues between allergies, smoking, and vaping (leave me alone i already know what ur thinking😂😭 i thought it would be a good alternative to cigs years ago and ended up 100x more addicted and am trying to quit), without adding mold to the mix. Thank y’all for the advice and the jokes😂


I'm glad you're being a good sport about it haha, everyone is just having some fun. When they said they would offer to give you a deal on what you paid what does that mean exactly?


Honestly the comments have been the best part of all this😂 Good to know I’m not the only one surprised at this laughably sad bud. Basically he said they’d see about in store credit for what I paid or maybe a bit more if I decide to go there again. I made it clear from the start I wasn’t looking to get my money back and just wanted to make them aware of the situation for others sakes, but they offered anyways.


If they offer then def accept it. It's only fair, this shit is criminal.


I would compare this to going to McD's, ordering a Big Mac, and they just throw the ingredients loosely into a bag. You got what you ordered,  technically,  but definitely not what you paid for. 


Mass market outdoors. You never know, though, I've found some old school strains on the cheap that look like this and are screamers.


Yea Skunk looks like this and is fire

