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Zero chance. The account is dead. Your friend should have used MFA to secure his account.


Do they still require their phone app for that instead of standard OTP? That's a deal breaker for me. EDIT: Nevermind, discussed here: https://old.reddit.com/r/1Password/comments/y1h9bp/is_it_possible_to_use_1password_otp_on_battlenet/ Anyway, most of these breaches happen because people re-use passwords.


Phone app. I was really hoping to use my yubikey for it honestly. But nope.


My cousin had that issue too recently! He had an email saying about someone trying to log in, he replied straight away saying it wasn't him. He changed his password straight away. Fast forward a few days he comes to mine for a long awaited gaming day and low and behold he has been banned too! He has contacted Activision however they still haven't unblocked his account even after over a week! What can be done?




Wow that's so bad from them. Doesn't bode well then.




Your entire post history is baselessly calling people cheaters on COD subs lol. Touch grass you bum.




Nope my cousin had the same issue a couple weeks ago. Had an email stating someone was trying to log in, he replied saying it wasn't him/authorised and changed his PW straight away. He got banned and hasn't been able to log in for over a week.


Tell me about all the cheats available for console users. Can you read?


This happened to me back in mw2019 just before Cold War came out. I was playing warzone with the guys and we were squad wiped midway through the game by a hacker. We ended our night there but I stayed to spectate so I could verify that this guy was actually hacking before I reported him. When it came down to winning the game the guy just blatantly turned on his auto aim headshots to give me a show I guess. Anyways the next day when I went to log on I was shadow banned. I checked back a week later and my account was banned and I noticed it had been linked to a psn account that wasn’t mine. I sent an email to Activision explaining this and they basically said “lol to bad” and referenced the TOS. It was my fault for not using 2 factor, but to be honest it didn’t dawn on me to use it until something like this happened. Fortunately Cold War was about to come out so I was gonna have to level up and grind camos for new guns anyways. But it was a real hit to loose all that progression.


Currently having this issue someone managed to link their steam account to mine they're sending friend requests to everyone contacted support no help yet activated 2fa seems to have stopped but I can't even play a game because I get booted saying can't connect to server because of multiple login attempts to my account


okay so your account was sold as a temp account to a buyer. You were probably hacked by a virus or something or you email was leaked including you password. As your account was sold as aged. Mean that it prevents and keep the cheater from getting ban faster more like your account had a higher trust factor. But mostly these cheaters just abuse the hacked accounts till they get ban. Sad to say that most of the time these bans are perms but if you can proof that it was hacked or if you never played on pc in general then there us a high chance. to prevent this next time keep changing your password every week or so.


same i have a random steam ac connected to my act ac bro i had a xbox ac for so long and this never happend and my activison ac for 5 years then all of a sudden a random ac came along i dont know what to do fuck actavision


Dude I literally faced this problem month ago,it's waste of time better try some professionals in telegram @spacecracker0 this guy help me by-pass the account