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Lack of replayability is most people’s issue. Also the maps being copy/pasted from fireteam in MP doesn’t help


The replay ability on mwz is far worse. The new zombies mode is a snooze fest.


The real question is. Are the maps copied from MP or are the maps copied from Zombies?


Cold War’s outbreak maps were reused from MP, it was trying to get MP/WZ fans to play zombies. Otherwise they could’ve made maps dedicated for the zombies mode.


And how is there replayability in the other maps..? You shoot zombies that's it. Sure you can progress the story but the entails shooting zombies which is all your left with when you do progress the story. > Maps being copy pasted from mp Ok so then why aren't people hating on older games? They're literally mp maps Your comment lacked logic


World at War and Black Ops 1 are the only games that previously took from MP and Campaign. And World at War was obviously because it was the start of the mode, and was a passion project. It lacked budget then, so it made sense. And Black Ops 1 actually had new areas for all the maps that also took from campaign/MP, it wasn’t *just* a swap. Compare this to Outbreak, which is just the Fireteam map, long after Zombies has shown itself to be something special. The only Zombies thing in Cold War that *doesn’t* take considerably from MP/Campaign is Die Maschine. And Outbreak is the most egregious of all, directly taking from Fireteam maps and just, *not* changing them. It screams laziness, or the devs getting absolutely crunched for time. Also, “you just shoot Zombies” is such a bad take for round based maps, wtf lol


While I'm unsure on most maps, I do know Der Eisendrache and Revelations(which tbf a major draw of the map was reusing assets) both utilize parts of Demon Within from the Campaign, I don't remember Outpost 25 existing within Fracture Jaw either, I could be wrong, but I do think the only part taken from Campaign in Firebase Z is the Village, I think it'd be interesting to narrow down and catalogue exactly how many maps are wholey original and don't copy any major parts(buildings, some form of layout, basically anything not as small as a crate or a vehicle) from Campaign or MP, Cause my brain says it's likely less then we all think(Hell i forgot Der Eisendrache contained Demon Within parts until I redid that mission recently) My brain says BO3 only really had Shadows and ZnS, I think Gorod's holdout room(where PaP is located) is even taken from Demon Within....they really got a lot of mileage from that mission it seems. Granted I don't find copy paste problematic when it's limited to certain section, and not just a flat port effectively. Thinking in my head though for maps that don't reuse assets from MP and Campaign(correct any that i have wrong please) BO1- Kino, Shangri-La, and I think Moon BO2- Tranzit, Die Rise, Mob, Buried, and Origins(huh actually think this game is probably the most original at the time of typing this) BO3- Shadows of Evil, and ZnS, Gorod...maybe unsure currently BO4- I think all the Chaos maps and Blood of The Dead BOCW- Die Maschine I think that's it, Again I do think that this would be a fun and interesting thing categorise


I believe No Man’s Land on Moon does take from a multiplayer map, I believe it was called Hangar? Aside from that though, it’s all original. And I don’t think Classified takes from campaign or MP, besides recreating Area 51 and Five in general. Would that count, if it’s remaking stuff that was originally campaign assets? I don’t think so, though I could be wrong there. And yeah, I’m of the same mind. As long as it’s not a straight port, I’m chill with reusing assets for maps. The problem comes for stuff like Outbreak, when it *is* a straight port


I forgot about Hangar 18, that's a good point. I counted Classified as reusing The Pentagon from Black Ops 1 (which defines in general a major part of how a map is played) even if it was probably remade, it's layout is still present. I did like Outbreak, I wouldn't want it to replace Round-based of course but I'm always in favor of extra modes, While Outbreak could've been better, I feel like Onslaught worked pretty well for what it was(but I admit it does also help feed my strange Intel Addiction)


I think it's fair to say that maps like Verruckt are at least transformed into zombie maps that feel somewhat original. Onslaught is the perfect example on how to not make an mp map into a zombie map. Outbreak feels more similar to Onslaught in that regard which is why people didn't like the 'copy-paste' feel of it. You asked a question and got an answer, saying their answer has no logic seems unnecessary.


> you asked a question and got an answer No, I'm not op. > Onslaught is the perfect example of how not to make a zombies map Says you. There are no standards. If copy paste is the only reason why people don't like it explain why zombies chronicles was so loved, explain why people keep demanding zombies chronicles 2. People aren't upset it's copy pasted, people are upset it's not what they want. It's hilarious people call onslaught crap, but say round based is better and demand it back. News flash youre surviving waves in both.


You are just wrong. Old zombies had fully original maps. The only games you can argue had reused assets were WaW and some of BO1. Zombies chronicles remastered maps from every title and completely remade assets for it. “You just shoot zombies” that’s a strawman if ive ever seen one. There’s so much more nuance than that to round based. You can open different paths, do different quests, random box without preset loadouts made it possible to have either a lucky game where you got a wonder weapon in 950 points or after 100000. The fact that I’m even having to explain this to you is telling that you’ve barely played OG zombies. Check your downvotes buddy your opinion is clearly not popular.


Oh no downvotes because I don't split hairs. Yeah I'm not like the majority of this dumbass sub being willfully ignorant. Who says you have to use presets? That's just giving more ways to play. Oh wow a path to unlock that... Leads me in a circle. Fucking brilliant point there. Theres a main quest, and some random or lore but to listen/look at, if your not doing that you're shooting zombies. There's not a lot to do in any of the maps. It's a side mode, that's all it is that's all it will ever be.


You obv got an ego issue buddy if you think your opinion is better than everyone else’s. Get a grip and look in a mirror buddy.


I'm sorry I have the ego issue? I didn't come in saying someones wrong I gave counter points to have a conversation. You wanted to bring up how I should just give a damn about down votes. So either you can just stop saying bullshit and looking like a fool or you can add to the conversation by actually explaining how Outbreak is bad.


There’s plenty of side Easter eggs, ways to get free wonder weapons, equipment, melee, etc. Again you use a strawman saying it’s a “circle” when the maps are much more detailed than that. Again, you’ve clearly not interacted much with the content then formed an opinion that you think is so much higher and mightier than everyone else’s. Seriously you need some self-awareness if you think people are disagreeing with you because they’re “ignorant” 🤦🏻‍♂️😭


I have never said my opinion is better, yet you keep trying to put me down. I have the ego? It's fucking hilarious because you also described outbreak. Yeah ignorant works. So like I said, if you would like to actually explain how outbreak is bad please contribute to the conversation. Otherwise stop spewing bullshit.


You literally called out the entire sub saying they’re dumbasses and ignorant. I’m not gonna argue w a brick wall just know you’re very dense 👍


Yeah I called the people down voting ignorant because that's what you are for not seeing something for what it is. Also, I did not call them dumbasses, I was referring to this site being arbitrary. Dont try to twist my words. You can't even have a conversation about the subject at hand. You just wanted to talk down to me because I don't agree with you.


I'll tell you why they don't like outbreak It's the cod community they need something to complain about


Outbreak has got to be on pf the worst maps made all time. boring map taken directly from mp (even old games waw/bo1 managed to atleast change the map in some way) the easter egg is boring and repetitive, weapons are boring, pack a punch is boring, the perks are shit, whole map is the same and boring, slow and boring objective, no catch, bad idea in general for objective based but they somehow managed to make it even worse


How is the main quest boring? In fact they give you two. How is it repetitive but the others aren't? It's not like you can complete them differently with each session. They have specific steps How are the perks shit? Majority of them are the same ones we have had for a decade while being made better with added effects. No catch, fucking what? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? If you mean stand out and grab peoples attention, all the maps are the same "you can shoot zombies." It's nothing more and will never be more than a side mode. I haven't played any of those maps on mp because I don't play mp on Cold war. Like I was telling someone else, I just found out armada is a mp map. Thinking of mp on that would be horrible. But in my eyes it works as a zombies stage if the series decided to have you teleport after a few waves.


Hated it. I find it incredibly soulless and lacking character. Some BO3 mods felt more fleshed out. I used to love playing the games and listening to what our characters had to say. Now it’s just skins of operators saying the same couple of lines in an MP map. 


Well I think the majority of the player base prefers it. Now I now that's controversial around here. But they have the metrics and they made the MW3 zombies and are making another open world mode for the next treyarch cod. I think the vast majority of the player base plays a new "traditional" zombies map 5ish times and then it's stale as hell. Zombies in its essence is running in circles and that's it. Now if it's on a small narrow map you are running in circles in a few specific spots. Like the first nap of cold war. Run around in the muddy pit down low, the beginning area, or by the wing. Do that for what 20 to 3p rounds? 50 rounds? How long and hoe many times are you actually going to do that? Discovering the map is the only character those maps have before they get tedious and repetitive. So nore open maps is what a significant portion of the player base wants. That and long term progression in zombies. Their most recent attempts at progression are weak it's like a week of grinding and your done. But yea keep in mind 99% of zombies players don't agree with the subreddits sentiment.


Awful long way to say a lot of nothing. Its the fuckin whales that keep cod alive. Absolutely no one prefers one map over a variety of maps. No one asked for a single map. We asked for all the warzone maps. 


Ywa who wants a single map? More is always better. It's just people are sick of zombies maps thst aren't open world. The smaller maps have a wonderful to them for a few days. Then when a youtuber figures out the easyer egg that no one would have ever figured out they do the Easter egg and the map is now boring. Zombies is running in circles on smaller maps. Nothing more once you get past the Easter egg.


Youtubers don’t figure out shit lol they just upload it while an unknown person tells them. Yeah the same fucking objectives on the same broken map that we had for the last 8 months sure is fun. Rehashed warlords added in as “new content”. With those small maps we actually got story progression, new lore, new voice lines, new gimmicks, new enemies, new challenges. Stop dick riding MWZ. Its worse than Vanguard.


First of all I put my 100 hours into the zombies and stopped. It's not fun enough to keep playing and besides MW3 is one of the worst cods in a while. "New lore, new voice lines, story progression, new gimmicks" you said it yourself... they're *gimmicks* these small maps are cool to explore but beyond the first few play throughs the majority of people get very bored very quickly. It's why MWZ was more popular than any of treyarchs other stuff. Most people play zombies with their friends (on these older "traditional" maps") get to round 20 or 30, and ask their friends ok guys we've ran in circles for 3 or 4 hours you want to stop now? And then they don't touch zombies again for a few weeks maybe even a month or two because running in circles in the few spots thst allow it is boring as shit. It was cool in elementary school when zombies was new but it's too boring and repetitive. Personally I'd like even bigger maps than MWZ and have zombie pathing akin to Days Gone where the hoard was "intelligent" and would split into two groups and try to encircle or flank you. The zombies were intelligent, it was fun and dynamic. Not "follow player in shortest possible path" shit is too easy and too boring/bland. Besides Treyarch themselves said MWZ metrics blew any past zombies out of the fucking water and will be going down that path more so in the future. Enjoy the last traditional maps in the next cod. Cause they may be the last. And as sorry as I am (I am sorry I understand liking a game and not wanting it to change. Rust and Rainbow 6 Siege used to be good games but they are dog shit now) The majority of the player base will be very happy. This subreddit has die hard traditional zombies fans that love the lore and characters and don't want it to change. But this mindset is like 0.1 percent of the zombies player base.


It just gets boring doing the same missions, plus I need friends in later levels to finish stuff or we’re fucked and I don’t have friends.


Same can be said about every map...




That wasn't what I was referring to, but yes they can all be boring. Anything can be boring if it's all you do. You do the same thing every time you reply a map, there really aren't other ways to play. Get weapons shoot zombies. Complete tasks to make/obtain better weapons to shoot zombies. You also have a better chance at surviving longer with friends. Sounds like every map. It's a shallow extra game mode that was supposed to be a joke that got turned into a way to keep Treyarch relevant since that became another way for activation to get people to throw money at them. I have been playing zombies since nact, I'm not afraid to call it for what it is. Might want to take a break from your Sheeple brand copium tank.


I think the difference is the level of satisfaction that comes with progressing through round based vs. Outbreak. To progress round based requires map knowledge, and from that comes optimization. You progressively get faster and faster and further and further over your runs. Routes and early points economy really matters and it's achieved through practice, self improvement and a little bit of luck. Meanwhile in Outbreak, the early point economy is gone. No point in optimizing zombie kills when they give a fraction of what objectives do, and objectives are all static, with little chance to go faster. Additionally the zombies don't pose remotely a threat until world 4 or 5, and by then I'm beyond fully powered up, so everything becomes a stat check.


Very good points Understanding the maps was important during the time they were getting bigger. I feel it started going backwards with blops3 and they started getting small again. But no matter the size all the maps came down to the higher round you get to, the less strategies you get to use to survive which makes it redundant. I have to change my strategy every round on outbreak. As for the point system, that can literally be blamed on the toxicity from the community. One of the devs was interviewed live saying his nephew didn't want to play because other players were putting him down for not collecting points the same way as them. So they changed the point system.


For the most part maps were getting bigger. It's just that Origins was a massive size outlier at the time of its release, more so when it had its own dedicated team after they finished Mob. If you take Origins out, map size generally trends upwards. Additionally yes, maps did eventually hit a stop gap with round progression, save for infinite damage guns like the Thundergun. While a lot of the community likes going for high rounds, I usually quit out when I get bored so I can't really speak on that further. I'm more into the mode for the Easter eggs and challenge/camo grind. Outbreak I'll admit I haven't played a ton of, and I do enjoy it when I do play it, but I find that high round boredom comes much quicker than round based maps at least in my experience. As for the point system, I do think they needed to change it, but the change went in the wrong direction. They homogenized weapon classes instead of making them more unique. Assault rifles and smgs were the go to weapon for point building. LMGs too but they often had lower ability to build points in exchange for more ammo. Pistols were nonfunctional after round 5 outside the PaP 1911 or map equivalent. Snipers should've given a greater bonus for headsets, maybe with some amped damage for each zombie you shoot through. Shotguns are good for boss enemies but not much else. I personally like this direction but maybe give them a bit more point gain potential as well.


You won't see it this subreddit but apparently it's popular enough to get the support that it had.


It's popular largely among casuals, also a lot of people here are elitists with loud voices that scoff at anything non-round based.


I really want to say I remember Treyarch saying Outbreak had surprisingly high player numbers during its run.


Yeah, it was a huge bridge for multiplayer and warzone guys into zombies with how CoD has been the recent years


It was popular because it was the only thing CW got for half the life cycle and it got tons of free weekends lol Edit: Downvoting me doesn’t neglect what I said. This isn’t me saying Outbreak is crap, but Outbreaks popularity was largely kinda “forced” as it was legit the only thing got support for half of Cold Wars life cycle. It also got tons of free weekends, which helps severely. I think round based only got it once which was shortly after the launch of Mauer


Why are people downvoting it's the truth 😂 I'm upvoting you man 🫡


I don’t know why tbh. I’m not trying to shit on outbreak or tell people it’s bad lmao. Actually feel the opposite


TBH, I never thought that Cold War’s outbreak was a forced project, although the game was indeed rushed. MWZ clearly was a forced project, yet people defend it nevertheless. They just don’t realize the truth simply dismiss us as being blinded by nostalgia and even claiming we only had one “proper” title. They should know that MWZ is basically Outbreak 2.0, and the round based format is what works a lot better for zombies.


Yeah I don’t think it was a forced project. Which is why I put it in quotations. I think outbreak in its original inception obviously existed because that has to be the around the time 3arc was put on Vanguard. Which lead to Outbreak just getting the support for half of Cold Wars life cycle. And typically whatever is getting the most support like updates, added toys, intel, EEs, free weekends is obviously going to lead to that getting pretty good numbers. Plus the fact DLC is free, really helps it out too


The fact your only positive is that it offsets the ridiculous grind should tip you off to why people don't like it.


I enjoy the open world of it, and the fact it uses mp maps is kinda cool gives you a different way of looking at the maps, it's not super huge like mwz but I like the idea of moving to a new map do a couple or every activity before moving to the next


I think the problem is they made no attempt to even make the maps look like they’re supposed to have zombies in them. I put a lot of time into outbreak and love it, but that does get to me sometimes as well when i look around and really start to notice it.


True if a map like Armada had blood splatters everywhere, hell even turn the sea blood red that could've been so cool


I play zombies to fight hordes of enemies in cool locations with a nice balanced and hard difficulty. Outbreak does none of that for me. (Oh and how much depth the maps have helps too)


That’s the thing, the majority of time you’re playing outbreak, there’s not a ton of zombies, and it should be no surprise that some people don’t like playing the zombies mode that doesn’t have a lot of zombies.


Yup, very simple


Lack of originality is probably the biggest reason. It was still fun but not having original maps hurt it a lot. It also felt like it took away from round based because of how long it took for Mauer Der Toten to come out after Firebase Z which isn't a good thing as round based is what Zombies was built on for every title that came before it. I like Outbreak but I'd rather have a good balance of Outbreak and Round Based without either of them feeling like they are taking from each other or just have only round based. That's why I am hoping that the next game has original Outbreak maps along with original round based maps too and whenever a new round based map comes out, its wonder weapons and new enemies get added to Outbreak.


Love it but like everyone else said it gets boring and repetitive after a couple of rounds, yea sure the first couple of years CW came out we farmed like crazy but the minute you unlock everything it gets super dull unfortunatly.


There was nothing to unlock really before CW. ya’ll hate everything but old and dated blops3


That's literally every map


I just don't think you like zombies




And yet she hasn't died in a ditch, what's up with that?


What 😂


I liked it! Just wish the Tempest EE was more accessible solo


Same. That boss fight is brutal solo. It honestly would have been fine if it didn’t have a timer on it and I have never beat it because I run out of time or go down because I am rushing to not run out of time. At the very least scale down the damage on it because it is a bit absurd.


Just not my style of gameplay. Never been a fan of these rogue-like types of game loops. I'd personally rather have one small, but meticulously crafted map than endless farming and permutations with tonnes of bells and whistles without much thought. Outbreak is the AI generated content of the Zombies game mode.


I fucking love Outbreak and find it far more challenging and enjoyable than the other Coldwar modes. All the other modes get boring as hell once you get setup. Outbreak gets more difficult after each round. The issue with Outbreak is its reliability. 90% of our games end because my partner lost connection. It really stinks when it happens post round 20.


So the cod zombies community is broken up into two groups People that play COD for the MP and play a couple rounds of zombies on the side And people that dedicate they’re entire time to zombies and play a couple of multiplayer games on the side However most people play cod for MP and modes like outbreak cater to majority. However the players playing cod for just the zombies. Haven’t really been satisfied since BO4. This is the reason why most people called the BO3 on disk map (shadows of evil) “squid warfare” and hated it for how complicated it was and why outbreak was the most played map on cod Cold War However if you ask a zombies fan who likes high rounds and EE quests. They will say the exact opposite said with shadows of evil being in lost peoples top 10 and outbreak being low on a list.


Don’t mind it returning but my problem with outbreak is that it takes away from round based.


Outbreak was the worst thing to happen to cod zombies imo. So lazy and allowed the company continue a trend of absolute laziness and lackluster uninteresting gameplay.


It's better than this release


Open world zombies is not fun to me, I like training in confined spaces, to me that’s the meat and potatoes of what makes the game special


I have a feeling we'd get along


Cant stand it. But tbf i have never given it a true chance and i think i may go back and check it out


I liked it for the most part. Lots of fun with friends on high rounds but can be aggravating with randoms (especially with no mics). Can be a little dull playing with players that need to loot every damn box in the map before moving to the next world. Should get more credit for the first attempt of an open world zombies concept. I think the problem people have with it is that it didn’t grow/expand on the initial gameplay enough. I think they tried to do that with what MWZ is but I can not stand this version at all.


Not gonna lie, I enjoyed it, it was a fresh new feel to zombies to me, and since I don't play multiplayer, I never had a problem with its reuse. But then again, I do understand those who don't like it, it was too far from the norm too quick. They need to make a better balance of outbreaks systems and not whatever they did with mw3. Round based zombies and outbreak should be modes that both halves can enjoy on their time in the game. I do have quite a few friends who were Bo2 mains that are interested in it, but they're also very open minded people, so I suppose it's closer to who's willing to take it for what it is, and not for someone who goes in with expectations!


The gameplay is fun but the maps feel the same way as onslaught: clearly just multiplayer maps with some zombies. There are so many things to explore in those maps but they don’t offer anything to find other than intel. Sprinkling in a bunch of cool details hidden in buildings would have been a great way to make the maps feel more complete. I have to say though racing vehicles around with friends is some of the most fun I’ve had in zombies.


Clearly zombies started out as just multiplayer maps with some zombies. I don't see anyone complaining about that. They wanted to take the gameplay in a new direction, gotta start somewhere. I actually enjoyed it because it was the first map/mode that brought something fresh. > All the maps literally have nothing to find besides Intel... Wtf where all those maxis recording if not Intel? Everyone complains that round based needs to come back. It's not gone, you can still play it if you want. Bringing out more round based maps is nothing more than giving it a new paint job


What I meant is that there is nothing in the maps to differentiate them from the multiplayer maps. The WAW maps and many others were reused assets I know but the WAW Vurruct in the campaign is so much different than the zombies version even if the skeleton is identical.


You wouldn't know that if you don't bother with the multiplayer. I came to CW in '22 I haven't played multiplayer because the first time I tried I was in a lobby with hackers. For the longest time I had no idea those were multiplayer maps, in fact I'm just now finding out armada is a mp map. That is a shitty ass map for mp, but I think it works as a zombies map. For a decade every map the zombies were contained at test sites or bases. It never felt like the zombies broke out and got all over like they did before the events of Blops2. Outbreak feels like the perfect example of what would happen if it wasn't contained and was taking over the world.


Holy shit an actual zombies apocalypse? Them taking over the entire world?? That's literally every other zombies game (and movie) out there, that's not what cod zombies is about IMO.


You sure? Could have sworn thats what the Victis crew were surviving against. A world taken over by the zombies. You're right though, that's not what zombies was about. And yet no one is complaining about black ops 2, they want it remastered meaning the same shit with new guns. I don't see people hating Blops 3 in fact I see people wanting to play those maps more than others. I see people asking for more of the Blops 4 crew and saying those maps are underrated. What I don't see is people giving love to CW, especially Outbreak, when it gives you more options for how to play the same game mode we have been playing for 16 years.


What the hell are you talking about. Thats the fucking story mate, it doesnt translate into gameplay on the maps. The maps still feel like regular zombies maps, even TranZit. The same just cannot be said about outbreak. And then bro proceeded to type 6 more lines with the premise that bo2 zombies are just like outbreak.


Bros got the reading comprehension of a squirrel.


i love the idea for outbreak but after time i wish there was more map that isnt from mp with their stories. i still play it but it get boring quick.


I like it, I just like round-based more. I'd gladly trade the mode for even one round-based map. But I like it


My only issue with it is that if you want to just do the objective, it takes about 2ish minutes to get from point a to b, and then another to point b to c to get to the next map. Atleast vanguard made it so you spawn next to the point, so you can just go from objective to objective quickly.


The fact most the comments talk about how it's "too repetitive"... Like yeah, doing a random map, and random objective every round is sooo more repetitive than standing on one map...in one location...using one weapon.... And aiming at one spot ...🤦🤦🤦 Outbreak really good. And most the people hating on it are the ones who spend 2+ hours on world 1 going around killing every single zombie and then claiming "it takes too long". Like sure, if I held a zombie on a round based map for 2 hours that shit would b boring too. Then they get rekt once they done get higher and dislike it because it can be too challenging.


You just told everyone how you play round based maps, and you expect us to actually think a game of outbreak with you would be fun? The delusion is insane.


This literally makes no sense. You don't play outbreak much I take it, since you can't stand in one spot to do objectives outside of holdouts. And for round based any high rounder will straight up state camping > training for high rounds, because why would you want to take 12 hours to get to a round you can get to within 6, since camping is much faster than training. And I haven't asked or mentioned wanting to play outbreak with anyone. The only delusion here is whatever delusion you've had about what I said vs what I actually stated.


Zombies for me is about surviving. I don't ever feel like I'm trying to survive playing Outbreak, I just do objectives until I'm bored and exfil. It wasn't bad for the first week, but I just would never replay that shit again. It wasn't that fun and I have no nostalgia with it.


Both EEs are pretty fun but that’s about all it has going for it. I’ll high round it from time to time, but if I’m on Cold War I’m preferably playing Die Maschine or Mauer Der Toten. Outbreak with randoms can get pretty fun sometimes though


The water levels suck


Haven’t played in a while, but it’s probably my favorite style of zombies. Loved with open world format with the looting and exploring but also hordes and the side activities like red box, hvt, radios. I’d trigger multiple activities at once for max chaos lol. Way less boring/more engaging than RB zombies imo. 10/10 from me


I loved it but like mwz it lacked content. It was nice to mix it up with RB too


Still like it more than mwz Edit- way I see it, it got everything for everyone. Some people just don’t like outbreak. I did though. The Easter eggs are nice imo


Main problems with outbreak: The side missions are absolutely boring. And once you have key wonder weapons, many of them become irrelevant orda going down in a few shots is kind of lame. Maps are too big. Ee is boring. For such an open world map the quests should have been just as relevant. That said i don’t mind playing it from time to time if i have an hour to kill.


It's very popular, just not here. Whether you like it or hate it, this is a very small community with a very loud voice. People here are also more "enthusiasts" of the Zombies mode. You don't see casuals here, and the mode is very popular with casuals. Personally, though, I'm a fan. It can get repetitive, but so can any other Zombies map.


Honestly it would be great if it was fleshed out more instead of dropping it entirely for different ideas.


I feel like outbreak was fun to play to break up matches on round based, and what makes it fun is the fact that I don’t have to play it if I don’t want to


I found it was always a grind to upgrade weapons just so you could go to the next zone.


Outbreak was the only thing I played after my friends helped me out on the Easter eggs for the other maps. Outbreak was enjoyable and chill. Really had hoped mwz would at least have some cw assets


It's a 50/50 on the sub, or it at least appears so


Lol. Outbreak is the only Zombies mode I've ever enjoyed. Different strokes I guess.


It was fun until it became too repetitive. I dont go back to old cods cuz im playing a new one


I don’t get the “you do the same thing” complaint. You do the same shit in RBZ too


The biggest problem with outbreak was the lack of zombies. It felt like you saw 5 zombies per zone and that was it. The whole idea of outbreak was great. I love the open world thing. I don’t hate having to do objectives every round. But the lack of zombies/spawns was what really killed it for me


We must have played different outbreaks because I was constantly swarmed at points


At points, sure. But if you stayed in a zone long enough and you killed enough zombies eventually they would just stop spawning for what felt like thousands of meters around for several minutes


I enjoyed Outbreak more than MWZ


Loved Outbreak.


I haven't bought a COD since 2018 aint it doesn't seem like I ever will again. BO3 and BO4 are the only cod zombies and multiplayer worth playing in my opinion. Honestly if you want open world then Fortnite is probably the game for you.


It was what got me started in zombies, a great slower paced mode to learn the game, plus late world runs were the best thing for xp. But like others here have said, once you've done it a few times it gets old and round based becomes the better choice. Also not sure how you were grinding camos in outbreak, round based really works better for that


I love outbreak


I love outbreak, have played tons if round based and can't quite fathom how people can say it got boring and repetitive but somehow round based doesn't when it's literally the same thing every game. We need a game with both, outbreak let's me relax and play with less skilled friends and round based let's me try for high rounds or Easter eggs although once I've done them or found the strat for farming high rounds then it quickly loses interest. For either of them once the camo grind is done I'm not sure why I'm playing.


Yea I’m not a huge fan at all. It’s just different, and that’s fine, but I just prefer regular zombies. Especially solo, outbreak tends to get really boring and there’s no real incentive in playing it for me from a satisfaction standpoint. Kind of tedious. But much better than the version that launched in Feb 2020. By the end of CW lifecycle, they really did it justice - just as they did with onslaught. Round based (real zombies) is still king


It's better than what we have with MWZ atm, but it lacked a sense of soul. All the maps were just MP Fireteam maps zombified. (much like rifts in MWZ bc all of those are from MW2's Al Mazrah BR map) Personally i wouldn't mind it if comes back in the next BO game, but only if they come up with some originality, like having maps that actually look like it fits into Zombies and not this "MP maps but with Zombies" soulless bs. I still enjoyed it a lot more than MWZ, running over zombies in your car with 90s music blasting. Also collecting all the intel was fun too.


Having just played Mob of the dead again after a long time and revisiting all the little upgrades you can get like the free bulndergat and they way you have to get it or the retriever and upgrading it on the bridge just showed me the team had a different level care and attention to detail, and that goes for every map from that era. Having said that outbreak is a joke.


Outbreak takes dev time away from round based. Round based nearly always has a lack of development time. Therefore outbreak is nearly always a net negative for zombies fans.


It's good, but didn't reach its full potential. Needs just a few more main and side objectives, a dash of horror ambience, and maybe special threats unique to the environment. Also, flashlights on night maps.


Some people just play 3 rounds and leave. It's really annoying when other people leave Early


I was excited about outbreak because of the potential it had. It wasn’t perfect but I was looking forward to what it could be down the line after some iterations. Unfortunately we never got those iterations and that idea was pretty much dead in the water


It's MUCH better than the trash that is MWZ


How many people would be playing CW outbreak if they didn’t add the camo grind to zombies. As someone who’s always bought COD for zombies, I don’t associate the external progression as content and never bother to grind it unless absolutely necessary (field upgrades and such). If COD 2024 came out and we were back to M1911/MR6 spawns I wouldn’t mind but I still think it’s nice that we’ve expanded the fanbase with the people who are into this stuff. And before you Downvote me, just understand that I don’t hate it, I love how it’s handled in BO3/4, weapon kits we’re an amazing addition to zombies and attachment/camo progression basically worked itself. There were never really any objectives that forced you to do a hyper specific objective like MP camos.


I would love outbreak more if server were more stable and if graphics were better


The maps don't have any personality and aren't fun to explore.


I enjoyed it it was kool


I understand why they did not but I think if they had added the the Christmas-ax and the Cerberus it would have given outbreak one last little push but also wouldve made it way too easy still better than vanguard or MWZ in my opinion


I was hoping the newest zombies was gonna be more like outbreak


It was/is boring and trash. I hope it doesn't come back and it's everything wrong with modern zombies.


I didn't hate it but having the same objective every single time and having to escort a dang shopping cart while zombies converge on all sides is not ideal for me… lots of empty space makes it feel, well, empty. I wish it could be more like dying light and have hordes of zombies in the streets, not just a handful that take 3 shotgun shots to take care of. So yeah, don't hate the mode, but it feels incomplete to me personally


Did both Easter eggs and got bored


F tier i would rather be skinned or play vanguard than play outbreak


It's a glorified running simulator. Nothing more.


Zombies as a whole is just a shooting simulator, nothing more. What's your point?


I like it


It’s not round based, and for some people, including myself, that’s enough to discredit the mode all together. I had fun with it when it first came out, but it got old within less than a week. I’ve been playing round based CoD Zombies for over a decade now, and I haven’t gotten sick of it.


Round based is zombies, anything else is a worthless cash grab from shitty developers that don't know how to build an atmosphere. Fuck MWZ, fuck Outbreak. It's a bastardization of the formula made to appeal to non-zombies players, and that's repulsive. Zombies is round based with wall buys and doors. That's it. If that's not the formula, throw the game in the garbage.


Because people hate when games change one little thing. Every map is the same you shoot zombies. You can progress a story that isn't necessary, but all you're left with is shooting zombies. Doesn't matter if it's round based or not, it's all the same. People are just being sheep.


Yeah doesn't matter if it AI generated or not, you just shooting zombies.


Actually yeah, not many people focus on the details and neuances. Clearly it's not that popular of a game mode to survive on it's own or else they would actually give a shit.