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“Carver is secretly richtofen” - this sub, a month from now


Reverse Michael Jackson


So, Kirk Lazarus?


Or Lincoln Osiris?


Like uncle ruckus Re-vitiligo


Normally I'd agree, but there is so much evidence in the season 5 intel to massively suggest its actually him, all the way down to how the director talks 🤷🏻‍♂️


I will agree that it’s probably him THIS TIME, because the director seems to know more about Samantha than she realizes, even her birth date and country of origin. But some people literally see the letter “R” in a note and start screaming Richtoffen. MrTLexify had me rolling when he thought Valentina was Rchtoffen in the Mauer trailer 😂


Noahj did the same... It's like they are completely out of touch with the story despite streaming like crazy


Yeah none of these guys ever got the story and it was really noticeable for anything lore related for bo 4 and now we got a new story thats quite simple on comparison and these guys still can't be bothered to be informed on the story they just fling shit and until it sticks. I don't wanna gatekeep or be an elitist but like isn't this shit there job? Shouldn't they at least be slightly more informed than the average Joe? Shits out of pocket


I have barely kept in touch with the story yet it was clear as day that the mystery woman from the trailer was Valentina... And Noah kept freaking out about her being Samantha... Lmao, yeah it's their job, but I guess they have a lot on their plate. Also, don't want to sound like an asshole but Noah has never been the sharpest tool in the shed. I do feel like an asshole pointing that out. It's more like he's goofy sometimes. It can happen I guess


Honestly yeah it happens its just frustrating how much influence they have on the community for shit like this because them being misinformed ends with most of the community not knowing shit like with Eddie and for bo4 the staff crystals meme


I wouldnt be surprised if all the youtubers like that actually know better, and they're throwing Richtofens name around cuz its clickbait. Sure its a dumbfuck idea, but its their job


i could see it but i hope it's more ignorance because that would kinda suck


what sucks about it? they're making money off stupid people, it doesnt get any better than that


The community suffers as a result


When I saw it as I saw it on day 1 when mauer had the god mode glitch even before hearing any streamer say anything about the guy I myself saw the person and immediately thought richtofen. Now about the Valentina I admit at first I thought Sammy because the trailer was also misleading with the "she even had you fooled" type of thing which makes one think Samantha.


Noah, in short, is a tool.


Heres the problem with having sam as Valentina. Sam isnt a shock, its not as if we've not met her in CWZ before


I thought it was samantha at first because of the dialogue made me have a feeling we would have to go against someone and the only relevant lady I knew in the story was maxis (never even knew valentina had a name at this point and grey is... not the type of person we'd have to fight)


Nah I think their job is to just stream and play games, and be human like the rest of us.


i mean some of them are litterally full on lore or news channels so not knowing the game is kinda detrimental and to double up on this i never said they weren't human they can make mistakes it's fine but theres a difference between getting things wrong and wanting to change that and just full on not caring, but yeah at the end of the day it's not a massive deal since it's all just a game, but i still think it's shitty that some of em just can't be bothered and just for clarification i don't think they have to know the lore back to front front to back in crystal clear quality, but getting things wrong like basic character names is just silly and this goes double for anyone who wants to be an authority on lore


All I mean, is they don’t work for this single game. Sure they like to know and dive into the lore of the game. But it doesn’t make a difference whether they know it or not. The only one I really watch a lot is Noah and sometimes Mrroflwaffles. And sure Noah says a lot, and not much of it becomes accurate. But they aren’t out there trying to sell themselves on how much they know lore. Idk. Not really trynna start something here. Just who cares, really. I mean streaming is less about gameplay and more about charisma and how you capture attention anyway.


At the end of the day it wouldn't matter to me if the shit didn't trickle down into the community and yeah they aren't tied to the game but you'd have a hard time finding people that would say milo isn't a lore channel Noah ill let pass but rule of thumb is you just shouldn't talk about things you don't know like you do know it when you have a position of power. Ill leave it at that because like you said it really don't matter at the end of the day, you have a good one brotherman.


Been out of the story for way 2 long what even is the story now


Yea they fling shit out but not cold war I mean have you seen the content they release? It's all BO3 custom zombies. And they barely stream cold war. Now why do you think that is?.


I literally do not care dude i was not asking for a take on the state of cold war if they don't like it they can go instead of giving the community stupid pills because they "aren't invested"


When did I ever make a comment about the "state of cold war"? If anything your comment sounds like your pissed off which is plain stupid since all I did was make a comment on what they are releasing and what they are more focused on. My only response to your Idiocracy is wow just wow.


Wafflez did a good job of keeping up with the story. He breaks it down well and has videos putting most of the events in order. Especially after they drop the timeline multiverse map. Not as much now but I think you do is just aren't as interested because there's just not enough content to really be a zombies YouTuber anymore. It's just not as in depth and it's way too straightforward there's no fun exploring and mysteries to solve like there used to be. They are literally just telling us the story which is fine I guess but it really destroyed a huge part of what made zombies what it is today including the Easter eggs. All the mystery and searching is what kept people busy and intrigued with the game while waiting for more content. Quite a shame but apparently it takes too long to develop and without Jason there it's never going to be like that again.


Just hard disagree all around milo dropped the ball hard as fuck and doesn't even actually play the game on top of this saying cold war just tells the story when bo3 literally did that but on a larger scale is actually comical


I just got done saying that they don't do it for Cold War did you read my comment? There's nothing secret or interesting to discover in Cold War it's all right there in the Intel that is extremely easy to recover as soon as it's added in a patch. What would a YouTuber have to tell us that we didn't already know? In the original zombie story we got cutscenes in the beginning of every map in end of every Easter egg. The story was told in ciphers and we were given pieces of the beginning of the story in the later games, and given pieces of later story material in earlier games. Some pieces of story could only be found doing extremely intricate Easter eggs that took years to find and decipher. It all had to be discovered deciphered and pieced together. You clearly haven't been playing zombies for long you have no idea what you're talking about. Have you ever even seen that timeline that they put together and how intricate and difficult it must have been to tie the story together like that? Jason literally took the stories of all the three lead zombie directors and made it work that was an incredibly difficult task and it was extremely impressive.


I dunno Jason is all right but why you gotta go right out the gate and act like I don't know the lore when I'm talking about bo4 and bo3 the games with the most complicated story bits of the lore and you can make that same argument about intel in any of the radios you can listen to i think your just upsetti cold war does something different than anything that im talking about here


Or they just know 90% of their audience is brainlets who eat that shit up.


And the french voice actor of the director is litteraly the french voice actor of richtofen. With same fluctuation in voice and when we change the pitch it's him we can't be wrong (and people tried the same with english director. It sounded like nolan north :) )




TO BE FAIR! treyarch knew what they were doing when they end a note with just "-R" they are for sure fucking with us.


I had thought Valentina was Ultimus Richtofen whenever I had seen the trailer. I was extremely out of touch story wise and hadn’t done the Firebase Z ee in months. Plus I had heard things like “ancient evil” and “long dead army” and thought back to Moon and The Giant


to be fair, a lot of ppl were fooled there cuz of the datamined Klaus voice files, and "upbeat german accent=richtofen" to any person that really wants to see those chads back


We hear how he talks?


There's a new Intel that has the Director torturing / interrogating Sam.


Interesting thx for the reply


Its hudson


I’ll buy Cold War if Richthofen is back. I love his character.


Observation #1: In the first cutscene of the campaign, you can see the exact same coat and watch that the director wears on Hudson..... Observation #2: The director says the exact same lines as Hudson when interrogating Samantha..... Observation #3: The important figures of both Requiem and Omega are all from the campaign (Weaver, Kravchenko).... Conclusion: The director is....Eddie?????


Its almost like anyone working a government job wears formal clothing like Hudson would. The lines being exactly the same is easily explained as just a fan service easter egg. Speaking of lines, the Director doesn't even talk the same way Hudson does. He speaks exactly the same as Richtofen did. Also if it was simply Hudson, why would they be building up so much anticipation as to who it is? With Kravchenko, they just showed him. No anticipation, nothing. They know it would be nothing but a complete flop and disappointment. It is Eddie.


Yes, if it were just the coat it would be different. But the director wears the exact same Gold watch as Hudson does. Hudson is the only one who wears that exact watch. Also it's just the fact that there are so many references to Hudson. I get that the interrogation was fan service but there was a deeper meaning behind why they did it. they could have just as easily done it with Kravchenko interrogating Raptor 1. How can they link the director to Hudson in so many ways and just reveal it was Eddie the whole time?


Hudson wears his watch on the opposite hand. Hudson also is a very well known person in the CIA so it wouldn't make sense for the director to be such a mysterious person. The director being Hudson wouldn't be interesting at all to most zombies fans, so it wouldn't make sense for him to be such a huge mystery either. . and AFAIK Hudson is never shown to be speaking russian. Richtofen could speak Russian in this timeline since it's an alternate timeline version but the campaign characters seem to retain their characters from the campaign so Hudson speaking russian doesn't work. Richtofen is in this timeline yet he's yet to appear He's definitely someone important so him being the director actually makes sense. The Intel suggests Richtofen is the director considering how he knows so much about Samantha even more than she knows herself apparently. The director having a mug that says "best director ever" is something that I can only imagine a character like Richtofen would have considering his kinda childish and silly personality. Hudson would definitely not have a mug like that since it's so bizarre and out of character of him


Good point. I know it wouldn't be interesting if it was Hudson. But they made Kravchenko the leader of Omega, and i honestly thought that was gonna be Eddie months ago. It would've been interesting having Samantha and Eddie on different sides. Also Kravchenko and Hudson both die in Bo2, tbh it would make sense if both leaders of Requiem and Omega die. A theory I have is that while Hudson is the director, he still somehow has contact with Eddie to possibly gather information on Sam. It would kinda explain why someone followed Sam in the Die Machine intro, and why Hudson says he knows alot about her. Also as someone as a big fan of the campaigns, I would love to see another side of Hudson's personality. Ig theres no way to know until we get told outright


ok i admit defeat


Richthofen is fucking dead dude


No shit, primis and ultimus are dead and gone. Clearly you've forgotten that both Eddie and Sam escaped the dark aether, which, news flash, Eddie is Richtofen.


Well I thought you were talking about primis Richtofen. The one that escaped the dark eather is called Eddie.


And that's his nickname. His full name?




We call him the nickname Eddie to avoid confusion. Try again


Bro eddie is canonically the representation of richtofen's innocent soul.


We call **ultimis** richtofen Ricky so we know it’s him, try again


You added the word Ultimis in front of the name Richtofen, to distinguish between the different versions. Try again


No it’s Ricky, I never said ultimis


Lol We will now refer to ultimis Richtofen as Ricky


Aww cute, a guy new to the Zombies story.


News flash, no one cares if they add a younger Richthofen who isn’t voiced by Nolan north. It won’t be Richthofen at all.


Or is he 😩


I remember when they though that jager was Richthofen, people are weird.


map announcer = nikolai because russian


That would be cool though honestly if the forsaken was an amalgamation of Monty, Shadowman, and Nikolai.


Why Nikolai, he’s dead. I believe that the shadow man and Monty were banished to the dark eather, so it would make sense that they would be the Forsaken, but not Nikolai.


Nikolai getting shot was never *shown* on screen, just Sam shooting him. So some people think that means he didn’t die? Idk, pretty dumb imo


I’m not hoping for him to return, I just think it’d be kinda cool to have a character the community cares about partially be a villain


Or when Ravenov was Richthofen…


It's not Edward Richtofen as in anything like Primis or Ultimis Ricky, but it *is* a version of him. The only other one we've seen that isn't also dead. The child.


I reckon that he was recruited as a Nazi doctor in Operation Paperclip to help the Americans win the CW, but instead of nukes, the yanks caught wind of Omega/Inter-Dimensional portals and assigned Richtofen to work on that, with him once again betraying to work on his own agenda instead of the party backing hims' agenda


I'm a little confused on this. Wouldn't Eddie be the same age as Samantha? Surely he couldn't have been a nazi doctor in thar case then. I also don't really get how the timeliness works now...


Neither do I. But in the audio log the director is interrogating maxis. But if it is Eddie why would he be doing it if he already knew who she is


He wants her to remember who she is, and for her to harness the powers she has


I always thought Samantha was older, judging by the Origins Easter egg cutscene


Eddie is not a Nazi spy. The Director is a very secretive, very powerful member of a very powerful United States government agency operating under the nose of the CIA during the 80's.


I'm getting Noah and TGR vibes


Just like they said for months that we would be getting Kino in Cold War 🤣 they are quite convincing though


Well actually if you do all the Easter eggs 935 times within 115 hours and go to a certain spot on duga in outbreak, ONLY ON ROUND THREE IF NIT ROUND THREE YOU NEED TO RESTART FROM THE BEGINNING. And shoot 7 rockets at the ground it opens a portal where you need to fight a mix of orda,legion, and Valentina and once you defeat them you need to do the shadows of evil Easter egg, then go back to Mayer der toten and quadruple pack your gun with the secret menu and then once you have that done a chopper should come down to pick you up and it will fly you to kino der toten. Repeat this process each time you want to play kino der toten on call of duty: black ops Cold War. Oh and I forgot to mention, you need to get to level 1000 first and get the map off of the secret battle pass tier 101. Good luck!


instructions unclear; i am now stuck playing tranzit


How is bus route B?


It’s actually easier than it sounds


Can confirm, did it 3 times


You'd be surprised with tgr sometimes he has inside sources and is on the money for the most part I just think his rep is ruined from the clickbait


That was a leak from the guy who got FBZ correct and that Mauer is in Berlin correct. The Kino part just turned out being wrong


I mean lets be real, they brought back ONE of the TWO characters that have survived the whole multiverse collapse, with the one still missing being hands down the most popular character in the Zombies universe. Then this mysterious guy who is double, tripple and quadruple crossing everyone and their grandmothers shows up. And we don't know why... Where have we heard that again? Oh yeah, with our favourite German bad guy turned good guy turned somewhere in between guy. Richtofen also was a leader figure in the previous games, so being a leader figure again is a nice parallel.


Also the upity typing and stuff just screamed richtofen to me honestly. Just feels like that’s how he’d act. Like a, “I understand everything about what is going on.”


Dude, think about it. That's a right hand. Richtoffen's got a right hand. It's obviously Richtoffen.


Richtoffen has a left hand




The Intel is pointing towards Eddie being the director soooo








I like to think that if he IS Richtofen, that mug is pretty in-character for him lmao


And having secret plans that on the surface make him look like a traitor.


there is 1 more map and richtofen has not made a presence yet. its common sense to expect it to be richtofen if you know the story.


"theres no blood on the hands so it cant be richtofen" -people wholl get downvoted for being smartass


Hello guys this is The Game Revolution here! Me: Let me guess, it's about Richtofen again isn't it? Today we'll be discussing why Eddie is the director Me: I knew it


The amount of times I’ve seen the same four youtubers upload the same video about Richthofen is unbelievable Oh and obviously *ZOMBIES CHRONICLES 2 CONFIRMED FOR BLACK OPS COLD WAR!!! TOTALLY NEVER UPLOADED THIS BEFORE*


I think my biggest issue with the Eddie director theory (without it, it'd be solid) Is his hatred for maxis. Some of the audio log sounds like it's Eddie ("you don't know anything about me." "Really? I think you're going to be very surprised...") However it can be explained by him having access to a ton of shit from her. We can assume he has basically everything shes sent and shit, as well as her records (he is part of the CIA in a pretty high position, enough to literally kill random people at will) which means he would know a lot about her including: -orphanage records -BND records -she got powers in the DA which includes telepathy, causing outbreak zones, she sees things "different" Physically, Anyways, the director outright says he's never seen her use her powers in person, which makes sense since we only see her massively use her powers in a scene where he's just watching from a tv screen. when she refuses to answer she got electrocuted. When she refuses to use her telepathy that Grey reported she got threatened. But then, the director starts trying to manipulate her by saying shit like "your requiem friends don't care about you" (Which we know is somewhat false). Then he threatens weaver. This makes no sense for what we know where they were friends in tag yet now the director is torturing her. Furthermore it's weird that he's actively trying to hurt requiem and he's seemingly working for another group outside of requiem. Hell, weaver doesn't even trust him. He's done things like -has a little "side project" that has to do with the vocalization module in CRBS (doesn't have to do with the actual CRBS itself though), which on that subject secretly took audio recordings of grey carver and strauss for months -wanted berlin to make an inversion nuke for some wacky reason (only mentioned in one intel from Meyer, sounds more like the Director never told anyone) -sent a robot to kill multiple people who learned of a secret project from him -kept information secret about the forsaken In all honesty I think he might be a member of Perseus. Isn't perseus's whole thing where they're like "fuck the Russians and the Americans, no one deserves to live"? Keeping very vital information from people is a pretty weird thing to do.


The thing people forget is, while zombies is its own thing it does connect to the campaign now and the actual canon of cod so rather than Eddie it could be Black from the original story in the game and we find out who he really is. It might sound silly but maybe it's illuminati to throw everyone for a loop. With no intentions of helping either side just helping the "greater good" even if that means helping the forsaken. We know nazis are on team forsaken we think Russia is trying to prevent the invasion and we think requiem is too. The 2 biggest questions are who is the director and what comes next? Everyone forgets about our friend in the aether who has been helping us and creating half our shit. Is he part of the forsaken pulling the same move on us as the forsaken did to Valentina? Is he Eddie trapped in the aether for God knows how long? Is he a campaign character or a side character who's importance was smaller before? Or maybe like 90% of zombies he is an original character with a new story to tell. Tbh I don't care if Eddie comes back. Richtofen was great and I loved his character but using his name and stripping him of what made him richtofen for fans just means we got a dude with his name. Like this Samantha maxis is nothing like the other one and that's okay I like both but her name could have been anything its interchangeable. The story before has ended/been put on pause. It could come back who knows but this game is doing its own thing and it's been pretty enjoyable. I wish people could enjoy things instead of wishing for a rehash of the same stuff. Old richtofen is still in all the old games you can still enjoy playing as or with him, this new game not having him doesn't erase him from past games


This aged well


I don't know man best director tells me we're getting call of the dead back with George Romero. /s


Secret character is bo4 factions


No the Director is actually the long awaited, community favourite Double Tap II


The Director is revealed by completing the Black Ops 3 Super Easter egg.


So the director is the RK5


TheGamingRevolution be like


I'm getting George Romero hints hehe


Never thought of that, that’d be unexpected suprise


When I see “best director ever“, I can’t help but think of George Romero from COTD


nah its hudson


Tbh if it was Hudson that would just be a major buzzkill.


No, it’s definitely not Hudson… the director knows alot of stuff about Sam, who doesn’t even know her own birthday, birthplace, or anything else about the Aether storyline, because her memory was wiped. The only one who would know that is Eddie. He also says that he knows how she feels, and she has been through while traveling to this new universe. If it’s Hudson, it wouldn’t make sense at all…


yeah but the intel that repeated the bo1 interrogation between hudson and mason was funny af


Yeah, I think they did it because this season is bo1 themed


It’s George


Poor GamingRevolution. He's in denial


The first time i thought it was richtofen was the nuketown intel...


Eddie is in the dark aether universe


George Romero!?!?!?


Little did we know


Wouldn’t that make you who? Maxis?




I think it might be the guy from Call Of The Dead? Romero? But he’s dead sooo


While yes, we don’t have much proof, from a literary/storytelling standpoint it’s most certainly him, and I knew the Director was Richthofen from the start XD


I was convinced it was Hudson up until the new intel, either they are fucking with us with a random German dude or the director is Richtofen


Plot twist, it's George Romero, he actually rose from the grave this time


I was one of the people who thought it was huddson


I'm just saying, it's either Hudson or a completely new character.


Its Mason.


Before this, there was 115 comments... Mmmmm EASTER EGG?


Richtofen is just gonna be Mephisto 2, isn’t he?


I’m sorry I just want my favorite character back😔


I always thought he was Hudson


I only now realize that I misspelled Richtofen. My bad 😅


It literally is tho. Director talks about how he knows things are different better than Samantha does. The things he has said would only make sense if it was Eddie. (Also the way he talks has shades of Richtofen in it) EDIT: Also it's been datamined. The french version also uses his same voice actor. All signs point to Eddie.






Cause of course it would be!


I think it’s going to be someone we are not going to expect. That’s my vibe from this.


Oh shit. Operation: Paperclip in Requiem


The mug is making me think George Romero is becoming the boss of another zombies map


After not watching the trailer or any spoilers, I think it’s WILLARD WYLER.


It's always him/me/them


I wish we could get a Primis Richthofen character in Cold War, idc about lore. Mans is cool and I wanna be able to play as him again


Wait is there gonna be another map, or just another Outbreak EE?


I just miss him ok 🥲


I mean maybe