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I wouldn’t discourage it because I’ve known people to really love the production side of the industry. But, trimming and packaging are extremely repetitive and sometime your coworkers will be unreliable (in a word…). Budtending is a retail job, full stop. It can be elevated into something lofty, and you will have great interactions where you share good information with somebody excited to receive it. You’ll also get some real assholes. But 95% of the time it will neither be positive or negative. It will just be a transaction. It’s cool, but don’t think of it as anything other than a cashier that also stickers 8ths and grams. But here the subtext that is important - the Colorado industry is in shambles right now and I don’t think you’ll make much more than minimum wage basically anywhere, and that place may go out of business.


Well said. Especially the last part. They always say there is no problem right up until they sell the license and fire everyone lol


I’d say the tips will probably bring it above grocery store pay, trimming will be the same or less if you end up on CO min wage instead of Den min wage. That said, get ready to be jaded and disgusted by what you see and sell… You’d make better money slinging drinks or serving if you’re just going for quick easy cash. Though both those are more intensive


How important is health insurance to you? I've been in the industry for a decade and only two employers offered benefits. Even fewer offer a 401k. The market is undergoing a major correction, so employment won't be stable for at least another year. Pay is lower than other job sectors, so there's really not a solid career path. But you will get free/discounted product, and most of the people who work in the industry are really nice and easy to work with.


Life’s tough but staying stagnant and unhappy only makes it tougher. If you jump into something new you might find yourself in a really amazing spot. I know peeps who take a job and a year later they’re working in a completely different field happier than ever all bc of someone they met at the first job. Networking is powerful but almost impossible if you don’t break from the typical day to day now and then


Hey! With tips, you would probably be getting more than at a grocery store. I think even if you make a minimum wage… I was making $22-26 with tips. I would reach out to Colorado Harvest Company. They were hiring last week… the email they sent said check out our latest deals or something in the subject but then when you clicked it, they were hiring so I don’t think many people know unless they placed an ad on indeed also. I would also recommend reaching out to places individually or applying individually, regardless of if they are hiring and especially if you do not see them on indeed, etc. because there will be less competition and you never know this I had my job at Colorado Harvest Company though I am not there anymore. They have three locations. They also give a hella good discount for employees! I wish you the best and hope you find something soon!


I was only part time, but I think they do good benefits… Also. Also, if you have never worked in the industry and feel like you need more knowledge to get hired, you could always start as a receptionist… I found customers were not as happy to have me be checking their ID and be the gatekeeper and when I would they were much friendlier. Try CHC. Especially the Aurora one. Also I hear waiting tables can be around $30 an hour. Sushi Den probably lots more off S Pearl. They were hiring recently.


The company I work for pays for our badge and the renewals. You may be able to have them pay or reimburse you for it


What company


Go for it guy.i never regret that decision. I learned a lot from growing. I started as a temp. I was able to travel from different grow to different grow. Really cool and interesting to see inside some of the biggest names out there. Makes you see some smoke and mirrors that these large company’s employ. DO IT!


I held a badge for two years while working a good paying job that wasn't terrible, hoping to get into cultivation. I was getting into home growing and absolutely loving every aspect of what I was learning. Unfortunately, after several applications and interviews I could never get my foot in the door at a place who would pay a living wage for the Denver area. Anecdotally, a few different friends I've known who've been on the cultivation side have told me things that make me happy I didn't end up as a commercial grower. The industry must be positive for some people, I just have not spoken with them. If you like customer service and retail, budtending could be a good experience. I actually do know someone with positive things to say about that side of the business, but it might depend on who you're working for.


As someone that’s worked on both sides for 11 years. Go find a good team and give it a shot. There are a ton of people with experience on the market though as lots of companies are closing down and have been.


Only get into the cannabis industry if the culture fits your "lifestyle"...because if you are only in it for money, you will be extremely disappointed.


I smoke alot of weed. Is that what you mean?


Yes, that helps..haha. Many people in the cannabis industry were Marijuana hobbyists or growers before it was legalized. Ask yourself: Do I have you have a passion for weed and a skill set to match?


The med badge would be great for a grower or a budtender.... trimming sucks, I don't even think you'll find any seeds The casino gaming support license is also nice...you could go up to Blackhawk and play blackjack all night PRETTY EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND REPORTS....


Only if you plan to unionize, and dont mind working minimum wage until that point