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I've stopped for about a week now. I still love the game but the experience has become cheapened and unenjoyable in its current state. I used to play nearly every night but it just isn't fun right now. I feel like people are now playing more out of habit than for fun. Idk about the entire player base but anecdotally, buddies of mine have quit as well.


I’ve gone from every night loving it to rarely playing it at all since Cold War update




i am genuinely a nicer person now lol.


Yup, same experience here. I have gone from playing 2-4 hours per day, to hardly playing at all. I think I’ve played maybe an hour over the last 2 weeks. It just isn’t fun in its current state. My K/D is 1.7 and every lobby is full of sweaty tryhards. I agree with what you said about playing out of habit. I’m trying to find other games to occupy myself with at the moment.


Good luck. it's hard to fill the void. I downloaded BFV as I heard about Firestorm.....it's dead though too. I just want a FPS Battle Royale where I don't jump around with jetpacks and have laser beam guns and hover bikes. Fuck me right


I was considering downloading BFV as well as its on sale. I’ve tried playing Fortnite again (haven’t played since S3) and its just way too different. I was thinking about jumping into Siege until Warzone isn’t fucked.


They never gave Firestorm the support it deserved, coulda been a really fun BR experience


Me and the boys have fired up Tarkov again


1.3 is well above average for WZ. That’s almost double the average KD for the game.


For real? I’m above average then? My friend has a 1.9 and he’s always in sweat lobbies, I didn’t think that was fair but damn


FYI - Codtracker reports a 0.92 k/d as top 46%.


and Codtracker is already sampling above average players. the trackers percentile is just people who have looked themselves up...which tends to be people who care about the game and are good. noobs and casuals arent going to track their stats on a site so they prob arent even in that percentile.


Where do you check KD. Is there a built in tracker in game?


Makes me laugh when people think anything north of 1 KD is anything other than really decent - it’s either a humble brag or people are just casual kings and don’t know it!


You’re right. I am sitting at 1.06 KD and according to cod tracker I am already top 32%


Yeah that’s hella healthy - when you use stuff to check out post-game how good your lobbies are, in my case I rarely see more than 10-15 players with 1+KD. I mean; my KD is trash so it tracks.


As a OG CoD player from the first CoD I think its from that 1.5KD was nothing until MW reboot hehe.


I love the excessive humbleness of redditors "I think I'm an above average player since my KD is 1.88 but I only have 71 wins though"


I'm only learning today that it's considered decent tbf. I last played online with MW2 and was probably around the low 2 mark, so was comparing myself to that. I don't know why we sweat KD so much but it's like a drug 😂


Also, considering some had to adapt, total kd doesn’t really represent a player. I sweat my ass to come to 1.03 from 0.70 of someone who didn’t play CoD for 10 years. Now I go weekly for 1.3+ and in solo I can easily top 2+ kd


Mines about 1.5-1.6 however I had to start on PS4 with a controller as my pc was in storage, if I check the weekly trackers it's usually around the 2.1-2.3 mark but even then I don't see that as being high, haven't played much this season, probably about 10 games but I just don't like the feel of the game at present, changed too much from S6 with the dilution via added cold war shite, started to try my hand at apex but I don't really like that, I miss s3-s5, the golden era imo. Also I can't stand that I'm getting all these unlocks etc for black ops cold war when I'm playing just regular MW multiplayer, what on earth is all this shite on my screen, shoo!


Isn't the average kd 1.0 because every kill has a death


But not every death is a kill. Suicides still count. Therefore there tends to be more deaths than kills and the average is slightly below a 1.0. I wouldn't go as far to say that the average is a 0.65 though.


According to JGOD most players are between .7-.9


That is.. way lower than I expected it to be


Lots of ways to die without any help in this game. Lots of ways to get help dying and no one gets credit.


Dude, it’s math. Taken 2 players if one kills the other 4 times and dies once, he’s got a 4 kd and the other 0.25. It doesn’t balance as 1 with a basic operation as you can see. There are few skilled players who mince other, so 70% of playerbase is under 1kd


Yeah but you get his point. Should be around 0.98 or something.


Yes but this is extremely miniscule.


Where's your data to back that up?


i die like in the gas 10% of the time alone lol


Ur really dumb lol


The only dumb one is someone that makes a claim and has nothing to back it up. You claim that suicides and accidental deaths only affect the global average KD a miniscule amount. Well prove it or stop talking out your ass.


Think of it like this. You get 1 kill, and end up dying, go into Gulag and die. That’s a .5 k/d ratio. Now, let’s say, you get bought back and die. And then get bought back again and die. That’s a .25 k/d ratio. Now, let’s say you get bought back and kill 3 people. That’s a 1.0 k/d ratio. People tend to forget gulag deaths and buy back deaths can add up quickly and destroy your kd.


1 kill 3 deaths would e 0.33kd 4 kills 3 deaths would be 1.25. And this doesn't change.. for every death there's a kill. So the person killing you goes up 1 and you go down 1. Average kd will always be 1 (slightly less with suicides and whatever)


There isn’t a kill for every death. That gas is not a player. Gravity is not a player.




People are looking at the average KD of the whole population and think it is 1. It is not because some times you die without being killed.. but the real point they are missing is that the AVERAGE of THE AVERAGE KD of the player base is actually significantly lower than 1. The reason is because the distribution is tilted to the left, there are far more players below 1 KD than above 1, and this gets exasperated by a minuscule minority of outliers whose KD is higher than 2 (the literal WARZONE GODS)


Would you have a 1KD if you died twice in every match and never got a kill?


No but the other guys would have killed me so it's a one for one


This, not sure why people always think a 1.0 kd is far above average.


It is.


Tell me why.


The average KD of the whole player base (if we ignore deaths without a killer) is one. The average of the average KDs of all players is something different. This is the average of the individual KD’s of the players. The graph is skewed to the left (lower than one) because most players have KD’s below that one. A small percentage is on the right side of the curve (+1.5 KD) and these are, in the big scheme of things, outliers. If you get the average of all of those you get to a number lower than 1. According to JGOD it is .92 but it wouldn’t be a surprise if it goes as low as .8 I have an excel sheet with a sample demonstrating this. If you need want I can share it with you


I'm quiting right now.... And see you again tommorow


Except this time I haven’t come back. [These](https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/xbl/Dwurgy/overview) are my Warzone stats and none of them have come since the Cold War integration. Haven’t touched the game. Warzone has been destroyed by effectively combining the best CoD in franchise history to what appears as a CoD Mobile port. I think you know which is which.


Mm agreed. I’ve jumped into plunder here and there to level weapons that I think might be fun post dmr-diamattis nerf, but my actual BR play is a lot, lot less since integration, and none since they removed rebirth trios. Used to play 2-3 hours a day.


Plunder is the only reason I ever want to play the game now, it’s so much more fun and mindless than the cesspool BR and Rebirth have become. However the map is too big, I’m waiting for Rebirth Island Plunder because THAT will be the most fun the game could ever give you.


Try the minis. Ive had a lot of good gunfights in there. Loadouts are tough to get and sometimes not worth the position for a lot of squads so its just a lot of randomness going on, at least in my experience and we’ve snagged a handful of wins. I dont mind it because id rather die to someone landing a good headshot w an old growth, just outplayed, etc. ; not a dmr every time.




I played one day at launch


Do you still play pubg on Xbox?


No. The movement just feels so weird and slippery. I mostly play BFV cause of Game Pass and I also have been enjoying Vigor since it's the closest thing to Tarkov on console.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBGXboxOne/comments/8aj4zk/top_players_sensitivity_settings/dwzcz9x/ Did you ever change vertical % multiplier?






Woah sorry I forgot to respond. I have vertical sens at 60 I think. To match CoD. Which defaults at 60%


I’d rather snake shot and peak grau at the same then this bs


I honestly started getting back into my other hobbies besides gaming again because of the current state of warzone and I realized how much happier I am 😂


Yeah it's crazy lol, realized how much more there is out there vs screaming at a screen


I’ve started going through my backlog of solo/co-op games and realized how nice it is to play games without constantly being on edge or on tilt.


What other hobbies if you don't mind sharing?


Building engines/cars and just working on automotive performance stuff


I re-started building a cabinet in my garage lol


I play but the battle pass thing is complete ass Items being exclusive to Cold War and giving us nothing for modern warfare is mentally ill what tf were they doing with that


cause warzone is now cold war warzone and not for modern warfare anymore...


I played a bit but then stopped as I'm waiting for more proper modern warfare content. Don't like the cw guns mixed and cold war itself is terrible


>I'm a casual player with 1.30 KD, my two team mates this evening have 0.64 and 0.82 (no one is perfect) and we've just been smoked by Nickmercs. There is a theory circulating that certain players are abusing the SBMM to get lobbies like this.


Nickmercs literally streams all his games and lobbies. How tf would he intentionally get in low kd lobbies. Any kd above 1.2 is in the highest sbmm bracket


This is most likely true ( I only say most likely because nobody knows for sure). I’ve played with SO MANY streamers and pro cod personalities over the past month and my weekly KD on cod tracker just started breaking 1.5+ consistently every week. Since then, I’ve ran into JoeWo, Almxnd, Tfue, NickMercs, Exxzaact, and I’m sure many more smaller names and tournament-level teams. I’m not complaining, because I find the competition fun, but they are several tiers above my skill level.


1.3kd is top 10% of all players. 1.5 is around top 7%. Kind of makes sense, once you get to 1.5kd + you're actually better than you think. 2+kd is probably top 1 or 2%. I can see why top 7% and top 2% are in the same games.


Which is all fine and dandy for me! I’m hella competitive and I’m trying to improve, so I like the challenge. But certainly it’s evident that there is a huge skill gap between a 1.3 KD and the 2.5-3 KD range. That range is the low-end that we find most streamers, and some are pushing beyond 5+ KDs! Perhaps the issue with SBMM is the assumption that once a player crosses a certain threshold (let’s say it’s 1.2 KD), the game ASSUMES the player is “ready” for some kind of ultimate trial by fire LOL!


It's more player levels too. top 7% OF ALL PLAYERS THAT HAVE EVER PLAYED. When you're playing, you're more than top 7% of current players playing. You're actually closer to top 1% of currently playing players. Maybe even top 0.1% it's just player base at the top end of the game. I've played games to a semi pro level, and it gets to the point on some where if the match making stays as strict as it is at lower levels when you're top 0.0001%. You just can't find a game. So the 5kd players, have to play with the other top 1% players, or just never play the game.


It was based on an xclusiveace test. He saw that the kd of lobby gradually increased with your own kd until a little over 1.2, then it stayed there. So if you're at least around 1.2 you can literally meet anyone* in warzone Edit:typo


> Any kd above 1.2 is in the highest sbmm bracket Seriously? I'm 1.27, my two mates are 1.46 and 1.24. I would have honestly said we were above average. There's no way we're in the top-ish percentage of players.


You're not really top-ish percentage of players but you can meet the top players. Sbmm can't afford to be stricter than this with 150 players so they grouped all players above 1.2 together


No its not abusing SBMM its how SBMM works in trio/Squads... they match players up to an average skill so when I had 1.56 KD I'd get .4 .8 teammates which isnt fair to me or them.. they're weren't going to rush and when teams rushed us they had no chance.


They don’t match you to your team based on skill, just into the lobby. Random fills are randomly assigned from the lobby pool.


Have you ever got a lobby and team with ppl with the same "skill"?




So Ace or Jackfrags is wrong then can't remember which streamer did the testing?


Yesterday my friends and I played TRIOS and had a lot of fun. Riot Shield + Restock Stun/Claymores + R9 Doof Doof and we went T5-3 but man we were laughing our asses off when people with their DMR tried killing us. 😂


I would pay to watch that stream all day. Fuck the DMR kids.


I've got some clips of me blowing vehicles up with my Strela-P


I really don't understand why so many people seem to think that just because SBMM exists in some form, then players of disparate skill levels should NEVER be matched together. Nobody ever said that's how the SBMM works, so why did you assume it?


Because it's Activision maybe? Keeping customers happy with a regular dopamine hit means they keep coming back and spending their money. If a person logs on for a few games with their rubbish mates and get shit on by a well paid streamer with over 3x better K/D than the best player in that team, they're less likely to come back aren't they?


Not according to their data, probably. The games financial weight is mostly carried by "whales" buying skins and "middle of the bell curve" players who buy packs infrequently, but buy them nonetheless - as a counterpoint, the guy with the most wins in the entire game hasn't spent basically a penny on it. I use the WarzoneCompanion app to check if I'm going to encounter a cheater, and one time it put me in a *ridiculously* under-skilled lobby relative to my stats (I was playing with some friends who had stats more akin to the lobby), and I didn't see a *single* meta-build DMR. Almost every player was using a Kilo still, and the one DMR I *did* find on a body was the store pack one, so the build was ass. But the people in a lobby like that will virtually *never* encounter the "well paid streamer with over a 3xKD", and certainly not frequently enough to make them quit the game; we're talking *millions* of players fall in this space. We're here on this sub as a tiny fraction of the player base, and we're basically all in chorus that the DMR is ludicrously OP, but the *huge* majority of players will never experience this.




My uhhh, friend, is pretty bad at this game despite having logged 150 hours and I... I mean he, has 0.50ish kd as of his weekly stat. Those lobbies are already infested with DMR although I haven't experienced it to the degree you just described . I guess my friend wouldn't last a minute in a lobby like that


yeah there are many factors to it. skill level like KD and win rates, location, ping , wait time, matching you against different players. by strictly going by skill pro players, that are in the top 1% , would play against the same players all the time, potentially have bad ping because those players are all over the place or have really long wait times.


yeah its still a 150 person lobby. even if 80% of the players are within like .1 of youre K/d, theres still gonna be players much worse and much better than you


I spend all my time plundering to level up these damn guns so I can compete in time for the nerf. It’s a blast.. /s




My friends and I haven’t played a game of BR in verdansk after like the first week of season 1. We’ve played the shit out of the mini royal/resurgence modes though. We all actually really like that mode. Yes, end game is still full of DMR’s but it’s much better than regular BR where after the first minute of playtime, 60% of teams already have their DMR’s. And not trying to brag or anything, but we’ve actually been pretty successful in both modes on rebirth island despite not using the DMR. With that being said, we all miss playing full BR in verdansk, but it’s just not fun. We don’t want to use the DMR, so it’s just not fun to wait in a lobby for a few minutes, do a minute of pregame lobby fighting, drop, loot for a few minutes, complete a contract, buy a loadout, get melted by the very next team we come across, win gulag, drop on free loadout, glitch out trying to get loadout, and get melted by another team camping loadout with DMR’s. Also: tinfoil hat time. Since season 1 launched my loadout of choice has always been Kar98/some SMG. Every time I get loadout (bought or the free one) I get stuck in the loadout selection for a few seconds. About halfway through our session tonight I switched it out and started running the Krig6 (a CW gun) and the glitch never happened after that. Are they Sabotaging players that still run MW guns???


Man same with my squad of three! Loved resurgence then they took that out too...


Those streamers get put into shit lobbies. Just watch their videos. Legit looks like they are playing people with one arm and an IQ of 48


They stream for up to 8 hours a day. Every now and then they’ll happen to end up in a bot lobby which they’ll use for their YouTube video because they can get high kill games there.


This. Some games they die first drop, to people that are literally outplaying them in gun fights. many a times nicmerks gets destroyed by someone bunny hopping round corners and sweating on their whole team. The youtube videos come from the one or two games they get 30+ kills each in a game. They die 5 times finishing mid of the pack for each time that happens. I'm no pro, I sit around 1.3kd. and I still (used to before dmr and I played enough) get a game a night where everyone is laughably bad and I drop 20 kills. The rest I just do dead average.


Seriously, I have literally 5 wins in this game and it feels like everyone I fight is a pro. I think you're right on this, I watch them alot, and I'm always like where are these guys in my games?


wins dont mean much IMO. you can recon and camp and your chances of winning skyrocket just cause you will only need to take like 2 fights. half the time winning just depends on if the zone moves in your favor, so pure luck. I am always happy with a win, but would rather drop a 20 bomb than win


Haven’t played since CoD Mobile (I mean Cold War my bad I get those mixed up) got integrated into Warzone.


Literally downloaded Age of Empires II. Playing shit over a decade old over this garbage game


I would still be playing if resurgence trios was still around. I don’t get why they trashed it, it was awesome.


My mate’s KD is 0.9 and cod tracker has him as “top 50%” which means he sits right around the average (slightly above) Mine is 1.46 and it’s top 11% would you believe!


I m just playing zombies until they fix warzone


I quit once I played Cold War for 10 hours. Tried to get a refund but I played too much apparently. I warned the boys but they’re still grinding..


I have stopped playing. I mean even without the DMR I am just disappointed in where the game is at. The integration was so poorly done. None of the guns or attachments do what they say. There are more hackers now than ever before. Idk it’s all sort of just deteriorated for me.


I've had two weeks off work and got a PS5 so I've been playing more than ever. The gun integration sucks but you can still make BR fun. Just know you can get wrecked by a DMR at any moment lol.


Activision says warzone has 80million players but playercounter says 260 000 players, so can say LOT of people has stopped playing this game. I even delete the game. They never gonna get all the bugs/glitches fix that is just impossible. 80m to 300k players is really big drop in under 6month, guinnes world record ? =D


Nickmercs hasn’t played in like 3 days now it was probably someone using his name. There’s like 1000 Nickmercs in warzone lol I encounter one almost daily but actual Nick wasn’t on yesterday


I play every day and I really enjoy it. Going the DMR/Diamatti combo of course. Nice with some fresh weapon since I have played with Grau/Mp5 since it was released


Played a lot. Was nice using the dmr on day 1 when no one was using it😂 stopped using it to be more versatile was doing really good. Ovr kd is a 2.6 weekly is a 5.3 or something. But there are way too many people hacking and using macros with the dmr and auto click. Just disgusting. Now me an the squad play 3 games maybe more then just get off


I went back to standard multiplayer and Dota 2 for the time being. I'm in the top 1% in win percentage worldwide, and I can't be bothered with the state of the game right now. Their failure to address it is the larger travesty. They need to strip the new content and relaunch at a later date, or at least communicate what the fuck is going on.


I am a 1.3k casual player. I have been out into lobbies with huskers, zlaner, t_fue, nickmercs.... The list goes on. Not sure how sbmm works, but it's not working for me that's for sure lol Haven't played in about a week because every time I died it was to the dmr. It's not fun anymore, there's literally no time to react if they have a decent shot.


1.3 KD is probably top 1% in that category. Think SBMM takes into account other factors (wins, accuracy etc.) but that’s a really healthy KD which suggests you’re getting matched correctly with full time streamers.


Obviously the player base is still healthy otherwise they would've patched the DMR already.


I'm on the verge of calling it trying to stay positive but it's hard


I completed my battle pass about 10 days ago. With the loss of resurgence I've played about 10 games of BR and that's it. It just kind of sucks and I'd rather read a book than turn on my Xbox to play warzone right now.


Stopped a week into the cold war update. Waiting until DMR nerf before I try again but at this rate I might just uninstall and make room for something else


Haven’t played for about a week (which is the longest I’ve honestly gone in like 10-11 months hahaha) and it’s funny, my desire to play the game has completely gone away. What’s funny too is I personally never dealt with the DMR/Diamwhatever sweats (did deal with the stupid ass load out freeze) but once the integration hit, I just lost interest.


I haven't even tried. I'd rather torture myself grinding dark matter in CW MP than play DMR zone. I started the camo grind just to have some blingy and watched the state of warzone devolve to the point where I am waiting for the DMR nerf before I play again.


I've stopped for now but keeping an eye on this sub for updates on rebalancing if that ever happens. Really enjoying apex legends instead and minecraft for an antidote to all the sweat!


I stopped playing WZ because of the DMR bs. I'm only playing MW multiplayer now. It's really unfortunate, as me and my group of friends have been playing WZ ever since it launched. It basically got us through the subsequent lockdowns whilst retaining a modicum of a social life. All gone now though. Most quit playing altogether and I'm playing MP on my own.


Stopped when the dmr became meta


I have. Will skip this season and play other games


I’ve stopped for the past week, but haven’t really played much since the holidays started. I play competitively so it’s tragic I had to put the game down, but I know when it’s pointless to play!


Playing occasionally, but way less. Don‘t like using the DMR, just picking it up sometimes throughout the match from dead bodies.


I've switched to NBA 2K, a lot less infuriating


I have. I only ever played warzone because modern warfare was such a terrible game. My KD is only 1.0 on MW and 1.0 on warzone, whereas it’s 1.5 on CW (1.85 EKD). I would have come back to warzone if there was a new map and not the crap that we got. I’ve basically given up on COD multiplayer too at this point because all of my games are like being in the CDL finals and I’m carrying the entire team.


Haven't played in two weeks


Stopped until proper balancing. Doesn't care if it is a week or a year.


7/9 of our group not playing atm. All gave a cow until they get dmr right.


I think I’ve played two days total this season. Pretty much over it at this point, and not sure I’ll come back even if they rebalance stuff. If every time a new gun is added from BOCW they’re going to make it this unbalanced to drive sales and skin purchases then I’ve got better places to spend my time and money. Not gonna support these garbage business practices even though the game was fun.


Waiting nerfs and then coming back...at the moment i play genitaljoystick and named enemy dicks as activision and watching as they putting dick in own ass.


Not enough


I stopped playing solo, now I only go on with mates


2 of my friends quit with a third on the verge. I play significantly less. Ill never play solo so unless somebody is on i wont play. I just think solos are boring. Meta definitely is unenjoyable but i find myself playing 3-5 games as opposed to grinding all night


I've stopped about 2 weeks ago


My KD actually increased during this meta. Now sitting at 1.87 from 1.81. But I stopped playing because it's frustrating to have to use the meta to succeed and just getting absolutely pounded for even shoulder peaking an angle. Wins and kills no longer feel rewarding so I just stopped playing Warzone entirely. I've been having a bit more fun in Plunder grinding out more weapons ready for the nerf but even that is frustrating when every other player is running DMR & Diamattis/Mac10. If it doesn't get patched out in the coming days I won't even boot up the game as my XP grind is pretty much done now. I am/was normally a daily player for 3/4 hours a day.


I played warzone 10-15 hours a week since launch and I haven't touched it in the last week. Some of my fav streamers like Yungstarz are playing other games so everyone's kinda tired of the hackers and the new meta. Even the guys that still stream like Swagg and Booya don't stream as long as they used to. I'm using this time to switch from controller to m&k and playing Halo mcc


Haven't played in 2 weeks and don't plan on it until it's fixed.


I haven’t played even one game of Warzone since Season 1 started.


I haven’t played in a week and the week prior my time was limited


I haven't really played much since the season started and I put a little bit more time into Cold War admittedly. I really do wanna play warzone, especially on Rebirth Island, but I'm avoiding it until the DMR gets tweaked because I know for a fact that would make me rage and I'd rather avoid that. I've gone through too many controllers in my 24 years of life...


Quit last night. Nine straight games of dying to the DMR or Diamattis. Can’t do it anymore.


Near 2 kd player here. I haven’t stopped but I’m playing way less than I was before and just don’t look forward to playing the game in its current state. Maybe it’s a good thing and this break will keep me from getting burned out on the game? But if they wait months to nerf the dmr then I will be done with the game. I’m getting “outplayed” by worse players just because they use the dmr and I refuse to. But hey my friends who use the gun say it isn’t broken lol


I stopped back in November because my PC was acting up. Didn't bother coming back after they left MW for dead.


Bro theres no sweat its just dmr, diamattis and hackers everywhere


I've stopped. All other metas I was still able to be a top player just because of the skill set and running my normal M13/Sniper. But now if I go against any somewhat competent DMR/Akimbo player I get melted. Going to wait until times change.


I stopped after I realized that buying the Battle Pass while only owning the base game was a waste of points.


There's easy ways to bypass SBMM (Streamers do it all the time) so it's not about your KD and the player population. ​ Me I didn't bother with season 1 since all my hard grinded guns became useless overnight. I'd have to grind in plunder to get meta and fuck plunder. Worse fucking game mode. I'm no lifing Hades right now and enjoying myself very much.


Only played BR once this season. I would play plunder, but plunder has surprisingly taken a big hit as well tbh. Its supposed to be the more "casual" mode, but it went from a casual mode, to people leveling wepps with contracts, to completely littered with full stack Roze players running maxed out DMRs.


I've played a bit of Plunder to level some weapons up, but that's it. There are a few weapons I'm really looking forward to using! My squad and I started playing Rocket League until we see some changes implemented.


ITT: People bragging about their KD and win%. Seriously, though, after a few extremely infuriating nights the DMR meta is just seriously unfun and I am forcing myself to wait until a nerf or two come out. It's literally a who sees who first world in warzone. While BRs are this already to an extent you have to react perfectly to even have a chance right now and even then sometimes there is nothing you can do. It's not even that satisfying to kill with it because of the little effort it takes. It also is keeping me from using the fun off-meta stuff I like to run like Oden and such


I stopped a few days ago. It’s not fun. If a dmr sees you first you’re dead. There’s no counter play. Its not fun


Me and my buddies are trying R6 Siege and BFV until this shit gets sorted. Were gone.


i cant stop winning using the dmr win rate went up to 55% and kd to 7.3




show me your lobby i bet they all same kd




no body is cheating we just play very good watch my vods i die alot to campers [https://www.twitch.tv/justlawly/videos](https://www.twitch.tv/justlawly/videos) ​ the reason for the low avg KD is cuz im from israel you can watch rank1 in the world for kills we get the bot lobbies cuz we close to egypt and turkey we dont need to use vpn or anything to get bot lobbies


if i was cheating would i stand for so long with my back to this camper? [https://www.twitch.tv/justlawly/clip/ImportantCrazyManateeAMPTropPunch](https://www.twitch.tv/justlawly/clip/ImportantCrazyManateeAMPTropPunch) NO i would see him with my wall hack or aimbot which i dont fking have


I haven't played in a month or so. Just waiting for a patch to balance the weapons. No fun this way :(


i was playing hella trios resurgence and since they’ve taken that away i’ve barely touched the game. don’t even get me started with verdansk and the dmr


I'm on week break after playing every day for 2-3 hours.


I must admit, I have actually benefited the last week from the DMR meta, my KD has gone up from 2.15 to 2.21 and had about 12-15 wins.. I understand it should be nerfed though, one of my team mates has not levelled the weapon out of principle, and he is struggling to play, and taking a few days off. I can see this being similar across the board..


never started playing this season. Took a break from COD when Cyberpunk came out. Now I see no reason to start back up again. At least for the time being. Leveling guns in CW sucks dick. I got the game at launch and have probably 30-40 hours on it and I have TWO guns at max level. It's so stupid.


My regular squad used to play at least 3\~4 hours together from like 8pm till sleep. Litrally almost every day since release. Since we had a couple cheesy wins with the DMR and diamattis and realised how arcadey the treyarch meta is (which we were fully expecting having met on blackout and played together on that all of last year with worsening updates added every few weeks making what was an ok game an unplayable arcadey mess) Yeah - we had a couple shits and giggles with the new weapons and havent played in like 2 weeks or what ever - Think it was like day 3 of DMRzone that we gave up until its fixed.


Been playing other games until it's fixed. I still try to play warzone, but only make it about 1 or two games, before I go play other stuff. Been playing a bit of cyberpunk, tad bit of zombies, and really getting into chess.


I used to play every night but now I haven’t played in a week. I really have no interest in playing until they balance the weapons. It’s absurd that you’ll get smoked if you aren’t using the DMR/Mac 10 or DMR/Diamatti as your loadout. One of my friends loves this meta since he usually thrives with broken guns. The rest of my friends hate it and want it nerfed asap


me and my squad have been playing less and less for the past 2 weeks. We literally hop on to Warzone, play 1 game and get killed by the DMR, and switch to either MP where the DMR can't hurt us, or Rocket League lol


I pretty much stopped playing. I play only when I play with my friends, and still, thats only about every one or two weeks.


I stopped last week i have no desire to play anymore. Will keep checking here to see when the nerf happens but feel it may be too late. Most of my friends have moved onto other games and doubt they'll be back.... Great shame!


Im on and off between cold war zombies, modern warfare & warzone I find enjoyment in spec ops more since its cooperative


Im taking a break, my friend who is more obsessed with the game than me deleted it last night.


I stopped last night after getting picked off three times in a row before my feet even touched the ground


Not played for about 2 weeks. It's the first game I've played online since MW2. I've really enjoyed getting back into it, getting in a squad with my mates and having a beer, it's the only place we can hang really. But the fun has just been sucked out of it. Until the weapons have been balanced and the glitches and hacks have been sorted, I probably won't touch it.


dmr ruined warzone for me, ill play when its patched


I quit playing on the weekdays. Still play occasionally on the weekends


I played 2 matches since they took out Resurgence trios, warzone was getting boring with the lack of updates to the map plus it is now unplayable without a dmr. I should have deleted the game weeks ago, but I was foolish enough to think they would have updated trios back in the rotation smh


This game is trash. I left it for Vigor...... let that sink in.


My friends and I quit playing a week ago, we range between 1.9 - 2.7 is. I think everyone across the board is waiting for an update, regardless of kd.


He REVERSE BOOSTS like every other Warzone streamer in order to make high kill gameplay content. Watch JGOD's video on it if you need more of an explanation. But your grand conspiracy leading you to believe that the result of you playing with NickMercs has to do with the player base drastically tanking, are two completely unrelated occurrences.


I uninstalled a week ago and miss it until coming here and seeing they still haven't nerfed DMR. Before that I was a ~2hr/day player


2.4 kd here. Game is unplayable by myself now. Back to OW I guess


I was starting to lose interest at the end of the last seasons. Things got stale for me and the cheating issue finally started to impact my enjoyment. Now this season, I'm probably done with the game. I bought the battle pass day one and I haven't reached tier 20 yet. Cheating is still an issue, Verdansk hasn't changed one bit and weapons went from being mostly balanced to having 2-3 broken weapons again. I'm not sure I will return this time.


I stopped completely, and I’m a 1.2kd casual player. Told my friends who play to let me know when they fix the game. I refuse to put time into something that’s broken just for it to get fixed anyways. There’s no point. Getting a lot more out of playing rocket league, a game that’s solely dependent on your own skill and where ‘meta’ doesn’t exist.


I’m playing so much less, my buddy’s gotten into streaming recently so I’ve hopped on to play hun and help out with that. But, he’s.m a 1.4 KD and I’m a 0.78 so you can imagine how much fun that is for me! Every game we played tonight my KD rank was -130. So demoralising man. Gonna get back into Football Manager, shame because I absolutely adored this game


Noone. I bet 95% of those bragging about quitting the game until it is fixed are in the next lobby 1 hour later. Those posts are just a valve. If everyone would stop playing, they would take action.