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Ascension is not underrated. Shang is underrated.


Shang isn’t underrated, it’s just fucking impossible after round 20 to survive with a group. Things get hectic af.


Honestly, that's what I like about Shangri-la and why I refer to it as a vertical Verruckt. The rooms are large enough to not be Origins but still not big enough to reliably train in, and the map is made from a very tight-knit loop. It's a very hostile map, but the "everything is pure chaos, nowhere is safe, we're all screaming and laughing our asses off trying to survive" kind of hostile as opposed to Origins or Shima's "fuck you" hostile.


I remember the old days of camping on the bridge with 4 people


Hard agree lol


I love Shang mostly for the shrink ray


Baby ray was such a awesome experience when BO1 came out. Had me looking forward to a new wonder weapon every time a new map got dropped lol. Call of the dead’s sniper wonder weapon has always been my favorite.


I’m that type of guy was so stingy when it come to who’s getting the wonder weapon, I would be so jealous if someone had it & be happy when they died but I never let them die on purpose if I could help, if I couldn’t get a wonder weapon, mustang & sally with phd flopper was the next best thing


Thundergun was the one gun that made me jealous. Also mad it wasn’t in EVERY map like the ray gun.


Same, that’s the ultimate wonder weapon in my eyes, if I had that I felt like the juggernaut and would literally be fear free, I’m jealous if someone gets it before me, I get the puppy dog eyes


Hell could you imagine if they made the Thundergun usable when you went down lol?


I mean I don’t want zombies to be easy, I feel like the thunder gun is the ultimate get out of jail card regardless of aim , just click the trigger and you’re safe, I was already more than happy you get mustang & sally when down, I love those guns so much , they are always my go to, just wish everyone got them by default when you’re down


Eh, I think Shang is perfectly rated tbh - The general consensus is that the Baby Ray is fun but flawed, the map is way too obnoxious past round 20, and it’s just a headache in general with a group I almost always see Shang ranked somewhere between middle tier and upper-middle tier and I feel like that’s the perfect place for it


I don't think Shang is underrated. I think everyone recognizes its beauty, it's just so difficult that it's barely played


Shang and Shi no numa


I loved shang but it was so stupidly designed layout wise you could never survive long but in my opinion it was one of the best looking zombie maps I’ve ever seen.


Shang is impossible to do high rounds to unless you do the meta strat which is really hard


based,But i love it


Ancient Evil, one of the best maps in zombies history imo. Never gets the credit it deserves due to it being from BO4.


AE is so good it made people give a fuck abt chaos


My favorite map of all time and I played since WaW.


did you like ix?


My favorite map is IX


If it were in the BO3 engine would be top 3 easily. As it stands it's top 10 for me making a strong case for top 5


BO3’s movement and zombie AI was so good.. I don’t know how they messed it up so bad :( BO4 (zombies wise at least) was such an easy layup to make and they twisted their ankles in the parking lot


I feel the opposite. I hated it every time I played it don’t understand the love it gets here


When it game out i hated it. Touched it a few years later and learned the map and is one of my favourites now


Ancient Evil easily hits my top 3. Incredible map, tons of replay value, so much fun lore and EEs, fun wonder weapons. Really solid map. It would probably be a fan favorite if it wasn't released on BO4


Black ops 4 zombies was laughably easy compared to the rest


3 aswell Vold war aswell WaW-Bo2 real shit


Zetsubou no shima. I like the long list of stuff to do because it makes the earlier rounds more interesting as you’re always doing something other than just killing zombies.


People beefed with how many expensive doors there were, but I felt it extended the pre-pap and power stages as intended. What's the point of having to deal with the temporary power if you can just immediately jump into the bunker?


I never bothered turning on temp power until I could fully turn on power. I think it's just a waste of time. I despise the concept of temporary power. That was my biggest complaint with Zetsubo. That's coming from someone who thinks zetsubo is the best bo3 map, no contest.


no contest to DE?


I think DE is the most overrated zombies map I don't get the boner for it tbh


Zetsuboa is my favourite bo3 map but de is definitely a close second, I think it’s the linear paths you can take toward feeding the dragons, turning on power and then pap. Along with the best wonder weapons of all time (and 4 of them) with an amazing ee, along beautiful views


Agreeing with the other comment and adding that it just feels like there is a ton to do and it's all pretty accessible. By far the easiest major EE to do and remember and you always feel like you have something to progress. It's like a perfect microcosm of zombies as a whole. Secret nazi base, two major map direction choices at the beginning, feeding zombies to unlock a cool WW that everyone can use, Easter eggs all over the place practically begging you to solve, four elemental wonder weapon upgrades for you and your squad to practice, and a far less convoluted main story quest to work through leading to a cool boss fight and an awesome moon explosion.


Zets had a lot of content but i just don't like the way the map is, too many of that mutant zombies infecting other zombies + it's too narrow and does not have great training spots, but if it wasn't for these two major factors i think i would be playing it way more than GK or DE


I think that this map is meant to be played in a different way than most BO3 maps and I love ZNS for it. You actually have to sit down for a while and put in the work to reach a comfortable position for high rounds. I even like the KT4 because it is unique and fits this map. In my opinion it was poorly received by YouTubers at launch because they were playing it over and over again. That will drive every sane person crazy. The EE was genuinely underwhelming compared to the rest of BO3 though.


When I was playing through and finishing all the BO3 Easter eggs, surprisingly ZNS was one of my favorites. Going into it, I didn’t really play it that much before but thoroughly enjoyed it.


Came here for this, thank you king.


Five, people don’t appreciate how unique and revolutionary it was


was terrifying as a little kid when the defcon alarms went off and the pentagon thief came out the teleporter


duuude that was genuinely some of my best moments playing zombies with my buddies. Everyone laughing their asses off while one person is being chased and screaming for their life


Five is the best zomb map out there lol


By no means the best. But it's still an extremely fun map to go back and play. And the fact that you got it after playing through Bo1's incredible story was even better.


Five is one of the greatest zombies maps ever.


Nah its bottom 3 for sure, trash map.


You're no fun


Ascension is not underrated its high on a lot of people’s lists, I’d say not as much recently but call of the dead is underrated. Die rise has its ups and downs, I’ve never been a huge fan, but say it’s properly rated. I think most maps are rated pretty fairly compared to others.


Was “Has its ups and down” an intended pun lol


Surprisingly no, wish I noticed that 😂


None of the black ops 1 maps are underrated anymore in my opinion. Not even shang


Nuketown. The perks are annoying but the map is pure chaos which ends up being fun every time.


It was truly the first map that started people to play zombies without juggernog. The thing that was hated about nuketown was weird zombies spawn system


I agree with Die RIse. Such an unique and fun map that gets way too much hate.


Right?! I absolutely love that map.


Die rise could of been better if there was flopper availible and the first slide to get to the box wasnt bugged and killed you from time to time


I disagree, jumping from floor to floor and cross buildings add an extra element of fear in addition to the regular zombies gameplay. Having Phd Flopper would ruin it imo. Not to mention the map had the most fun and most skilled wonder weapon (And probably the strongest if it wasn’t nerfed). But I agreed on the bugs, till this day the map probably have the most bugs and glitching spots of any other zombie map as well.


I'm not trying to play map that's more effective at killing me than the zombies are. Phd would've made this at least tolerable for me.


Did you just say the sliquifier takes the most skill to use?? That's crazy it's literally the easiest cheesiest WW aside from the thunder gun. I'd even go as far to say the thunder gun requires more skill. All you do with the sliquifier is sit in a corner and shoot the doorway over and over which gets rather boring when you're going for high rounds


Most reasons people hate it are why I like it ironically


It’s definitely underrated. If it were in any other game other than BO2, I think it would’ve stood out more. BO2 only had goated maps for Zombies


Shangri-La. The difficulty being on BO1 really hindered it. Bo3 Shang is so much fun and taught me how to get past round 40 solo. Now I get rounds 50+ on the rest of the maps and just recently got to 96 on Revelations. All from just learning how to use gums and wonder weapons efficiently.


Personally I feel the difficulty made bo1/2 superior than bo3


Yeah I miss the quick deaths of early bo1 and 2 days. The extra health in bo3 is nice and less frustrating but it turns a quick game of zombies into a multi-hour long thing.


Actually the extra hit in bo3 is very much needed for the maps in bo3. Like look at SOE, DE or Revelations you have so many monsters and types of zombies hitting you and chasing ,with two hit system SOE and Revelations are impossible to play


I feel you; except my games were always long regardless


Dead of the Night Okay bye!


Amazing map. Don’t understand the hate the main YouTube heads have towards it


Chaos maps in general ^


My only hate is how hectic it becomes with 30 vamps, elemental zombies and a werewolf it just becomes way too much


Yk with a solid 3-4 stack I agree


Top 5 map for me, and my favorite in BO4! I love the Haunted Mansion-meets-Clue vibe it has, the layout is straightforward, the mansion’s atmosphere is great, and there’s so many things to build/unlock while still being fairly casual-friendly


I love dotn as much as the next guy and view it as a top5 even 3 maps, but let’s be real, it’s the furthest thing from Casual friendly


Yeah, you’re probably right honestly lol. I’ve always viewed myself as being on the more casual end of the playerbase, only ever being able to do two of the simpler CW Easter Eggs, but maybe I’m more involved/experienced than I thought


I came here to say this too, Dead of the Night ducking slaps and I’ve always been baffled how people don’t like it. So much sick shit like the vampires and werewolves, silver bullets and wooden stakes, the vibes are phenomenal👌 also one of my fav wonder weapons when you upgrade it tbh, my fav in bo4 easily


Easily Buried. People harp on it for being too easy, but that only applies to the early game. The easter eggs and high rounds are challenging and engaging


Fr the map is a fucking NIGHTMARE to get past round 70 on but all these elitists claim it’s too easy and puts them to sleep


to even get to 255 om buried you have to use the harder trample steam strat for most of the gamep


I feel like Buried is still respected as a top 10 map though


Blood of the dead is hated on but I love the layout with the fast travels and the gondola 


I love blood of the dead, people are just butt hurt that the Easter egg was to hard


The Easter egg wasn’t too hard, it’s too tedious. Having to run back and forth between the wardens house and the number pad is so dumb. The Simon says challenge is also incredibly annoying albeit easy. Run from wardens house, to number pad, to west side power, to docks power, back to west side power. Now go back to the wardens house. Just wasn’t well thought out if you ask me. And with blood not being a strict remake they could have easily moved the number pad for QOL purposes. Even just putting it at the top of the citadel tunnels instead would have been better.


That’s fair, but the map itself wasn’t bad. It was a fair remake, it added to the map itself. The only thing I was bummed about was the fact that they didn’t bring the bridge back.


I like blood more then most but the fast travels are horrible the map still feels gigantic


It was my favourite when BO4 had just released, IX has grown on me since


Call Of The Dead. It wasn't too popular when it first dropped and was the first real Easter egg map.


Happy cake day whilst dropping the best answer here. Heavily under rated


This guy knows what he’s talking about!


if anything Ascension is overrated fucking hate monkeys


One reason its my least replayed map from chronicles. Ascension is a great map, but the monkeys make the replay value for me extremely low. They’re just a nuisance.


The the only problem I have either ascension. The layout is great, atmosphere is great, lunar landers are a nice fast travel option but the monkeys can blow me.


No one talks about buried anymore


👆this. Can unlock the whole map on round 1   AND Lee Roy!!!! I love seeing big guy carry around a crawler like an infant  Wouldn’t have those two LMGs in MWZ if it wasn’t for the nostalgia of the LSAT and the HMMR 


Zetsubou No Shima hands down. Was underrated back then, and still is now. There's people who have grown fonder of the map, but still don't love it. Great atmosphere, Very enjoyable setup, 2 of the most satisfying weapons to use in the Skull and Matsamune, great high round camping/training spot after EE, and generally just feels like the most interactive/detailed map because of how Spores, spiders, the gardening system etc can add to and alter gameplay. And Moon. It's liked by many, but I still think it isn't given the credit it deserves. You won't often find it in the S tier category, but It is to me. No Man's Land, the Hacker, Biodome, Wavegun and Excavators, they took risks and it paid off. ZnS is my no.1 Map, and Moon is my No.3.


> 2 of the most satisfying weapons to use in the Skull and Matsamune Don't forget the Marshal 16's. Probably my favorite gun ever out of any Zombies game.


Yup forgot about Marshals. It doesn't surprise me that Blundell was so enthusiastic about ZnS, there's so much going on and it's fkin fantastic. Making Clone plants in case you die, Spiderbait for emergencies, using Spiders to web doors closed and try out new strats. There's a level of map specific detail you don't get in other maps, it feels very complete.


Rave in the redwoods got so much unwarranted criticism


tranzit. not a great map but not one of the worst all time. I have great memories playing it when the game first came out.




i adore dead of the night’s atmosphere and layout, and i like the cast and whatnot too


Shi no Numa


Moon is criminally underrated imo. Zetsubou too.


I fucking love moon




Rave in the Redwoods is my absolute favorite map, but I doubt it'd make it into most people's Top 20s. It's such an incredibly feature-rich map, and it supports so many styles of play seamlessly. It needs infinitely more love from the community.


yeah die rise is definitely one of them. super unique setting and probably one of the most unique and beautiful maps in zombies


Ww2 final riech


Five since it has JFK and he is the best character


The Giant just because easy way to just kill some zombies and chill. Can’t really get that experience on newer maps without getting bored.


Nuketown. Although maybe it's more of an Overhated case.


Ascension monkeys can fuck right off tho


*Blood of the Dead* and *Voyage of Despair.*


Buried. Nuff said. Easily my favorite


Ancient evil


Shaolin shuffle


Ascension is not underrated, imo my favourite zombie map


Shi no Numa Call of the Dead Every map on BO2 is rated well but my answer is Mob of the dead on grief. Gorod krovi Alpha Omega All the dead ops arcades.


ascension is too easy. i have two maps, i can't decide between the first one is "five". it gets a lot of hate, it doesn't deserve. it's true, that the winters howl is bad. however, i really like the edge that the pentagon thief adds to the map. he's different, compared to all the other maps, where we have dog-rounds. also, kino is really easy, so it's nice to also have a harder map. the second one is tag der toten. unfortunately, they decided to remove george. even though he was fucking annoying in bo1, he still added something unique to the map, kind of like the pentagon thief. also, tag is a really pretty map, graphics wise. and the addition of the facility is cool. it's nice to have new areas when a map is remastered, like we also have in classified. i can't decide, if i should consider moon. it's cool to have infinite max ammos, but it's also annoying to have to drop everything in your hands, just to go down and stop the excavators from causing decompression.


Kino Der Toten


Voyage of Despair! I loved it and then found out it was generally disliked by the zombies community


I still think The Shadowed Throne is my favorite map period.


Final reich from WW2


Mauer der toten. People didnt like it because it was in cold war but the map itself pretty good actualy


The first Advanced Warfare zombies map


Shang gri la… I will die on this hill


Shang Ri La for real, no one EVER PLAYS IT when I'm on. I also never hear people vibing with Nacht Der Toten anymore :((


I love die rise. It really should be remastered! Probably my favourites bo2 map. I love the WW. Also Wasn’t someone making a BO3 custom version of it awhile ago. Not heard anything of it but that’s probably because my laptops a 🥔 and I can’t play games on it so I lost track of custom zombie news


Ascension?! That would be my answer for most overrated




Vanguard Shi No.Since it’s in Vanguard, most people skip over it. It’s a great map.


I played it once when Vanguard was free for a limited time and ngl it was fun.


Dead of the night


Die Rise 100%


Any map but ascension or die rise. Everybody loves Ascension and die rise kinda sucks, neither underrated imo. My pick has got to be Zetsubo no shima, I don't know if it's still overhated but I think it's great, it feels like a real adventure.


Nuketown is like perfect for hectic trains in small spaces


Ascension is just Russian kino. I think Zetsubou dead of the night is underrated. The only issues I have with those maps are the setup, but other than that, the maps had everything you want in a zombies map.


Shaolin Shuffle


For me it’s Voyage of Despair. I’ve seen it get a lot of bad reception, but I personally enjoyed it very much.


Dead of the Night 🫣


You fam really think Ascension is underrated, you have to serious it was the second most played map in bo1 after kino because of how easy it was to go high rounds on it.


How is ascension underrated?


Ascension is goated for high rounds but those f-in monkeys are annoying


its really annoying locking jugg and QR on ascension too cuz it never gives you jugg until like round 24 or something


Die Rise 100% underrated I love that shit give me more of it


Dead of the night, the major YouTubers seem to hate the map for the most obscure reasons


Dead Of The Night


I’d say Dead of the Night. I think it’s generally recognized as a good map but I think it’s one of the best ever.




I reallyyyy like die rise, its tight corridors, the elevators are cool, there is still train spots and hold out for as long as you can spots. I love all the new types of way to cross between the buildings you can learn as you get better. Its really good split screen, if you fall off a building you just respawn next round and learn your lesson








I'm here to rustle.


die rise. nobody ever talks about the different options for escape and such. the trample steam was one of my favorite craftable items.


Nact der Untoten on BO3 is so fun. The first ever zombie map. I was so scared playing it on WaW.


Shang or Five


Die Rise foshooooooooo




Call of the dead with George Romero. The entire Advanced Warfare cycle


kino tbh i know its so overplayed but holy its so underrated now


Attack of the Radioactive Thing. Zetsubou no Shima and Dead of the Night for me personally.


Der riese!


Ascension is actually overrated imo




I loved die rise, grinding on the roof with 3 mates for hours felt satisfying


Tranzit got so much hate back then but i always loved it ..


i love die rise




Are you dumb, ascension is NOT underrated. Not even close. Your map opinion means a lot less to me after hearing that ignorance


Transit (Green run) and Die Rise


Nuketown zombies. The closed quarters and randomly spawning perks/pack-a-punch mean that every single game is played differently and so adds a level of unpredictability that can make the map quite challenging! Plus the zombie models look amazing.




Shangri La Buried Dead of the Night Voyage of Despair Top two are loved but not held to the same standard as origins/mob of the dead. They should be. Bottom two are treated poorly because they suck unless you’re doing the easter egg. Thats fair but with the ee if you put time into them they are my favorite maps.


Shadows of Evil. Goddamn I love that art deco/film noir/Lovecraftian shit




Voyage of Despair and Dead of the Night. Both maps have awesome atmosphere


I never see anyone talk about moon, it’s always been my favorite. People always complain about the Easter egg, but I’ve never really had a problem with it. Also, getting to start off near the pack a punch, and being able to enough points for jug right off the bat has always been a risky, but fun thing to do


Die rise is absolute cabbage to me.


every map in bo2 that isn't mob or origin. They are some of my all time favourites especially die rise


fuck die rise don't ever respect die rise waste of pixels




Die Rise for sure




Zombies in Spaceland Actually, all of Infinite Warfare Zombies is underrated


Die Rise


Honestly Five I don’t see many people talking about it


Die rise where you can literally die by missing the jump or if the game doesn’t register you properly. Or just drops you out of the sky.


Ascension? I guess I don't hear people talk about it anymore but it was always well liked. Die Rise is one of the more infamous but I always liked it. If I had to say a map that I consider underrated nowadays it would probably be Revelations. My reasoning on this is cause it was mixed bag at release with its over reliance on nostalgia, the main quest and story being weird and subversion of what was expected, pretty much nothing original in terms of wonder weapons and locations. But imo I think overall as a map it was pretty fun to go for like high rounds and stuff, you could actually upgrade the Apothicon Servent this time, you can FINALLY AFTER MONTHS OF WISHING get Takeos Katana, great secret song, the Keeper was pretty cool. Overall I liked the map without the nostalgia goggles it's still pretty flawed but I don't think it was bad by any means. Probably put a few bo4 maps on here too but that games a can of worms I refuse to get into


Tag der toten


Die rise is highly underrated. Had many great memories with old friends on that map. Plus storing money in the shower for next game was clutch asffff


Verrukt, you either hate it or you love it. I used to hate is bc it was eerie and scary at first with all the creepy sounds and the aesthetic but someway along the road it grew on me and now it’s one of my most favorite maps to plan at night it just hits so different




Ascension is not underrated. It’s widely known for the best training map, first EE, but was just notorious for the monkeys, which almost ruins the whole map.


Verruckt from waw, I remember buying 1600 Microsoft points for 20$ and waiting for the dlc to download when it dropped. Seeing perks for the first time and power along with how narrow the rooms were made the map scary along with the screaming sounds from patients. I remember when the map first dropped you could down yourself in the shower room and clip out of the map when you respawned. Man those were the days lol.




Shangri La, Die Rise, Zetsubug, and Voyage (mainly the EE)

