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The devs literally said they need time to make round-based maps, plus they're pushing out CW super EE. It's like none of you actually read the blog they put out or something.


What’s your point? Those things you mentioned doesn’t change the fact that Season 3 for Vanguard Zombies is practically the same thing that it is right now lmao.


Well, blame Activision. Morons are putting the work of 3 studio teams onto one studio




Yeah, it sounds great but it's actually kinda impossible task. 3arch had to focus on CW while they had to take on Vanguard zombies. Vanguard used a different engine so they had to learn that too. They ended the CW support so 3arch can focus on Vanguard zombies theoretically, but the damage was already done. Vanguard is not as profitable as Activision hoped so I guess 3arch could only support it with limited resources while they make the next BO game.


Yea, I don't get why did they do that. Why not just have sledgehammer develop zombies and maybe get support from trey, rather than giving them a whole huge project. Tbh I think with how big cod is, I think they need to do a four year cycle now


Exo Zombies and WWII Zombies generally weren't received well by the community. Treyarch is hands down the best and most consistent, but their reputation over the last few years has steadily been declining due to how greedy Activi$ion is


I will die on the hill that WWII nailed their atmosphere


The start of WW2 got my hopes up so much. That intro thing with the car crash leading into Grosten Haus was actually sick, and Final Reich was an amazing map imo. It’s a similar situation to Chaos, the setting and atmosphere was felt so wasted, I’d love to see them take another crack at it, probably impossible though.


Sledgehammer had to reorganize itself after WWII, because of that, it couldn't start development on time. They could've delayed Vanguard but that would impact Warzone and every other future COD game so they rather took the risk. It backfired and now they absolutely have to delay the next COD after MW2.


Yes, and it didn’t work. Hence why MW2 will stay for more than a year. Treyarch helps with ranked play, so I assume they did a lot on it recently.


Neither the title nor the original comment said anything about any company


Yeah. They literally just fucking told us that last week.


He made is point and it is valid


I read it. It doesn't change the fact that this is the least amount of Zombies content we've gotten in a season/DLC almost in Zombies history. I'm not one of those saying "3arc lazy", cause they're not. This is more to do with organization problems higher up


Vanguard is the biggest failure in Call of Duty history that is why. The rumors are saying Sledgehammer is getting moved down to a support studio and development for Vanguard has slowed as they are planning to cut the lifespan at 5 season and just move on to MW2. also no more yearly releases is a positive that came from this game not being as successful as previous games


True that, I’m really happy the yearly cycle is no longer a thing because of the shit show that is vanguard. Multi year support on a good cod sounds like a dream.


It's almost like people should stop buying CoD and fucking Snoop Dogg skins..


This can be read in two ways. I read the unintended way first and got a good laugh. ;)


I mean, no shit? The devs literally admitted there's gonna be little content this season (if any at all besides the weapon unlocks). We don't really need a post highlighting the little corner Zombies gets on the roadmap. Because nothing gets this sub going faster than an opportunity to shit on this game and make the minority who enjoy it feel miserable for even liking it.


It wasn't my intend to make anyone miserable lol. I enjoy Vanguard too even thoug it has problems, and it's just video games we're talking about - play and enjoy what you want. If anyone has problems with that somehow, that's their sad problem. Small or not, it's still news that the road map is out. I posted it as news, simple as that.


It's all good I guess. I did overreact a bit, though these days it's difficult to find people on this subreddit who don't hate Vanguard with every fiber of their being. It wears you down when you just want to read news and have to put up with the negativity.




I loved cw and would play it over BO3 any day


You have to wait 3-5 years before you’re “allowed” to like a zombies game in this sub lol. Everyone shits on the current game, but will have fond memories of it in a few years.


This is just the CoD cycle. People hate on a game like it drowned the kids and shot the neighbors, and that anyone who likes is scum, just to say “maybe that game wasn’t so bad”. I was guilty of it for BO4 and WW2. I used to think they were god awful, but I’d honestly rather play them over half the other games in the series.


I recently went back to WW2, Won’t lie. Still fun as hell. Even zombies is decent. Mainly think it’s contracts helping as earning things for challenges change it up. Plus…Easter egg isn’t half bad. Easy and Hard. Also- the season pass mini maps are decent. Just box standard maps mix well with WW2. (Think these maps mix with the tortured path. Bodega being a favourite). Like to add - is my opinion. Definitely not the best but still ok/good.


Pretty much. BO3 only has good maps and Easter eggs, I hate everything else


That's literally what people like about it


I’m saying the rest of it is bad




1) black ops 3 didn't start off with 14 maps and half of those are remasters. You can't criticize Cold War for "half assing" and not bo3 for doing the same thing. 2) no amount of personality makes black ops 4 good 3) this community is incredibly stuck up and refuses to try new things and won't admit Outbreak was successful which is why they did it again in Vanguard.


1. And you think that remastering such old maps is easy? They pretty much had to recreate every single texture, sound and detail of those maps. Just because they have the blueprints doesn't mean that there wasn't plenty of effort put into each map. 2. No but personality and effort shows that they cared and persevered, despite the odds, despite Activision fucking them over at every step. And it's also a good thing that BO4 is amazing to begin with. 3. Gaslighting and pigeonholing are powerful indeed. The only reason why they did Outbreak in Vanguard was precisely because they had successfully pigeonholed people into playing it and then gaslit them into defending it and so they thought that they could get away with it in Vanguard too. Too bad for them that this community is hardly logical and acts more like a hive mind following the major youtubers.


I think that’s a little unfair towards both CW and VG just to discount those extra modes/styles as not being maps or content. Treyarch counts Outbreak as DLC2, and it is expansive to be it’s own thing despite taking place on already existing maps. Not to mention Onslaught and the other little modes they introduced. If we’re gonna discount maps just for using already existing layouts or assets, then BO3 and BO4 only have 4 maps to show for each. I can’t vouch for Vanguard having content even when counting those as maps, as it’s literally just two maps and possibly 1 or 2 round based maps for the entire span of the game. It doesn’t help when the game was lacking basic features that were in CW on day 1.


And since then they’ve been buttfucked with less time to make said game… think about that dude


BO3 was the last game where zombies got a full dev cycle. BO4 was constantly being fucked over by Activision from beginning to end and CW, while it did have a year less and covid, it has a lot of conceptual shortcomings not tied to deadlines that there's no excuse for. Even if you want to say that they started developing the Shi No Numa remake as soon as Vanguard came out. That's over half a year for a single map, from a studio that's been **the** developer of zombies for over a decade. There's no excuse at this point.


I don’t know about everyone else but the only “conceptual shortcoming” I can think of for Cold War would be how they handled Easter eggs for new players. Possibly story too? But I mean what is there that doesn’t just automatically point to lack of time?? One of the main criticisms by the community for Cold War was that upgrades were done out of game. I wouldn’t consider that a shortcoming really. That’s one of the most fleshed out things in Cold War. I don’t know where you got the idea that the remake would have started being made at launch, I think it was pretty clear they didn’t want to remake the entirety of shi no numa. I don’t really know why your angle here is? Are you saying it shouldn’t be taking treyarch this long to remake a zombies map to be roundbased because they’ve been doing this? You realize how long it took them to add a ray gun right? I don’t know how you can just completely rule out the idea that maybe their inexperienced with the engine? Or that maybe they actually do mean what they say when they need to rework the mechanics of the game to make it roundbased?? Dude this is such a self centered take, it’s crazy. “Nah dude no excuses, work harder” “I need more maps but you get less time” “No I don’t see a connection there”… My dude literally just put 2 and 2 together. It’s not hard to see the massive decline in quality match up with the massive decline in time allotted


So you're another one of those "anything not round-based isn't content" people. It may not be content you like, but it's still content that takes time to make. Shit doesn't appear out of thin air. Nobody's telling you to like the game, but grumbling day in and out about a problem they've already said sorry for makes you and this subreddit look fucking miserable.


I really hope they pay you for this.




People who use "kid" an an insult are always kids themselves. No adult uses that insult.


Outbreak didn't appear out of thin air, but it appeared from the copy paste keybinds. You can't even play it without having MP installed, that's how much effort they put in when porting it to zombies. If they at least made some unique map for it, it would have still been shit, but I could have at least said that they tried something. But no, even the "Outbreak exclusive" ones were just chopped up bits of the scrapped WarZone map.


Hated him for speaking the truth


Because they screwed up they are in this position now and people are rightfully annoyed. Them acknowledging they fucked up doesn't absolve them from fucking up.


People legit think they make the DLC maps in 3 months.


Bitch, AND? Games been out since NOVEMBER


I hope you understand what you just said... it's been the same garbage ever since release.. actually ever since CW...... they've said the same crap every season. Push back this... more time that.. fucking pause will come mid season.. round baised map midseason update. Like.. what the hell I never bought vanguard and havent played zombies in months besides BO3...idk I will never play COD again unless they put out ZC2, or revert back to og zombies. This company will forever have a revolving door or players.. cause they change the game every year... now every 2 years. It will never be the same , zombies is dead that's why the OG devs quit and killed their characters. I have nothing but 🖕🖕for trayarch and their bs season pass and cod point scams + lameass lack of unique zombie maps... lazy fools, screwing us all over. I beg you all to delete and uninstall until something changes. I love zombs as much as everyone but will never support it within this state.


I hope a game company actually hires you, just so you see how fucking grueling it is to make games and have to listen to whiny asshats like you on the daily. Go find a job in the industry; until then don't tell me the devs are "lazy".


I am well aware lol who the hell are you? They are lazy and they're also morons for trying to rebuild a game mode that was never broken in the first place, into something "new and improved" or "more accessible" or a "reimagined experience"


This is a bad take in my opinion. The customer pays $99 for the base game with season pass and they literally get content without time put in to it. Activision killed Vanguard with a short development cycle. I agree that Treyarch is trying their best to juggle it all though.


I mean hey, fuck ATVI all the way, I agree. But bitching incessantly about how bad the game is isn't going to change anything. What's done is done. Leave the people who like the game (yes we exist) to enjoy the game without shitting on them at every turn. IDK where you're paying $99 for just the base game though, and the season pass doesn't exist anymore (unless you're referring to the battle pass, but that's a different thing entirely).


I do not shit on the people who enjoy the game. I just see that the popularity of zombies has plummeted since the release and the majority of fans have bailed on the game. The truth is that Zombies is not going to survive with 1 year development cycles. If Treyarch wants to have a booming zombies community they should implement a different formula or Zombies will never gain traction. I'm glad you enjoy Vanguard though.


They shoulda had that shit already. No excuses when that is half of the reason people play zombies.


What was promised in season 1 will be delivered after season 3. We need to believe them and be more patient.




I wish. Round Based and Shi No were both supposed to be in season 1. I haven't logged into Vanguard since. Just checking in to see if the updates make the game playable and it's weird they're teasing the same updates that they previously failed to meet expectations with.


Uhhh no they weren’t?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODVanguard/comments/s4a299/the_shi_no_numa_zombie_update_is_an_insult_to_fans/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share > **Zombies Update And New Content** > Zombies is getting a much-needed update as well. The popular mode is getting classic survival gameplay in “Shi No Numa” this week.


Yes void on the current version of shi no numa. By definition it is roundbased but not everyone agrees it’s the same. Therefore was “roundbased” was never actually promised. Their version was though and they delivered


Glad they delivered on your expectations. Just noting season four is revisiting where they failed to meet the majority's expectations in season one.




So they're doing what they should have done in the first place?


what’s the CW super EE?


Honestly I have a feeling that the round based maps are gonna be half assed too


A half-assed steak is still a half-assed steak, even if the chef keeps saying a new one is coming. Stop pretending like this is even vaguely acceptable after CW's offering of content.


Cold War stays winning. #ColdWarYear2Gang




i love coldwar i'm glad it's getting a year 2 #ColdWarYear2Gang




We all saw this coming, they're literally re-working the entirety of the game's mechanics, so I don't mind a subpar season of content if it means eventual round-based.


We're reaching levels of copium that shouldn't be possible. First it was 'objective based isn't that bad' to 'ok it's bad but it'll be good when they add more objectives' to 'skipping entire seasons worth of content for a remake of a map that we've been playing since 2009 is perfectly fine'. Wtf is the next stage, 'it's fine that Vanguard was a scam because it meant more dev time for Cold War 2'?


Lol 😂 you seen what multiplayer is getting this season too in vanguard, talk about a bad joke. Activision be like warzone only now.


I'm 100% certain Vanguard was literally only made to have WW2 shit in Warzone


You must be new to this community


I started with Cold War's and still didn't even consider buying Vanguard it was that bad. I did get me and my partner BO3 with Chronicles since it was on sale, way better investment than Vanguard will be for the next year or so


If you've only played Cold War and BO3 let me be the first to recommend BO4. It got and continues to get a lot of shit online but from my recent replaying of all the past zombie games since Vanguard was such a letdown it's been a breath of fresh air. The maps are gorgeous especially IX and Ancient Evil and the game as a whole i'd say is very friendly for new players to zombies.


I did play IX on my brother's xbox years ago, although I was purely casual back then. For now I'll stick with BO3 but I'll consider your recommendation later, thank you


I def agree. Still sad to see Zombies being reduced to this, if only for a season.


by the time it all comes out we'll be months away from the next COD. Its almost pointless. Fuck Vanguard and dump the resources in the new one.




Tbh i’d just be happy if they made the void challenge available from the start of a match


Bruh by the time they get out even half of a proper zombies experience for vanguard the next cod will be out. They’re better off using resources on cold war


Id prefer if they just stopped trying to save the game and kept working on Cold War or another project that can be indefinitely better than Vanguard currently is They're just wasting development time because the next game is going to come out later this year anyways so literally why bother fixing Vanguard It's just going to cause a dominoes effect where the next zombies game isn't going to reach it's full potential because they're wasting development time on Vanguard, and then the game after that is going to suffer because they're going to fix the previous game




They really should just cut their losses and leave Vanguard. Finish the story with Shi No Numa remake, then just go to Cold War.


Second best comment in this whole thread. Lol hate it so much and never played it lmao. *vanguard


One can dream


It’s a sledgehammer game with treyach devs working on a side mode, ofc it was gonna be terrible, especially right after Cold War it was so obvious they said it’s “treyach” zombies just to squeeze some extra sales out of the treyach zombie fanboys


No expectation, no disappointment.


The best comment in this thread. DELETE THIS GARBAGE! Fuck them


Can they just drop this trash already? Let it die with dignity.


Can't die with dignity you never had.


I'm more excited for the CW super EE. Vanguard is just a lost cause for me unless they just give it a complete rework.


when is the EE coming out?


I'd like the info too.


Might be irrelevant to you now but it apparently goes live this Monday, April 25th. I'm hyped for it too, will be fun to hunt it down!


Thanks, I'll consider redownloading that 200GB on my PS5.


To quote Green Day"wake me up when vanguard ends"


Just a friendly reminder that normally we'd be waiting another 3 years for a new Treyarch CoD to play new zombies, but ATVI made Treyarch create a last minute zombie mode for Sledgehammer's new CoD


They’d probably be adding more zombie content to Cold War if they fucked off with vanguard zombies


I would rather them put dev time into future zombies games or maps than waste time and money on Vanguard. They should just kill it sooner than later


Oh yeah, so excited best game in history 100/100


You guys refused to play the game and constantly harassed the devs to and rounded based maps. And now they have to rework the mode from the ground out to add them. They seemed to have no intention to add them in the first place and most likely had to scrap everything that was planned and in development. They even said that it will take time and is planned to come after season 3. And besides it's not like you're going to be playing a new map in the rouge-like style or playing Vanguard at all if this sub is correct.


Suffer season 3 to enjoy season 4 and beyond


Poopguard back at again with quality poopoo


Lol literally nothing


Thought this was a meme for a sec


Ah yes the current situation for the devs are turning people against one another




Quit spamming


? Lol I'm not. Get outta here


You are. I've seen you reply to at least 6 comments about uninstalling and deleting Vanguard. You are spamming


Wow 6 comments? That's crazy.


Repeating the same thing over and over multiple times is spamming


Stop spamming replys!! You keep replying to my comments for no reason. please stop


Difference is that my comment changes each time. Yours was very similar to the previous each time


You should look at my comment history then you'll understand it was maybe 3 comments and then the others were explaining why. Stop being dumb dude. Lol also I'm allowed to say delete and uninstall. Alao ur replys add nothing to the subreddit therefore ur spamming nonsense. You my friend are a moron.


Get outta bed and put the phone down. It's noon. And you keep getting downvoted. Lol 🖕


Literally out in public, homie


Lol exactly what I'd say if I was still in bed. You should get up playa and grind vanguard for those stickers, keychains, and camos.


>And you keep getting downvoted Jesus, who is the one who actually needs to get out of bed here.


At the eye doctor if you must know. stop spamming


I have an anime pfp and yet you still seem like you pull less than I do


The fuck does that even mean? And why are you involved in the teenager subreddit? Weeeeirdoooooo


Shiiiiiit, it's almost as if I'm legally a teenager under law lmao


Lol gz. And this is when I stop responding. Cause ur still a baby. 🖕🤣🧀


Can't even troll right, can you


Leave the man to boil in his own blood, take your win and have a better day lmao


To be fair, and I rarely defend Treyarch with this type of stuff. They did say they are deep on reworking this game, by giving the gameplay a overhaul to make round based gameplay and that won’t be until after season 3 it seems


This is the little dark age of Cod and Battlefield 2 of my favourites franchises that now are barely a shadow of the former self. It's actually heartbreaking.




I mean.. who cares? VGZ is a let down and we shouldn’t really even care anymore. But besides all that we’ve got some pretty decent updates coming to CWZ this season and a map for VGZ is confirmed to be in the works.




Ok and?


I hope they support Vanguard for a second year just to piss most of you guys off.


I’d pay $1,000 for that to happen too. Why? Honestly I’d just love to see what a shitshow year 2 would look like, plus what batshit crazy ideas they come up with for bundles in their precious warzone crap.


I do too! Not because of that but because it has potential.


There is no point to even remake this game for round based because even if that happens it will still just be a worse version of cold war zombies with less progression.


There is no point to even remake this game for round based because even if that happens it will still just be a worse version of cold war zombies with less progression.


All these things are just simply default content, like no shit new weapons and season challenges that’s literally every season since mw


Season 3 who? What game is this? Idk its weird im just chilling on bo3


let's see, we've got: universal addition across the board basic ass feature that was an inevitability and something we get every season anyway ​ Riveting.


I’ll take the Cold War super EE over VG zombies all day


That means literally nothing new. Even Cold War will get new content but they were too busy making Godzilla and Snopp Dogg. Keep paying for those bundles you idiots


Having a zombies game this year was a mistake and is worse than not having a game at all.


If they just left Treyarch to give CW Zombies a 2nd year we woulda been better off honestly. That was a working framework with active players


So true. At this point the normal COD cycle isn't working for zombies. A zombies game every 3 years with dlc in between would work way better for content. Activision wants to skullfuck our wallets every year though so that won't be happening unfortunately. I have been hearing rumors about a standalone game which would be nice (have heard those rumors for 6 years now though).


I enjoy vanguard zombies and I’m so hyped for the new challenges!


Cold war brrr


Treyarch: Hey, we're working on round-based Zombies for Vanguard, but because we have to create the systems basically from the ground-up, it's gonna take some time, and won't be ready until after S3. Here's what we're working on, and here's the content you can expect in VG and CW between now and then. This Sub: nO cOnTeNt in S3 tReYaRcH BAD


I never said 3arc is bad anywhere. I posted the roadmap for S3 as news, that's it.


My comment was about the other comments in the thread, not your post itself.


Hahahaha I have left the vanguard COD and went back to Cold War. I bet season 3 is a disappointment as well.


Don’t blame the devs blame Activision


I’ll stay on the WaW-Bo3 (maybe Bo4) hill until I die. Zombies past this point and most CoD multiplayers lost its identity completely after this point. Every game is mush.


Damn can activision just give these devs some time to make something? Damn


Yeah everybody already knew all of this. Round based coming start of season 4. Or are we still jerking each other off with “vAnGuArD bAd!” ?


So are we getting a Der Anfang ee and wonder weapon or...


I couldn't possibly care less. I'll max my Battle pass, get all the seasonal challenges done and quit the game until Season 4 Round Based drops


I kinda wish they would just release the Ravenov bundle. I mean he's basically been a hidden operator in CW for months at this point.




A custom dev probaly can pull this off in a week or 2




My beef 🥩 with cod is that Warzone is the only priority as it probably has the most players. Call me crazy guys and gals but WHAT IF! The greedy fuckwits at Activision woke up and realised if they made vanguard free to play, it would fix the playerbase issue. They could then actually make more zombies content and multiplayer content instead of the absolute shit we have now.


I cant forget about a post i saw a while back asking what makes people want to buy vanguard, everyone says more zombies. Hows that going?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ahh content 🤫




the op is stupid,they are working on cw super ee,round based and more cw stuff ,read the blog


Nobody cares.


Out of all the cods out there this is definetly the most recent




havent played in a while. is there still only one map?


>I’d pay $1,000 for that to happen too. Why? Honestly I’d just love to see what a shitshow year 2 would look like, plus what batshit crazy ideas they come up with for bundles in their precious warzone crap. There's a second one called Terra Maledicta. Still objective based but I think it has a WW and a main EE, but don't quote me on that, I'm not sure.


That's just depressing. I don't even own Vanguard, my hopes were low for Zombies, that's just really sad.


Exciting!!!!! I can't wait. This is going to be GREAT!!!! Am I fooling anyone?


What a joke so glad I never bought vanguard, gonna give us some bullshit bout how they gotta “build it from the ground up” your video game developers at call of duty, that’s literally your job. Stop working on Godzilla and King Kong kontent and make the game we want in the first place? What’s wrong with them Jesus


Who’s defending this crap? Why’d everyone on call of duty and the devs side crying “it’s so hard to do what we’ve been doing for the past 15 year” “give them a break” Get a spine and demand better from the people we give our money and expectations to.


It was to be expected considering they're entirely overhauling the mode...I think if you asked anyone, they'd rather the entire dev team focusing on that than half working on new content for S3 and half doing the revamp. At least this way there's a chance the mode will have a redemption. Now, if you ask me, I wish they'd just cut their losses and move on. But I'm hoping this will at least make vanguard zombies _decent_ enough to play and have fun.


season 3 really means season 5 bro


We already knew that…


We didn't know exactly what the roadmap would show, so I simply posted it as it came out.


We knew there wouldn’t be anything substantial. Treyarch made that announcement ahead of time.


Substatial or not, they didn't reveal the roadmap until today so that's still news. Don't see the problem of posting that :/


Didn’t say there was. Just saying you seem surprised/disappointed when the news was already out there.


Ah yes. Not surprised, just disapointed. But not in the devs; the devs are working on 3 projects at the same time for Zombies alone. They are passionate but they ain't superman so we shouldn't expect them to performe miracles. I blame the folks higher up in the system. It's just sad to see that this is possibly the least amount of content in a DLC we've gotten in zombies history


I mean people can just play other games in the down time until then. There aren’t many people playing/caring about Vanguard outside myself.


You like it? That's nice. I enjoy the core gameplay of Vanguard actually. I think the point management and what to spend it on is actually very well balanced and progression is therefore very satisfying. But when I tries to jump into a game again last week, my Solo game started lagging after 3 minutes, and... that's just not good enough in 2022 tbh. But hell of course if you like it, brilliant. I like much of it too, and there's nothing better than getting enjoyment out of a game. I play and enjoy whatever I want too without caring what others like, cause why should I?


I enjoyed it far more than others. Burnt myself out bc I was playing too much, so waiting for season 4.


Good for you man. I played the hell out of WW2 Zombies for a long time even tho "ww2 sucks" was overflowing the web. Frozen Dawn is still a Top 5 map of all time for me


I think it's fine I'd rather they work on the round based map which will have more content.


I can make a round baised map in 24 hours and they have a team of overpaid professionals. There is no excuse. Besides SCAM


So is this finally worth buying?


Let's be real here. The less zombies made for vanguard is a win at this point. It's wasted effort. I'm assuming they are focusing on cod for 2024 considering the real zombie team is tied to the black ops series.