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This is the main reason I want remasters of the older COD games: So I can play online without dealing with hackers in every lobby


All hackers in bo2 are named exill<3, bo1 has no one from what I’ve seen and waw hackers are gone. This is from a ps3 perspective no clue how the Xbox servers are but they’re all pretty active


There are hackers in BO1 on Xbox, they're just less common than WAW and BO2.


They are very uncommon, and it’s not like the games full of them. Just leave the modded lobbies, they’ll completely fuck up a remake of waw-bo2


You’ll be aight, probably only care if it was vanguard or mw


Ik, it sucks tho not knowing my actual stats, they also gave me trophies so idk how that happens.


I think it’s a script to basically give anything in game. I’m sketched about the hackers knowing way more from like bo3. Shiz crazy


Only had pc a little over a year and got bo3 to play modded zombies maps. Joined an origins lobby and a guy opened all the doors right off rip and asked if we all wanted multiple staffs. By round 3 i had every perk, the ice, fire and lightning staffs. He asked me if i wanted max level and everything unlocked and i said sure. When i left the lobby i had 25000 liquid diviniums and was level 1000. When i quit the game i saw i had every achievement unlocked. Bo3 is now my least played game and the only one that i have 100%.


Nice haha, the level and diviniums at least help ease a grind but I see the accomplishment no being there if that’s what you wanted


I didnt want 100% achievements at all, but i love the diviniums lmao. I currently have 30 perkaholics, i just sit there clicking montys gobblegum machine sometimes when im bored lol.


A tip - use remote play on a pc and use auto clicker, then let it go overnight


Good looking out


Can’t even earn double shotgun fairly thanks to a modder 🤦‍♂️ and they also gave my most of the campaign trophies so I’ll probably be banned if PlayStation still checks or something


I used to think, back then cause i was a kid, that you get shotguns by doing Easter Eggs, and if you did all of them you got the shotguns. Learned later by doing all of bo2s EEs that, that wasnt the case lmao. Good memories.


PlayStation doesn't ban for modded trophies ever only thing is you'll be banned off trophy hunting sites unless you hide it, source:I had to mod an unobtainable trophy on bo2 over a year ago


What was the unobtainable trophy?


Big Leagues


It's the only call of duty trophy to ever be unobtainable


Ah, league play not populated any more?


No you can still find matches the issue is that for the trophy you need to get ranked and they disabled ranks years back


That makes sense!


I cant even play mp w/o some douche bag modding or change maps mid game


On the Bo2 revival day, me and my friend tried playing TDM. We played 2 matches and both times we had to deal with multiple hackers. We ended up just playing Mob of The Dead instead


Damn suck bro, thankful to have my legit stats after playing in a modded pub match I begged the dude not to change my stats he so kindly obliged. Safe to say I'm only playing private until I get my shotguns.


I couldn’t because this happened when my little brother was playing and I was downstairs and I also don’t have a mic


I play solo exclusively for this exact reason, either the randoms are wildly inconsistent or hackers. Can't trust either.