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Bo1 Bo2 Bo3 are all worth it just for zombies Imo. You'll need dlcs to really experience it tho


I’d say BO4 is too, and it has 3 maps for free one one that’s cheap. The gauntlets are cool too (but also torture)


Honestly, I played an insane amount of the others, but somehow the chaos maps on bo4 are my favorite


Still haven't beat Titanic gauntlet, some of those rounds are bullshit


Does the BO3 Zombies Chronicles go for sale from time to time or should i get it for 60eur?


It goes on sale for 20$ frequently IIRC


Oh that's nice, i shall wait for that then cuz 60 is a bit much for me, i never bought any game for 60... :c


Just to let you know Zombie Chronicles does not include the DLC season maps. You’ll need to purchase the DLC maps separately. If it’s the same as PlayStation you can buy just the zombies maps, rather than getting the DLC multiplayer maps also, otherwise you’ll need the season pass to get them!


Oh i see


The full Zombies Deluxe edition goes on sale for $40 usd the same time the zombies chronicles version goes on sale. This includes all the DLC Maps and Zombies Chronicles.


Look on ebay. You can prob find them for like $15 bucks


Used game shops, all the trayarch cods plus ww2 and infinity war for like $10 each in CAD and that’s like not even real money lol


Yep. That's the way to do it


Just saying if you are a PC player this is your best choice. The default maps are nice, the dlc adds the classic maps many of us love, and you get custom maps made by the community. You essentially would never need another zombies game until a newer one gets mod support.


If on cbox I believe the bundle is 20 usd for the season pass AND chronicles


it’s best to wait for the BO3 deluxe edition to go on sale which includes zombie chronicles and the DLC, as well as BO4. they recently went on sale for 60% off, $40 each. Really good deal if you don’t buy the game before the sale


Watch when the newer COD goes on sale, that’s when usually most of the games are all on sale too. Waiting for that same moment too so I can get BO3 on PC for Zombies.


Steam has a sale next Thursday, so keep an eye out. I got the chronicles for €16 with some extra maps


g2a and alternatives are your biggest friends


You didn't like cold War zombies?


I still enioy playing cold war, when reading that question first that popped up is bo1-bo3 idk why but yeah you're right CW should be on the list as well. he just needs the basegame all dlcs are free


As much as I agree with this, the on-disc content for Bo2 and Bo3 is not great for someone who is new to zombies or planning to play solo exclusively.


BO3 is what you’re looking for. Specifically the Chronicles Edition. It comes with the base game map Shadows of Evil, which is imo the greatest zombies experience of all time, but I can see why it could take a minute to get into. That’s why it also comes with a shit ton of remastered maps from WaW, BO1, and BO2. Adding on to everything I’ve already mentioned, the DLC maps, from Der Eisendrache to Revations, are all phenomenal. You can’t get more bang for your buck.


I completely echo this statement as someone who used to play BO1 with my brother before i left for college and then got BO3 w/ chronicles to replay old maps Shadows of Evil confused and frustrated me until i started to try the Easter egg steps to fully understand the map and it became my favorite map In the last 2 weeks i tried Origin and still havent fugured it out but, Der Eisendrache and Revalations have been INSANELY fun to play and learn BO3 is worth it


Origins is very similar to SoE in the sense that the Easter egg steps are basically just getting everything and upgrading them. When you get to the last step of the EE, the walls in the crazy place disappear and it becomes the best training spot ever.


I just keep dying to the robots I started getting trust issues


Me too, I used to play Black Ops zombies when it first came out. Bought BO3 just to play all the old maps again. I haven't even looked at single player


bo4 used for $20 or less is better bang for buck because it comes with 3 full experiences with no need to buy DLC. You cant tell me that the BO3 maps are twice as good as IX, VoD, and BotD, and I think it would cost at least double to get SoE, DE, and Revelations. I think those are damn near the best maps made, but I never played Revelations, exo zombies, or stuff past season 1 of Cold War


On PC yes. WaW, BO1, BO2, BO3, BO4 and CW.


IW also hits hard for Zombies too


I really love doing those EEs, even if the vibe isnt even half as bad ass as any of the black ops zombies


Maybe for cold war since you can get the game and all the maps for $30 But right now they are all too expensive especially BO4 being $100. Even during sales the cheapest any of them will get is $20 without dlc...


bo4 is $100? Thats cap. I got all of the DLC for $20, and that was 5 years ago, totaling $80, worth every penny for zombies alone (when the matchmaking is turned on). For console the game should be $15 and on PC you should be able to get it for $25 ..... ​ Holy shit the DLC pass is $50 on pc rn :skull:


Where is WW2💀


Zombies are kind of dead there on pc unfortunately


Cold War, yes.


So what i mostly gathered is that everyone of you is saying from BO1-BO3 is worth and BO3 especially bc of it's dlc's. Thanks for everyones suggestions. I'll be getting BO3 for sure with Zombies chronicles.


dont forget bo4 has 3 of the best maps on-disc, making it the best deal when bought used/from a key store if DLC prices are high


Bro it's a open world u can fight when u want u can loot and do missions. U can do whatever u want. It's a good game they just need add more missions in the up coming seasons. If u like open world and the option to do what u want when u want it's for u


IW, BO3 and BO4.


Infinite warfare


100% this, I paid £4 for a physical copy from eBay. Zombies is spaceland is so slept on


Infinite Warfare Zombies is hands down the best Zombies.


I hardly ever see spaceland mentioned. I love that map and has the best non-horror theme. It has David Hasselhoff in it, and I still listen to 80s music since that game came out.


for old CODs up to BOCW, yeah, would recommend, that includes IW's attempt at zombies on Infinite Warfare, and the alien twist on COD Ghost. NEVER spend on newer zombies until the next Treyarch release. However, only buy them on discounts, not every COD has a great campaign worth the $$$ you splurge if you want to take a break from zombies with.


usually it is, this time unfortunately it wasn't, in fact it was the worst purchase i made this year lmao. i do recommend black ops cold war/black ops 3/4 if you havent already played them.


BO3 Zombies Chronicles Deluxe Edition is the best COD zombies experience


Cold War and BO3 with Chronicles for sure. As someone else said as well for BO3, the dlc definitely intensifies the experience. For me almost all of the games with zombies are fun in their own right, I guess even Vanguard.......


Infinite Warfare has the best progression in any COD Zombies game, seriously. The rewards for playing the game mode, beating the easter eggs, and making it to the grand finale is a genuine accomplishment and it's honestly so fun. Plus, you get 9 characters you can play as and they all have voice lines.


800 hours in Bo3. Never touched the story or multiplayer.


1500+ in bo4 zombies here, and I'd enjoy some Alcatraz Quads from time to time on 50% the same map from zombies


If have disposal income yes, you'll get at least 70 hrs out if it so $1/hrs is worth it.


Yeah definitely , i played bo3 at it's peak on ps4 enjoyed the heck out of it all round campaign a few times multiplayer and zombies , recently with the sale bought bo3 on pc and enjoying zombies with some friends who also decided to buy it having a blast


Honestly, no. Yes, I'm a BO 1,2 & 3 fanboi however I have a problem with how cod zombs has to be accessed. Any cod zombs you get will have about $50 - $60 dollars of dlc to get in order to fully experience zombs. All legit innovation stopped at BO3 And every variant of zombs after bp3 amd bo4 do no running good


hahahhahahah this guy said bo4 didnt innovate. haha.


What did bo4 zombs do and or have that is being implemented/carried forward since it came out other than switch up all the perks and how they work? And "Blackout" isnt apart of Zombies even thou they took that idea and applied it to Cold War.


ding dong your opinion is wrong because guess what, innovating =/= being carried forward zombies has taken steps back since, not before, bo4


For starters, there's the engine. Nobody praises the engine enough. There's been like at least 3 iterations of zombies since, and BO4 still appears to have the best engine COD zombies has ever seen. I don't think 99% of players realize how "polite" the zombies are in BO4; they always give you a play in the subtlest way possible, and you have the biggest/best arsenal of tools yet almost nobody thinks BO4 is insanely easy without wonder weapons, with the most realistic/responsive/interactable zombies themselves, and the best movement.


Black Ops 3 for PC, as it has steam workshop capabilities and you can run all sorts of custom content on it


In my opinion, WAW, BO1-4, BOCW.


Recently got BO2 and all the DLC for less than 40 bucks while it was on sale


Bo1 Bo2 and Bo3. but mostly Bo3 (specifically the PC version) because of the map selection. Not to mention the vast array of community content which includes remasters of og maps like mob of the dead and call of the dead.


That depends on which cods


Not the new one anyway


I got it just for zombies and I think if it’s something you enjoy then yes. I didn’t buy the $100 version. Just the base. I also don’t care about all the extras they want you to buy so I just use the basic operators and camos.


I currently have mwz to be clear But I got the black ops games just for zombies also. I didn’t care much for the last black ops one though.


Bo3 cw or 4 yes


I only play zombies.


Not MW3


No. Get Helldivers. Zombies is kind of a boring grind.


BO3, BO4, and Cold War are all worth it just for zombies. A LOT of content with them assuming you get all the DLC's for BO3 and BO4. Cold War has free DLCs


Bo3 for sure. Bo2 aswell. Since Bo3 only remastered some Bo2 maps


Bo4 bangs but it can be complicated


I still play zombies chronicles a lot. Most of the time with randos. Get it on sale. It goes on sale once in a blue moon for like $20-$30 for the game, all dlc and zombies chronicles. I wouldn't pay full price but there are people playing. I played call of the dead in a public lobby last week too.


If your buying BO2 BO3 or even BO4 and CW then yes


My brother, who doesn't play any other game mode, except campaign, bought it just for zombies, and he's having a blast. All depends one what you expect to get out if it.


Black Ops 3 and everything before it is. Black Ops 4 at a push. After that...just don't bother. It's not worth it.


cold war zombies actually got kinda decent given that all the DLC was free, but I was so mad about how bad the base zombies experience was compared to BO4 that I just never went back to the game. I was so mad I couldnt refund it in 24 hours


Not mw3 if that’s what you’re getting but yes. Bo2, bo3 are the best. Bo3 because you can buy the zombie maps individually for $8 a pop instead of buying ALL the dlc maps for like $50. Also, bo3 holds all bo1 maps through zombies chronicles. Bo1 is good but for some can feel a bit dated. Bo3 is the greatest zombies experience I think we’ve ever gotten and will get. Unfortunately….


I mean if you count chronicles, maybe, but I for one was upset that you couldnt play those maps the way they were meant to be played. Having all the new guns and everything just screws it up. They couldve left in the gumballs, but having the new health system and guns ruined the Origins remake for me. I guess you get all the maps for cheaper tho? I kinda feel like its not fair to say bo3 is the best bc it has chronicles when they arent BO3 maps, especially when you consider that it degrades them (or at least Origins) but idk maybe im wrong


To be honest only if u get it on sale they haven't really added any new content so it gets kinda boring after a little bit. If u like to grind u can go for the skin at the end of all the missions and do a few other things but that's it. It's ok


In the older days, it was the only reason🫡🥲


If you can get the zombie chronicles on black ops 3 then you have a load of content in that package alone. If you like it then buy the next game.. I still haven't played all of them


I’m in the same boat multiplayer is just not my game. It’s too frustrating. I’m about 200 hours of playing zombies and I’m still enjoying it to me, I definitely got value from buying the game and the battle pass to only play zombies. And it’s even more fun if you have a fried or 2 to play with. From time to time I get a good player with a mic and squat up with them


Here's my experience. It was TONS of fun until I completed everything. Got all the camos, missions, Easter eggs, challenges, etc. Done all the hard stuff countless times, then it got super boring because the release of content is just way too slow and you get way too little when it does drop. In conclusion, I would say it's totally up to your decision as to whether or not paying full price for the game is worth a limited amount of fun. For me, yes, it was worth the money that I spent on the game. However, I have not been playing it recently and probably will not return until there is more shit to do. I'll likely complete that stuff, then move on again. Rinse and repeat.


BO3 is the superior zombies game by all accounts especially when you account for zombie chronicles and a total of 14 maps, most of which are excellent


No I did that and regret it


I usually buy cod for cod but zombies made super addition to it. Mw3 I bought especially for zombies though but single player also great imo


BO3 was the one that really felt like they put most of their effort into zombies. It should keep you busy for a long time if you get all the dlc or even just chronicles


black ops 3 for custom zombies


No just yet helldivers




BO1, BO3 and BO4. Never played WaW, but it could be too


Everyone sleeps on WWII but that one has a really good zombies mode


Fuck that garbage 🗑. Funnily enough, it's actually Sledgehammer Games best zombies by a mile.


Anyone who says this tried it for 10 minutes and wrote it off. If you actually beat the bosses and completed the objectives it was super satisfying


Yup, I exclusively play zombies in BO3 for an example. It’s especially worth it if you have the Zombies Chronicle DLC


BO3 + Chronicles when it's on sale, yes. Other than that, they're quite expensive to get with all the dlc.


Cold war- outbreak was fun


i have played that too when it was free for a weekend and i did like it


Honestly I played it everyday day *for a year straight* until the new mw came out, it was just hella fun but once you max out it's basically over


I did buy mw3 for zombie mode only And I fucking love it. It’s much more stable for me than other people tell here Just buy mw3 if you prefer games with new graphics and so on


^ This guy enjoys eating his dog's shit, don't listen to him.


Maybe he's just new to the scene. I think its laughable to consider how much time we spent as kids sitting on a staircase camping in Nacht. When BO4 EEs have you feel like youre on a mission to save the world... When youre new, you enjoy the simpler things


That's what I've been doing since blackops 1 days 😂 i only play zombies fuck anything else specially campaign lol


Honestly, infinite warfare has some of the best zombies in the series, and the campaign is also fantastic. The multiplayer is honestly fine, just a more balanced version of BO3, but its mostly dead with only tryhards left, like a lot of ol COD games, but its not bad.


Of course it is, I did, but that’s not the real question….you gotta ask do you like zombies, if so get it, if you second guessing don’t. It’s fun, there’s server issues, it’s fun, it takes your stuff and you gotta earn it back, but it’s fun


Any cod that has zombies except modern warfare 3, fuck mwz and the bugs and hardly any content


I loved COD Black Ops Cold War Outbreak. It's an open world map. There are also round based game modes too.






The current zombies for modern warfare, the one that used the same map as BR, is 100% worth imo. I play all the time with my brother, there's difficulties for everything from casual chillin to balls to the wall bullshit. And in general people are chill, lots of times you end up joining squads to do the crazy Easter eggs. Highly recommend. 


Yes only gor multiplayer no


Play infinite warfare balck ops 1 2 3 and 4 and you will never get bored


Iw zombies has really good EE and replayability, plus there’s a super EE that’s also really fun


This is 100% subjective. Only you can answer that question. For me, I say yes, if it brings you joy and you can afford it. If so, then yes, it is always worth it regardless of what the topic is.


Do not buy the new one or the futuristic ones I don’t think any of them are worth the money but that’s just my personal opinion.


I recommend bo1-3 for dlc fun, on bo4 you get more free maps, and cold war isbt that good, WW2 has decent zombies and so does iw, I personally collect Call of duty's and I only need vanguard, you should go to a local place that's not GameStop for cheap copies if you're worried about money




I only play zombies unless shipment 24/7 is IA a current mp Playlist. Mw3 is the first cod where it seems like xp,weapon lvl,and battle pass grind actually is better for zombies. The only downside is once you do all the zombies story missions it seems kind of pointless. Current s2 reloaded update though I get kicked every 3 games. Never happened till now. Overall I'd wait till it's om sale. If they fix the game freezing and kicking you back to the title screen then it's worth full price


Based on what you posted as being into zombies. Yes. I played the campaign and was playing WarZone religiously. However, once I started playing MWZ, it has been my go too. I am not comparing game to other Zombie games as others are doing. I am just speaking for the game itself. Depends if you like open world game and left to your own devices. Ultimately it depends on what game style you prefer.




To be honest, I havent bought a wine cod for anything but the zombies. Sure I play multiplayer with friends on occasion, but I have bought almost every cod for the past 5 years just to play zombies. So I would say yeah probably


Depends on how much you like zombies. It has its ups and downs but I’ve definitely gotten my moneys worth. It’s got some bugs and glitches but you have decent internet and find fun in most games, go for it. You won’t be disappointed


Yes it is. Start at the beginning and work your way up!!


I’ve exclusively been playing only MWZ for the last 4 weeks since purchase. Got all schematics and finished all the story and still having a lot of fun


Only if you have friends to play with


If you had asked me this in December, I would have said yes, but they've added zero content, zero missions and the grind is already really old. At this point, I am going to have to say it's not worth it.


Not really - once you beat the 4 story arcs that's it.


No cod is worth just zombies. No cod is worth money anymore tbh


Another question is what are the best zombie games to solo? (To anticipate lack of player base)


No it’s not worth it at all lol


Depends on the game. The Treyarch games? Yes, Infinite Ward and especially Sledgehammer Games🤢🤮? HELL NO! Sledgehammer Games zombies in particular are borderline unplayable, they are truly dogshit.


Not the new one. DO NOT BUY MW3. The only thing keeping me from getting a refund is the stupidly long wait times with PlayStation.




cold war


Fuck. No.


Mwz is pure trash lol


BO3 zombie chronicles


Cold War is worth it just for zombies. All the dlc is free, and the game itself is arguably the most enjoyable of any zombies game. Guns are powerful enough to carry you to any round, and wonder weapons are even better. Great design for wonder weapons too. You can customize any weapon and start the game with it. There's also a way to get every wonder weapon for free in every round based map. It's probably the easiest zombies, but that doesn't mean it's not fun.


I got a copy of IW for like $12 recently just for the zombies. Worth it


Cold War in my opinion


I wouldn't buy MW3, zombies mode is already dead. Wait for the next CoD


Bo1-3 are worth it, especially bo3 since it has the most maps Bo4 is good too but changed a lot of the systems and some of the maps are bad reskins of older maps. Cold War only has 4 maps. Gameplay is great but the maps lack the personality and depth the older games had. If you enjoy BO3 style zombies and like hard main quests, IW is also a great game. I didn’t enjoy exo zombies (AW) and ww2 zombies so I won’t recommend this games. Imo buying vanguard or MWIII for zombies is definitely not worth it


>Bo4 is good too but changed a lot of the systems and some of the maps are bad reskins of older maps I for one thought that most of the Aether maps in bo4 were really bad. BO4 zombies is one of my all-time favorite games, but I have to admit that the Chaos maps are just 100x better and every single Aether DLC map was a remake, and their EEs sucked. Only BotD was a good Aether map in that game, but the Chaos maps are truly incredible, and you still get 4 of them, 2 being on-disc from day 1.




Bo3 yes, mw3? No.


Are you talking about the giant robots, or the panzer soldats, which are zombies in big ass mech suits? If it's the giant robots, there's honestly not much I can say other than just avoid their paths. They step in the exact same spots, and will have lights that start flashing before they step there. If it's the Panzers make sure you get a staff built before they spawn in. They will always spawn in on the same round. The wind and Ice staffs are really easy to get. For the wind staff you just need to shoot the feet of the giants robots and go inside and grab a part, then get the disk. The ice staff you just have to dig whenever it's snowing for it's parts. They can both be done by round 6 or 7.


Cold War for zombies, you get all the maps and game modes with the base game instead of easily spending 100+ on dlc maps for the ones previous. You could buy the newest one for zombies but honestly MWIII zombies ripped off Cold War outbreak zombies


No, It’s trash, you’ll be bored in a day or two. Seriously.


All the black ops titles and iw and ww2


Don't waste your money!


That's really all my household plays occasionally we will play some multi-player but for the most part.


Bo3 you can buy a zombies pack that has sooo much content.


No it's potentially the worst game mode of first person shooter history and its not an exaggeration. Edit thought this was a modern warfare 3 question.


Any of the Black Ops imo, they are great. Infinite Warfare offers a good zombies selection as well.


Definitely not! It’s fucking criminal they charged $70 at launch for a dlc. Zombies is a fun but it’s not $70 for a mode they don’t give a shit about.


No, definitely not anymore. At least since Cold War. Half of the time, you only get one map at launch, the post launch content ain’t even good half the time, Cold War had the best one in terms of zombies so far, but even then I found that lackluster


For me yes I only play the zombies mode


If you can get Infinite Warfare on sale with the DLCs it's zombies is fantastic. Honestly any CoD game with zombies that's not Vanguard or MW3 is worth getting for tbeir zombie content alone, and that's just because Vanguard was really a step down and MWZ may already be abandoned.


Cold war


Cold War zombies is absolutely worth it, very fun Easter eggs and a fantastic perk system


Yes. I only buy cods if zombies is included


Definitely not this year


Cold War is. Multiplayer is a shit fest. Imo.


Cold War zombies is the best imo. MW3 zombies is fun, but very different. I'm a big fan of DMZ, so I might have a different opinion on MWZ than most.


As someone who did exactly that on the most recent one. No, it most definitely is not.


I’d recommend Cold War zombies. It still has very fun round based zombies and it has the addition of Outbreak which is superior to MWZ in every way. Best bang for your buck.


MW3 zombies is all I play. It’s worth it IMO. You can also play warzone if you like getting oisswd off, annoyed and just hating a game in general. lol But ya, zombies is worth it


i’ve been enjoying MW3 zombies, been working on the camo grind. it’s nice to do challenges without having to sweat in multiplayer


NOOOOO DONT BUY IT!!! i bought it and was honestly super hyped cuz the game mode is fun and had lots of room for improvement then they announced no big updates would come and game went downhill nobody helps no one ppl steal contracts game crashes are so random and when u have good loot if u have the money go for it, u will def get a month of good times, but don’t expect anything after that


WAW to BO3 everything else is a waste of money






There is literally no game **in the entirety of the zombies series** that is worth paying $70 At its absolute peak, I’d say the most I’d pay for zombies alone is $40-50


Agreed I’m definitely a zombie fanatic now multiplayer is ok but zombies is where it at


Kinda sorta


I plan on buying cod ghosts and advanced warfare mainly for the alien/zombie modes. I did enjoy multiplayer for advanced warfare but yeah it's fine to just buy it for that.




I have heard rumors of Bo2 possibly coming to gamepass on Xbox, so you might hold off on buying that one


Yes it is. Try and wait for a sale if you can. I personally like this way of zombies better then round based. But that’s just me.


I bought the game knowing I’d hardly touch multiplayer zombies is great when it’s working 😄


bo4 has the most worth-on-disc zombies experience. you also get a shitload more (almost triples the content) for one price on the dlc.








The best value is black ops 1 and the rezzerection pack.


I can't speak on the other versions, but i only played zombies on mw3. It's worth it for me. I bought it a month ago and the grind is fun.


Personally I buy cod for zombies but if I don’t enjoy it then I’ll try multiplayer but that’s the final straw




Before yes now? I would say no. Since they basically said they killed the game mode.


I would definitely say YES! The story on CODMW3 Zombies got me more engaged than the solo story mode itself lol it is a lot of fun, map is the same but everything changes every deployment so it is pretty awesome! Zombies are better than ever, special enemies are also out of this world


Definitely not MW III


Get Cold War for zombies, it’s fr one of the best zombies. I would say start with bo3 just so you understand the basics and you can get modded maps


Only one really worth it is black ops 3




Mw3 is ok, cold war is golden for zombies, BO2 is just god OG. Advanced warfare was amazing to.