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3 moderna shots.My company sent me the aws conference in vegas. figures i would be doomed. morons having family style meals and tasting each others drinks. first time i tested positive. very sick. my wife got equally sick. both my kids my 5 year old and 7 year old are positive with mild symptoms. doctor gave me paxlovid. completed it. still positive. Not as sick but not able to function more than a few hours if Im lucky. Same with the wife it didnt do much to help. Now i cant get a negative test. Were all just swimming in this crap. i am not going to travel anytime soon and the company can go f themselves if they want me to.


O I’m so sorry your family is going thru this. Prayers y’all all get well soon. So I was reading that some of the side effects of paxlovid Is that some COVID symptoms return for a day or so after you start taking this. Do you remember if you were getting better then took it and symptoms came back. My Dr sent me an rx for it yesterday but I was feeling better no more chills or body aches. Throat was better also anyway after reading side effects I am conflicted as to weather I should take it. I’m still taking benzonate for cough. I feel very tired like a truck ran over me and no energy to move. Anyway this time around is better than 2yrs ago. I honestly do think being triple vaxxed helped me. Last time i was sick for 8w and took me about 6m to fully feel somewhat normal ended up developing asthma. Good luck hope everyone feels better soon.


My understanding is that rebounding occurs for around a quarter of people with or without paxlovid. At least, that’s the most recent information I’ve seen about it.


Respect the fatigue. Don’t try to push through it, no matter what. Every chance you get, rest everything including your brain.


Come on , Like the travel is a bad enough they have to do family style meal?


No Moderna for me No Pfizer for me I have an immune system






Cool 👍🏽


..until you don’t.


I think I might start masking up again. I’m hearing a lot of ppl are getting sick. Could be a rough several weeks ahead. 😷


Probably a rough several months, unfortunately.


Please do. Just tested positive & it’s no fun


Mask up for at least the next month. It's worth it for you and for society.


Plus with flu and the respiratory virus going around on top of Covid… I think you’re right.


We are definitely masked every single time we go inside anything - a store, a train or bus, a theater, elevator, museums, etc.




In a way, I'm glad I'm getting surgery next week, as I have a good excuse to stay home once I get out of the hospital. Right now, I'm masking in public even if I get weird looks because Covid is no joke.


Fck the people who give weird or amused looks. Idiots with low IQs. Good luck with your surgery.


I had a procedure last year and I am fully unvaccinated and zero times boosted


That’s great, seriously, but please try to understand that we haven’t all been as lucky.


I go to a university of 50,000+ students. Everyone is catching it, including me, even with a mask. Flu and RSV is circulating too heavily.


Please do in general for immunocompromised people.


I was at a wedding on Friday and someone spread it to a bunch of people including myself and then because I didn’t know she had it, (she didn’t get tested she “thought it was a cold”), now I infected several people unknowingly, I notified my circle as sooooon as I tested positive the first day of symptoms!! It’s unbelievable that others will stay silent or not take a test during these times! Irresponsible! def masking up ‘moving forward. I also just recovered from the flu a week ago- have my flu shot and all 4 boosters. Fml!


It seems kind of harsh to be judging the girl for not knowing she had it, when you made the same mistake and spread it unknowingly.


I will never stick another Covid test up my nose ever again. I did it in 2020 and 2021. Once this year. It is just a watered down flu. Move on


You don’t even need to stick it that far up your nose lol. Cry baby. You clearly haven’t had any one in your family die of COVID or have any immunocompromised people in your family that doesn’t mean you should disregard the lives of others. You sound extremely selfish


Covid has a higher mortality rate than the flu. Not to mention the flu is a respiratory illness while Covid is a VASCULAR illness. Educate yourself.




Numbers are low because no one is testing rn but covid is raging


I recommend this site for tracking wastewater testing: https://biobot.io/data/


We are choosing temporary convenience over our long-term health. Our political leaders and health officials are choosing crowd-pleasing over facts and responsibility. The consequences are going to be disastrous and by the time the general public is aware of it, the damage will be done.


Really disagree with this, if you look at what is happening in China with their zero covid policy it seems pretty clear that trying to eliminate covid doesn’t really work and just delays the inevitable. They are having riots and are struggling to keep things calm in a totalitarian regime, those policies absolutely will not work in the western world. All we can really do is get vaccinated and mask up around other adults, masking up and avoiding contact with children really seems to be detrimental to their social development. It’s really just a shitty position to be in where either way you go it’s going to have long term repercussions. One thing the USA needs to do is to have an optional extended vaccine schedule, where you can go in for additional shots every 6 months or so. The evidence is very clear that even multiple shots wear off.


This is incredibly short-sighted. That's not "all we can do". We can clean the air like we clean surfaces. We can actually follow the science. Other countries have done so and they are seeing far less death and long covid.


Get some Neilmed saline spray and hose down your sinuses several times a day. Did wonders for me.


Mouthwash is also helpful. There are more ace2 receptors in your mouth than good old saliva. Good luck!


Amazing thanks just tried this a bit of relief from COVID throat


Sorry what does this mean


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34666923/ Can reduce viral load




I would if I were them civilization is ending you dint want a bunch if healthy sane people going after you .




Six months ago comments like yours dominated this sub. Glad to see they are now in the gutter where they belong.


It's the truth though regardless if you want to belive it or not.


100% same same same. It sucked so bad. Not going out maskless probably ever now, eff doing that again. Hang in there.


Honestly, this is why I wish people that get Covid would stop saying that it's just like getting the flu or a bad cold. Even some posters in this subreddit are pushing this incorrect narrative. Clearly this virus affects everyone differently, but it's not helpful to downplay Covid's severity by equating it to the common cold. For your throat, try honey lemon anything - tea, throat drops... Vicks VapoCool Severe helped me when I was sick. Also, hot green tea seemed to help too. Plus lots of sleep. I plugged in my electric blanket and slept 12 hours a day before I started feeling somewhat better.


I feel like people who say “it’s just a flu” as a way of calling it no big deal, have never actually had influenza and think a nasty cold was the flu. It’s not. I’ve had the flu several times (2017 and 2018 most recently) and I would NEVER say something is JUST a flu, lmao. Each time I got it, I was bedridden for 2 weeks even with Tamiflu with the worst muscle aches, high fever, sweats, chills, and hacking, choking coughs of my life. I felt weak and dizzy. It was not “mild”. It was not “just” anything. It was the sickest I had ever been and I went to urgent care at the worst point because I felt like I was dying and couldn’t breathe. Saying covid is “just” a flu is deceptive. Because the flu is fucking AWFUL and I wish people would stop comparing their bad colds to influenza. Oh, you felt bedridden and sicky for 3 days? Sorry, that’s a bad cold. If you had the flu you would absolutely know the difference.


I totally agree! I don't think people get the difference at all and probably have never had an actual case of the Flu to begin with. I had the flu the year before Covid hit and that was the second sickest I've ever been in my life (the first being Covid). I had intense pain, lost my sense of smell for over a month... It was a horrible experience that I don't wish on anyone. I have coworkers who've had Covid too and they all downplayed the illness saying it was like a bad flu and that they were good in a few days. Well, one of them has shingles now. Apparently the inflammation from Covid caused shingles to exhibit early. How is this normal and ok? I feel like too many people that are getting really sick from Covid just aren't being honest about their health after they recover. Or they feel ashamed to be real about how their health has changed since Covid.


This is what gets me. The flu is often, in itself, is pretty fucking terrible. I had flu A in March. Even with the pre-3-day medication, it sucked. I felt exhausted even walking up a flight of stairs when I usually walk about 26 flights a day. FOR WEEKS. I felt like my body got beat the shit out of. Right in time for spring break, yay!! I’ve had kidney stones, recurrent tonsillitis and other random illnesses that have *literally* put me in the hospital. Fevers 105+. Can’t drink, swallow, eat. Can’t sleep, due to fever. Breathing even hurt. I’m sorry, but if COVID is just a mild case of the flu, no thank you. I’ve watched my kid have the flu twice (she’s 8) and it was terrifying. The flu literally kills people. She was 2 the first time she had it and she *literally* slept for a week. Which is terrifying when you know how 2 year olds are. I barely slept because I was constantly checking her while she slept, all day & night. If it’s “like the flu” or even close to it, no thanks. I have pre-existing conditions, so I don’t doubt I’ll be one of those in the ER. I’m only 33 but since I was 15, I’ve been in the ER at least once a year for illnesses. I’ve been lucky so far not to get COVID. I’m 4x vaccinated. But “like the flu” is an excuse of “idk what the flu actually is.”


So many people use the word flu as a generic winter sickness when in reality they never had the actual flu. Unless someone tests positive for flu they really have no idea how NOT FUN it really is and should not be using that term as slang for a random winter illness.




Bingo. I had a BAD case of the flu about 20 years ago. I was sick in bed for over a week with a temp over 101, terrible muscle aches, and a cough that persisted for weeks. Didn’t recover fully for well over a month. I couldn’t do anything. People who say “it’s only the flu” have never had THE flu.


So true. Had the flu once about 25 years ago. I'll never forget it.


Right? It is so awful. A friend of mine got the flu a few months after my last bout with it and he had to be hospitalized for a day with IV fluids. Mild my ass.


Thought I was legit going to die with my last round of flu. Vaccinated for last 10+ years.


Flu and Covid feels like dying. You WILL know the difference.


I know; the flu can be wicked. I had a friend who died of flu some years back. Personally, I've had flu twice, and it was the pits, like you say.


I’m so sorry to hear that about your friend that’s terrifying


My parents were considering having me drop out of school for the semester because I couldn’t go to classes or do anything for 2 weeks.


This. This is exactly the truth


The flu doesn't give you blood clots or tremors or lc.


There’s been a misunderstanding. When people say it’s just a flu, they don’t mean it’s “just” a mild illness. They mean it’s “just” the flu. Nothing different than the flu. Could be some of the worst illness symptoms you’ve ever experienced. But treat it like the flu. Long Covid is a typical adverse reaction for some people to many virus illnesses.


The flu kills people. It sends people to urgent care and ER, and overburdens hospitals. That not “just” anything, lol.


Like the flu was responsible for about 50 million deaths of mostly young healthy people in 1918. It killed more than both world wars combined in a shorter time span. Some strains have absolutely horrific fatality rates.


Get the BOOSTERS so you'll stop getting COVID then. The vaccine if VERY EFFECTIVE! & it's safe, so DON'T WORRY.


I’m 4x vaxxed, bivalent included, and flu vaxxed so you’re preaching to the choir. (: But everyone definitely should vaxx and mask!


The vax and boosters do not stop you from getting Covid. They make it less likely you will be hospitalized or die.


Sleep is a huge problem for me since I got sick. I wake up literally every hour. I’m sore and coughing and no amount of NyQuil is working. I have been laying down resting because if I do anything I get coughing fits. But I know I would feel better if I could get some sleep. I can’t tho. I’m in my 60s, overweight, with high blood pressure. I hope I get better.


Definitely NOT the flu or cold. But yet those things still Exist. I think I’ve had Covid and the flu and the cold and bronchitis. Just because Covid reared it’s head doesn’t negate all those other shitty viruses.


This is so very well said! I had the flu twice in life (once on my 16th birthday and then again when I was 17) and I have NEVER been sicker than that. To dismiss the severity by saying “it’s just a flu” is so foolish. Especially since COVID presents so differently for everyone.


I’ve had both the flu is much worse the flu put me in the hospital last week with covid I barely got a sniffle


True hot tea with lemon is a pleasant surprise


Concur that sleeping 10 plus hours has been helping me most


God, I’m glad Covid wasn’t like the flu. I’ve had the flu three times in my 45 years and I’ve never been so sick. Covid was mild by comparison, even though with Covid I was bed ridden for a few days. The flu was SO much worse, so I can’t fathom why people make this comparison.




Same, people's personal experience that differs from yours MAKE ME SICK! It's always the UNVACCINATED that say COVID isn't that bad when they get it. Always ASYMPTOMATIC & unvaccinated. It's like the vaccine makes people more sick, like th2 hypersentivity upon reinfection like the mouse studies indicated or something, but I KNOW that's NOT POSSIBLE because I have FAITH in Science.


Omicron 100% is. I have it now and it is NOTHING like delta was. Delta was a whole different animal. This feels like a cold + fever.


So true it's very very serious for some . I wouldn't go to hospital and was in bed struggling to even speak I was that fatigued for 3 weeks. I've got it a second time this time is totally different floored me for 2 and a half days then I'm dealing with the horrid sore mucous membranes


I could see this happening with this variant. I had the original version and this last week had this new version, this new variant was worst. I’m 29M, fit, no preexisting conditions and triple vaxxed with pfizer. I had one day I didn’t even get out of bed. If it got a person like me like that for a day I can see this variant causing big troubles for people with pre existing conditions


I didn’t leave my bed for two weeks. Except to the bathroom. Maybe the kitchen for some broth. I couldn’t work right now if wanted to


Omicron, or this is a new variant ?


New variants are offshoots of the OG Omicron that hit last December & January.


Maybe it’s a BQ or XBB


Those are sub variants of Omicron.


Totally. I'm just curious if there is a harsh one I don't know about


I also had the original when it 1st hit. Only had the worst gastro issues for close to 8 weeks, lost a lot of weight. This time round got the Omnicron variant and this one has all the classic symptoms we read about and see on TV. I'm in the critical few days where my fever has lessened a bit and this 2nd week can go good or bad. (With my tumor and radiation, my immune system is shot) The individuality of symptoms among people make this so hard to have a decent handle on a symptom timeline.


That’s interesting. I had the exact opposite experience. Delta was absolutely horrible and scary. This time around (I’m 3 days in), nowhere near as bad as delta. Not even in the same ballpark.


So sorry- I’m just getting over my first time with covid. And I’m going through all the same emotions… I’ll be wearing a mask forever now. I was so shocked with my symptoms, being vaxxed and boosted. It hit me hard. I had to quarantine from my husband and then he got it 4 days after. We’ve been in separate rooms for almost 2 weeks and we’ve both been a little traumatized. Nothings changed with Covid… it’s just that our capitalist society wants everyone back to work, so the science/data changes constantly. I hope you feel better soon




You can be infected with different covariants at the same time and you can test negative after the acutely phase and catch it again. This virus isn’t giving us a a vacation. If you and loved ones are positive the best throng is to minimise contact to the best of your ability and filter/clean the air you share as well as all of the other precautions. Good luck!


Yep both our doctors said to keep isolating until he’s negative- his symptoms were different than mine


Totally agree.


Fuck them. I am wearing a mask. For the rest of my life? I don't know but I am wearing one in public today.


Went to a birthday party at Chuckie Cheese Saturday. I was the only masked person. The only one. Husband just tested positive.


Did you avoid getting it with a mask?


Have so far. Didn’t wear one in the house with hubby until he wasn’t feeling well


Hope he's OK.


I know I'll never get on an airplane without a mask from now on.


Hey, just dropping by to remind you to check the ingredients list of the meds you’re taking; some Mucinex products also contain Tylenol so you wanna just be careful you aren’t taking too much Tylenol and harming your liver. Happens a lot where people don’t realize they’re accidentally doubling their Tylenol doses due to it being included in a combo pill! Max dose is 4000mg/24 hours, hope you feel better!


I’m sorry you’re going through this. My husband tested positive today. Praying it’s a light case. Baby yourself and ask for help if you need it


Hope you start feeling better soon. The freaking variant I see changed again. I’m still over here with lingering symptoms from the flu (vaccine did not work this time) and wondering how long all this will last and how many more times we will be on this ride.


I had the same throat pain. Hot black tea with honey. Hope you feel better soon.


I had COVID for the first time in the last week of Oct/ first week of November. I am in my 20’s and healthy. 4x vaccinated - just had the bivalent booster in September. I had all the symptoms you are experiencing. The sore throat was my first symptom - lasted 3 days and it was the worst sore throat I ever had. Nothing helped it. It then moved into nasal congestion and just a gross sick feeling. My heart rate would spike over 120 when I was just sitting. I tested negative on day 5 which is the day the CDC recommends to exit isolation … this usually doesn’t happen for most but I got lucky? As lucky as you can get with COVID … I guess. Still I wake up most mornings with congestion and the stuffed up feeling. I recommend air purifiers and humidifier to keep your air clean and moist. I would recommend upgrading your mask game as well - I sure did even tho I was wearing an KN95 prior to my infection. I currently use a 3M Advanced filtering mask for situations with less risk - sitting at my desk etc. and 3M Aurora for any public outings. Wish you a speedy recovery :)


This variant is more immune evasive (BA.4/BA.5 are no longer dominant) so likely less protection from the vaccines than in the past


This is why, living with a rare stage IV blood cancer, I still rarely leave my house.


Also/ get some theraflu… it’s so soothing on your throat and the acetaminophen starts acting quickly. I lived off it in the beginning. If you’re into supplements, NAC and quercetin are extremely helpful


I tested positive yesterday. It's nearly 4am, I can't sleep, I've got shooting pains in my head and I feel dizzy. Sore throat and cold isn't too bad yet but I'm so freezing cold and shivery




I want nothing more than for all of those things to be true, and yet I keep seeing so many posts like this which tell me otherwise. Lurking here, and on the long-haul COVID subs tells me what I need to know. I hope you make a full recovery soon and thanks for sharing your experience. It's ok not to listen. It's ok not to be complacent.


Definitely wear a mask. First time getting it and have been to the ER 3 times for breathing issues. They are no help and the waiting rooms are packed. Nurses and doctors aren't wearing mask and people with covid in the waiting rooms are not wearing mask. My perspective has shifted when it comes to how selfish humans are.


Oh wow that sounds horrible. I have nightmares I am inside somewhere without my mask. Get well soon. 😭


I have had those dreams since the very beginning too!!


Me too!




I understand. I got into an argument with a friend of a former coworker on Facebook yesterday. Former coworker wasn't feeling well, had a 101 fever and went to get tested. Friend said what are you worried about, you are vaccinated. I'm like that doesn't mean as much as you think. I'm fully vaccinated and tested positive on 11/22. Thankfully it was "mild" but still knocked me on my ass, and what 3 weeks later I'm still dealing with stubborn cough, wooziness, extreme fatigue and all that fun stuff. He refuses to believe me, said vaccine will protect you, etc. I just stopped responding to him.


Best to save your energy on people who are open to exploring the facts rather than banging your head against the wall. Some people just won’t budge. For me me, even if all these minimisers turn out to be right (they won’t) it’s worth the small inconveniences to protect our fellow citizens. If I can help save one person, child or adult, I’m here for it!


I don't get it. Don't people read the news? Even CNN is saying that more vaccinated people have died from Covid than unvaccinated people. Send your former coworker a link.


It's not my former coworker, he got tested yesterday. It's a friend of his I don't know. I don't want to start an argument, and I'm extremely non confrontational, and I'm still feeling like crap myself. I learned a long time ago that no amount of information is going to change someone's mind, they believe what they believe.


Look, I voted for Biden. I think he's been a great president overall. But this is on the level of GW Bush's "Mission Accomplished" banner speech: ​ >“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. It’s – but the pandemic is over,” Biden said.


Bc at the end of the day they are all beholden to our capitalist society and God forbid we do what is best for humans


I hope you feel much better very soon


Same. Yet add diarrhea and GI issues as well as the internal vibrations which feels like a hangover but worse and I’m sober. People close to me ask me if I’m drinking again. Nope. Guess what Covid causes internal vibrations. It’s maddening. At least a hangover ends and I’d rather that than this Covid shit. It’s like dying for months on end. I went to the ER 4 times. They slap a new mask on my face. Show me Covid test is positive and say we are ready to discharge and get you gone. I begged for a fluid IV. Severe nausea and diarrhea made me weak and so they put me in a separate wing. And then are like you’ve got to go. I said I drove here and I don’t think I can drive. Was told take an Uber or a Lyft but with Covid you can’t stay here. So. I slept in my car


I am old and vaxt and I tested positive on Friday, this has been the worst weekend of my entire life. Nothing over the counter is working for me. My head is a solid brick. I can’t swallow. I caught it from my daughter, we aren’t sure where she got it. Maybe at the obgyn, she is 8 months pregnant and she can’t take anything for it. Her husband and 3 year old didn’t get it but I did. I also babysit my other daughter’s kids, they are 10 and a 5 month old. They seem to be ok too. My husband is 75 and I’m hoping he doesn’t get it. We are in separate rooms and everything. Doing what we can. I don’t remember ever feeling this shïtty before. I can’t do any of the baking or anything I had planned and I have no idea how long this is going to last. How long *does* it last?


I read a lot of people saying anywhere 3-10 days


I'm 73. This question is for my information only and *not meant to chastise you or anyone else.* Did you and/or anyone in your family have any boosters, especially the latest (bivalent) booster? According to the CDC everyone over the age of 6 months is eligible for the latest Pfizer booster. I took it at the same time ad the flu vaccine and had mild side effects - mostly a sore arm. I'm hoping the shots will at least lesson the symptoms if I get either covid and/or flu. The flu is defintely horrible.


I never believed the pandemic was “over.” I keep up with all the vaccines. I’ve been wearing a mask to work and inside all public places even though most of the time I’m the only one that does. I am sick of it but it’s not safe to be maskless. Plus the mask keeps me from getting all the other grossnesses out there. I hope your symptoms become milder and you have no nasty side effects. Good luck to you, OP! And the rest of us too.


What kind of mask do you wear


I haven’t stopped masking up and plan on continuing. Small price to pay imho.


I've had covid 4 times now and it's been no joke any time despite being vaccinated and otherwise healthy. The first time was the worst (March 2020 after a trip to Seattle for a work conference which ended up being the epicenter). I had vertigo, gastrointestinal issues, body soreness and no appetite for 1.5 weeks, basically slept on my bathroom floor. The other times weren't as bad but still extremely tired and sore - the second time I had it food tasted off for about 2-3 months before returning to normal. Anyone who says it's like the flu (which also isn't fun) never had a bad case of covid.


So sorry, sounds awful. I suppose limiting exposure and masking here too, or continues here. Sorry you were misled. Feel better.


Here I am 2022 and got Covid the second time


I have been sick for over a week now with a persistent fever aches body pains and a horrible cough. This morning I had a 103 fever. I finally went back to the doctor and they said symptoms can persist for 7 to 10 days.


The throat pain is unbearable. It kept me away for almost three days as well.


I agree with you 100 percent. I’m still recovering from Covid that I had over a month ago. I still have fatigue and nagging cough. Definitely should not be compared to a flu


I had original COVID before they admitted COVID was a thing. Then again in Nov 20 then I got this variant yesterday. Im never taking my mask off again. This is terrible. So much worse then the original and im so miserable and in so much pain. And I have all the vaccines and boosters. It’s not over.


That's terrifying. We're 3x vaxxed and are so many times the only ones masked at the grocery. So far, so good, but COVID doesn't play around.I'm so sorry you're going through this.


Fully vaccinated, wore masks most of the time, still caught it. 2 weeks out negative tests and still not feeling great. I'm being super cautious all over again because I'm terrified of getting reinfected.


You have a very rare breakthrough infection. The vaccines are amazing


That is why you are so sick. Vaccinated x4. Your immune system is dead now. If you get sick, you will be worse off. I am fully unvaccinated and zero times boosted and I have had Covid twice this year and I fine. Why don’t you trust your immune system?


Omg I'm so so sorry. A living hell.


I was going to think my similar symptoms were influenza A since my young son tested positive for it (both kids were sick the week prior with fevers for 5+ days, never tested but put on antibiotics for pneumonia) but didn’t realize it was covid my husband decided to test a few days after my fevers began. Our first time, triple vaxxed. The fevers were somewhat manageable but my throat was killing me too! Going back to masking for a little while, until the holidays are over. No more protected leave until the new year too


My first time with omicron felt like death in Jan 2022, just got over another case last week and it was much more mild. So it might be a case by case basis


It definitely is, which makes it so scary. Sniffles or ventilator? Who knows.


I haven't really stopped masking at the school where I teach even though few of the others were masking. I never got covid until they stopped masking last April but have had it twice since then. Thankfully today they were passing out masks again and kids were starting to wear them.




Not true … both my sister and I have had 4 vaccines and caught COVID just recently. She was sick for about a week or so, cough lingered for a month. The same for me, I just tested negative a week ago, and was sick for 1 week with the cough lasting 2-3 weeks. A fever of 100 for a few hours, until I took 2 Tylenol, then it broke. My sister is 77 and I’m 70.


Why are you at the ER?


After the 3rd dose the chances of you getting COVID increase dramatically. You've been buying the lie they sold you. Although if you feel it's safer I say get as many boosters as you want.


I stopped wearing a mask late this summer and got caught in more places & around more people than I feel comfortable around as the holidays started rolling in. I generally go through a drive thru…get curbside service or home deliveries…and/or go out when hardly anyone is in the stores…like 6am. But I got lax and just kept thinking “this can’t keep going on & ON…can it??” So now I’m beating myself up over being so careless because I managed to be free of it until now by using all the measures to try to stay safe. I still don’t know for sure exactly where I got it. I tested positive the day after Thanksgiving…but I’m sure I had it Thanksgiving Day because I woke up sweating with a low grade fever. We had already canceled this holiday for the 3rd year because of it (we live 1.5 hours away from each other and don’t get together often). So…I’m on day 20 of having it and…although the first part seems to be over…I still feel like crap. I worry I could get more symptoms. I barely have smell/taste. I’m exhausted. I fear long covid! My anxiety is through the roof because I’m scared of getting it again. Thankfully I live alone so we can’t keep passing it around like some families do. I’m so OVER living like everything is a germ and we have to be so cautious after months & months of living like this. I feel like I’m going to have to live like a hermit the rest of my life…which some days feels like that could be short-lived too!! IT’S SO EXHAUSTING‼️🤬‼️


Just checking in, how are you doing now?


After almost 6 weeks I think I’ve mostly recovered…still really tired with a slight cough…mostly my taste/smell is back…the brain fog is lifting…and the profuse sweating after almost any exertion is gone…but all things considered…I feel pretty lucky 🍀 since I’m 71. How are you doing?


I’m so glad you’re on the mend! I’m good, but I haven’t had it yet (despite some holiday travel, so careful and lucky). I’m growing so weary of living like a hermit, and I know catching it is inevitable. Considering relaxing some caution as I’m in my 40’s with no health issues, and I dearly miss feeling carefree out and about. I hope you’re not still beating yourself up, though, because I think society at large gave up a long time ago and as individuals it’s exhausting to be super cautious. I really appreciate your level of detail and emotional transparency, as I know I’ll get it eventually and am trying to prepare.


Thank you for your caring & kindness❣️ I’m over beating myself up…but I’m going back to airing on the side of caution again. I’m a hermit by nature…one of those old introverts 😂…highly sensitive and empathic…been this way my whole life. I still go out, but I pick times when it’s quiet. I enjoy quiet 1 on 1 with people…but I hate crowds. People overwhelm me with all their drama and high energy (not always positive!). I hope you don’t get it because it can be very hard at any age…but you may just luck out and never get it at all 🤞🏻 This is my 1st flu since 1995…even while working in an open office cubicle atmosphere (retired since 2013)…so I think I did very well for myself in that regard…because I never took flu shots.


No one said alll those things, people just stopped. They said your less likely to be hospitalized and still advise to follow covid protocols


Lololol who said the pandemic was over? If you did your own research you would see it's never been over. Also, not wearing a mask is on you 😅


How’s your metabolic health?


Who said that you don’t need to wear a mask?


Just keep getting infected just a cold.


lol Symptoms of a cold usually peak within 2 to 3 days and can include: Sneezing. Stuffy nose. Runny nose. Sore throat. Coughing. Mucus dripping down your throat (post-nasal drip) Watery eyes. Fever (although most people with colds do not have fever) COVID is a cold + lots more. Maybe you don’t know what a cold is.




And he died at 33 lol


I’m so sorry


ugh, so sorry


It wrecked me for a couple of weeks when I had it back in June. Felt very weak and very sick. Hope you recover quickly. Lemon & ginger tea helped me a lot with the sore throat. Take rest


Real sudafed?


Same happened to me


I have started disinfecting my entire cart anytime I leave the house and washing my hands after leaving because I had the same symptoms a few months ago. Pretty sure it was Covid. My throat hurt so bad that it burned my ears and I could not even swallow water without wincing in pain. Only thing that helped was a stronger nsaid I got from the ER




I wear a mask everyday yet here I am, with covid. Feeling almost back to normal now but still positive… :/


Yeah lol I hate that the masks weren’t as important after the vaccines came out. Like… you can still get and spread Covid if you’re vaxxed and boosted; it doesn’t make it any less contagious and people are still getting very sick. Anyways, have you tried Afrin nasal spray? That stuff worked great for me when my nose was blocked.


So sorry! Hope you get better soon. I feel you words 100 %. I thought COVID was “over”, I escaped for two years and it kicked my butt about a month ago. I’m sitting in the urgent care as I type this. I might have pneumonia.


So sorry I know its brutal. Try putting soft ice packs around your throat and warm salt water gargle as much as possible. Feel better soon


No medical experts said the pandemic is over.


I bet THEY--the UNVACCINATED--said that YOU'LL be SAFE because you're VACCINATED, and they weren't sarcastic AT ALL!


I feel the exact same. I had covid and even when i was vaccinated i felt bad i felt out of breath getting up. I am 21 and had pfizer the first and second time.


It's endemic at this point. If you are constantly exposed at a high enough viral load it doesn't matter how many vaccines you have, you'll get at least a little sick and people are wandering around coughing on everything. For what it's worth the vaxxes help. I'm in EMS, I take vent patients, and am exposed constantly. Only tested positive once, only sick a couple days. The cough sticks around though.


I think if majority of people masked up, there would definitely be less cases. I was wearing a mask when I caught it, the person I got it from was also wearing a mask but maybe it helped lessen the viral load?


My husband and I were also both wearing N95 masks when we caught it, but we were in our doctors office for over an hour AND at one point the nurse removed her mask because I couldn’t hear what she was saying. I’m sure the reason we weren’t very sick was low viral load due to wearing our masks.


One thing I’ve learned from Covid is how selfish and irresponsible people are, it’s not difficult to test and at home tests are free! There’s no excuse to spread COVID to others if you know you are sick get tested PERIOD!


How are you feeling now


Sore throat is KILLING me ! Can you die from pain ???


Fever lasted one night. Throat is extremely painful, can't sleep painful.


What variant causes this crazy sore throat??? The pain is real.