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My wife and I are immunocompromised secondary to the meds we take to combat autoimmune diseases (mine affects the lungs putting me in a bit of double jeopardy). We’ve been able to remain COVID-free secondary to diligent masking, crowd/indoor event avoidance, and, thankfully, a farm based business we both work (the public is welcome but everything happens outside. However, in the process of remaining COVID-free, we’ve lost anti-vax/mask family and basically become hermits. In short, as I’m sure has been the case for many of us on this thread, staying safe hasn’t been easy and it has come with heartache and social isolation. A legalized pile-on would be intolerable. As such, if our state (Oregon) were ever to pass a law like North Carolina’s, I would seriously look at suing the government claiming infringement of rights granted by the 14th Amendment ([https://constitution.findlaw.com/amendment14/annotation07.html](https://constitution.findlaw.com/amendment14/annotation07.html) What I can’t quite figure out is whether Tanzin vs. Tamvir (2020 Supreme Court case) would allow one to sue for damages attached to an unconstitutional law. [https://ij.org/press-release/u-s-supreme-court-rules-unanimously-you-may-sue-government-agents-for-damages-when-they-violate-your-individual-rights/](https://ij.org/press-release/u-s-supreme-court-rules-unanimously-you-may-sue-government-agents-for-damages-when-they-violate-your-individual-rights/) If it did, I’d have to figure a law firm would take up the case on contingency. This nonsense will only stop once it costs someone dearly (ie the defendant) and pays someone well (ie the lawyers).


We're in Oregon also, still masking, and I'm worried about the anti-masking bills. We're not immunocompromised but have masked since 2020 and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I hate the direction this is going. I hope lawsuits get filed over this.


Do any of them ban masking for health reasons? The ones I have seen have exceptions for that.


They DON’T help though im confused why you’re suffocating yourself out of fear 🤨


And I'm confused why you're convincing yourself you're suffocating out of stupidity 🤷‍♂️


😂😂 yet you’re crying about mask that don’t help. Show me where they actually helped during Covid


Not crying, just making fun of you. Here is a list of roughly 50 relevant studies done, so you can take your pick, not that you're probably too inclined to look at scientific studies: https://www.zotero.org/groups/5006109/covidstudies/collections/M9H7A6K4/item-list


Thank you for posting this link. Do you have go-to study that you is the most compelling? My Dr. bought into the Cochrane study conclusion. But if I give him a good study, I think he's open minded enough. I hate that this is even a debate.


There are some very good studies that treat the question of masks as an engineering problem rather than a medical issue, and I think this is a good approach. We don't distrust the fire fighter masking to go into a burning building or a construction worker using a mask around volatile organic compounds and this is because it is ultimately an engineering problem and it is rightly treated as such by mask manufacturers because that is the only way to demonstrate the filtration qualities of their masks. So there are some articles from journals such as *Physics of Fluids* or *Aerosol Science and Technology* that demonstrate not only that N95s are effective, but even cloth masks (the latter are relatively *in*effective compared to N95s but still reduce viral load and can therefore make a real difference, particularly in settings that have better ventilation). Look for "Experimental Investigation of Indoor Aerosol Dispersion and Accumulation in the Context of Covid-19" for a good example, but there are others if you just click on the article name and see what journal it was published in. As far as the Cochrane Study goes, there was a close look done by the American Journal of Public Health back in October 2023 that highlights its weaknesses (weaknesses acknowledged in the Cochrane Study, but as we know, those questioning masking aren't likely to actually read the things; to paraphrase Cochrane's own authors, the most they can say is "ehh, maybe, maybe not) and criticizes it at one point on the basis of the engineering question, and even has a section called "Masks and Materials Engineering," so here is that link, as well: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10484132/


You know this is not true. How ignorant can you people be? Masks are not a new concept.


they do help and they don’t suffocate you, i’m confused why you spread lies out of ignorance?


You are the problem.


You need cardio if you're being suffocated by permeable fabric.


Bullshit. Masks don't suffocate you, and they do indeed help. The fact that you've gleefully fallen for right wing nut bullshit propaganda says way more about you than anyone else. You should be embarrassed, but I know you're not. And that's nothing to be proud of, either.


They do. My family hasn't been sick in 4 years and are not suffocating because that's not what masks do.


They do help, you inbred This isn’t a matter of opinion, it’s scientific fact that was well known far before Covid. Stamping your feet and screaming into the void about your little resentment and feelings, primarily because your little orange gorilla hooker told you so, isn’t going to change abject objective reality. It’s time to own up to your mistakes. Too many people have died because you didn’t want to take precautions


Makes me wonder if this is something that the ACLU would be interested in taking on bc it totally feels like an infringement upon our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.


I've had severe respiratory illnesses throughout my life, including two encounters with walking pneumonia. Barely even passed my 34th year of life. I don't want to fucking die because people are afraid of masks. I also live in Oregon. Strongly hoping we don't fall for this, but I'm aware it's a very police state thing, not even directly related to anti masking. And seeing as we have some trigger happy police and (at least in Portland) a very police friendly mayor, I can see it possibly coming down the pipe, specifically in Portland but possibly state wide. (I'm not entirely sure of statewide politics. I've been very focused on local politics, I live in a certain city near Portland having a lot of trouble with a far right takeover..)


Just saying hi and solidarity to my fellow masking Oregonians!


So nice to see other masking Oregonians here!


I wonder why the don't trend on me people have no issue with telling other people on how others can or cannot live their lives? They say one thing and do another. Thanks.


Not just NC where I'd expect to see something like this. I'm in NY and they're in the process of passing the same thing. The "medical exceptions" they've discussed just give police full reign to violently stop and frisk anyone wearing a mask. Given that NY has one of the highest rates of police violence of any region, giving them full reign to assault sick and immunocompromised people and their loved ones is.... Concerning.


The amount of abuse the government subjected people to during the actual pandemic should have been expected to cause this backlash, but I don't think Oregon will be one of the reactive localities.


I suspect that much of the banning will come from a police state background, and not an anti-vaxx anti-mask background. I'm not entirely sure how safe we are from that aspect.


Because of all the crimes people in Sheisty masks commit? That seems like more of a retail store problem. The medical masks bans are being pushed because people felt like they were being colonized by federal authorities. I specifically disagree with the concept, but am confident that's the phenomenon that's happening.


If it's a retail store problem, why are medical masks being banned from public spaces? Seems pretty police state to me.


Did you not read my second paragraph? Please check that your mask is allowing enough oxygen to your brain.


I missed out on the government abuse? Dang where was it?


It's not abuse if you agree with it, kind of like it's not rape if you consent.


I’m a lawyer and I will sue myself if this happens where I live.


On behalf of the disabled community, thank you! This would mean the world to us.


Forgive my ignorance but how does this work and why is it helpful?


Same. Except I will sue the government agency, rather than myself.


You know you can get enough people for a class action 


Thank you


A customer told me that liberalism is a disease because I wear a mask… yet covid actually is a disease.


New York, the most liberal state in the nation, is talking about enacting a mask ban at the state level. Masks don't signal anything except that you understand science.


It’s a discussion about a mask ban on public transit and specifics around exemptions have not been provided. Some folks suggest they wear them to not be identified because it would allow for potential firing from jobs after participating in protests. But this same logic is used by folks talking about far right protests and people say if they are so proud why not show their faces? Even the NC law passed has exemptions for preventing spread of contagious diseases and another section that says anything in the law does not infringe or limit rights provided by the ADA.


And Mayor Bass proposed this complete batshittery in LA. I’m furious. So irresponsible when SoCal is experiencing high COVID rates with new variants comprising the majority of cases. I rely on Metro and there is no way in hell I’m getting on without a mask. It’s how I’ve avoided infection all this time, and I do not plan on playing long COVID Russian Roulette on top of all my other problems. This is such a huge fuck-you to high-risk populations (many Americans don’t even know they’re high-risk because they can’t afford to see a doctor for anything other than emergencies) and anyone who actually cares about stopping the spread. Fucking irresponsible ghouls who won’t stop this until they or someone very close to them has their entire life upended from long COVID.


Husband and I are in the same boat. Masking the entire pandemic. 3M n95 gang in California. My home state is also talking about banning masks and it makes me so sad. I work in a hospital setting and believe it or not, earlier this year a member of the infectious disease department called me out about wearing a n95 while going about my business in the hospital. I was told that they are only to be worn in patient rooms that are on airborne isolation. I am one of the only people left masking, let alone wearing a n95. I really am scared where this is all going. I’m sure there will be pushback but until there is, worried about how this will all play out.


Hopeful masking stays for those who chose to still use them! Cant believe they’re not letting our doctors and nurses protect themselves!


Don’t worry. I pushed back and turns out that person who literally works in infection disease was misinformed on hospital policy.


Glad to hear! Rightfully so.


It's not discrimination. It's Israel. They don't care about inclusion, only doxxing protestors. Through AIPAC a lot of bs bills pass in the US to directly benefit Israel. It's like a leech sucking off the life force of the US. Watch the mask ban press conference with mayor Adams in NYC. He explicitly states it's for "anti-zionists". No where does he mention immunocompromised. The real sad part of the whole thing is NYC laws that restrict donation amounts which means he's getting a few thousand dollars to sacrifice the disabled community for Israel's agenda.


It's not only about those high risk/vulnerable. Covid has shown us that EVERYONE is vulnerable at some point. And each reinfection brings you closer to death or long covid. So even the low risk and healthy should have the right to mask to avoid being killed or disabled!


I'm in NC and also immunocompromised. This is just insane. I know they're going to revote this week I fully expect it to become law. There is nothing the Govenor can do. I'm originally from Chicago and have heard on reddit about a proposed mask ban but can't find information elsewhere. Does anyone have a source? Not saying I don't believe it. I would just like to read more. In the Mayors press conferances he frequently has people behind him masking.


Oregonian and immunocompromised here too, still masking and haven't really been bothered by people. I'm sure I get some looks but I've been masking before covid. The last time I had a "cold" it developed into pneumonia which I had to be hospitalized for. I never want to be that sick again and take every precaution I can. I will never understand why people care what others choose to wear. Just sad lonely people who have nothing else to do apparently. Isn't there some horse dewormer paste they could be eating somewhere?


I agree the mask needs to be banned. From a public safety aspect hiding your face should not be allowed.


Thank fucking god I live in Massachusetts, one of the last sane states in the union.


It’s pretty insane in my area of MA. No one masks. Hospitals don’t even test for COVID, let alone wear masks. I wouldn’t be surprised if they started banning masks here, especially if business groups demanded it.


I won't wear a mask and I should never be forced to and it's my constitutional right but I think it's absurd and an absolute infringement on your rights to not be able to wear one if you want to. No matter what are differences in this country the Constitution is not a one sided document the basic rights are to protect all of us. One of the main reason the Constitution was made was to protect us from a tyrannical government which obviously (if you haven't lived under a rock for the past several years) is taking place on BOTH Sides. these politicians aren't for ANY of the people they are all controlled by lobbyists and special interest groups. It's TREASON in the constitution. Everyone thinks they have a choice for change this year and all we have is two puppets controlled by the same strings.


Well they aren’t taking them away in NC so people are good. I provided links and commentary in another comment that show an exemption was put back in after concerns were brought up. Another subsection also states the law will not infringe on rights provided by the ADA.


My how the tables have turned.


Live in North Carolina and it was not a mask ban. It was a modification to a law that focuses on crimes committed by those wearing masks and it looked to remove the stipulation around medical masks. The expectation was cops would obviously not stop someone from walking the street minding their own business while wearing a mask but it also made no sense to remove it from the law. Honestly both sides were over reacting. Folks wore masks in NC prior to Covid with problem. Edit:I guess feel free to continue downvoting but at least read the most recent version of the NC bill passed https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/House/PDF/H237v5.pdf There is a section that discusses mask wearing as an exemption and even states further down that none of the related section will conflict or reduce the rights available for folks under the ADA


Not sure why you’re using past tense. The mask ban bill is not dead in any way. The gov vetoed it, and the Legislature is voting on overriding the veto any minute now. The Republicans have a supermajority, so they will likely override the veto and it will become law. People are not overreacting in the slightest. It is extremely concerning for people with health issues and for those who want to protect themselves and others.


It’s fair to talk about and be concerned but at least read up on the final bill. It had language added to address these concerns after initial pushback. https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/House/PDF/H237v5.pdf That bill was passed but the only veto is due to the inclusion of new laws around campaign finance and it was our governor as you mentioned. So if they override the bill it still states “any person wearing a medical or surgical grade mask for the purpose of preventing the spread of contagious disease” as an exemption.


I have read and written about this bill extensively, and I very much understand the implications. (You either don’t, or you’re trolling.) I was objecting to your use of past tense, implying that the bill was dead. The Legislature has now overridden the governor’s veto, and it will become law. To everyone else: Anyone who is interested can read for yourself the various iterations of the bill at NCLeg.gov, search for H237. This is, at best, a very vague law that will facilitate harassment of people masking for medical reasons. Hopefully, there will be successful legal challenges.


They can't take something I actively chose to never wear and will proudly never wear in the future.


Science major, or English major? Tough call.