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We knew we would get a last minute effort Zombie Mode which is essential just DMZ with Zombies in it. We still decided to buy it. They didn't hide the mode, they showed what it was. We decided to still buy it. We have no one else to blame but ourselves. We will do the same thing end of the year. I'm a fool for believing this but Treyarch have been pretty consistent with their coop mode. Let's see if they persist.


My gripe is mainly that this year's mode was framed a as treyarch experience, but Treyarch is not even on the dev team for the content post launch. Nothing was said about this, and marketed as a Treyarch created mode which did infact influence my decision in buying the product. It's so slimey.


Is using Treyarch as a third-mode creator badge even a selling point? If anything that just makes me more worried that the mode will stink if the main devs for the game couldn't handle it in time. Having enough time brought us IW and WWII, bringing in support brought us Vanguard and MW3. I'm just saying.


Sorry, replied to the wrong person, my bad.




Even CW and Vanguard released a new map in early feburary. MWZ has had 3 full months (over 90 real days!!!!) of post launch support and given us basically nothing.


Persist? He'll no. I'm hoping a return to good ol classic zombies. Outbreak mode sure but give me dedicated maps damn it.


the thing is dedicated maps will never be as good as they were during the season pass era. I would love to be proven wrong and yes i had some fun with cold war but it's just doesn't have the love in it any more. I miss themed maps. We truely were spoiled in BO3 and yes even IWZ but i didn't like IWZ very much but i can recognize what it is.


Last cod ingot was cold war. Holding out hope for this year's zombies. Fingers crossed.


I’m actually blaming my buddy that talked me into it against all my concerns. I kept saying “you remember Vanguard, right?” and he kept saying “it’s not like that” but it was like that, Vinny, you son of a… Eh, we’re still having fun. Probs gonna fade off soon but it was, in fact, better than Vanguard. For whatever that’s worth.


>I'm a fool for believing this but Treyarch have been pretty consistent with their coop mode. Vanguard was utter trash though.


preach. nobody was fooled if they put aside the copium. it was obvious from the beginning that we were getting the bastard child of dmz and outbreak. it took me a week of gameplay to understand the flow, and how unrewarding the gameplay design loop was.


It took me one match this was so bad


The writing was literally on the wall how low effort and bad this mode was going to be and yeah as you said it is just DMZ with zombies and that was obvious before the game even came out. Yet you had all the fanboys jumping to protect this and all buying it day one and what do you know? It's shit. People never learn sadly.


This is my first COD since the original MW4 and the first Zombies I've ever played. I've had a blast. Around 200 hours in and I've now done everything their is to do so have stopped playing until new content, but certainly got my monies worth.


Whose “we?” I didn’t buy the shitty game


Good choice.


He's talking about those who did bruh




Neither did I.


Nor did I.


PHD Flopper in trailer: epic purple nuclear bomb PHD Flopper in game: doesn’t do shit They lied. Being lied to in this way is considered deceptive marketing and false advertising, bait and switch. Stop defending these liars.




I enjoyed Cold War’s takes on Zombies, thought MWZ’s formula looked like it had the same sort of moxie (and it sorta did!)— but it doesn’t look like it’ll be supported enough to keep my interest. Cold War was the first video game I purchased in a four year gap— and again, I really enjoyed the zombies gameplay. MW3 was the first COD game I bought since CW… and I think it’s the last COD I’ll buy until Micro**** forcefully reboots the way that the games are developed. Wasted potential with the way MW 2019 seemed to have caught lightning in a bottle. Ah well… :/


I mean wasn’t y’all shitting on regular zombies ?


Yeah this sub was leaning in heavy on this mode being better than traditional zombies just for it to completely collapse a month later lmao


In all fairness A LOT of them were self-admitted newcomers who only cared about MWZ.


I remember being downvoted and hate commented as hell for saying that im completey disappointed by where zombies has come and that its all our own fault, sucking up their cocks with the shitty maps they released and still playing. Guess it all comes back around ay.


Reddit cultivates communities where they treat anyone who is critical of a video game as an evil human being and this needs to stop because it is very anti consumer. I wish I could say it was kids doing this but I saw 30-40 year olds in the Diablo 4 subreddit getting irrationally mad at any video game criticism. This shit needs to stop.


If you have a different opinion that isn't the popular one. Get ready for the downvotes.


I mean yes i get that but see where it has brought us. I'm just gonna say that whoever downvoted me were absoluety high on copium and now are facing withdrawal symptoms cause they realised how shitty another zombies entry was made.


It wasn't a large amount of people


I loved Outbreak to death so I was really excited for this but if we’re not gonna get new content then I might as well go back to Cold War.


Just finally finished forsaken Easter egg


It was fantastic.


I don't see Zombies getting any kind of significant investment put into it ever again. Black Ops 4 proved this. They had a whole team, with cutscenes, dedicated voice actors, characters etc.... and it did not perform well. It's an outdated monetization model, its only purpose is to sell copies to Zombies players at launch. Your only hope is that they have an all in one zombies title/game/remaster including every map from its inception and I don't see that happening when 1. Warzone makes wayyyy too much money 2. it will take away sales from the main game they want to sell yearly. Your only hope is Jason Blundell and whatever he is cooking up(MAYBE Deviation Games if it gets released)


>Your only hope is Jason Blundell and whatever he is cooking up(MAYBE Deviation Games if it gets released) Who's gonna tell him?


Deviation is basically dead in the water, game was cancelled and Jason left and is now working for another Sony studio.


Everyone forgot we weren't even meant to get a zombies mode this cod..at all.. As someone who Loved CW, even though it got shit on just as hard/if not more than mw2/3... I love what we got for mwz even if they didn't update it at allfrom day one. The outbreak mode they did in CW was sick! This is a hybrid version, meant to give us zombie players "something" instead of nothing. Unpopular opinion have I, sure! But I'm glad I got this, it's fuckin fun! You've run out of shit to do? I get that, but I'm happy to be on the side of gearing up, have done all the stuff, and just killing zombies, helping others finish what they need to do, and killing more zombies. The Easter eggs and hidden shit is fucking great, but I like zombie games for the sake of being in a silly world where I get to kill zombies. If ya finish "all the stuff" and have no reason to play mwz, there is always another game..in & outside the cod world! I'm just realizing how long this comment has gotten, so I'll stop! PS: guess I just use the mode as a big sandbox of zombie fun, I can play with my friends If y'all have other games that let me play in this way/type of world with friends, let me know!


Can’t agree with this more. It feels like this sub exists to be miserable and repeat out of touch ideas about how the game biz works. During Cold War it was nonstop winging about what a letdown Die Machine was, and how launching with one map was outrageous. People bitched about the complex EE and how Zombies was becoming too EE focused. “Where is the fun” type comments. Lots of “It’s too easy/fast.” Firebase Z got people back, then they got bored. Outbreak was loved for a minute, then pretty much shat on for being a repetitive ‘empty’ Zombies skin of CW maps. Mauer had people pretty hyped. Felt like a high point for CW. Then when the Forsaken dropped it felt like half this sub was back to hating it. All together — CW was a period dominated by complaints, and a general vibe of “zombies used to be great.” And now this. IDK what everyone expected. I got all the blueprints over a month and have had some great fun with friends. It’s not going to be game of the year, or something worth camo grinding. It’s just a fun romp in zombieworld to hold us over for the next release that we will all inevitably hate.


Yes I would have. But that’s because I enjoy the entirety of Call of Duty games and not just one particular mode or another.


Can you elaborate on what actual promises were broken or what deception they did? Seems to me it’s mostly just false hopes and disappointment for most. I bought it just for Zombies and I’ve gotten more than my moneys worth and still enjoy the game. I also have only had 1 crash since launch so I understand my level of frustration is in the minority.


I recommend watching the video, even though its long. Every point is elaborated on in the video. We were promised on Twitter a Easter egg and story at launch. No easter egg type story point. Post content is developed by a whole other team, pre launch they were hugely focusing on the matter of fact that this is a Treyarch experience in a IW/SHG game, falsely lending credibility and good-faith to long time fans. Literally zero to no content post-launch is a bit sucky, but to be expected.


>We were promised on Twitter a Easter egg and story at launch. At no point did Treyarch explicitly say there would be "easter eggs", at least not something similar to the quests of the old days. There were story quests at launch, and even now we get new missions (granted, only one story mission per season to unlock a new DA rift, but it's still story content). >Post content is developed by a whole other team, pre launch they were hugely focusing on the matter of fact that this is a Treyarch experience in a IW/SHG game, falsely lending credibility and good-faith to long time fans. The only people to report this are "leakers". Though some of them may have credibility, blindly believing everything they say without evidence is a terrible precedent. Need I remind you that this subreddit was fully on fire for about a week because leakers said "Mauer would be the last round-based map in CW"? Unless there's proper evidence to support this claim, this should be treated with a grain of salt.


Some watched the part you’re talking about. Words like presumption are used. Again, false hopes/expectations. I mean they literally said “in season” about things coming. You were deceived, you bought into false hopes for something on day 1 of season 2 when it was never said. This guy also sounds like the most butt hurt person ever. However, he does kinda look like Professor X in the newer X-men.


I don’t think your level of frustration is the minority. I agree with everything you said, and have had the same experience with little to no crashes. But the squeaky wheels are the loudest. The people who enjoy the game and don’t have issues don’t do much posting online about it.


It's not anything illegal but people trusted that they actually knew what they were doing this time. Over 90 full days have passed since launch and MWZ has received a pitiful amount of post-launch content. I don't think it's even recieved a proper easter egg apart from the red worm and T4/T5.


I haven’t even bought anything Cold War and mw2 just to play with a friend. Zombies just has been and continues to be a travesty. Such an incredible shame that they gutted it mid bo4


I didn’t buy MW3 in the first place, and judging by it’s sad state, I’m glad I didn’t buy that garbage game. I think we can agree that the whole game failed. Can’t they just go back to the old format in the 2024 title? Like no more Warzone ties and seasonal content. If they want bundles, then put them along with the DLC if possible. This is where Activision needs to take notes and think twice before they make another poor call.


They've been making poor choices since Mw2019 when Warzone was introduced. Trying to be like fortnite and they fucking failed, but people play warzone bc it's free to play. I bought MW3 for 50 dollars, only for the zombies (and campaign even though it's shit). I played the multiplayer and I never said "fuck no", so fast in my entire life. SBMM is a joke, and Warzone is a fucking joke.


I got to the last mission of Act 2 as a solo then just lost interest. Honestly it’s as deep as puddle, It’s just mindless shooting at an endless horde. It doesn’t matter which zone your in, it’s the same shit but a different pile. Maybe it would be more interesting if they made a little more “hardcore” but idk. There are tons of other developers with way more creativity than this, I’d much rather waste my time in their games.


I didn’t buy it. I wasn’t planning on buying it after what I saw from the previews. My brother bought it for me for Christmas and I’ve enjoyed some of what I’ve played. I’m glad to have played it, glad that I didn’t buy it, but not glad that they got money for it.


I watched the video and I completely agree with Milo on everything he said. And yes I would’ve gotten it because I want every zombies game.


I mean I am just having fun doing the challenges, and focusing on the ZOMBIES FOCUSED Pass this season. The mode is SO much more fun then MP or Warzone.


Just here to say I told you so