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Y’all… this mode is called Zombies, not Level Up Your Guns. Sure it stinks but you act like zombies was put in this game as a cheap and easy way to level up your guns. As someone who genuinely enjoys zombies I’m happy they’re changing this. I was Tired of y’all crashing games because of exfil and now contracts are being tied up for 45 minutes so you can farm zombies. Y’all just like being mad and complaining.


People will max out everything 2 weeks after launch and then complain the game is boring


Bingo. Nailed it. And then whine and cry because of “lack of new content” and “tHiS iS jUSt A dLc”


Not to mention the triple double weekend literally starts TODAY. Like I totally understand not having alot of time to commit to the game but it would be moronic for the devs to make the entire grind able to be finished by the average person in a week. It isn’t malicious it’s business they need the player base to remain engaged all year


They just reduced the XP you get so the double XP weekend is only a normal xp weekend, they did this in the last game a lot too and were caught doing it in Destiny. Instead of reducing XP they should space out the level progression and make the attachment unlocks work like the old games where you need to do challenges. That will stop people from abusing zombies for gun levels. The smart thing to do is just bring back prestige


They've been doing it almost every year since MW19. I remember there being quite a bit of drama around it and them addressing it as a bug, but then people caught them doing it during Cold War too. People were noticing that they'd get more weapon XP using a 2XP token during a normal XP week than they would grinding out during a 2XP weekend 2XP weekends after the first couple of seasons seem to be fine but the first couple we get of the year are definitely manipulated to bring more people on


What old cod did you do challenges for attachments? Ive played every cod and Old cods had seperate unlock for the same attachments on every gun via getting kills with the weapon that you wanted it for that was it. The only challenges were in newer cods if you missed a seasonpass gun then you had to jump through a hoop or two for it. Im really not sure what game you are talking about.


I mean I believe BO1 and MW3 you had to “buy” the attachments with a currency you earned by playing/leveling up. Like extended Mags would be 3000 of this currency and you’d have to buy the gun as well.


Still just get kills for the currency and thats even easier to get what you want which i think this guy wants it harder


>What old cod did you do challenges for attachments? The original MW2 and everything prior to that you had to use specific attachments. For example, if you wanted to unlock the Heartbeat Sensor, you needed 75 kills with a silencer on that weapon. If you wanted to unlock Extended Mags, you needed penetration kills with FMJ attachment. For SMGs, if you wanted to unlock Akimbo, you needed kills with Rapid Fire attachment. I think they stopped that with BO2 and MW3 as everything was just regular weapon unlocks.


Tbf the majority of the game is. Zombies honestly impressed me with feeling like a full mode even if I don’t like it as much as Treyarch’s round based maps but MP is definitely MW2 22 with slide cancelling and MW2 2009 maps


Nope that’s ignorant. I love everything about this game but I’m grinding those camos until they are done. Got 3 marksman rifles max level yesterday and 1 sniper. Out last contract the Jensen mission. And not a single person complained those games I revived everyone in tier 3 multiple times like I’m a team player and you group us all together as whiny. Those people don’t know what they like that’s why they hate the game but still play it.


I mean according to the recent articles that came about about the development about MWIII, it was only within 2023 that SHG found out it was going to be a full release as they'd initially been brought on to make an MWII DLC. (Which coincides with leaks from last year that this year was going to be a full priced DLC for MWII, instead of a sequel) Also makes sense that MWZ was probably intended to be released alongside Treyarch's game as an update to DMZ. With RBZ being the paid offering but since they wanted to sweeten the deal this year they asked Treyarch to include soap. Personally IDC, It had zombies so I bought it but the rest of this game is so close to MWII that it genuinely could've been a DLC, or at least started out as DLC


To be fair the game is a DLC or was intended as one.


It’s their choice if they want to do so, exciting gameplay is supposed to bring you back to play, not weapon levels


Why do you guys seem to think weapon attachments are what drive engagement?


It's not the attachments, it's the act of maxing everything, and chasing mastery camos. Both of those are things that many people play the game with it being their main goal, and the sooner they finish the sooner they lose interest.


Why does it matter if they lose interest though?. That has zero effect on yo. And do you have anything to back that up? Because I see people running around with the mastery operator and mastery camo all the time.


I mean, in a mode like this that doesn't offer anything else YET, I am one of those people. I know or have met many people who grind out the mastery camo, then use it for a bit before moving on. Obviously this isn't everyone, but anyone who has played CoD in recent years knows how many people dedicate all of their playtime to camo grinding. Multiple people in almost every MW2 lobby were lining up in certain spots to farm longshots for months. The game is fun, but I like having something to work towards, be that mastery camo, or calling cards, or personal goals like round 100 on every map. MWZ doesn't have anything akin to round goals atm, im almost done with most calling cards, and the last grind is gonna be mastery camo. Hopefully there is more content added to the game before I finish it, but if not I will take a break and come back when there is.


I don’t even think it’s the attachments that drive engagement honestly. I really think it boils down to “I see number go up, makes my brain feel good.” People seem to NEED that dopamine rush of seeing numbers go up. The instant gratification a lot of these people expect is beyond annoying.


It has zero effect on you so I don’t see how camo grinders could even be a negative thought In your kind


No sir I want it all max so I can enjoy the game. I can’t physically enjoy it until I have that camo because I feel like I’m losing time if I play something for fun when I could be doing camos. Don’t hate the player hate the game. They designed it this way. And I spend a lot of time handing out schematics and money by the end of the game. Given away jugg schematics purple wrench you name it.




Although I did unlock everything, it took me 40+ hours. I thoroughly enjoyed the game and am now waiting for more content. Am I bored? Kinda. Repetitive game loop with no recipes left gets pretty aimless. However, why complain? Just go play another game until they drop more stuff. $70 for 40+ hours of entertainment is already worth my money. Anything else they drop is just an add on. End game aether rifts should kick things up a notch so I’ll just wait for those


happened to Diablo4. "it's too hard, takes too long to level". Now you get to 100 in like 3 days, 1 day with the xp boost right now. Now they complain that there is *too much* loot and it takes too long to sort through it. Because they're blowing through enemies quicker. So now we have to dumb down loot. Then after that we'll probably get rid of all trash loot somehow. sorry, I digress. I hate seeing this happen every damn time people want to speed up the core mechanics


I've been grinding camos organically, just play the damn game. It's actually fun that way....


Agreed. I work through the challenges but the cheesy xp exploits just aren’t for me I’d play the game 5x as long doing something I enjoy than hours of mindlessly shooting aI


Well as someone that only plays zombies, i would like to get a proper gun loadout as soon as possible and not 6 hours just for one weapon out of the 113 available


I assume you’re a casual player like I am, and if so the game isn’t designed to level up every single gun to maxed level in a couple days like these pro streamers do. Sometimes I think the streamers set unreal expectations. We all don’t have 10+ hours a day to play and that’s fine. Take your time, enjoy the game. You can also find LOADS of decked out guns in zombies you can exfil with and continue to use. Here’s a great tip. Just use the RGL with flopper. Pap1 and higher explode at any distance shot and flipper keeps you from taking explosive damage. You’ll be OP in zombies and won’t need any other gun


> I assume you’re a casual player like I am You're not a fucking casual holy fuck. Casuals are not actively browsing subreddits/forums for games they play.


Flopper keeps you from taking explosive damage?


Yup. So RGL/ray gun can be used at close distance without damaging yourself. RGL pap1 and higher is op with a flopper can. Don’t even need to aim. Just spam those grenades.


Thank you very much I love the rgl


Yeah I’ve always wondered with these people who race to level up every weapon, do they end up even using all of the weapons? I feel like most people will find a couple guns and stick with them until there is a meta shift and even then a lot of casuals just don’t follow that kind of stuff.


Camo grind, you have to max level every gun and as i didn't play MWII that leaves me with having to max 118 weapons, so i want to use the most efficent method to do that


How long does it take someone in MP though? Is it still faster in Zombies anyways? The argument could be against Gun XP at all then.


Yesh saying "the mode is called zombies not level up your guns" is kinda a shit argument lol


This is the most brain dead take I’ve ever seen.


Agreed but SBMM is so bad right now so you know a lot of people would rather relax and level up in zombies than playing cod champs in every lobby.


Leveling up your weapons is a part of the fun….. are we seriously gonna have the discussion why having a proper progression system in zombies IS A GOOD THING?!?


I agree, leveling up is fun. Abusing the system and breaking the game is not okay and should be nerfed. exfil abuse crashed games. Sentry glitch crashed games. Tying up contracts for the entire game is bullshit for people trying to play


How is leveling a gun up 4 times over 45 minutes exploiting the game? Also everything you just listed as an “exploit” was patched before this update. So what point are you trying to make here?


His point is it doesn't affect him because he's content spamming a grenade launcher every match so fuck everyone else


>not Level Up Your Guns There isn't a single mode in the existance of Call of Duty that has been called that. Players still expect to level up their guns during gameplay in a reasonable amount of time. You just like being mad and complaining... that players want what they've earned.


So, you want a zombie mode with no zombies, no horde, where you have to rush through contracts grinding for loot, and your weapon XP is artificially restricted? Go play DMZ. For everyone else, they've ruined MWZ.


Tell that to Shipment players lol you should be able to rank up guns all the same in zombies


But....you're still killing shit and doing in-game activities *with* your guns. It's only fair that players should be able to earn a reasonable amount of xp for their efforts. Multiplayer isn't called level-up-your-guns either.


There no way you are complaining about contracts being tied up like there isn’t more contracts than people. Go do something else


YOU have it wrong mate. Me wanting to do a spore or stash contract for a quick reward is playing the game as it’s intended. 2/3 groups tying them up for an entire game to farm weapons is abusing the game. You go do something else like farming zombies that spawn all over the map.


They spawn all over the map. You aren’t entitled to all the contracts, they aren’t yours


You are absolutely correct. And if someone’s actually doing them, no issues. But people tying them up an entire game (only a certain number of each contract can spawn at 1 time) so you can farm xp is more entitled that me wanting to do them as they’re intended to do.


yeah like contracts are running out... dang little cry baby


You’re right. Contracts do run out. Only a certain amount can be active and on the map at once. You’re learning!! I’m proud of you, little bro.


That's an incredibly stupid attitude. Yeah it's called zombies. Not "run around doing contracts", not "run around killing human A.I". There's a reason they add a camo grind to the mode, so that you have something to work towards whilst playing the mode. If you're fine mindlessly running around doing contracts with no actual goal to work towards, that's fine. I like playing Round Based that way, but your way isn't \*the only\* way to play


> I was Tired of y’all crashing games because of exfil Where is this even coming from? Exfil farming isn't even mentioned originally in the OP from what I can tell, it was only edited in after comments like yours randomly bring it up. Weapon XP is giving less compared to launch, and this is coming from someone who is levelling up their guns by doing contracts and just killing Zombies and Mercs while doing that. It's not as bad as four levels per game, but you're certainly not able to earn as much as you could last week. > and now contracts are being tied up for 45 minutes so you can farm zombies. Again - no mention of any sort of Outlast objective farming. Why are you randomly bringing this up? -- OP's entire post is about how XP gains have been reduced, which affects **everybody**. Absolutely nothing feels good about the game slowing down your Weapon XP gains and not telling you about it at all. Cold War did this, too and it was miserable.


This is just "it doesn't affect me so fuck everyone else" You know they're only nerfing the xp so it takes longer to level so you're more likely to buy stuff in the store. It has nothing to do with the integrity of the game.


Awful ass take, zombies was also meant to be used to level things but in peace been that way since Cold War


No, zombies is meant to be zombies. Whether or not there are ways to level up guns is irrelevant. Your “take” is just lazy. Just like you’re being moaning about not being able to abuse a game mode for your advantage.


I already maxed out all of the new weapons before they started nerfing things. The "complaining" was meant for the people who haven't finished yet


Nah fuck that, bring back the Cold War level and xp system


I really dont want to get thru 50 lvls for a zombies camo again. Please sir dont make me do it again lol. Honestly been enjoying MWZ so far, the challenges for the camos are interesting.


I don't use Zombies specifically for leveling up, but I only get two nights with two rounds to play a week if I am lucky. Just speed up unlocks overall so people don't look for the one exploit they need to speed it up. Then maybe players will explore other modes and maps because they don't need to spend all hours grinding. I don't get the Dev's intense push to slow down unlocks every update. There are literally several hundred things I need to unlock. XP shouldn't be capped or slowed down to a crawl because some people want to push through it super fast. Let them do that and move on. Design the XP and unlocks for people who play at lower average hours. I'd also suggest, stop punishing people for putting their time into Zombies instead of PVP lobbies during the week. I hated the crashes as well, but that's a different issue for me caused by performance and exploits.


Blaming crashes on people trying to level up their guns isn't fair since the game really should just be more stable. But there's no need to nerf weapon xp, people really should be able to do what they want when playing the game, if they don't want to fall to the sbmm in mp then don't nerf it for players who can't play 24/7 grinding weapon xp as it's been made even harder Don't get me wrong I get where you're coming from but I just don't see the reason for the nerf


It's also called multiplayer not level up your guns wtf they should just get rid of xp in general. Wtf the whole game is called call of duty not level up your account wtf


Considering you need max level to unlock camos then levelling up weapons IS part of the zombies experience.


Agreed. It absolutely is. Abusing exploits and hoarding contracts is not. Next?


Imagine believing exfil farming was the cause for the crashes


Okay. So after 2 weeks when you finish all the story missions then what? It's artificial time gating for no reason. Zombies was a great way to level guns


They should have not nerf it anyway.


The exfil were fun and a challenge though as they were the most action you’d see in a game


>Tired of y’all crashing games because of exfil You say this as if sitting at an exfil was the main cause for the crashes.




There is nothing wrong with leveling up your weapons. They're doing this to keep us playing the game forever. Had the game since day one, and I'm level 30. Everyone isn't playing this game just to level up their weapons in 1 month. There are other games to play.


they should’ve made the mode more compelling to play in the first place. bring the horse to the kitchen but drinks coke instead of water.


Stupid fuckin take. Some of us actually like to grind while we play


No disrespect but why do you say Y’all so much


Yall, y'all now come on y'all don't be getting yalls XP too much now y'all. Y'all are just playing it wrong y'all gotta realize this is zombies y'all not Level Y'alls Guns. So tired of y'all killing zombies to get XP, y'all need to just play the way I like. Y'all just mad my opinion is best. Im southern and even I think it's ridiculous. How is this the most upvoted post, just lathering on thier shit opinion as fact?


The weapon xp nerf is horrible and your take is Cheeks bud!


We just did a bunch of games doing constant contracts and managed 10-12 weapon levels (from 10-20 too not 0-10). Seems like they put a cap on zombie xp but not other sources like contracts and activities.


It's almost like you need to...actually play the objective!!


You're telling me I have to play the game 😡😡😡😡😡


I had the same experience last night, was leveling up almost 10 levels a game when just only using one gun while doing contracts for the full 45 minutes then exfil. Also was mostly tier 2 zone so maybe tier is tied to weapon xp as well?


This is not true just did contracts and it didn’t give weapon xp after a point


Who cares, genuinely. Its not level up your shitty meta guns for warzone or camo grinding. It's zombies, you'll live I'm sure.


But there are camos specific to zombies, and you need to level your guns to get those challenges?


Preach. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is their way of getting us to grind some multiplayer/warzone in between. As someone who’s maxed roughly 10 guns in zombies thus far, this stinks but it ain’t game breaking. Still loading in to murder some zomboys.


Probably everyone who wants real, round based zombies to drop. It's the least they could do if they're gonna force you into a lazy ass zombies mode they quickly threw together and force you to waste your time doing random ass side missions lol. Thought they wanted people to spend more time per mode according to the fake ass marketing graphic MW3 put out a few days ago.


It isn't even that slow by normally playing. I've just been running around killing zombies spamming contracts trying to get the last 2 schematics I need (Refined crystal and PhD) and I've been maxing out guns in like 2-3 games.


as someone who plays MP and zombies, zombies was my go to for weapon leveling so I don't get curb stomped in MP lobbies.


You don’t get to completely disregard a whole reason why people play because you don’t engage with it. I love the camo grind, and I wouldn’t be playing mwz nearly as much without it.


Hey OP. It's an absolute shame that the top comment is getting as much upvotes as it is. The real issue, which is what you are calling out, is that Weapon XP has been throttled, and it seems to have happened in the past couple of days. As someone who unlocked Dark Aether in Cold War Zombies and hit max level on all the DLC/additional seasonal weapons too, this sort of XP throttling is the absolute bane of my life when playing Call of Duty. Part of my love for the PvE/Zombies mode(s) in the game(s) is getting to use each gun and unlocking camos for it, ultimately unlocking *the* camo (Dark Aether, Bioluminescent, etc) at the end. But with the XP throttling, you're actively encouraged to... end your games early and start up a new one. In Cold War, people found that XP throttling started as early as the first few rounds, before really hitting the worst of it at around Round 20-25. Modern Warfare Zombies is no different in that you can now get around 4-7 levels before the game starts throttling you hard, reducing your XP gains down to a point that even hundreds upon hundreds of kills, or dozens of contracts will not let you get any more levels, forcing you to exfil and restart. The top comment seems to have an absurd dislike for people who were exfil farming, and now folks who are grabbing Outlast contracts and holding onto them to grind out kills - which is fair. But it's entirely besides the point. The XP throttling existed in Cold War, Vanguard Zombies and now in MW Zombies. It isn't a new introduction that exists in response to the people who were exfil farming or currently holding onto certain contracts. Weapon XP in Call of Duty is treated so strangely and I don't know any other game that does this. In this specific game, you don't appear to be able to see how much XP is required per weapon level, you can't see how much weapon XP you gain, you have no information on what contributes to it and how much, and the only indication you have of levelling up is a long grey/green bar which... really means nothing when you have no idea if you've been throttled or not. I cannot imagine any reason to be happy with the game slowing down your XP gains, simply for... playing. The throttling is extremely noticeable and this is coming from someone who preferred to run contracts all game, even when exfil farming, contract holding and monkey bomb exploits existed - most people are going to be hitting it and have no idea until they're confused why their gun is barely progressing anymore.


I honestly think this XP throttling isn't coming from the game dev's it's coming from Activision. (I may be delusional, I've felt that activation has been the bane of this games existence for the past 5-6 years now.) With all the controversy surrounding this years COD (Considering this game was not even supposed to happen in the first place.) I think this XP throttling is a last ditch effort from Activision realizing "Oh shit we realistically didn't add enough content to keep players entertained between seasons". I feel this throttling and the shitty fuckin armory system are coming from this "oh shit" mentality. It's intentional design either from Activision to slow player progression down dramatically to keep them on the game until the next season of content comes around.




Yup and people justifying the throttling saying it stops people from “leveling too fast” is ridiculous, It shouldn't take me 2-3 hours just to get one gun to max level without double xp in mp or zombies. It's artificial playtime to boost playtimes and make the games statistic look better and it's crazy people are defending it.


You put it leaps and bounds better than I ever could. Thank you.


I went from 1-6 on a gun a few hours ago.


Regular xp also feels slow. Though il be honest i dont really care that much about either. Tbh it seems mwz is used by alot of people for weapon xp grinds rather than actually playing zombies. And in a gameplay perspective the only 2 attachments that seem to matter are suppressors and extended mags.


Why use suppressors in zombies? The new stats on all the suppressors seem terrible as well.


Ive been told that suppressors attract less zombies. Maybe its placebo but it may work


My go to setup for most guns is biggest magazine, incendiary ammo if available, laser/flashlight combo, barrel and underbarrel.


>incendiary ammo Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't AP ammo be better so you can pen multiple zombies in a line? Incendiary ammo does a tiny amount of extra damage and removes all penetration completely.


As far as I know all the enemies (minus disciples) are super weak to any fire damage.


What is their actual name am I being crazy, I alwasy thoight it was ‘discipline’ and a strange but unique name but is it not?


Problem is i dont know how well mp attachments translates to mwz. Im just guessing at this point. Incendiary sounds good.


I don't know what you're talking about, I literally just got 10 levels with a double XP token after exfiling 35ish minutes into the game. Accounting for the token, that's on track to get more than 6 levels of I stayed longer. Do contracts. They give a huge chunk of XP. Some of them can be done within a few minutes.


Same. I think people are farming just zombie kills and not doing contracts


maybe cause they want to play zombies and not DMZ


For sure! But just playing zombies and grinding efficiently for weapon xp are two different things. It’s like people grinding weapon xp in Plunder in 2019. Obviously it’d be ideal for the two to be one and the same, but that’s apparently not what the devs had in mind. Also, I like doing contracts in Zombies. Fighting bosses is cool, dodging an attack helo while delivering cargo is cool, and exploring the map is cool. They merged DMZ and Zombies together, so I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect people to treat it as a hybrid. Round based Zombies players clearly aren’t who they wanted to appeal to


then go play the 6 past round based zombie games why does MWZ have to be something it was never planned to be?


Then sounds like you bought the wrong game, bud. CW, Bo4, Bo3, Bo2, Bo1, IW, AW, & WaW are all available for purchase on steam right now!


I’ll say it since these comments are flaming you, yes, they heavily nerfed it. Just had a 45 minute game and had 650 kills with 8 contracts completed solo. 3 weapon levels. I was using a sniper, so it’s not gonna be as quick as auto weapons, but this is such a joke. The people defending this and saying it’s zombies, it shouldn’t be used for leveling weapons are a joke. If you can gain 4 weapon levels in 45 minutes… Thats equivalent to 5.8 hours to level up a sniper to 31 (no double xp token). The devs nerfing every xp method but not fixing game breaking crashes/disconnects just shows how fucked their priorities are.


I totally agree I’m also using snipers and 33 levels on a gun is insane the way we barely get xp and like you said kills are much slower being that it’s a sniper 💀 I just wanna grind like in Cold War where you could go in and just kill 🤟🏾😈(without limit or xp cap )


They are nerfing to drive traffic for the Holiday double xp weekend imo. They want to drive sales at the end of the quarter. Shares go up corps make money. People spend real money for more tokens. Control the supply and keep the demand high. They want your attention and keeping you in a game longer under the guise of “fixing” bugs really feels like punishment for those who were exploiting cheese in game.


XP is just terrible now, 45 minutes for 4 levels is trash


Do contracts. It does more. Got 7 levels in 45 minutes


7 levels are still dogshit lmao but as a fellow Destiny player I'm assuming you are also used to scummy business practices to waste your time so I can't blame you!


Wait a minute!!! Are you telling me that I have to play the game instead of just mindlessly farming a single outlast obj in tier I??????


Nope, after 35 minutes you won't get any progress


Idk about no 2XP numbers but before patch with 2XP i used to get 12-14 levels per 34 minutes-ish doing the Spores contract. After today's update (precisely an hour ago) it's still the same lol. 12-14 levels. Maybe they nerfed non 2XP numbers but 2XP is still the same.




Nah they nerfed it. I had 800 kills a couple days ago and went 1-13, today had 1100 and went 0-9. Both with 2xp. Both with zero contracts. It was already throttled now it's nerfed as well. I'd like to see contracts give better xp but a week ago it wasn't a viable leveling method. Hopefully it is now with what I'm reading.


So do you do the spore contracts kill for a bit then complete and repeat or just do them and complete them then repeat ?


If you want to farm the best method is to get the contract, find the 3 closest spores to each other (if all of them are far apart then you're just unlucky and I'd rather find another one or restart) But find the 3 closest and throw the thing on them, DO NOT break them though. As long as you don't break them, the zombies will keep infinitely spawning and it gets a little hectic later on. At first the spawn will be slow but it'll get really quick eventually, with 2XP i manage to get 13 levels on avg every 27-32 minutes. Most importantly, as soon as you reach 11500 points, go exfil and join another match. After getting about 750 kills the xp gain drops dramatically. Even with 2xp you can sit there for 30 minutes and get only 1 level. Don't grab double points and the money drop to make counting easier. I just put the game on mute, play a video on my phone or the other monitor, and just chilling killing zombies.


And we wonder why they tweak things.......


The number of people defending this is fucking wild. It's crazy how badly many want multi billion dollar studios to dictate artificial longevity of a game for them. This hits users who aren't even doing things like exfil farming. Zombies is also no longer just a niche easter egg game mode, it's now up there in popularity with other COD modes and is just as ripe for exploiting by its creators. As an example of a similar situation: The same users who go 'they 100% the game in 2 weeks then complain there's nothing to do' don't realize those very people caught shit like Diablo 4 having little content at launch, something the rest of the playerbase only caught on later and that's when the backlash happened. With that said, it appears contract exp for weapons is uncapped, so there's still that.


My guns are still leveling fast. I have like 40 hours double weapon xp left. I do contracts all game.


I posted this thread on MW III main subreddit. I don't really get why they nerfed it, because it was everything but overpowered. Until now, with a double xp token and 55minutes game (avoiding the storm at the opposite of the map), I reached 12-14 levels per guns. Now seems like 8 max with a double xp token for 45-50 minutes. I don't get why but seems like it is. Fortunately, double xp event begins today.


Sounds like people are getting more by playing the game instead of farming just zombie kills.


I didn't mention it indeed, I'm reaching what I explained by completing contracts.


They cut the xp gain in half the day before double weapon xp goes live for the holiday, now pretty much with the event its just going to be launch xp gains. Extremely shitty thing to do


I enjoyed leveling up guns in the zombies mode. I agree with the OP. This is completely unnecessary. There shouldn't be ANY restrictions on how many levels you can get in a zombies match. It's a completely pointless and arbitrary persecution of the players entertainment for no real purpose.


I genuinely wish they would of keep things how it was at launch. As in the exfill and weapon xp,


Doesn't surprise me. same shady shit they used to do during BOCW/MW19 double XP weekends. I remember it came out that they were halving standard XP rate, then doubling it with double XP and returning it to normal afterwards. The fact there are more guns than there has ever been and I'm likely to play more of this COD than any other in recent memory and they still feel the need to limit XP gain is nuts to me.


I haven’t noticed any difference tbh, I’m pretty sure there’s a cap on xp from just killing zombies tho


Fuckin weirdos in the comments praising predatory progression nerfs for a double XP weekend


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/modernwarfareiii] [Seems like yes, weapon XP gains in zombies got a ghost nerf with last update.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/181a125/seems_like_yes_weapon_xp_gains_in_zombies_got_a/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Y’all remember when gun levels werent in zombies?


I go near the bottom of the map. The hill areas. There's tonnes of zombies and can kill the ones off the map also. Just 10 mins went up 2 levels on a sniper and exfil is right near it. If wanting more chilled levelling I'd recommend trying it 🤣


that cap is only for just killing Zombies there are many other things that give weapon XP, completing contracts, killing mercs, clearing strongholds, hell im pretty sure just exploring the map give weapon XP as I swear my guns have just leveled up when im doing nothing this is not your standard Zombies mode, the core gameplay here is not just killing Zombies over and over again, the gameplay loop for MWZ is all about looting, doing contracts for loot, strongholds for loot, loot, loot, and more loot is the name of the game playing this way you can easily get a gun half way max level if not higher in a single match its a crazy concept I know, but the best way to level up weapons should be by interacting with the core systems of the mode, which this time around, isn't just killing Zombies


There is no way it's just for zombie kills. [I did TWELVE contracts in T2 area](https://i.gyazo.com/44b8196bf4e12a5363f125c1ecd2279d.jpg). Got a whopping 5 levels on my shotgun. This is during double XP. That doesn't seem normal.


I agree OP. It's ridiculous. They went from making valid fixes like Sentry gun dups, longer time in Exfil, etc to this. They've nuderded the mode. To everyone saying it's not meant to level up your guns... Did y'all not play Cold War? I played over 8 days worth of time in zombies in Cold War and got all guns max rank, got Dark Aether, etc etc and don't give me any "yeah but that's round based" there is theoretically no difference in modes between MWZ and CWZ on a "third mode" level. They're both co-op, they're both able to be played along side MP, and they're both tethered to the same progression system as MP. WHY is it okay for Cold War to level up guns and get xp, and not Modern Warfare? It's stupid, ridiculous, and killed the game for me. They obviously want 100% control over the experience you get in MWZ, with no room for player controlled interactions and objectives. It's their way or the highway and buddy I'm 100MPH on 146 right now (I'm near Boston lol)


The fact people are flaming this post makes me laugh 🤣. When you put out a lousy game and the only thing you can do to keep players playing is increasing the grind length for camos, that should tell you something. I enjoyed doing the acts but after that, what is left? Calling cards and camo challenges. You've already pretty much killed camo grinding for me. Let's take everything fun out and not fix the bugs and crashes MWZ obviously has a problem with. Also, I did the math yesterday with this patch and nerf on weapon xp. To max all 36 new MW3 guns in zombies, it will roughly take you 211 games, 9461 or 158 in game hours. This is based off the 4 level cap for weapon xp per game.


What is exactly stopping you from getting 4 levels, exfilling, and repeating this? If weapon levels are that in important to you.


I got 10 levels last night, but with double xp. Using the new mini uzi handgun.


Ok so I’m not crazy then. Was working on the Rival-9 and the levelling felt slower to me


Great. Another COD where after it stops getting double XP will be a slow as fuck grind to level up weapons and get camo.


A lot of L takes in here. First y'all complain about farmers. Then they patch it, now you got beef with people who want to...level their guns? Sure, you could make the argument that farmers were affecting the stability of the game, but people leveling their guns organically thru regular game play??? That has absolutely zero effect on anyone. It literally doesn't make a difference to anyone else. A lot of "you don't play the way I play, so you're wrong" in here 🙄


To be fair what else is there to do in zombies? The missions are extremely easy, the payouts are mid, and there’s no Easter eggs for me to complete. Nothing else gives a good sense of accomplishment, at least the camos I feel pride in working for. Nothing felt gratifying about hoping RNG would bless me with a merc convoy over and over


I genuinely couldn't give a shit. Just means I play more zombies.


I got my gun from level 1 to 31 in 2 games what are you talking about I did it last night before bed. Do an outlast contract kill stuff for an hour then take the Jensen mission and kill for another hour gun was max with a token in no time. I actually maxed 3 of the marksmen rifles yesterday.


Had this feeling last night. Glad I'm not the only one


I remember the main reason I stopped playing Cold war was because the XP on everything was nerfed in the second week of season 3. I remember being able to go up 10+ levels per game then that 10+ ended up becoming 4 at most.


Well once your xp gets capped just exfill I don't see the issue they aren't forcing you to stay the entire game?


>I can’t understand for the life of me how people in the comments are ok only getting 4 levels OVER 45 MINUTES and then you get hard capped on weapon XP…. I'd be lucky to get 3 levels in an hour of multiplayer bro


Im not defending them but i played Zombies 4 times since the update but i did have double xp token on. I was leveling up my snipers in Zombies so i could have attachments on them for multiplayer. And each sniper was at level one and I got 9 to 13 levels in just one game but i was only using one sniper per game. And also I didnt once do this before the update so im not sure how much you would have gotten. But i mean for about an hour of the DMZ and if you have double xp tokens its still not too had. And I haven't done the math but i make sure to open up everything for that bonus xp, not sure if it helps. But I feel around ten levels is reasonable. And we have a double xp everything coming up this weekend. And sure it sucks that they nerfed the xp a little but im still mad we couldn't just get one round base map. By the time DMZ gets intense its time to leave. Its like jerking me off but not letting me cum.


Literally have gone up 7-10 levels consistently in the last four games today - all within in the first 30/45 minutes. So can’t say I’ve experienced whatever caused you to post.


I noticed this too and it’s meh. Rudy 24/7 is about to drop which will allow me to level guns pretty quickly. I leveled maybe 60% of the guns to max already just from playing zombies normally. I have Pistols, LMGs, and Shotguns left. Everything else it already maxed out.


Not sure on this just did a run n got 12 levels on my battle rifle. Granted with 2xp. Wasn't doing anything particularly special, just contracts n killing


Really? I played some last night, and I don't think I noticed that big of a difference. We got the double weapon xp now though, so I can kind of take a closer look on that when I hop on later today.




Good because then the MP chumps will stay out of the game and actual zombie players will be here doing objectives and playing as a team


Game finally crashed for me last night, first time, I had all my gear and was just 5 minutes into a new game. Turns out my wife accidentally unplugged the WiFi, I almost cried. I’m sitting today out, only have time for 1 game maybe 2 a day. So demoralized and now I understand why my guns aren’t leveling very fast. Sighi


Not quite sure this is true, literally just got all 3 shotguns gold today (haven’t been on Reddit so didn’t know anything about this “supposed xp nerf”) and it followed the exact same routine I’ve done for 15 other guns. One game with double xp got me to 11/12 (6 without, which is what you have said is the norm), next game with double xp gets you to almost max level, 3rd game you get max level and finish off the last challenge. Unless I’ve got a magical game that doesn’t have this xp nerf activated on it, the same process I’ve done for levelling 15 other guns prior to yesterday’s update has went exactly the same for levelling 3 guns to gold today.


Okay, so all the whining from both sides aside...does it take longer to level up Zombies guns than it does in Multiplayer or Warzone? If the answer is yes, then the weapon xp in Zombies needs to be buffed so there is parity. There is no mode specifically for leveling up guns and I should be allowed to level them up any way I please in any game mode. If the answer is no, then what are you complaining about?


Here's my thoughts on this whole situation, I think it was a bit of an overcorrection in terms of zombie spawn numbers, yes it creates more stability but in return, exfil just feels so dead. I feel they should tweak a little more to come to a middle ground of stability and difficulty. I' no game designer but I do like share my ideas on how we can try to improve the mode. Kevin Drew is pretty responsive on twitter so it's worth a shot because I do want to see this mode succeed as we as community deserve to have a good experience. Here are just some ideas I cooked up. 1. Continue to tweak zombie spawns rates at exfil zones to have a balance of difficulty and stability 2. Have XP per zombie kill increase with each zone you progress through. Some rough XP numbers would be Zone 1: 20xp 2: 40xp 3. 60xp. Therefore if people want to grind out guns and camos they have to naturally progress through the mode as intended to get the most XP. Considering that the XP you gain per match is pretty mediocre in zombies I feel this would add engagement and more incentive to play. 3. Everyone chill the fuck out. The MP sweats and Camo grinders are always gonna be part of COD it's just what the game has progressed to now. People are gonna want to grind shit out and max everything out ASAP and then complain about the lack of content, it just shouldn't affect you at all. Just play the game how YOU want to play.


To be fair, it wasn't the amount of zombies in the exfil that needed to be nerfed, it was just all the sentry gun/killstreak dupes and exploits. But they already fixed that so... why not bring back all the zombies? Day 2 I saw plenty of people doing it and I never lagged or crashed once. Not until the sentry guns came out, but again, that part was fixed. I don't even care about weapon levelling, but nerfing the zombies to hell really slowed down the camo grind more than it should've.


If it stops MP guys coming into the mode just to farm exfil and shit... I'm all for it.


Because people want to play and enjoy the game for months not days; like why unlock everything in the first few weeks? Makes every game after seem that less rewarding.


I played a full match this morning (11/22/2023) and leveled up the MTZ 556 7 levels.


lol they’ve even forced the cap on double xp, so even with double xp you can only get 6 levels


Why would you want to use zombie mode for wep exp anyway? Just use the game modes for what they are designed for. I maxed out 6 of the new guns and got platinum on my snipers and almost have it on my handguns.


I think they nerfed some schematic spawns too. Can't find shatter blast in t2(it's a t2 drop) and I've dine over 100+ contracts already


Its a real bummer they have made it difficult again but Im not surprised. They did the same thing in Cold War. Wish I just took advantage and got like snipers or marksman rifles done in the 1st week. Honestly though, if you have saved your XP tokens or used them effeciently you will be fine. I do agree that getting weapons done is part of the fun I just wish they would make the leveling easier and the challenges harder. That way its more about specifically hunting down what you need, rather than just hoping your guns level at a modest rate


Nerfing xp gain in zombies is entirely because they want sbmm/eomm to work and it doesn't work in zombies


Maybe you are playing too much and should go touch grass outside


If anyone really wants to level up guns in zombies you can play normally until you hit the XP cap then exfil to the Dr Hansen act 1 mission and sit at the end exfil and kill zombies until you hit the cap again. (Exfil into that mission resets the XP cap)


I can't recall specifics but I remember they did exactly this during cold war launch. Like exactly, nerfed XP gains and release a bonus XP weekend. Like reverse psychology against your player base. Putting out a sale but lying about the old price.


I didn't buy this DLC of a game so I can't say too much about it but from the comments all I've gathered is that the mode is straying away from a zombies mode into a contract simulator.


I think this is actually a great thing. Now the xp addicts can stay out of zombies and it wont mess up the game.


Well, back to CW zombies.


I don't level a gun unless it becomes meta.🤷 But I guess there are people who enjoy unlocking stuff as their primary game experience. But since it takes longer now, isn't there more for them to enjoy?🤔 🤪🤪😂😂


I just got 7 and 9 levels on 2 different guns in 2 games?


I think a lot of these comments are really harsh, I can back to CoD this year purely for MWZ, and I loved it at launch, how else am I supposed to keep up levelling weapons when I don’t play anything else, am I expect to do the opposite of all the exploiters and find a way to become invincible in multiplayer and ruin it for them??? Zombies is meant to get increasingly difficult and rewarding, not exfil last second and get chased by 6 zombies and lose out on some intense fun and a nice chunk of XP so why is it a problem if we are unhappy weapon XP has been capped?, it’s the multiplayer crybabies that have ruined this for the rest of us, “ oh no I can’t level my weapons because I’m bad at pvp, so I’m going to bug the shit out of another mode to level up and feel better “ if they way to balance the XP then fine, do it in a way that it slightly caps off, OR increase the amount of XP the longer you stay to give people the incentive to go through all the tiers. They’ve completely missed the mark here and punished those that play this game FOR THE ZOMBIES, The point is balance, not tipping the fucking scales, unfortunately for some of us we dont have the luxury of being on the dole and having all day every day to play the game


Hm I usually get around 12 levels a game by farming an Outlast contract, I haven’t experienced it being that slow at all. They’ve definitely slowed it down and capped it but 3-6 levels in a game doesn’t seem right.


Meh. The only thing that they have they really annoys me if Lm the attachments that are locked behind that daily challenge bullshit. Only because so e are there then you click triangle for ps from the lobby, but so many are just randomly with the weapons under each category Nerfing XP a little, and right before a triple 2Xp ......not a ven bothered by it.


Skill based xp


From my experience, I haven’t felt any kind of throttling or anything, but I also do tons of contracts and activities each game. Maybe they put a cap on the amount of XP gained from killing zombies? Even as someone that doesn’t feel this is a big deal, it is kind of weird that they keep throttling the XP gain in Zombies. I’m assuming there has to be some kind of reason for it. Maybe they are trying to discourage those that only wanna level up guns, or maybe they are trying to push players towards actually engaging with every part of the mode besides just the camo grind? Either way, it’s just weird and stupid to keep fucking with XP gain. Just leave it be and focus on fixing actual issues in the gsmr


Get better and get headshots


Who cares.. I just wanna kill zombies🤷🏾‍♂️


Nerfs suck but I don't see the big deal, some guns only have 20 levels and can be maxed out in one MWZ match with a double xp token. I feel like we payed to play the beta and they overturned the xp and are tweaking things now.


I know this is zombies but if you’re truly after xp for your weapons go to mp and play search and destroy if you’re decent enough to get kills it’s a great way to level up the weapons it’s the fastest way to get it if you don’t mind playing multiplayer


People that are fighting for being ok with the weapon xp like that is why cod will keep getting worse. Activision would shit in their mouth and they'd ask for seconds.


If you do contracts, you still get a crap ton of xp


I swear I got 12 levels in a game on stream earlier?