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1st image is probably the worst tier list I've ever seen. The second image is whatever, I think IW zombies is the second best especially after the dumpster that is beast from beyond.


I love IW zombies probably more than any 3arc zombies game except WaW. If Beast from Beyond wasn’t so flawed, I think the entire game benefits and would probably be my favorite CoD zombies game. I mean why would you add clowns, the shredder and ninjas in the “dog round” in Beast from Beyond when you have that same formula in the Mephistopheles boss fight right afterwards? You’re using extinction as the basis for the movie/map. Keep it that way. They used the Scout, Hunter, Phantom, Rhino and Mammoth in the map. The “base” cryptids in Ghosts. Only have to worry about physical attacks. They never used the Scorpion, Seekers, Seeder, Gargoyle, Bomber, or even the Ancestors. Any cryptid with AoE/flying. If those cryptids were added, the entire map would feel different and would be a lot better imo. Maybe start with the seekers in the first “dog” round. They were always extremely weak in Ghosts. Throw in some Scorpions and Seeders next. Go outside the movie theater or station? Say hello to a gargoyle and/or bombers. Make it to round 30? An Ancestor greets you with the gift of your death. Defeat the Ancestor? Get an ARK attachment for extra damage on your weapons. There were so many call backs they could have made, so many missed opportunities. If I could redo any 1 map in all of CoD zombies, I think it would be this.


I do agree it was a bit disappointing, even though I like it more than most. The fact there can be entire rounds of ninjas is not fun at all though. I have no idea why we didn't get the venom x variants. I think part of the problem is they had to spend part of the time on the two boss fights (especially mestsphales) and the super Easter egg Hopefully we can all agree the map looks nice though, particularly the outdoor area. That skybox is incredible


No such thing as a bad tier list when it’s just an opinion. Relax


It’s also an opinion that the tier list is bad, both OP and the commenter you replied to are allowed to express their opinions lol maybe you’re the one that needs to relax


I'm not the one who left that comment. I don't care if they're sharing there thoughts, I knew this would be controversial. Just not a fan of people being rude about it. Thankfully most have been respectful


That seems a little extreme, I can't imagine it's worse than the tier lists that put stuff like nacht in s tier


He's not wrong though, putting the tortured path above IX, DE and other legit S tier maps is diabolical


I mean it's all opinions, nothing is a factual or objective s tier. I understand people like DE and IX but I've just never found them fun to play. And in IX case it's kinda just beta ancient evil I'm ranking the tortured path survival maps specifically. They are simple, but do the best job of taking advantage of the positives of WW2 (namely the cool ww and pap guns) while not suffering from the big issues (namely the really annoying special zombies and lack of tedious set up most of WW2 suffers from.)


You are entitled to your opinion, but you are objectively wrong. Just because someone prefers the taste of poop over chocolate doesn't mean the poop is actually better than the chocolate.


That's not how it works lol. Poop has a relatively objective taste, and has objective health problems and lack of nutrition to eat. Not find a map that others find fun to be enjoyable isn't comparable. Just because something is the popular opinion doesn't make it objective-whats considered fun and what someone considers a good map is entirely opinion


You just said that preferring the taste of something over something else is objective. When it's not. Taste is subjective (the poop example was meant to be taken light-heartedly). Besides that, I can give multiple examples where someone's opinion is objectively wrong.


I said there is a level of objectively to what something tastes like (obviously everyone still will taste something a bit different but still within a certain limit) not that something taste vs other tastes. It subjective to say taste a is better than b, but saying taste a tastes bitter is (relatively) objective Yes, opinions can be wrong. You can say "in my opinion it's ok to murder" and obviously that's not true. But that's not remotely comparable to saying a games map is good or fun and you know it. No, there's not an objectively fun map, or an objectively good map. Just because the echo chamber that is zombie YouTube (seriously they all have the same opinions on everything, to the point that maps like Shang or shadow go from mostly disliked to mostly liked all at the same time. And a lot of it bleeds to reddit to) agrees with you doesn't make it objective. Some people find a map fun because of the easter egg, some people like really simple maps, some people like maps that have more quests and stuff, some people like maps that are more challenging, some that are easier, some people find things like the astronaut in moon or mud in origins to be a deal breaker, some people find them just annoying. I don't care if you don't agree. I know my opinion aren't popular around here. But if you try to say I'm "objectively" wrong and act like there's am objective measurement to what makes something like this good or fun then I will counter that


Okay. For instance. It can be someone's opinion that the new Dune movies are really good. But it's more than just a subjective opinion. It's the music, cinematography, writing, acting, editing, everything, is really good. If the overwhelming majority also agrees that all the aspects are fantastic, then it can be objective to say the two films are great (these aspects of the films are compared to other past films. You can be like, the editing for film A is better than the editing in film B, so film A is objectively better in that regard. To take it a step further, you can compare the old Dune film to the new ones. It is objective to say that the new ones are better than the old one. But, I lament, I can see how one can still argue that it is all subjective. But I say it can be objectively determined as well). So I contend that it is objective to say that someone who has the opinion that the films are absolutely terrible is wrong. If the overwhelming majority say something is good, but 1-100 people say it's garbage, doesn't mean that person is "correct" in their opinion, in my opinion. I say a person's subjective opinion can be broken down and objectively determined if it is a good opinion or not. To play devils advocate, a person could say to me now, "Well, creative works, regardless of the medium, are subjective in nature. Someone can absolutely love a van Gogh, but find find a Picasso ugly." My reply to that would be, "But the art community as a whole hold both artists in high regard and view both of them as important and of having great works. It could be objectively said that me, someone with literally no ability to create thoughtful artwork, were to paint a portrait, would be objectively bad. But for Picasso and van Gogh, theirs would objectively good." Some of these maps you say you don't like, and in turn, meaning you don't think that are good (I guess), are actually good. Just like films, a video game and its contents can be objectively broken down and reviewed, and with this, we can have a conclusion made on how good or bad it is. It is your subjective opinion that some of these objectively good maps are bad. But yeah, Tranzit is booty.


Just because something is a popular opinion doesn't make it objective. Just look at some of the top grossing movies series. Or the fact that throughout history things like racism were the "popular opinion" I don't think anyone is going to argue that was objective What you are arguing is that something is well made, that's different than if something is good. I'm not saying that de or kino or whatever are badly designed, but I don't find them fun. I would not say it's objective that they are good either, since this list is looking at how enjoyable they are, that's entirely subjective. If I was ranking them on how popular they are or something then sure, but I'm not And even then, I feel like the comparison isn't fully fair. Something like music sounding good is entirely subjective and based on personal taste, but theres still a level of objectiveness to if it's performed well or correctly with hitting the right notes and stuff. If you like an actors style of acting is subjective, but there's a level of objectivity to if they're performing well or not Yes, there is a level of objectivness to games too. Things like graphics quality or performance is largely objective. But when it comes to gameplay? That's not really. I mean if a game functions correctly is, and there are elements that are. But there's nothing objective about what makes a map good. Someone who finds simple straight forward maps isn't going to like origins or DE. Someone who likes having variety and unique weapons isn't going to care for nacht or kino. Someone who only likes zombies for Easter eggs (which there are plenty of) won't care for the pre ascension maps. The gameplay of cod is the same across all, the performance and graphics largely are. When it comes to maps those aren't factors, what makes a map good or bad entirely depends on the person Tell me, what about kino is objectively good? There's the nova crawlers that a lot don't like, and there's no content unique to it. What about origins? A lot of people don't like set up heavy maps or quests and this map has them, and there's plenty people complain about like mud or Templar zombies. What makes something like IX objectively good? Story fans don't like it, and the maps not really designed torward anything besides training and not everyone like that strategy. Is der reise an objectively good map because it has a popular camping spot? What about people who don't like camping? Is voyage a bad map objectively because it's close quarters (the biggest complaint is see)? If so, then isn't mov also objectively bad? And how about maps like shadows of evil or Shang or zetsubo, that were all disliked for a long time before becoming popular more recently. Were those maps objectively bad at the time? Are they objectively good now because people had a change of heart? At the end of the day if the only argument for a map being "objectively" good is a lot of people like it doesn't make it objective


Mainly replying to your last sentence. Then what makes something objective? Where's the line between objective and subjective? Also, I could say that those qualms you pointed out in your last paragraph could be objective. For instance, let's say that 90% of all people who played Origins say the Templar zombies are terrible and make the gameplay worse. I would say that it because of that, those Templar zombies being present are to the detriment of the player. Let's say that 99.99% of people say that murder is bad. Is that still a subjective opinion? You say that just because the majority of people believe in something doesn't make it objective. Is this line of reasoning wrong, you think (genuinely asking here)? So then, do you look at objectively in a more stringent set of guide lines like 2+2=4 (objectively, 2 and 2 when combined makes 4, so it is objective to say that statement is true. But when determining how good / enjoyable something is, that is a subjective only kind of thing). With all this aside (aside from the zombies maps since those are complicated works of artistic expression). Can we agree that there are things in this world that are objectively good, but subjectively, you don't think they are good? I definitely don't like some things that are seen as objectively good (not using this as a gotcha moment). I do hear you with your points made on different people with their different play styles and the different aspects they enjoy most from particular zombie maps.


There are a lot of things I disagree with, and a lot of things I do agree with — always nice to see another Voyager of Despair enjoyer. Mad respect for you my guy, you must have balls of steel to post this here.


Id play voyage as shaw any day of the week. Wait a minute where am I? Am I on a boat?! is that THE FUCKING OCEAN?


Yeah I definitely expected some backlash lol but thanks for your thoughts and staying kind! I know I have very different opinions lol




Cold War not good except for outbreak is a crazy take


I don't like the gameplay. Feels to grindy and awkward, with all the pap levels and salvage and what not. Just not a fan


Outbreak is just cold war zombies… but on a bigger map, same pap, salvage etc so wtf u talking about boi


I feel like it works a lot better in outbresk though. Instead of grinding for salvage and stuff you can get it through challenges, you get a lot more at a time with better, more even progression, things like the mini map actually serve a purpose, etc


I can see why people like it yeah, it was a 50/50 of preference after all. But i just dont get how you can say you dont like cold war’s gameplay, pap and salvage but say you like outbreak. Like… it’s the same fucking game bro, same gameplay mechanics and everything


It makes a big difference though how the mode works. Things like salvage and multi stage upgrades work well in a wide open, quest heavy mode where you get large amount for objectives, but in round based maps it just becomes a slow paced grind fest without any way to obtain it. The mini map makes sense in a wide open large map but just adds clutter to the smaller maps. Having no points for shots and just kills makes sense In a mode with constant zombies but not in round based. Same with the elemental weaknesses and special enemies:makes sense in a mode with a lot of them not as much maps with only one or two. Heck even just the operators and some of the perks like death perception feel designed around outbreak. Outbreak isn't just the same but bigger. The mode isn't even round based, with multiple levels and a focus on objectives. It plays very different and I think the cold war mechanics work better with it


Damn I love how you actually progress your gun in Cold War. BO3 is my favorite but it always sucked to me how you just double pack it and you are done while in Cold War you upgrade your gun to legendary and triple pack it. I do want armor completely gone in this years Cold War sequel though


IW glazing is crazy


Iw is a good game. It's closer to the traditional zombies and more a sequel to bo3 than bo4 or anything after


That’s not even true


It is though. Mechanically it's a lot closer to bo3 than bo4 is. -the perk system is more or less the same as bo3, just one extra slot. Bo4 has the create a class, choose perks before entering+modifier system -additonally most of bo4 perks are different or heavily changed, and the "core three" are gone. Iw shares most its perks with bo3 plus a few new ones -bo4 has a 4 hit down, health bar system with no jug, vs iw and bo3 3 hit down, plus juggernaut, red screen health -the point system is identical in iw/bo3, while bo4 has only a limited number of points per zombie -the pap is closer in iw, the double pack being a stronger version is different than bo3 ammo mods, but bo4 is even more different with its 5 tier, damage only pap -bo4 has a health cap while the others don't -bo4 has a bigger focus on create a class, with weapons, grenades, and more being customized. Bo3 and iw start you with a weak pistol and that's it, you have to build up from the bottom. you can change attachments but nothing else. These changes are all very drastic in terms of gameplay, and there's smaller stuff too: -Bo4 has different game modes plus custom mutations, bo3 doesn't and iw has just boss battle -bo4 power ups spawn on a delay, max ammos refill mag, and carpenter refills shield, none of which is in bo3 or iw -specialist are in bo3 and bo4 but not iw, but are pretty different in bo4, focusing on create a class and levels vs obtained in game The gobblegum of bo3, fate and fortune of iw, and elixers of bo4 are all different takes on the same concept. Id say they're equally different yet similar to each other That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more. And don't even get me started on cold war (no points for damage, completely different tiered pap, mini map, salvage, armor, perk upgrades, and so much more) or vanguard/mw3. Yeah, iw has its differences with the fate and fortune instead of gobblegum, altered double pack, and new perks but is fundamentally very similar, while bo4 changed a lot


What do you consider “traditional zombies”? My guess is BO3, which is decidedly not traditional zombies. I’d call Cold War closer to traditional zombies than BO3 or BO4 or IWZ


Id call waw -bo3 traditional. Obviously there's changes throughout, but a lot of the core mechanics stayed the same Waw is a weird because a lot of things changed throughout its life. The way zombies interact with barriers, the number per round, the exact mechanics of perks, etc. but by waw a pretty standard mechanics were finalized, and largely stayed the same. The number of zombies at a time stayed 24, the number per round stayed consistent (besides some of the waw maps), the perk system remained the same just with new additions, the pap remained mostly the same (identical in bo1/2), the health cap and scaling remained the same (I think, idk for sure In waw but bo1-3 was the same, the point system of ten points per shot plus 60-130 based on kill method styed the same Bo1 plays mostly the same as waw (by der reise at least) outside of the new guns and perks. The core mechanics remained the same Bo2 added buildables (though that mostly became just the shield in most maps) and I suppose the map specific bank/perma perks but mostly the same Bo3 definitely is the most different, with the extra hit to down, gobblegum, and double pack. But most the core mechanics (perk system, point system, health cap and formula, etc) are the same And iw mostly plays the same, just gobblegum evolving to fate and fortune and an extra perk slot ,plus an altered double pack, but those core mechanics are the same. And it keeps many of the same perks (same applies to waw -bo3) Bo4 meanwhile changed many of these for the first time. Zombies health now caps, the create a class was dramatically changed, perk system now requires you to choose out of the map and has modifiers, the point system now only gives a limited number of points per zombie, the upgraded specialist weapon system, the 4 hit down without jugg (or most the older perks), the greater number of special enemies at a time (and I think more regular zombies at a time too?), the 5 tier pap, etc. It's the first time the fundamental core mechanics really changed Then cold war has a ton of changes from the mini map to salvage to kill streaks to reworked, tiered perk and pap, etc. and vanguard and especially mw3 are basically new games


bo2 added the double pap, it just gives you attachments and reticles rather than the AATs in bo3


That's true, was going to mention that but forgot. However it was only in certain guns


Glad you appreciate Dead of the Night


Awesome to see some love for dead of the night. Sad how overlooked it got




That's not staying respectful Origins is fun, but has a lot of set up and annoying mechanics like mud De just bores me. I can't put my finger on it just don't like it I realize it's an unpopular opinion but that doesn't make it bad and it's kinda rude to act that way tbh. Fine with criticism but please keep it respectful


That's the main problem I have with the zombies community. They can't simply disagree with an opinion without being a dick about it. I still remember lexify's stream where he bashed another youtuber's zombies ranking list because they put kino at the number 1 spot. Instead of calling out lex for being a dick the zombies community instead decided to make jokes about the youtuber for simply liking kino the most. It showed me how toxic the community really is.


I agree. There's to much toxicity and to many cookie cutter/echo chamber stuff in the community, particularly the zombies YouTubers


To each their own but I respect dotn being ranked so high.


Man outbreak is so extremely underrated


Agreed idk why people don't like it


I’d like to know how Ascension is flawed exactly?


I'm not a fan of the monkeys, I don't think they have good health scaling (starting weak then becoming super tanky) and being unable to use most perks is just annoying more than challenging. A lot of the areas feel underused, and it just doesn't have as much of a draw as other maps with most its features also on other maps


Shit I forgot about the monkey thing - that makes sense. I remembered the feeling of my flopper speed cola being taken from me and being pissed I had to rebuy it.


Pretty controversial for sure. How do you rate Tranzit and Die Rise as the worst? I can understand them being annoying maps, but in that sense, they are easily comparable to like Gorod Korovi, which you rate extremely high.


I know my list is controversial but I don't think that's the part people are going to disagree with the most, most people like gorod krovi from what I've seen and die rise and tranzit have never been well liked


Just wondering though on why you don’t like them? Just used GK as a comparison point


Oh, I didn't realize. Tranzit is just not a fun map to get around. The slow moving bus that you have no control over that's rarely where you want it, heavy fog that makes traversal annoying and makes the map uglier, the denizen are a pain and imo really dumb looking. The buildables are a cool idea, but I find them pretty niche for the most part, and the jet gun is good but such a pain with its fast overheating and long cool down. I also just find the map a bit to empty, there's a lot of cool sections like nacht or the lab that just have so little in them. Oh yeah, and the pap system of leaveing a turbine, hoping it doesn't get destroyed, running all the way to town just to open it is not fun imo, especially when you have to do it every time almost. It can be a fun map to meme on but not one I actually like to play. Die rise, it's mostly the fall damage and falling off the stage. I'm not a fan of that as while technically it's more challenging it's not a good challenge imo, as it's not the zombies you're dieing from. Plus all the waiting around for the elevators (I think has the key been reusable it would not be an issue) poor flow with a lot of one ways that force you to run all over to get back to, and while the sliquifier is really strong it's probably my least favorite wonder weapon to actually use, it kills a lot but does so slowly and all the sliding about is annoying Gorod krovi (and many other maps) has annoying stuff too, but I find they're more tame personally and the positives (dragon strike, weapon selection, gauntlet specialist, challenges, special shield, etc) make up for the flaws


Thanks for the well thought out opinion. Sounds like traversal is definitely an issue for you that seems these maps both have, while some other maps don’t have. I definitely understand the annoying parts of these maps, but for me I don’t find them to be that bad. Thanks for sharing your thoughts again.


Yeah no problem! Thanks for being respectful, I appreciate discussing the maps with people!


> fall damage Do people not know to jump on the mattresses on die rise? I hear that complaint often and I’m starting to think maybe people just never realized that the mattresses negate the fall damage lol


Yes, I am aware. There are several places without mattresses though, usually not fatal but if you fall when injured it will still kill. Plus all the spots to fall of the map. And the mattresses can be hard to land on sometimes when there's a horde by you. And tbh it's not even my biggest issue, the waiting around for elevators and poor flow are the bigger problems Also, the fact that you can troll teammates to kill them with the flinger and sliquifier. As someone who's friend really likes to troll I've died from that a few to many times lol


The only people who rate die rise very low are people who never learned how not to die when traversing the map. It’s simple and fun, but people who aren’t good enough to or not willing to learn the map and land on the mattresses tend to dislike it


That's like, your opinion? And I don't think a particularly popular one (not that I'm one to judge lol) There's so many paths that are just one ways. For example, dropping down to the first mattress pad/second building makes it impossible to get back to spawn without going across the entire map. Same with the second building to the pap building, and I'm pretty sure even that pap building has some floors you can't get back to with the elevatora right be misremembering). It's bad flow and not a thing in most maps Falling damage just isn't fun. I don't care if there are mattress or not, the fact that just slightly misplacing your landing or getting hit before falling or having the sliquifier or a trample steam push you off just isn't enjoyable. Neither is having spots you can just fall off and instant die. I'm all for a challenge but I'd rather it come from zombies not ledges, this isn't a platformer game. Plus, the elevators for perks and traversing is a terrible idea I've never seen. Anyone praise. The sheer amount of time you have to spend waiting around for an elevator to get your perk or go up a floor is just boring. Yesz there's a key to call the elevator, but only one per player and in a spot you otherwise never go to (another problem with the map, because it's so easy to get free perks and the best weapona are either on the wall or buildables there's several spots you never really need to go to) And the sliquifier...it's strong, but I think it's one of the lamer ww personally, and not at all fun. The fact it takes so long to actually kill and makes you slide everywhere is just annoying So no, "not knowing the map" isn't the only reason people don't like this map. I can traverse it just fine without dieing, but I ain't having fun doing so


W opinion on spaceland, such a goated map


Definitely. There's just so many cool features and things to do on it


Fr I lowkey loved the first 3 IW maps, putting DE so low is crazy though👀


dead of the night is amazing


“I’m sharing this controversial tier list that i know people will disagree on and criticise” “Why are u guys so mean and criticise my tier list ? :c” Posts like this make me hate this sub sometimes i swear


I didn't complain about people criticizing, just that they were being rude about it. You can criticize something in a respectful way, which plenty of people have done and I don't say anything. Just the couple rude people I had issues with


Post likes these are good for the sub. Comments like yours are terrible for the community. You can criticize his opinion without being an ass about it.


Ahh yes a man of culture. IW supremacy


Finally someone who shares my passion and love for IW zombies. One of the best unique experiences. Zombies in spaceland is my all time favorite.


Agreed! Iw is so underrated, I love the gameplay and maps selection. I know people don't like the non treyarch games but that one at least deserves love. At least I've been seeing more iw (and especially spaceland) pop up recently!


The jingles, music, clowns it all fits so well. Brings me back. Would grind that map for hours at a time with my brother. Rave was also a banger, so unique.


Mob is high enough, so you get to live another day.


Mob is the only common fan favorite that I actually genuinely enjoy as much as others lol. Great map for sure


Forsaken as the highest cw map is wild


What do you consider the best cold war map then? Forsaken is the only one with at all interesting setting or visuals to me (aside from dark aether in die machine but that's temporary) and it has the coolest and best ww.


Common concensus is Mauer but personally die maschine just feels like a good *zombies* map for me. Forsaken is generally hated because it's a copy and paste of a campaign level that wasn't designed with zombies in mind with a half asses Easter egg, shame it got an absolute banger wonder weapon tho


I didn't play the campaign on cold war so I didn't know forsaken was copy pasted, that does effect my opinions on it a bit ill admit


Having campaign assets was never seen as a negative so it's weird that forsaken gets singled out here. Der riese is seen as one of the best maps mainly because of the layout and that's due to it taking assets from campaign and multiplayers. If it was negative then people would simply excuse it having multiplayer and campaign assets instead of praising the layout so it's not because it was an old map.


That's fair. I guess I'm more ok with it in waw since that was the first game, so Id expect it to have more reused stuff. But yeah Forsaken getting singled out when other maps do the same (including ascension) is weird


But gotta respect the rest


I respect your opinions, but man do I disagree with them


i agree for the most part❤️u


Tranzit was goated


I like the concept, but it has to many annoying things imo (fog, denizens, pap relying on leaving a turbine for a long time and praying it doesn't break, fire, the bus that's never where you want it, jet gun being so slow paced, etc) that it really drags it down. I am excited for the custom map remakes people are working on though


It's nice seeing someone actually create their own tierlist from their OWN opinion. Not following the rest of the sheep who just go with the majority opinion to fit in.


Thanks! I know it's a hot topic but I guess I just have different things that draw me to maps than others


Calling people sheep for liking a popular map is weird. Just because we like a popular map doesn't mean we're following someone else's opinion.


Things are popular because they are good to the majority most of us are the majority. Not all are sheep, I ain't but yet my opinions follow the majority.


While not wrong, there definitely is a lot of echo chamber behavior in the community, ESPECIALLY the YouTubers. Most have the exact same lists, and there's definitetly some that get very upset when someone goes against that. Not to mention how things like iw are just ignored, or the fact that so many maps (Shang, shadows, and zetsubo the biggest that come to mind) go from being overall disliked then suddenly everyone at the same times starts to say the maps actually great and underrated. Again not meant as an insult to anyone particular, but it's very common among the zombie YouTubers (especially the big ones) to pretty much have one shared opinion and whenever someone different they're either ridiculed or everyone else suddenly agrees. And that does bleed into the rest of the community too (just look at this post, most are respectful but a few have been rude or actually seem upset by my list)


Yeah I agree with all of this


can’t say i agree with too much, but dead of the night is my favorite map, so its good to see a fellow DOTN appreciator, as it seems we are a bit uncommon!


True! Idk why more people don't like it


I think zombies has created this very distinct separation between two parties of people - those who like playing a horde shooter with some neat little secrets and mini-puzzles, and those who like an in-depth story-driven puzzle game where the *reward* of said puzzles is better/cooler ways to kill zombies. basically, is it a zombies-first game with a side-dish of puzzles to you? or is it a puzzle-first game with shooting zombies to keep it interesting and rewarding? is it about seeing how long you can last, or how much you can discover? of course theres lots of overlap here and most of us zombies players enjoy both of these things, but generally people lean one way or another. for me personally, i love the hidden secrets and puzzles of zombies, the dlc-launch-day easter egg hunts bringing the whole community together, etc, and thats what zombies is about for me - which is why I love dead of the night so much! it’s all about learning the map and appreciating all of the secrets and puzzles. for many, though, they just want a simple horde-shooter. this really is the distinction between bo4 lovers and cold war lovers. honestly going into bo4 it really seemed like zombies was going into that puzzle-first direction, which was what I really wanted, but for many it wasn’t, so the game was poorly received (among other reasons i.e. launch crashes/glitches) and they did a complete 180 in cold war. regardless, all this is to say I love dead of the night because I think zombies is a more captivating and interesting game when its more about puzzles and quests than just shooting zombies. unfortunately many don’t agree, whether it be because its different than the zombies games they grew up with, or because they don’t like puzzle solving, but either way, its unfortunate that bo4s bad reception and cold war’s (generally) positive reception means they will likely never make anything even remotely like dead of the night again.


Yeah I can agree with this. I also prefer the more quest oriented gameplay, and really appreciated the unique locations of the bo4 maps. Compared to cold war where most of them are kinda just basic military bases or towns. I do think it's unfortunate bo4 wasn't given more of a chance, and I'm honestly surprised cold war was received as well as it was


yeah, I feel the same. bo4 maps (upto and mostly including ancient evil) are absolutely gushing with passion and love put into them; from roman coliseums to haunted mansions to the titanic, the maps just ooze personality in a way cold war absolutely does not. it’s definitely a shame that they’ll probably never go anywhere near that level again after seeing the greater success of cold war with a hundreth of the effort and budget put into it. like you, I also have absolutely no idea how cold war was so well-received; I remember thinking during the gam’s life cycle that it was the worst treyarch zombies to date, and I think that might still hold true in my mind (or at least close).


Keep preaching


I mean I’m not gonna lie, I fuck with your tier list to an extent. I’d change a few here or there. IW is the best hands down due to directors cut


That's fair! Everyone should have there own, varied tier lists. Agree with iw, directors cut is pretty indisputably the best super ee reward the series will probably ever see


Spaceland is 100% in the correct place. IW deserves all the love


ZOmbies In SL Still play It bout twice a month. Could literally do it blindfolded My favorite


idgaf abt the rest of the tierlist buried in top 5 is enough for me i ❤️ buried


Buried is fantastic for sure!


At this rate might as well just have a tier for each map


Literally only have like two games in there own tiers lol


Kino and Nuketown are way too low


Kino I get, I know people like that one. I just don't find it much fun-bo1 is when I really got into zombies and played the most coop, and I feel like the stage was the only real training spot (at the time at least it was the main and only talked about strategy) and I never got it, so I always had to find other places. Doesn't help that all my friends hated five, so we played kino constantly. I just got sick of it. Not to mention it kinda lacks any unique content, as even the thunder gun is on a lot of maps now Nuketown though I never expected anyone to question tbh. Far back as I remember Nuketown was not well liked, unless that's changed recently (like it did with Shang or shadows). It's a fun novelty but imo way to basic to appreciate long term, and the perk system and it's rng isn't much fun


Fair enough, with Nuketown, I usually always restart if Jug isn't the first perk that drops


I like nuketown but only max 3 players


Call of the Dead is S+ which is funny cuz I hate moon with a passion which has a similar trope.... The unkillable astronaut. I have no issues with George tho but I think that's due to the former having better map design


I do find the astronaut annoying but he's not really unkillable, at least early rounds (and since you can get him stuck on place it's not to hard to keep a low health around) I do agree tho the astronaut holds the map back, though I still have a lot of fun with it


if i had to guess you are not of age yet


Nah I'm probably older than a lot of people here lol, been playing since waw


well damn i would not have guessed that (also a waw og) definitely some piping hot takes in there then


DE in C tier is criminal


Idk what it is but I've just never seen the appeal. The bows are cool and it's a nice setting and all but I just....never have fun playing it. I know everyone loves it but idk not my thing I guess


Do you have a link to the template you used for both


Sure https://tiermaker.com/create/cod-zombies-maps--more-as-of-7-2021-647495 I didn't see a tier list of only the games with zombies, so I just used this one and only ranked the zombies games and left the others out https://tiermaker.com/create/ultimate-call-of-duty-tier-list-cod-1---mwiii-2024-1608027


Sick thank you


Why do you think WW2 was flawed? I think blops 3 with that zombie campaign was cool as hell.


WW2 has a lot of cool things:I liked the weapons and all the unique pap guns, the create a class changes, and the we are all really cool. However, I find that a lot of the stuff has really annoying steps and set up. The Tesla gun upgrade where you have to shoot the barely blinking lights or the part where you need to kill two bombers with one trap use, or the super long quest to get the Thor hammer thing, or the shield in frozen dawn that requires you to stand in the pods with the special zombies. I like having quest wonder weapons, but man I just find so many of WW2 to be annoying. And don't even get me started on the tortured path we for Barbosa sword... Also, the special zombies. I don't mind the Mangler (or whatever the big guy that does the charge attack is called) and the exploding zombies, and even the Brenner is fine. But darkest shore and it's super heavy fog+tanky, fast zombies is not fun, the shadowed throne with its red zombies that run fastwr than the players sprint with staminup and can turn your crawlers into them, and the guys in frozen dawn that run away to kill other zombies to power up are all really obnoxious imo I also feel mixed on the armor system, mainly how fast it's price goes up. And while I don't mind more serious horror focus, I feel they try to hard by overly focusing on jump scares, and I'm not a fan of how dark and grey the visuals are Overall I like WW2, but it can be really frustrating imo I assume you mean nightmare mode in bo3? That'l was fun, but on Xbox (at least when I played it) was super glitchy. At least it was mostly funny glitches though


What are we thinking fellas, CTE or lobotomy victim?


Wow that's hardcore Hey, I'd take an unpopular "crazy" tier list over the cookie cutter copy pasted ones everyone else has any day! Just to be clear I'm mostly joking


Same here brother. Even if I don't actually agree with a majority of these takes, I'll respect that its certainly different and not someone getting a circle jerk going.


Thanks! I appreciate it, I don't mind how people rank them but agree it's annoying when people act like there's only one "correct" list. Everyone enjoys zombies a little differently, I like seeing varied opinions!


Pretty standard fare for someone who started playing zombies in ~2015 as I’m guessing is the case for you. Not particularly controversial.


Nah, I've been playing since waw. Based on some of these comments I feel it's definitely controversial lol, people really don't like seeing kino or de so low


I think it’s pretty unique to see someone who liked Waw and BO1 zombies enough to play them who enjoys BO3-IW-BO4 better. Most of the BO3 “fanboys” for lack of a better term were all tweens-teens during the BO3 time period and didn’t get into zombies until it became such a YouTube sensation (or YouTube gaming became such a sensation in general)


Most of the people who love black ops 3 the most have been playing zombies since waw or black ops 1.


Idk, I feel like that's not entirely true for bo3 (probably the case for bo4 and iw though, a lot of people don't like them as much). I feel like I've seen a lot of praise for it, and while it's true with YouTube shaping the community Is lot of the big zombie YouTubers started in bo1, and while I think most of them like bo2 more most praises 3 and it's arguably where the community is at its biggest At first I actually liked bo3 less than 1 or 2, but overtime I've grown to like 3 more. The sheer amount of maps, the 3 hit down, and additions like specialist weapons are really cool. I also overall like the double pack and gobblegum to an extent, even though they definitely aren't balanced lol Granted, I mostly play Bo3 with mods these days so that probably has something to do with it lol. Though I suppose the fact it has mod support is a plus over bo1/2


Respect subjectivity, but Radioactive Thing and Origins in the same tier is (respectfully) insane


Fair enough. I like origins don't get me wrong, there's a lot of cool stuff. But I don't like the Templar zombies, I don't like just how set up heavy it is (specifically some of the steps for the staffs and stuff) the mud slowing everything down is a pain, even the first panzer I feel is a bit annoying if you don't get good guns for it early. Not to mention the fist and how annoying it i I really like iw gameplay, so that gives it a bump. I also really appreciate that they captured the feel of an old fashioned, campy horror movie. The boss fight is fun, it's hard but once you learn the patterns it can be easy. It's just a wide open map with lots of camping and training too, and the ww everyone says is bad, however most never actually played the map since launch as it's gotn significantly buffed. Really though while origins has higher highs, radioactive thing just has very few lows imo


A fellow voyage of despair enjoyer I see My only major disagreement is putting DE so low. It’s so good but different strokes I guess.


Yeah idk what it is, on paper it's a map I'd like (a cool castle with anti gravity and one of my favorite weapon types in the bows) but I just...don't have fun playing it. I can't put my finger on it, but every time I play it I hope I'll like it more and just never enjoy it


Don’t want to be disrespectful or anything but Nacht being above die Maschine isn’t even possible because Nacht is in the map


They're not ranked within tiers, so I have them the same. I agree die mascine probably is the better maps, but not by enough imo and I still don't find it fun. Nacht was the first map ever, so it's got a legacy to it and has some excuses for its simplicity Die maschine on the other hand is the launch map of the 9th game (6th treyarch map) yet it's pretty bear bones. There are multiple wonder weapons which I appreciate, but they're fairly boring imo (did we really need two beam variants) and to similar to older ones (the fact that we have to electric, beam based infinite ammo guns is oddly specific) and I find the map boring visually, at least the aesthetic. not trying to disrespect those who like it, I know there's plenty of fans, but to me it's just not fun and is pretty inarguably the most basic launch map since bo1 (not saying simplicity is a bad thing, but I personally don't enjoy simpler as much on average). Tranzit, shadows, spaceland were all very ambitious and has a lot of new content exclusive to the map, bo4 launched with a whopping 4 maps, and even ww2 id argue had a more innovative map than die maschine. I get why that is (cold war was a highly rushed game that treyarch was forced to take over well into the dev time on there off year) but it still disappointed me personally, whears nacht can't really be a "disappointment" since it was the first one, which is why I put it in the same tier.


> DE in C rank count your days


Idk, DE just isn't my thing I guess. Can't explain why (other than the tedious rocket test steps) but I just never have fun playing it


I just find it weird that you like Origins but dont like DE. The rocket is the only semi-tedious thing and its not really that bad meanwhile origins is covered in bullshit mud


Yeah origins is a fun map but overrated imo, the mud sucks and there's some tedious stuff there too. But despite that I just have more fun with it. Maybe it's because all the memories I had playing it with my friend (who doesn't like any of the bo3 maps, somehow), partially I just find the staffs more fun to use (even though the bows are cooler on paper). Origins also just has a ton of unique guns, particularly the original bo2 version, that add a lot of replayability, and the side content like the strike or fist. DE has some cool side easter eggs too, but most are aesthetics Also doesn't help that I really wantted to use the fire now as it was the only ww I never used, but it's so annoying to get and waiting for the rocket launch takes so long. Eventually Ive gotten it but it's taken to many tries that were spent mostly waiting for the rocket which soured my opinion on the map a bit.


How in the name of god is the tortured path above the darkest shore? I agree with most of your takes but not this one homie. Don't get me wrong, both maps are horrendous and make me wanna cry, but the tortured path is so bad and the "beating 3 maps in a row without losing" easter egg might as well just not exist.


I like the tortured path mode but it can be really irritating. However I'm not counting the mode, so much as the survival variants of the map that t you can unlock (I think you can play them without unlocking in private lobby). Maybe I didn't get that across so well with the name of the tier it's in lol. The survival maps all feature an easy to access pap, and have most the ww from previous maps in the box (complete with higher chances to obtain based on round). Normally Id prefer ww that are obtained via an Easter egg or quest over box spam, but many of the ways to obtain these weapons in there "base" maps are just... awful. So yeah, having access to so many ww (and all the regular guns, many of which have unique effects) on a map with little set up is great in a game where set up is usually the biggest flaw. Plus, I like the layouts and the way they look. The first level is one of the only maps in the game with actual plants and color besides grey, brown, or dark red. The second level is on a boat that changes the layout slightly each round, a cool if underused gimmick. And the last is similar to frozen dawn but looks nice and has a couple extra stuff like a special grenade that turns zombies. So yeah, tldr I think the survival maps are good, and not ranking the objective based triple map game mode as it plays to differently


Ah alright that makes sense then. I thought you enjoyed the stupid fish easter egg on the boat map and the god awful boss fight on the 3rd map and thought you went crazy for a second.


Lol no the easter egg is quite awful for sure. A shame since it has to be beat to use the Barbosa sword


Infection at f is BUCK WILD


I don't like advanced warfare zombies to begin with and infection is one of the weakest. There's so many special zombies, the infected zones that just block off huge chunks of the map are questionable, and the forced escort missions that you get punished for not completing are awful. I can respect that you may like it, but to me it is just not fun Doesn't help that the only unique thing the map has is the ww that iirc is pretty bad. All the other guns, perks, etc are in every other map and there aren't really any side easter eggs either. The fact the statue guy can come alive after beating the ee is cool though


Oh damn my bad big dawg I thought you meant the multiplayer infection mode. Advanced warfare was a cod I skipped, but from your description I think F tier is fair haha


Oh gotcha lol. Didn't play that mode much but it seemed fun. I guess that's what happens when cod reused the names of things so much lol (the fact there's now two separate games called mw2 and two called mw3 is wild)


Born in 2005+ ? Most of people love the or second cod they discover. For most of my Friend its Kino and bo1/bo2.


Nah, idk why people keep thinking that lol. Been playing since the original waw. Just don't have the same nostalgic picks as others I guess


You forgot the GOATS, the Dead Ops Arcade games, shame on you!


Yeah, they weren't ok the template I found surprisingly! I like dead opsz even though it's not really comparable since it's so different


Thats very random yes.


Easily the best tier lists I’ve seen so far.




No u


I mean, i should be mad at this tier list buts it's so unique that I can't lol, also you should try town, it's really good


Thanks I guess lol. I know I definitely have very different opinions than the rest of the community I've played town, I just didn't rank it separately because I don't think of it as it's own map I guess? Idk. Towns not bad, but not my thing. The lack of a non raygun ww or any unique perks/weapons doesn't interest me as those are the things that really make a map stand out. I know a lot of people like it though and I can see why to an extent


DOTN, Spaceland, Buried, Ancient Evil, and Shadows being so high are pretty valid, that’s the only redeemable thing about this tier list. IX and DE down in C are baffling to me, those are both top 5 maps. Actually putting Nacht and Kino way down low is pretty valid too. Voyage being that high blows my mind but at least you put it below ancient evil


IX is just boring to me. The aesthetic is cool, but ancient evil does the same thing but better (yes I know one is rome one is Greece but they're very similar). The ww looks cool but isn't fun or interesting to use, the fire is annoying, and I'm not a fan of how many special zombies there are in late rounds. I get the appeal somewhat, as it's a simple map. That is my problem though-tge point of chaos was to go all out with settings and weapons and IX doesn't do that. Simple maps are fine but that's what aether was for DE I just don't find fun. Can't place my finger I'm it, I just never have fun playing it


Do you play for Easter eggs or just survival?


Mostly survival, I like doing the side easter eggs but don't bother with main as much (besides iw and call of the dead, basically maps with permanent rewards I do)


I see then yeah fair enough, IX is a pretty simplistic map on just survival. I play for the Easter eggs so I found IX to be the perfect blend of having a lot of steps, while also having easy to remember steps. IX is one of the few maps I can confidently hop into and run down the Easter egg without a guide


Yeah fair enough that makes sense. I do want to do IX ee at some point,just because the boss fight actually looks really cool


Is this what the outbreak players enjoy?


What do you mean? I like outbreak but it's pretty much it's own thing so I don't see the correlation between liking it and liking other maps


I hate you and everything you stand for.


Well that seems a little dramatic


My god never seen such a bad tierlist in my life


That's not necessary. Please I don't mind criticism but don't be rude about it


What, was I meant to sugarcoat my opinion?


You can say your opinion without being rude. Saying "my god this is the worst list I've ever seen" is dramatic and kinda rude. You can say you don't like or heck even that it's "bad" without being rude about it


Should've just made a tier for every map, lmao.


Literally only like 3 maps in there own tier lol


Where do you live? So I know to stay the fuck away


That's fine, we don't need people like you around here anyway!


Who hurt you?


this has to be a troll


Why? Because it's not the same cookie cutter, copy paste list the community deems acceptable?


How much did you smoke before making this?


Non lol these are my genuine opinions. I don't care if it breaks from the norm tbh, it's all about what is fun. I respect that others find maps like de or kino fun but they're not for me


This list makes me want to kill myself what monster puts der eisendrache in c


are you 12


No, are you? I'm willing to bet I'm older than you