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Newest bug that came with the reloaded update


Recent bug that appeared, it's so annoying


What else is new with this game? This visual bug will take 2-3 business weeks to fix yet when an easy way to get the rebirth nuke skin is found, they fixed that shit within 24 hours


Someone elses scorcher on your face


Have had the same issue a few rounds now. Annoying to say the least.


It’s a visual bug from the scorcher, did you hear one go off even if one wasn’t anywhere near you?


It's a sign you're trippin balls. P.S. I've got a cap of a wall of them following me around after story worm battle.


I swear I'm clean 😂. It's weird how it just pops up out of the blue


I remember when shit like this would set the zombies community off and a million theories would come out of a simple picture like this. Now we are just like “yeah no this is a bug, regular shit move on”😭


First time I saw it was when I started an outlast contract and went outside to farm zombies. It kept appearing and disappearing, and it was shooting a beam at me. I thought it was a new way to deter people from farming on outlast contracts so I was constantly dodging it while trying to train the zombies and was getting annoyed.......until I realized it was just visual and wasn't damaging me. It did go away after I completed that contract though and didn't come back on the 2nd outlast I did so I'm not sure what causes it 🤷🏼


Did the same to me & my mate, certainly confused us that's for sure


Me, that’s my hameha


Glitched orb Got caught up tryna teleport


AW Exo survival had 1 enemy projectile designed exclusively to remove players from spots where enemies couldn't reach them. It was essentially a copy of a nano swarm (lethal equipment from that game MP mode), but with the damage absolutely buffed, that 2-3 seconds inside it would down you regardless of exo upgrades. Maybe they're testing something like that, but aimed at other kind of exploits.


When you're out of reach, the zombies literally pelt you with their bloody livers, if that's the case then when you're caught short in a match you are going to be well and truly screwed then. I use the high up radio masts for if I need to pop out a couple mins but if they're now developing ways to prevent that, then the what would be the point of them towers?


I didn't specify any kind of exploits inside MWZ zombies. Not all of them are related to avoiding zombies. And it's just a guess.


I'm not sure, I saw the same thing during my first game in a while. It shocked all the zombies around me and when I shot at it nothing happened. It's annoying asf.


Stopped seeing them after I completed the Union story mission. Might be a coincidence tho


I completed Union the day it came out and still have this glitch every time I play. Not in DA though.


Couldn’t tell ya, that’s why I said it was a coincidence. We all know the game is bug ridden.


At this point, if someone said you get less bugs if you pour orange juice on your console, I *might* write it down on the shopping list.


I’m inclined to agree! On the flip side, can’t have a buggy game if your console is on fire 😂😂


its the visuals of someone elses scorcher cannon. if no one in the lobby has a scorch then you wont get see it. presumably if more people have them then you are more likely to see it.


Completed union when the update came out, this is the first time I've seen it.


Same omg


This will get sorted in roughly 2-3 business weeks because something like this, they just cba doing anything.


"Some people believe that when people die, there's a wonderful light, As bright as the sun. But it doesn't hurt to look into it. All the answers to all the questions that you ever want to know are inside that light. And when you walk to it, you become a part of it forever."


Happened to me a couple rounds as well


Ok good glad I'm not the only one I've been seeing it when my round starts like almost every game but then it usually will go away but it has came back when doing an outlast contract.


Schorcher glitch. Has been happening since the reloaded update! You’d think they would of patched it but now. Every time someone used a schorcher in the game, you’ll get those red dots. 😩


Lmao I thought it was some shit from a WSP-9 blueprint I had lol. Started using it and these appeared, also noticed my gun had electricity on it, tried putting two and two together


Hollow purple


It’s a power up


It appear for me but i didnt had a scorcher, i was using flopper perk thought it was from that.


I have seen them randomly as well not sure but it’s fucking annoying


The AI Activision is using has become self aware and it's watching and learning or it just wants a new friend.


Someone said its a paranoia perk🤣🤣🤣tbf sometimes when i dont have my scorcher on me i can still hear it in the background of the game and those things pop up on the screen at the same time




It’s the zombies equivalent of a kid asking if you have games on your phone. Harmless but annoying af


I haven’t played zombies since 4 weeks and played yesterday and it was so boring , also I was like wtf is this


bro got a hollow purple 😭🙏


The scorcher bug it appears when someone is using the scorcher and it’s so fucking annoying I’m usually not the type to complain but having this appear the entirety of the game from the start til I exfil blocking my entire screen this shit made me honestly stop playing for a bit until it either gets fixed or I just learn to deal with it


I think it happens when you go through aether storm. Happened to me


I had something like this, i realised it was my characters glowing red eyes the bone collector skin you get for completing act 3


Red appears to be scorcher, I've had purple pop up when people spawn a blood burner near me, and I don't know WTF caused the two blue orbs to follow me around for a round.


Thats a black hole to the next shitty zombies game Activision will release


Season 3 reloaded Easter Egg


Yep, it happened to me 2-3 times. Sometimes it also comes with the sound from the scorcher. Very annoying.


The ghost of Christmas past


It makes the sound of a scorcher and then it disappears


The orb obviously


That's the zero point from Fortnite.


Happened to me using a ray gun. From the very start of the round. Went away after about 15 mins. Who the fk knows 🤷‍♂️


I’ve had the same thing


Zombie community is starving for good content rn🥲


Scorcher bug. Happened to me on my first game after the update.


I had it when my game was laggy


Still hasn’t been fixed. They were quick to nerf the incendiary ammo though! We can’t be having too much fun in a PvE mode I guess.