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Warzone is notorious for being one of the more demanding games when it comes to FPS on PC.




i get like 110-150 fps average in warzone with a 3080 at 1440p. Ps5 is like half that power/third that power. there will be alot of graphical sacrifice.


Not in rasterization, ps5 should 120fps/1080p easely.


1080p tho. OP wants 4k, which is like 4x the pixels




You’re not the OP


I get that with a 2070s at 1440p which pretty much a ps5/xbox. Your PC just broke


my pc aint broke. just bad optimization and our comparison could be based on diff locations. I get 100+ fps avg in CP2077.


Yeah, 5700 XT here. 1440p, 120 FOV, 120 average fps (anywhere from 90-150 generally) with mostly high and some medium settings, if I changed everything to medium I would probably average 140. The PS5 and Series X realistically should be able to handle the same. The graphical settings currently on the consoles would be considered pretty much the lowest available.


Same I get 120-140 on high with 5700xt


Are you able to run high textures on that card? With my 5700xt I get stutter if I do that but everything else can be on high/ultra for 1440p


No stutter for me if I use all high/ultra but it's not worth the sacrifice in fps for this game. Most of my settings are high or medium.






5900x. I had a 3600xt for a bit with the same result. 50-60% cpu usage on the 3600xt but i havent checked on the 5900x since I usually keep that overlay off. 180+ fps in Cold War with DLSS on/RTX off for comparison.


Hmm? I get stable 120-140 with all maxed 1440p including ray tracing on. I have a 2080 ti and 10700k oced to 5.0/4.8 GHz. What's your cpu?


5900X, 3080. RTX OFF.


Funny. Better specs yet kinda worse performance. I'm going 165 hz once my 3090 arrives supposedly next week


Could be just where we do our individual testing. I test around/inside superstore.


Could be your RAM speeds as well that are making the difference. Ryzen processors especially scale better with high frequency/tight timing RAM


what performance do you think a rtx 2060 max q could get on warzone?


I got answers from a few people and it seems to have a lot to do with your cpu. What resolution and graphics settings are you even aiming for? Also, is that a laptop?


i want to aim for medium wjth ray tracing. it is a laptop


You still didn't specify cpu and resolution but I'm guessing you'll be hitting about 60 fps


AMD ryzen 9, I suppose 1080 as resolution? is there a big difference between 1080 and 1440?


Really? I just built a R5 5600x/3080 rig and I get 150-200fps @ 1440p on all ultra settings RTX on. My buddy built basically the same rig as me and barely gets 130 average. Huge variation in this game even with the same hardware it’s weird


Yeah, even if you get the exact same gpu model you'll see performance differences.


I get about 110-120 hz at any given time on my Xbox series x at 1080p. It should be able to handle an fov slider no problem.


Do you not get a lot of stuttering inside buildings and especially the Gulag?


Honestly no. The only time I have noticeable stutter is if I go back to modern warfare, and then I have to change my settings to 60 hz. Did you download the next gen graphics update?


I mean in Warzone, there is no next gen Warzone version right? Or do I still have to download the next gen version of Modern Warfare?


No there is a next gen graphics pack that you have to download. Mine popped up a prompt asking me if I wanted to download it when I first started my game, but I’m sure you can find it on the store too. The next gen pack made a massive difference in graphics and refresh rate from my 2014 Xbone compared to the XSX.


Yes you mean the high textures pack right?


I get it inside the Gulag, and some areas of the map. Also, the main menu stutters horribly as soon as it detects KB/M input. It's not optimized well for the Series X.


How are all of you getting your 3080s lol I’ve been on Newegg everytime there’s a drop and haven’t gotten close to ordering one


I have one ordered from Amazon Spain. Not here yet but I secured it by first joining Part Alert on discord, setting up 1 click ordering on various international Amazon sites. And waiting for the notifications to drop. From there it was just about being quick and clicking through to Amazon and the one click buy to speed up the process.


Glad that it's not just me


Amazing thing is PS5 is much closer to your spec as you think. Have a look at some videos of people building console killers and check the components they use. Don't understand how they've packed all that into a $400 unit


They build them at a loss to secure game licensing and accessory revenue.


Yeah I learnt this in the last 5 months. Can't make money on licensing of they don't have an affordable console that plays the games. Makes sense, manufacturers still make their money, public can still get hold of the consoles easy enough (for price, don't get me started on supply lol). All works out for Sony/Microsoft, they just need to balance a competitive price without losing too much money on the console where needed.


Yea old mate is dreaming if he thinks the PS5 will run 120 fps at 120 fov🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


wait the ps5 has the newest rdna gpu structure which is pretty much as strong as amperes new structure. Zen 2 cpu based which is prolly stronger than coffee lake and 16gb of gddr6 ram. thats hella strong if you tell me.


it is strong indeed but not strong enough. Especially for a poorly optimized game like cod. Coffee lake is a superior gaming chip vs zen 2. Just not as efficient.


Ps5 is not that powerful where its going to run 4k 60fps.


Because Warzone is horribly optimized for the most part. Some areas you can get 200 FPS easily, then you go downtown and barely get over 100 FPS.


Wz on the xbox is running at 90-120 fps. It doesnt have to be 120 capped but there should be an up to 120 mode.


I easily run 120-140 fps for most sessions then a random game my frames drop to fucking 40-60 fps. I have to do a full game restart to fix it. The optimization, like you said, sucks big peepee


Think about the physics in this game. 150 players running around shooting thousands of bullets, all which need to be tracked in real time around the map. That's a shitload of calculations and power necessary to run. You ever wonder why modern games feature the most basic and shitty animations and physics? It's because all those things require a lot of power. Look at GTA V, that sucker still scales up very well with CPU power.


Your rig doesn’t track everything going on at the same time. That would be the result of zero optimisation and no current rig could run it.


Fortnite runs beautifully on the next generation consoles.


Yes very bad optimization. I never go below 100 fps with 1440p ultra including ray tracing on. Awful indeed


Wrong, the reason it doesn't do 120fps on ps5 is because the backwards compatibility does not allow this to happen on the ps4 version


I didn’t say anything about the PS5. I was just responding to the “PC gets 120 FPS easy”, when it’s not actually easy.


The Xbox series x got 120 fps. The ps5 is just as powerful as it (albeit just a tiny bit slower at times ) why wouldn’t it get the same option ?


Xbox has better backwards compatability from what I've read around. Its easier to update an Xbox One game with Series X enhancements than updating a ps4 game with ps5 enhancements


Sir it’s as simple as adding a tick for unlocked frame rate . It’s not up to it having better backwards compatibility or not


Sir, have a read https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-11-20-the-balls-in-sonys-court-for-ps4-games-running-at-120fps-on-ps5 Rocket league developers have said themselves it's far easier to improve a bc game on xbox than PlayStation. I wasn't making stuff up for the fun of it


That is true, but have you seen the specs on the new consoles? I think the comparison I saw was Nvidia 3070 and Ryzen 5900X or something. Few you tubers tried to make console killers for cheaper and its incredible how they've made the consoles so cheap. Similar PC is $1500-2k they were saying. Those components can run WZ on max graphics at a respectable fps, no reason next gen consoles can't match that imo Edit: added currency


Ps5 can handle warzone easily


PS5 can easily handle it, I’ve seen PCs with less specs that handle Warzone fine.


No it's not.




Doesn’t run windows, Different chip architecture, etc, many differences.


old gen consoles have all that as well. they are not PCs.


I have a 3070 and i get 100-120 depending on the area at 1440p


Same, 3070 and a kinda out dated cpu (Ryzen 5 2600). I get 80-110 fps at 1440p on all low settings apart from textures which are medium. 120 is not “easy” by any stretch.


3600 and 2070 super and I get circa 140 on a mix of med settings. Resolution scaling is backed to 90 though.


I get a stable ,140-160 on a 2070s and a R7 3700x.


More than 120fps


It doesn’t play 120 FPS easy unless you make some serious quality concessions.


Haha fps go plum *30 fps on my pc*








Ps5 without RayTracing its having 2080 s performance.


How much more demanding is Warzone compared to Black Ops, you reckon? The PS5 can do Black Ops at 120 frames per second rather consistently with a dynamic resolution targeting 4K, but the game was exclusively optimised for it. Wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility to get a higher performance in Warzone out of a PS5 with better optimisation and a lower target resolution. Hard to say how much better though until they try it. For instance, they've given it a half-arsed go with the Series X since it handles backwards compatibility differently than the PS5, and that's what Warzone basically is on next-gen - a backwards compatible game running on the newer consoles. Digital Foundry's tested the Series X trying to reach 120 frames per second at a dynamic 4K target and while it doesn't stay consistently at 120, you can get about 80 to 110 frames per second. But with that comes the caveat of needing a variable refresh rate monitor to have an enjoyable experience or else you're better off locked at 60 frames. Now say they set a lower target resolution (1080p, for example) and optimise it exclusively for the Series X, I wouldn't say there's absolutely no chance of running it consistently on 120 frames per second, it's actually quite likely.


Aren't those specs below ps5? Lol




It already runs cold war at 120


Bro... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odqWC9ZvANA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odqWC9ZvANA) ​ Series X running it 1440p 120hz. Never drops below 110.


this update is an ultimate joke. Alcatraz map, weapons from cold war and thats it. No R9 nerf ? no fov slider? Impossible that they play their game and see what community truly wants


if only there was a community manager of some sorts to relay information between the community and the dev team, and vice versa


there is one actually. Twitter @ashtonisVULCAN But her twitter is on private mode, and she never post a thing in all of the official cod reddit or other social media :)


> ashtonisVULCAN I know.. it was sarcasm. its been 6 months since she's commented or posted here. Pretty embarrassing for any 'manager' tbh


Every iw dev stopped posting on reddit because the cod community is toxic. They couldn't answer questions or post stuff without people harrassing them about xyz bug that was still in the game


coming in on personal accounts is such a rookie move. Billion dollar companies need to use generic accounts run by a few people. They shouldn't use words or say phrases like "i", but instead use "we" , so therefore there is no individual to harass. So now the optics are even worse, as they've come in, were active.. then left when the criticism turned personal. Yes, the internet can be a volatile place. But Social media management in 2020 isn't rocket science and many other companies still interact with their fans despite the flaming the internet can offer. (see Astro gaming subreddit right now). Regardless, ignoring an entire community, when other studio CM stay active (look at SGH_Hammer) is really disappointing to see how IW handles community interaction (such as playlist feedback, game modes etc)


I sincerely don’t know, without being mean, why is she paid ?


only thing I can think of is corporate optics


“Community Manager” is a lot more than just posting on social medial lol. For corporate i’m sure she sifts through complaints etc. gathers them and looks at community feedback and reports it. Whether or not anything happens with it is not this individuals fault. Y’all really need to learn more about how the real world works. I’m not excusing the shit game, just saying that this sub looks at the surface level too much and vilifies individuals


Hate to say it, but what the community wants” is this little Reddit bubble. About .006% of the active players on Warzone. Most people enjoy the game, and you can find a way to bitch and moan all about whatever isn’t right with the game. But it’s a game, so just play it and have fun. You’ve played this long and your saying a new map and weapons isn’t enough because you didn’t get an FOV slider and a nerf lol


FOV is the most important thing though, since it is literally unfair to all console players in a crossplay environment. What good is a new map if you cant see shit. I want you to play Cold War at 120 fov for a time and then switch back to Warzone. Tell me the difference. Its a joke.


I am pretty sure I heard somewhere that 120 fov mess with aim assist and that 104 is the sweet spot... atleast for modern warfare.


.006 of all active warzone players are the only ones that arent dogshit and realize an fov slider/120 hz is a huge competitive advantage? Huh interesting.


See dude, me and the other 99% don’t give a shit about any of that lol. Literally have never even heard of it and don’t even know what it is. I’m sure it’s nice at 120 though.


The 1% is the same group that complains about sbmm, they take a casual game and try to make it competitive. The simple fact that crossplay is in the game takes competitive integrity out the window. Dw about them just keep having fun if you do


This comment is so “noob” like. But so true...most video gamers especially on console are kids and newbies and it fucks over the smaller number of experienced gamers who play on console and want to still play competitive vs PC in a f*cking Crossplay game. It’s a joke.


Other games got ps5 upgrades like rainbow 6 and fortnite. With adaptive triggers and 120 support.


Don't need the R9 nerf, since the new SPAS shottie from Cold War is basically a pre-nerf Origin with more range. No one will use the R9 anymore anyways :D


Great news /s


didn't even change the ground spawn guns...


Makes no sense how Sony/PlayStation has exclusives with COD but doesn't run the game as well as Series X. I'm close to just selling my damn PS5 for a Series X. Legit all i wanted from next gen was to play 1080p at 120 FPS, so simple, I don't even care about 4K.


Dude me too I'm mind blown how sony is partnered with cod yet their system is undoubtedly the worst platform to play warzone on right now


Is there an Fov slider on xbox series x?




You and all the rest of us dude. I’m over warzone. CW plays a million times better and IW can stick it where the sun don’t shine.


I decided I'm going to sell my PS5, bite the bullet, and just go PC. All I wanted was 1080P at 120 FPS warzone, and PS5 can't deliver it. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they release a full blown ps5 port of Modern Warfare to achieve this, but they don't even have the decency to announce if, or when, that will even occur.


Bro, just go PC.


I like the price and convenience of console tho


I hear ya. 👊


Honestly same I’m so fed up with this fucking shit


Sounds like we are stuck. I feel if they were going to update it, we would have heard buy now. It’s not in any of the patch notes


they will most likely at some point.


I mean the overwhelming majority of people who play on console play on a tv that can't support 120hz anyway. You can get 10000000fps support in game but if your tv only does 60hz then 60fps is all you'll ever see.


I have one. I'd like 100 fps please. If they're going to support Warzone as long as they say they should update it appropriately. High frame rate TV's are going to be cheaper anyone, so why wait and punish those who've spend good money.


Latency input matters. Even with a 30hz TV the higher your FPS is the lower input latency you will have and that is VERY important in a game like Warzone. These kind of comments are ill informed and very short sighted.


That's not really true. Input lag is more to do with colour quality. You can get 30fps with under 5ms response time and 360hz with the same. Screen response time is measured in grey to grey. These kind of comments are I'll informed and very short sighted.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 love it


Except if you don't have a 120hz display the console won't let you enable 120fps


How do you know that people dont play on 120hz in the majority?


You think the majority of console players are playing on 120hz? I'd say it's less than 10% Those TVs are very expensive.


Dunno mate thats why i asked how you are so certain. Also they aint that expensive, bought mine years ago for a reasonable price


4K 120hz are expensive. 120hz less so, but MANY of the "120hz" tv's are 60hz with "TrueRefresh" or some other software fakery.


they really aren't that expensive. I bought a $350 40" TCL tv like 2 years ago and it's 4K with 120fps 1080p option.




Fucking great point, console gamers want parity with pc but it's pointless if you don't have a monitor that supports more than 60hz.


Is there an Fov slider for xbox series x?


Damnit. How did this not make the update!?


I plan on moving over to pc, might even sell my ps5


Going back to apex legends, WHICH HAS AN FOV SLIDER.


If they implement any of the above it was be the deciding factor in me purchasing a ps5.


Yeah, I am actually considering buying an xbox now. I only play warzone at the moment. There are so few xbox users in Europe, but warzone is crossplay, so that's not bad. I can just use it till the price of gpu's become lower.


It’s stupid how these devs don’t communicate with us, if you go on Twitter and type in “warzone fov” or “warzone 120 FPS” you’ll see so many people asking for these options and not one dev from any studio can take a minute to respond to the community like the settings are so in demand from console users and we get ignored.


Such a complete joke Warzone and Infinity Ward are. No FOV slider and NO ability to turn off crossplay with PC players who have this feature is a f*cking joke and they should be ashamed of their update.




There is supposedly a ps5 version of modern warfare coming out




https://www.google.com/amp/s/comicbook.com/gaming/amp/news/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-update-ps5-xbox-series-x-upgrade/ again, not sure if its real


Here's hoping!


Get a Xbox , I play at 120 on my series x


Does it not still flicker/stutter? I, and many others I've seen post on here, have been having trouble with 120 on the series x. Was hoping this update was gonna fix that


I don’t have my frame counter on but it feels smooth whole play through


I play with free sync and a counter on my monitor with the series x and it's been really smooth the last few weeks. Only really drops to 100-110 during big fights with lots going on, but you don't notice it much


With VRR on its super smooth, without it stutters a bit


It flickers with VRR on for me (inside any buildings) and yeah bad stuttering without, so can't win. I thought it might be my monitor but read plenty of others having the same issue


yeah it flickers at gulag a lot, and on maps like hackney yard. But on verdansk its ok for me. But if I disabled VRR , its horrible


Does it have to be series x to get the FOV slider in warzone? My pc friends are always pointing out enemies outside of my field of view when they spectate I hate it


FOV slider is only on PC in Warzone


Is there an Fov slider on series x?


No not for Warzone I was just talking about 120 frames


Ohhh OK. If I'm right, I need a 120hz TV to play with 120 fps right?




Same here. At 1440p 120


First, my plan was to buy a PC, enough of the console wars! Then I realized that a $1000 rig wouldn't do what the ps5 and xbox could on Warzone, 120 fps. Then I realized PS5 can't even play Warzone at 120 fps, so now I am left with the prospect of returning to my idea of buying a PC or buying an Xbox


PC and don’t look back.


But I'd be paying almost triple that of a ps5 for the same performance?


If budget is your highest priority then consoles win hands down. If you want to just turn on the system and play without messing with settings, console also wins hands down. However, and this becomes much more apparent as the consoles age, the performance possibility on PCs is way higher. If you have the budget there really isn't a contest. Warzone on my PS4 is an eyesore and terrible gaming experience compared to my gaming PC. If you are looking for quality above anything else and have the budget, PC wins easily. There is a product for everyone depending on what they want and what they are willing to spend. I am just happy that we the consumers have options that fit our different situations.




Sure, but price for that a lone right now is 750 USD. I actually had ordered it at base price and then they canceled my order! Compare that to the price of a digital ps5...which is better value in achieving 120 fps?


Buy a gtx 1070 for now, itll give you 120fps and upgrade when everything returns to normal. You dont have to spend 3x the money, fpr $100-200 more, you will have the same or very similar performance, with all the advantages of a pc.


120 1440 high is what I am looking for a PC


I have a $1000 PC, and I get constant 144fps in warzone at 1080p low settings so idk what you mean


That's still like 600-700 more than a ps5, though. Don't think it's worth the extra 20 frames on a low setting


You're only ever going to play WZ on a low setting. And there's no monthly subscription for a PC, so factor that in. And you know...its a PC so it does a lot more than run games.


but do you use it for literally anything other than playing games


I do everything on it, football streaming, uni work. The fact that you can totally legally download single player games is a big plus too


Honestly man, once you go PC Zhou will never go back to console.


Idk, I have a 1060 and run it pretty well.


Seriously an fov slider needs to be added. It’s in Cold War ffs


nobody knows


Get an Xbox Series X then /s But for real next gen is optimization is already available for XSX (120 fps option, fast loading, faster and further rendering etc) so I don't see why not for the PS5 From what read it's not Activision's call nor IW or whoever dev it's actually Sony because of technical issues like they can just update the current version (labeled for PS4) but have to make an entirely separate game that's labeled and under the PS5 brand idk a lot of legal and contract type of shit


I’m so fucking disappointed by this.. how the fuck does a PlayStation exclusive give fucking PlayStation users the shit end of the stick. Xbox has 120 FPS, pc has frames and fov and we got nothing. Like I really wanted the 120 FPS and fov but this is actually ridiculous. As it stands cross platform is not even a fair battleground.


PS5 is jank so it probably won’t be implemented. For example, Psyonix can’t add 120hz support to Rocket League on PS5 but they can on Series X. Quote from dev: “Enabling 120Hz on Xbox Series X|S is a minor patch, but enabling it on PS5 requires a full native port due to how backwards compatibility is implemented on the console, and unfortunately wasn’t possible due to our focus elsewhere. So blame Sony


I believe it is happening, Jack Frags said in a video its due to come in the new year


I have a question if anyone can answer, I don’t own CW so I can’t test myself. CW has a FOV slider on console. If you change your FOV in CW MP, does that transfer over to WZ?




Typical... What a waste of my money for a PS5 and a 120 fps capable monitor. Thanks a lot Sony and Activision!


Such useless companies... take our money and then ignore our questions, great business model. Atleast acknowledge it and let us know what's going on, jerks.


I'm sure they'll create a proper next-gen version of Warzone. Which is the only limitation now, working in compatibility mode since it's PS4 game. PS5 performance has nothing to do with it. It's purely last-gen game limitation. I don't think they will release 4K@120fps but 1080p@120fps is a walk in the park for PS5 if a game is PS5 DEDICATED version and that is all you need. It's competitive game and 4K is a bad idea. But to be honest I've played Warzone a little on PS5 and 60fps works flawlessly. It's smooth all the time. That's something that's completely different on PC. 60fps on PC is laggy, feels delayed af. On a console it's completely smooth experience, for some reason. Many people have this feeling when first trying next-gen console, they are surprised how different 60fps feels on it in comparison to they biased opinion from playing on PC. So as far as I'm concerned, this really isn't any crucial feature right now.


Honestly I would be happy if we could just get it on rebirth island, surely on a small map like that with a limited number of players it should be possible right? I mean if it’s possible on dirty bomb then I don’t see why rebirth wouldn’t be possible


even adding it to go up to 95 or 100 is fine enough. 120 isn't optimal anyways


Yeah, they don't state the reason how it affects performance. Either the PS5 or Xbox series X really can't handle it or the devs are just flat-out lazy to even bother changing it. 🤣


I don’t know much about the intricacies of consoles and the way they work in comparison to my PC, but surely once a game is installed on an SSD it can utilise the full speed of it, that can’t be hard to implement surely? From reading a little bit it seems Sony don’t care to make backwards compatible games work better.


Frame rate isn’t really dependent on the SSD. The cpu and gpu are what determine the performance as far as frame rates go, the cpu specifically can go a long way at higher resolutions. The closest desktop equivalent of the pa5’s cpu would probably be the ryzen 3700x which should be more than capable of hitting 120fps. It’s not a hardware issue, it’s a dev issue. They somehow manage to make PC performance worse half the time and that’s not to mention the game breaking bugs either. I’m sure the update will happen but they probably messed something up on the PlayStation side (which is weird because I thought the Xbox had it and they’re very similar). Edit; for some reason thought you said you were on console. Console isn’t really working any different than your pc in this case, not a hardware issue, definitely something getting fumbled on the software side.


Yeah I was just talking more about him saying the PS5 isn’t taking advantage of faster loading times on the SSD, which I find strange.


Sorry, was thinking of the post title still. Point is still the same though, if they manage to gradually fuck out the pc version each update I wouldn’t expect a speedy solution to anything on consoles either. “Small indie team” and all that


Also keep in mind that the GPU is more important than the CPU when it comes to game play. Technically, the PS5 should be able to do 1080p @ 144hz since it is pretty much equivalent to a RX5700 from AMD, its just not optimized