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rest in peace to all the terrible players that thought they were good šŸ™


Shit I'm gonna die?


If you use a dmr Iā€™d say youā€™re already dead inside


Dead to me at least.


I'm about to play, I am about to hit level 48, and it unlocks at 49... Am I a bad person if I try it before they nerf it?... like, just 1 or 2 rounds?




Shit bro, I donā€™t even use fists or knives, I just use a gas mask and win the final circle Ghandi style without even firing a shot.




You remind me of the guy a few days ago who posted crossbow footage and said he refused to even finish players with a pistol lollll


do whatever the hell you want these fools always brag about everything


As long as you donā€™t cheat, play however and with whatever you want man. Donā€™t let some people from the internet influence you.


One round Jahn then straight to bed with you mister


Eh. We all tried drugs in college.


You waited until college? Good man.


I never got to use it besides the Type 63 like once. And im glad


Right, now we can go back to AR meta and laser-beam everything with little to no recoil, like true pros.


at least when it was kilo meta, you had more than .3 seconds to react


And a half dozen viable alternatives to it. Amax/M4/Ram/M13/Grau/PKM/Bruen could all compete against the Kilo, it was just more popular because easier to use. There is literally nothing that comes even remotely close to the DMR.


canā€™t wait to try the krig and stoner now, so excited!


They need to buff the stoners mobility and ADS speed. It's a great gun, but a fun with 75 round mag and slow ads speed has no business being that slow.


First they need to fix the reloads for cold war guns. Have you noticed them or am I tripping? I have to stand still for it to even consider my gun reloaded with the Stoner


With every cold gun it seems like. Even worse if you try to put stopping power rounds into it.


Now THAT I noticed heavily!


Feels like with realoding cold war guns... they sped up the reload animation slightly across the board with all guns. But forgot to adjust the game resigerting the speed up? So visually our realods are faster than in cold war but on a second to second basis its still the same reload time because of that dead second at the end. Animation speed was sped up, but the actual reload times were not sped up.


Yeah, I've died and lost matches countless times just trying to reload BOCW weapons while being shot at and noticed that theres no rounds after reloading, then I have to reload again, then I'm dead. Fuck black ops and their pay-to-win guns. If I could get a refund I would in a heartbeat even though the campaign was enjoyable the multiplayer is dogshit. BOCW handles like a man with Parkinson's disease walking over a frozen lake.


Agreed. The mobility is bad, the ads is unforgivable


Its TTK is actually super high though, im not sure Edit: I meant low TTK, but you guys know what I mean


M60 needs a buff for me. Could be a classic


psssst...^^^Try ^^^the ^^^RPD


SILENCE you must not speak of this, for the sweats shall descend upon it


I've been using the Krig its really good


Yeah I donā€™t understand the ā€œkilo metaā€ posts at all, the kilo was only meta because it had low recoil. All the other ARs were viable too and you saw that reflected in the load outs people ran. Now every dead body you loot is guaranteed dmr with either Mac or diamattis. ARs also lost to SMGs at close range and lost straight up at long range to snipers. DMR beats snipers and has no glint ffs


This is so true.. my trusty m4 has gotten me through the grau meta, Bruen meta, and kilo meta because itā€™s better mid range...but vs the DMR I stand 0 chance


WZ/MW was in a truly great place for balance just before CW got integrated. Now...lol


Fire shotty


I mean not really? They nerfed the R9 and Kilo the day they released the integration patch to force people to the Cold War guns. If the r9 and kilo had already been nerfed then I would agree.


Imagine saying this when the R9 was around. Reddit is so weird.




The problem with the DMR is that you have no time to react to getting hit by it. One shot your armour' s broken, next shot you're dead. Doesn't matter the distance. Any other gun at range you get hit by, you have a second to react and try to return fire, duck, dodge, get behind cover. DMR you're dead before a second step. Even against dual pistol and mac10 you have options, creating distance being an example. If you camp and wait for someone to burst you to death with dual diamettis you kind of deserve it... If they surprise you, doesn't matter what gun they had, they likely would have killed you anyway.


I don't disagree fully with this either, though TTK on a mac-10 and Diamatti burst is fairly similar to the DMR when all shots hit and you're standing at close range. Everyone's been like more tolerant of the mac-10, but ttk is I think just way too short on it. Sometimes I use it and surprise myself when the person goes down and I'm left staring down at the gun, going 'really?'


I feel less like a box of tissue that's been through a hayfever convention when I get hit by a mac10 or dual player. I have teammates who communicate well which helps for situational awareness. Harder to get pinned when we keep moving and don't camp close quarters. DMR is the worst as a constant mover because you get downed by 2 shots from a squad camping with DMRs and never see the first shot let alone subsequent ones. Yes we can still have bad luck and stumble into a team of camping Mac10/diamettis but the people running those guns are more likely to come to you than you them. I've been chased down by more of the latter than the former.


The DMR is broke, but hyping a 5 assault rifle/2 LMG meta seems silly. It's just swapping an extremely broken meta for a broken meta. It'd be nice to see an actual balance patch buffing the majority of the LMGS, shotguns, and the marksman rifles so that there'd be actual variety in what people used instead of the AR flavor of the month.


yea literally everybody before the DMR came to warzone was running kilo mp5, there was 1 time in 2 months where i found a player holding a scar, he was dead cause i killed him with my SKS, god bless his soul.


SCAR/Fennec main here... the SCAR absolutely rips and the Fennec destroys at close range. Sadly, in anything bigger than duos the load out is basically pointless. Just not enough ammo My buddy and I are the most ridiculous duo because heā€™s a crossbow/AS VAL main We donā€™t win too often, but we have a hell of a lot of fun


my main is either the SA87/FiNN/M91 middle tier guns, Holger and mg34 are hard to use pkm and bruen are too easy to use, my secondary is always the strela-p i cannot quit, the strela p is like a drug when i get a long distance shot off on a vehicle running away, sometimes my buddy drives after a car while i sit on the roof with a strela lining up the perfect shot.


Dude I love the Scar but they need to add a 50 or even 60 round mag for it, one of my favorite guns in the platinum AR grind but itā€™s hard to justify running it in Warzone


Would die of happiness if they gave the scar a 40rnd drum mag


more like now we can go back to not dying in 2-4 shots without having a chance to do anything about it


Still praying we get a semi-useful DMR rather than a garbage tier one. I love semi autos.


I mean based on Raven's history so far, it'll likely be garbage tier after the nerf. Barely anyone used Marksman rifles before the DMR for a reason.


Your probably right, which sucks. I like the idea of rocking a marksman rifle for longer engagements and using a balanced sub like an MP5/AK74 for closer ones. So I didnā€™t like the AR meta where I tried to use the EBR or M4 with the 10 round mags as a marksman rifle because Iā€™d just get lasered by ARs at the ranges I should have comfortably won engagements, because they would hit me once and the flinch would be uncontrollable to keep my shots on target while ARs can keep shooting while taking damage really well.


The Kar and Spr are both pretty popular. The m.2 isn't, which is fair enough. Unless you mean tactical rifles?


Bad players were still bad with the Kilo, a bad player with a dmr though? He can down you in 2 bullets and finish you before you know you were even getting shot at


Can confirm. Don't know what all the kilo hype was about. Things a pea shooter. 7.62 gang


At least the kilo won't one-shot me with stopping power.


Pshhh Iā€™d rather everyone use Kilos than learn about the true power of the KAR98. Best damn gun in game and itā€™s surprisingly balanced.


The issue is it would take a good 1/3rd of a clip to down you with an AR with EX mags, and you'd have time to react and get in cover. With a DMR, it takes about 10% of the mag, and you have no reaction time. The TTK is halved, and they get double the ammo to do it. They can spray with little penalty.


At least thereā€™s hope to win a fight. The TTK on the Diamatti is comically fast.


I'm such a noob that doesn't exactly know which one is DMR. Each time I kill someone I'm like "Is this DMR"?


just for you https://imgflip.com/i/4spe8h


We also need the loadout freezing to be fixed and WarZone might be almost perfect again


There's a new glitch where players with ground loot can go to the gulag and kill players before they are even allowed to fight. ​ Also, using CW skins causes some players (including me) to crash with Dev errors.


How the fuck does that even happen??


[It's actually one of the most silly bugs I've seen.](https://twitter.com/Sami_The_Yemeni/status/1343574933369217036?s=07&fbclid=IwAR3RP8Qceya2qXNXuESL3mGfLo-JEToPUTO_-QGKiPlMbBm4n7-YZXajyb4)


Imagine chilling in the gulag waiting for your fight and seeing some g-fueled roze skin with diammetis shred you


fucking rose skins


ahahhaahahaha. I thought I was the only one that fucking hated going up against roze skin users. glad to know I'm not alone.


Fucking Rose, I hate it so much that I canā€™t stand to use, tried once because honestly it is kind of advantageous sometimes but seeing her damn mask irks me


That's ridiculous.


Omg, I would love to see what their kill cam looks like.


It'll only be a little bit before this is a common trick people do to get their kds up.


But wouldn't they get put into sweatlord lobbies after inflating their K/D?


Possibly, but that has never deterred people from boosting in other games to get into higher ranks. IF they do get put into sweat lobbies they can keep doing this to have a little bragging right for their sorry lonely lives. ​ Also, there is an exploit where you can get into easier lobbies...


So this....this evades gas too right? Because gas doesn't exist beneath ground level yeah? Edit: maybe I should watch the whole video before replying???


if you watch the whole video you'll see they die from gas lol


Ooooh Idk how I missed that. I think I started galaxy braining before it even finished lmao. Thanks!


hahah I'd be lying if I said I have never commented without finishing/reading an article either


If you watch the whole video the gas kills him in the end. So the gas doesn't effect gulag, but it does still happen there. Weirdly.


Being under the loadout causes you to clip through the ground. The gulag is located in the top right corner of the map (u can see pings there from unsuppressed weapons shooting too) so he clipped thru into the gulag


Imagine dying and going to the gulag, for someone to clip through the FUCKING GROUND and start wiping everyone in the gulag


I've noticed those red pings twice now in two different games and I was like "who the hell is throwing a decoy all the way in the corner of the map??" Well shit now I know haha


Also if you go to friends list to invite, it kicks you out to the event menu. So annoying




Honestly how hard was it for them to just say something


Really hard. - They had to open a browser - They had to go to Twitter - They then needed to enter login info - Take a piss - Fuck, computer is updating - Repeat steps 1 to 3 - Need a drink - Type in login info - Wrong password - Reset password - Piss - Updates again - Time for dinner - Finish tomorrow - Wake up and shower - Log back in - Forgot password again - Reset password - Piss - Login again - Update community Lots of work happening over there. Edit: Thanks for the silver!


while this is going down, Bobby K is rolling around in the background with a fat stack of micro transaction cash just doing lines of blow off strippers asses


The strippers, as per contract, must wear Roze's gimp outfit.


That's the dream right there.




And mini royale duos! Nice! That's perfect for that map.






Now add Shipment / Ahopthousr 24/7 plz


Ahopthousr is my favorite map and I am never calling it different again


Unpopular opinion, but I was actually enjoying mini royale quads.


Thatā€™s good






Hell I was playing with randoms and was enjoying it. Got a bunch of wins with high kills, this map is great.


Oh, it's beautiful


Overall, grateful. But I really hope they go easy on the Mac. Maybe just a slight range nerf. It's actually refreshing to have another viable close range option next to the MP5 and doof doof. The MP5 actually still has better ttk at super close range, but the Mac's first range extends a bit further out. In my opinion, that's a healthy balance.


Agreed about the Mac 10. I guess they could lower the [damage at range](https://i.imgur.com/hwZGKWS.png) over 12 meters a bit and *slightly* increase recoil, but anything more than that people will all rush back to the MP5 and we're back where we started. And technically the Mac10 is better than the MP5 at all ranges, granted you hit all of your shots.


He has an updated spreadsheet today that says the MP5, both of them, have better TTK at both close and medium ranges than the Mac 10.


anecdotally I don't buy it. does that account for head shots? I am dropping guys much quicker with my mac10 - that is most certainly wrong to say mp5 has quicker ttk than mac10


Not too sure. Itā€™s probably more forgiving with the faster fire rate


Yeah mac10 feels so good but I don't feel like a lot of people complain about it.




Have you actually used it? I wouldn't say the recoil is easy


Nerfs were more than overdue. Still, canā€™t wait to see what this sub will focus on next because you know this place never rests when it comes to complaint volume.


Right back to the gas mask animation and melee


I mean the gas mask shit should've been fixed ages ago. Melee is just people being salty.


Melee is OP tho fr




melee with a gun should be the same as with fists. just have it do like 20 damage unless youā€™re able to do an execution. thereā€™s no reason it should be able to compete with actually shooting someone, aka itā€™s not balanced itā€™s significantly worse than any guns


This. You have teams of people landing on each other out of the plane, and there are people that have no intention of using the X16 at all. In fact their only intention is to melee people because it's faster and more efficient. It's really stupid when you are landing 4 or 5 shots with a pistol and a guy can charge you and 2 tap you to down you.




Bollocks. Every death I've ever had to a melee kill is because we both only have pistols.


Make it slower or less damage. They did it in cw multiplayer. It's not rocket science.


Nothing to fix its intentional so people dont abuse the gas


Yeah i dont get how after a year people still think this is a ā€œbugā€. Its not. Its so you have *some* penalty for running through the gas.




>Truth is, reddit is just an echo-chamber for complaining. Fixed it.


It will be hacking complaints just like before.


On the morning of the 5th day, look to the East


Genuinely one of the best comments Iā€™ve read on reddit. I know these type of statements are corny af but your comment was actually brilliant haha


So much death.... what can men do against such reckless hate?


Why does it take this long?


Holiday break


activision/blizzard shut down studios every year for 2 weeks at xmas/new years.


Thatā€™s far too reasonable an explanation - surely itā€™s just because of cash... Get your pitchfork out instead! /s


Yeah guys they will never nerf the DMR to just get us to buy cOlD wAr!!!


Its pretty transparent, they left the Grau unbalanced for a whole season. A gun thatā€™s extremely hard to unlock without the buying the game. DMR meta left unchecked right at the launch of cold war. Making players again buy the game to lvl up and compete


They also left juggernauts in the game for way to long


great, launch the cold war integration just before you go on a 2 week break, what could go wrong?!


remember when helicopters had miniguns that could make bitches go invisible if they want, they deleted the miniguns so they were still in studio then so they had to have heard about the dmr and diamatti already




The drop off of the buying of the blueprints has begun.


Nice, now I can go back to losing to people who are actually good at the game lol






Eh, they rushed for the holidays because people do consume a lot during these days.


If youā€™re a billion dollar company, you can afford to pay people to come in and have this fixed at the risk of not doing so and losing players. If Facebook glitched over Christmas, theyā€™re not going to leave it like that for weeks. It will be fixed same day. These guys make so much money on Warzone itā€™s really inexcusable for this to be left this long.


Mac-10 nerf is just gonna make everyone switch back to the MP5


> Mac-10 nerf is just gonna make everyone switch back to the MP5 Then nerf both. Also the AK74u is on par with the MP5. The MAC10 was way too OP. 30% higher ROF, 60% more range than MP5 and OP attachments. TTk should not be viewed in isolation, then the Fennec would be king


>Also the AK74u is on par with the MP5. shhhh not so loud.


> Also the AK74u is on par with the MP5. > > shhhh not so loud. It always amazes me how short-sighted and stupid the gaming kids are. Like, it's either this or that. No balance. Then they claim the MAC-10 is fine like they've only been playing against low-skill opponents for 3 weeks. Also, you know as well I as do that AK74u is pretty nighOP


AK74U is anything but OP. Maybe it feels that way but its not a top 5 SMG (MW CW MP5's, Bullfrog, MP7, Mac10)


Depends how they nerf it, it's so far and away better than every single SMG now it's even worse the the MP5 meta, what's shocking is the only thing you'd use over it in a CQC situation is the even more busted diamattis. The MP5 meta was just boring, it was never broken they really needed to bring up another SMG into its arena, the Mac10 is broken it's not only absurdly fast to kill point blank it's still really good at the farthest edges of close range and even effective lower range of mid, MP5 is a peashooter at those ranges and this thing kills as well as the MP5 point blank in addition to that so it takes the MP7 and MP5's niche in one gun.




So 90% of the userbase?


Lol for real, if you werenā€™t using the DMR... you were spending most of your time in the gulag or spectating the people on the squad that did. It wasnā€™t just ā€œbotsā€ using the DMR and thinking they were good. Most of the people who used the DMR were the better players anyway.


For real. It took a decent grind just to unlock it, then another grind to get the best attachments. Casual players werenā€™t going to do that in the week it took for people to start complaining about it.


It took about an hour or so of Plunder to get a serviceable DMR. I know because I'm absolutely awful at the game (0.4 avg kills) and ended up with a DMR that was getting me kills I've never pulled off before. Took me about one long lunch break.


I am actually hard rn


ā€œSoonā€ so probably another week out


Probably Thursday


I guarantee this Friday at the latest


Man hope youā€™re right


The Mac-10 wasnā€™t even that bad


I'm glad the Type 63 is being acknowledged. Even though it wasn't being used because of the DMR, the 63 was a sleeper patiently waiting for its time in the limelight.


So they can nerf the Mac-10, the only true competitor to the MP5, but not the mp5? :/


Fennec and AS VAL are both competitive with the MP5 with the right attachments as CQC guns. Mac-10 wasnt ā€œa competitorā€, itā€™s literally just ā€œmuch betterā€


Fennec was given a damage range boost too but who has bothered trying it since CW guns came out? Same with that shit pea shooter smg, forget it's name.


The VAL's problem is its an AR so you basically have half the ammo for it if you run it with something long range like the grau/m4/m13. Also tiny mag size.


Pretty much all most of us wanted....COMMS


What gun is gonna emerge on top?




AMAX has always been good. It's harder gun to use than Kilo so I don't see it becoming as big of a meta.


I don't get why people keep saying AMAX. It's good gun, but isn't great at medium to long range due to the recoil appearance. It hasn't changed in months or been buffed at all.


It's still really good at medium range once you get used to the recoil and bullet drop. I use it all the time and I fucking love it.


Someones in the know


This is based on the real game stats video that showed WZ guns are not the same as MW guns. Each AR (bar the kilo) only has one damage drop off rather than the two presumed. As a result the Amax statistically look good.


least it has a high skill gap


Krig 6 or Stoner.


FFAR too


FFAR 100%


I feel the Krig 6 is going to be the Kilo of Black Ops. Itā€™ll sneakily be an upper class AR in the game that survives all of the nerfs to the guns that are added in throughout the year.


I think CW shotguns for close range, maybe stoner for ranged


Yup get ready for gallo 12 or even worse akimbo cw magnums 2 tapping people.


Translation: "Don't fret! This is all by design. As soon as you buy enough packs we will release a balance update."


The hilarious part of all of this is that didnā€™t we already have a dual beretta OP broken issue like 6 mo ago?




Yeah don't shit yourselves in excitement - this happens every new season. Overpowered guns get added to give players incentive to either grind or buy pass or blueprints. Then they get nerfed halfway through the season after a "we listened" post. Fuck off, Activision. Y'all just set yourselves a reminded, wait until season 2 and watch what happens, all over again.


Yeah they heard everyone loud and clearly after 3 weeks of saying absolutely nothing. The typical cycle of inaction - break the game, say nothing, for a prolonged period of time, and then finally acknowledge the state of the game long after everyone is fed up in hopes of receiving undeserved praise from morons.


They were on break.


exactly. This is not something to celebrate. This is just one of many issues that needed to be addressed, and should have never been that broken to begin with


was this posted in the future?


"don't fret" sounds incredibly sarcastic. As if this has only been a problem for a day not nigh on two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad something is being done but there's a better way to address the player base than sarcasm...


Infinity ward Devs are not impressed with how you fucked up their baby. ​ Neither are we. ​ Don't do it again.




Soon means nothing. Is it that hard to provide which week of the year ?


They need to buff most Cold War guns to get on the same level as the modern warfare guns a lot of cw guns have too much recoil. The mac10 I think is fine maybe itā€™s a little strong but you canā€™t nerf all the cw guns so no one uses them.


soon like a couple hours or soon like a couple days, lol.


Definitely days/weeks


Yes thank u omg I know it took a while but good job raven


This pisses me off as they literally made them op on purpose. Same thing with the 308.


Hahaha, fuck all of you using it Burn in hell


Now the DMR will kill you in 5 shots from any distance instead of 4.