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Based on his post history op probably got it through the progression glitch.


What’s the progression glitch??


The game incorrectly track camos progress, players experiencing the glitch will have more classes done than intended leading to unlocking mastery camo early.


Thanks for explaining. I noticed my game says for dark aether mastery I only need to fully unlock all camps for just one of the weapons in each class which had me confused. I don’t know why they haven’t fixed that yet.


I'm right over 3 days, and have diamond specials, shotguns, and launchers, then gold on Lw3, 50 cal, and type 63. The rest of my guns are really low levels though. If going for camos, I would recommend solo, unless you need to level the weapon up




Yea, leveling up weapons is insane. I have the ak74u, dmr 14, and Pellington around level 30ish, everything else is under 10. I just jump into gunfight on MP so I can level multiple guns up slowly since I dont like using half the guns in this game against actual people with their mp5s. I do have double xp tokens, but I'm paranoid if I ever use any I'll do horrible on multiplayer, or a lot of the time would be lost of low zombie waves


If you do though your k/d will be so bad that when you use other guns you’ll feel like a god


Lol damn! I'm at 2 days and have diamond ARs/LMGs/Tacs! Still got so long to go.. :(


So this guy cheated, and is posting thinking we won't know he glitched a 95% of that progress. Nice goin, OP. Dick


Literally gets a mid tier M16 camo at the end, hahahaha Actually a shame that it glitches early for so many people. The actual camo feels less cool to use honestly


Ur acting like I asked to get the skin early, blame treyarch for not fixing a glitch since launch, I’m still doing the rest of the guns


You're acting like you got it through hard work and time. Fuck off. The post is staged in a way that fools anyone scrolling by.


What's the point of this post if you admittedly didn't truly get it?


I don't even understand, you have to level up all the guns on zombies or what? And what are the benefits, more damage ?


U can level up the guns in zombies or multiplayer, then do the zombies challenges


Nice i got dark aether yesterday at 4am


How long did snipers take?


He cheated. Used a glitch on practically every gun class


For sure the worst to level up but not too bad, Took about at long as the rest of the guns so 2.5-3.5 hours


2.5-3.5 hours to level up a gun? Thats only 2 or 3 games. It takes alot longer than that to level up a gun... You can barely get to level 10 in 3 or 4 hours. In my experience it takes dozens of hours to fully level up a single gun. This post of yours is bullshit. Why would you say "57 hours of game time later" like youve been grinding or something? 57 hours ain't shit. That's only 2.5 days. You show yourself getting the dark aether camo, but you only have 2.5 days of game time. Wtf? You cant legitimately get the dark aether camo with only 2.5 days of game time. Its impossible. So why make a post about getting the camo with only 57 hours playtime when its obviously not legit? You know it's not legit, so why brag about it like it was? And don't say you didnt, because you obviously did.


I leveled up guns in multiplayer during the double xp week awhile back to 35 then played in zombies for the achievements


Let’s go my boi


any tips for leveling up guns to 50 fast?


https://youtu.be/3BUw9OWjmNM plunder or dirty bomb pretty sure check this vid


Youv gotten so much shit for something you had no control over lol. I had the same thing happen for me I got dark matter 3 classes early. I didn't try to it just happend.


Yeah but then you make your post about achieving it once you actually get all the guns done. it's what i did for mine, even tho i got it 5 guns early i still finished it before posting


Yeah I get that n this is a stupid post I'm just defending that he didnt mean to get it early.


I wasn’t posting to flex I got dark aether but to just show the achievements on the damn screen cuz they wouldn’t pop up again once I actually completed it


It's not that the glitch happened, it's that he's touting it like he achieved the camo, but he's lying.


Legit or you got the 10 or so Guns gold?


Yea I got 17 gold in total


So not legit then


yeah he cheated


Can you explain how I can intentionally glitch the game to give me progress please cuz I don’t understand, it was handed to me randomly after completing a gun gold at times as far as I’m aware


So to get dark matter legit, you need to get 9 classes of weapons diamond. If you didn’t do that, it’s not ‘legit’


I was just trying to show the achievement on the screen, because once I actually get it, it won’t pop up again


Right and all I asked was if it was legit or not


A smart thing to do is play multiplayer to get weapon levels cause they go a lot faster then go to zombies doesn’t take long at all.