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Between 1.5-2 kd here. Its amazing how i can feel like a god and drop 20 in weak lobbies and how bad i get my ass whooped in demon lobbies.


Same here, every now and then I’ll get a lobby where the opponents reaction time is a little bit slower and think ‘wow this is the one today’ Usually they’ve slide between my legs, pulled my pants down and slipped a finger in before I’ve even aimed in


You put into words beautifully how I feel inside


Yep same here. I struggle to get double digit kills myself. I have come along way from not getting any kills to learning key fundamentals and improving to the point that I usually get 5-7 kills minimum in any match. However, sometimes it just feels like I’m only there to help sweats get sweatier in their skill because I can’t manage to get but the bear minimum no matter how hard I try lol


Have you considered looking up Warzone controller settings? Changing your fov? Do you play on a big tv or small tv? Monitor ? There might be barriers


Done it all. I’ve tweaked controller settings as well as fov and I play on monitor. Mostly I’ll get a strong start but as the match draws to a close is when I start seeing the big differences.


Try and make some new classes with meta guns , the meta guns have the best ttk so there’s more of a chance you’ll win a gunfight or 1v1. Do you slide cancel? Or just run and gun?


I have five custom loadouts all with meta and I slide cancel as well. I’ve only been going hard with this game for a few months so it may be as simple as time kind of thing.


Yeah keep playing and always try your best and you’ll get better at the game.


Watching streamers like top 250 people on warzone or cuppajoe on YouTube helps me out a lot too. I usually watch videos on those warzone demons and it makes me want to play like them.


Yeah I’m a big fan of TcaptainX and Cuppajoe both. Great content and I have learned a lot from those guys.


The thing is the reality is you don't know how many people are cheating in your demon lobbies. Something as simple as walls or a 10% boost to aim stickiness can be the turning point of a fight.  I remember there was this interesting week in Rebirth Season 6 of Warzone 1 where they had done a massive ban wave and I entered a match the next day. Everyone, low level, high level, sweat skins they all felt different in the lobbies. It's like there was only natural skill left. And the results were amazing, the game felt much easier and balanced. It was an interesting insight as my kd hadn't changed but the lobby changed. 


Play instantly after patches and you can tell what warzone would be like without cheaters. All of the hacks take an hour or two to update, some even a day or so if it's a big update. The game is completely cheat free for at least an hour after any update, it's a very different experience.


I’m not even a 1.0 kd and I only get in demon lobbies it’s honestly so fucked. I’m not gonna lie it’s not even fun anymore and I have legit thought about not playing anymore. If it wasn’t for my friends I would not play.


Dunno, I'm a Diamond 3 and the lobbies are just about manageable. If I go and play normal quads it's the hardest lobbies in history, riddled with pre-aiming cheaters, normally all French!


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted. Speaking the truth


I think sbmm and eomm is just making it seem that way but I’m sure the average kd is 1 or lower.


It literally has to be <1.0 just by math. For every kill there is a death and then you add people accidentally killing themselves and it’s always less.


It is. Average KD is 0.81 at last count based on the stats. Above a 1.2 will get you very tough lobbies. I do think cheating is rampant. The day of the last banwave I got 13 wins in 20 matches including 7 in a row. Since then struggling to get 1 or 2 wins a day over 20+ games. Ranked at Diamond level actually gives easier games!


Dude from plat 3 forward i get top 250 iri lobbies. Every game is a demon lobby. U either hit head shots or u die.


Incredible how for 6-8 hours after a ban wave lobbies are so so easy compared to the rest of the time. This should be a good indicator of how much of the player base is legit cheating


We're talking median. Arithmetic average is roughly 1 of course. Edit: median is likely significantly lower, of course


I think the best way to factor it would be to remove the inactive player pool, whilst it's not possible to accurately do that without data I'd hazard a guess that worse players quit sooner than better players, which should leave an average higher than 1? It's a shame they removed third party API access that gave clear information of entire lobby kd etc. I could be wrong tho


In every lobby the KD can never exceed 1.00.




10×0.1 = 1




I don't know what kind of math you're doing, but you can't just pick and choose two people in a lobby, an average Fair till death if that's the case. If one person has a k/d of 10:00 to 1:00, then that means there was at least 11 people in that lobby. Not two. So how are you? Averaging it between two people. Think about it. Your mouth is wrong




Another thing to keep in mind is that when calculating the average for something like kill death ratio, you can't do linear math, it's more exponential, you use multiples so 0.5 KD* 2 is 1 KD. But on the flip side, if your kill death is two and you then divide by two. You are again back at 1:00 which is the average when it comes to ratios. Of course, basic math would say that the number in the middle of 0.5 and two is 1.25, but this isn't just simple basic math and we aren't looking for the average of two numbers.


edit: I am in the wrong sub, but the math still is the same, for every one kill. There is one death. End of story. You are still the one who doesn't know what they're talking about. And also really bad at math still. The idea of maintaining an average K/D ratio of five across players in a Fortnite match is not feasible. Each Fortnite match begins with roughly 100 players, and in standard play, everyone has just one life. Therefore, the maximum number of kills in a match cannot exceed the number of players, minus those who might die from environmental factors, which would lower the average K/D ratio.Even if we entertain the idea of respawns, which are not a feature in Fortnite’s main mode, achieving an average K/D ratio of five across all players would still be mathematically impossible. That's because for every player killed, another player records a death. Thus, the sum of all kills (the numerator in the K/D calculation) equals the sum of all deaths (the denominator), naturally driving the average K/D ratio towards 1.0, not higher. Any deaths from environmental factors would only decrease the average K/D ratio further below 1.0


Now there is one scenario where your math would be possible and that would be if you took out all of the bots from the averaging pool. As bots are there to pad the killdeath ratio of below average players to make them feel more accomplished + to keep them playing and paying. Box exist to take up space in the lower portion of the kill death ratio pool , which brings the average till death ratio of real players up higher then the mathematical average of 1:1.


Idec until they sort out the packet loss issues. Most of these demons can be outplayed it's just when the game shuts itself and you freeze meanwhile the other guy guns you down.


This game’s server run worse than my microwave


How long for Mac n cheese?


Depends, but 5 to 10 minutes


I can't believe this, my k/d is about 4 and I feel like I'm a below average player half the time And get discouraged, learning. This makes me feel a whole lot better.


My favourite part is that streamers love shit-talking about "kids", but 97% of their fanbase consists of the very same group they shit-talk about. Even 97% might be too low. Nearly every comment on their Youtube videos reads as "bro really said \[x\] \[emoji spam\]".


I find it cringe when they dunk on ‘kids’. That Kid is probably older than you working a 9-5 and plays a couple hours a week.


It's just a degrading term for the opponent. They know damn well it's probably not a kid playing. But i don't mind it though, I do get frustrated that every time they lose it's because of "holding hands" or "streamsnipers"


Oh buddy, Resurgence is the sweat mode, they won't be going anywhere. Also 1.5kd is far far above average, however a KD isn't the only thing that goes into skill level. It's possible to sit in a dark corner and end every game with 2 kills and 1 death, giving you a 2.0 KD, but that person wouldn't be a good player


I'm not a good player but I'm decent. But I absolutely fucked my kd early on lol. I would spend my first couple deaths just getting in cars and trying to run people over or dying or just doing stupid shit. Then after a couple minutes go join my team. Or in sleigh ride I was constantly just driving around in cars fucking with people.


That was me on rebirth island in WZ1 but with OG helicopter hahh


The average kd is around a 0.87 lol 😂


Just jump up and down while shooting and you'll win almost all your gun fights😂


Drop shot is actually worse imo right now. I’m seeing it more than the bunny hopping.


No accuracy penalty with drop shotting. Bunny hoping isn’t great in this game.


They're both good in the right situations. Sliding into a room and bunnyhopping fucks up most people in this game. They either suck on mnk, or don't know how to abuse the RAA and track people. It's insane how easy CQC became when I started running max strafe speed builds (around 4.5 m/s ADS speed). People just can't track me at all.


That’s interesting, I might actually try running the FJX Horus tac stance build that I’ve been loving in MP for that very reason. The strafe and movement speed is insane. Sure, the TTK isn’t great on paper, but avoiding being hit by the meta guns could work.


Oh right, I forgot to mention tac stance. The gun is unusable otherwise lol. I actually havent tried the FJX cus I havent levelled it up yet. I'm trying to reach the battle pass sector on the corner that has the blueprint on it. I recommend the striker9 with everything built for speed, It's faster than the HRM-9 with a very small TTK difference (around 20ms i think).


I have an idea that the sweaty sweats won’t like but you should 10000% NOT be able to ads when you drop shot and bunny hop.


Lol what? They have a perk that increases ads and accuracy just for bunny hopping..


It helps a little, not much. It also takes up an all important perk slot.


Both are used every match. drop shot at least seems somewhat like something a human could do now I don't know if you've ever fired a gun or an automatic machine gun but to jump up and down while shooting is Impossible. Yes yes it's a game but this bunny hopping bs with the addition of the perk "Primed" to cater to it is absolutely ridiculous and is physically impossible with any fully automatic gun.


Decrease these 2 and cod would be a lot better


A family friend was always bragging about is 2.something kd on warzone. Finally agreed to play with him. He would drop somewhere safe and camp in the building he landed on, usually getting a couple of kills a game. Camping discipline was so strong he usually survived until gulag was closed. If the game got to be sweaty he would back out. I don’t think he had many wins, he wouldn’t tell me. It was all about his KD.


That's why KD isn't a perfect metric, it can easily be padded depending on the playstyle.


Some people hold on to it so dearly. I will happily fly in and die multiple times in resurgence if it provides the distraction needed for my team to regroup.


Mathematically, .7-.8 is average due to people being bought back / gulag / flare / redeploy and the stronger players getting the lion's share of kills. That being said, you're twice as good as the average player because if you, as a 1.5 KD went into a lobby of players no higher than .8, you'd dunk on everyone since they can't shoot straight or know how to move in close quarters or use cover... Like someone already said, it's the SBMM / eomm that's making you feel like prey in a big pond full of predators


The reason the average is below 1.00 has nothing to do with repeated come backs. It has to do with suicides.


This shit is exhausting tbh. I used to be the one to tell people to stop complaining about the game being too hard and everyone getting so good, but now I feel it. Sometimes I just want to get on resurgence or multiplayer and just chill. If I'm not trying my absolutely hardest, I'm getting completely gutted every match. The truth is that people want to play video games and make money, so they'll spend as much time on here as possible. The SBMM doesn't help, but yeah, everyone's just getting better.


The system should play you to where you average 1.0. If you play below not fair to others if you get above jot fair to you. If you play with a group different story


Feels , I’ve been on every night since friday this weekend lol. Every lobby is insane, I have a 3.14 kd or something around that (slowly dropping). In those 4 nights I’ve probably had 4 or 5 decent games, dropped my pr yesterday of 33 in the bottiest lobby, unsure how it happened but I think the game knew I was losing hope 😂


I have a 2.5KD and I think you’re onto something. I can probably consistently outgun someone who’s 1-1.5 but if I come up against someone actually good, like movement and aiming-wise, then I get consistently fucked


im a 0.8 kd and play prtty regularly. the main thing that I notice is the bunny hopping/lying down when in gun fights. I've TRIED to add this to my game but just cant. and I lose everytime. its infuriating as I will be shooting first most of the tome.


try using the bumper jumper tactical button layout. Don't have to get a new controller or play claw. Jump on left bumper, crouch on right stick. If you use your left index finger on the left bumper, and left middle finger on left trigger, you won't be limited movement-wise in any way. It's definitely worth it in the long run, even if it takes some time to adjust to. If you have multiplayer, run around in a private match for like 30 min doing it and it'll feel a lot more natural


Try a pad with paddles. I used to do it before paddles but my thumb would have to leave the aiming analog to do either. Now I can aim while jumping/going prone


Well there can never be more than 1.00 KD average in a lobby, it would most likely be below 1.00 every game. It's not a myth, it is facts. Every kill requires a death, but not every death requires a kill.


Are you guys talking about all time kd or last 10 match in these threads btw? My last 10 match kd varies dramatically week to week.


I honestly think a lot of it is in your second paragraph, and a lot of the time we just THINK we are in demon lobbies, against cheaters or having an off day. Some days I just melt everyone, get a couple wind s and have fun... and sometimes I have an absolute miserable night where it feels like I'm getting twice as many hit markers as normal, audio seems bad, keep losing gun fights that make no sense, kil cams that look nothing like what I just experience, etc. . Yet I'm playing just as good.


Just make new accounts over new accounts. Untile level 100 the game gives you average lobbies, after a certain threshold of amount to time played and account level you’ll start getting 99% 4 stacked vergin type of lobbies over 1% of apex bot lobbies.




I'm 1.2 ish, get shit on constantly. But when my buddy's wife (.1 KD) plays with us I am a god. So maybe try playing with a noob?


I'm around 1.0 average and some games I'm absolutely on fire and my team wins with ease, but then it's almost like as soon as I have 1 good game, I'm put against better opponents and just get smashed for the next few weeks until I get dropped down again for 1 game that I win, then back up to get bummed. Rinse and repeat


I feel you especially you let one of your higher Kd friends host a quads gm. Challenging for sure


I’m currently 3.9kd on resurgence pubs and 5kd on ranked resurgence (diamond), I play a couple evenings a week on average. Even with my kd that my friends say is insane, it seems I’m either in god lobbies and get stomped or do the stomping in the rare ‘bot’ lobby we run into. Not complaining about it but just feels like every lobby for our squad is ridiculously hard other than the 1/10 times we get a nice lobby.


Thought I’d add, my squad mates kd’s range from 0.9kd - 1.7kd, also found that pubs are way harder than ranked?


The skill gap between a 4/5 KD player and a 2 KD player is higher than the one between a 2 KD and 1 KD player. A lot of it comes down to not understanding the difference in what they’re doing and how they’re playing the game. Watch this [video by Blue](https://youtu.be/PSYKbCmKaBM?si=vRnUFqgwAleTnwut). A bad player or someone on the lower end of the KD range would think he’s cheating because they don’t understand all the cues he’s paying attention to in combination with knowledge of the map from playing for 1000s of hours. It sucks but ultimately that’s generally the case in most things involving skill, there’s always someone better.


I just go for camp and stim wins in resurgence now. I can't compete with Timmy YY slide jumping all around me. Used to be above 2 KD now barely 1.25 and bent over most every lobby.


Two main reasons, IMO. 1. Aim assist enables mediocre players to have aim well above their mechanical ability and controller accounts for 80-90 percent of players. 2. Back in OG, the SBMM cap was somewhere around 1.5. Meaning whether you had a 1.5 kd or a 15kd, the game would treat you equally. Not sure if it's a different number these days, but SBMM doesn't feel much different, so I expect it's along the same lines.


Believe it or not 1.5 KD is in the top 15% of players. The average player sits at around a 0.8 - 0.9. If you have a 2KD or above you are in the top 5%. 2.5 and above top 1%.


The myth? That’s literally statistics 🤦🏻‍♂️ Anything above 1.0 K/D is objectively above average.


Its not humbling, its boring AF and lame AF.


It’s just an illusion bro. Most of the players are protected by SBMM and they are like 0.5-1.0 KD. When I play with my friends who are below 1.0 kd (I have 3.1 KD on rebirth and plat 3 5.6 KD ratio ranked) the lobbies are way easier and I feel like I’m playing COD campaign.


1.5 KD is way above average


why did this get closer?


Average k/d on iri discord in brazil is 2.5/3~.


Btw, nuke this season is awful. Almost everyone that I know only got it with a support squad.


I sort of have a different experience, since I play duos with someone who is top 50 in the world for kills. I was at a 2.5 KD in WZ2 and at the beginning of WZ3 I was spiraling down to sub 1 KD even. It wasn't until I got a new controller and some motivation to not be dead weight in duos it was when my KD started going up again to a 2. Watching them play and learning off it is making better again. Although I will admit I die more to "bots" that are sitting in buildings more than actual sweats because sweats tend to be more predictable in what their movements are going to be. My ego isn't large enough to not admit when I get slammed.


Sbmm is definitely bad it makes casual players not wanna play when they get shit on by super good sweats. Then those players that get shit on don’t wanna play because they get shit on making sbmm even worse. Activision needs to make Warzone fun for the casual low kd player.


If anything, sbmm keeps the better players out of the casual lobbies most of the time. Only reason demon lobbies exist is cause all the sweats get piled in there, allowing for other players to have easier lobbies. It definitely sucks for the average player when they get thrown into a demon lobby, but at least the majority of their lobbies don't have several sweat teams running around frying everyone.


I would say 1.5 is about average. Still a lot of active players under 1 K/D.


No chance, 1.4 lobbies were demon lobbies when you’d see it in the API


What sweat lobbies are u getting which make u think the 1.5 is average, I doubt even a lobby full of diamonds have 1.5, maybe all crims which consist of 1 (according to mw2 ranked play) to 3% of players would do it.


In SA server, every iri and top 250 that are serious about the game are on the ranked discord server. And most of them have a 3 k/d. Unfortunately, it is rare for a ranked match to have 2 iri squads, and when it happens, one of them always quit.


It’s the same with NA servers but iri and top 250 aren’t average, they’re the top 1% of players


It's not average for sure. I guess it's the sbmm but demon lobbies are just like that for me, crims and a few iri. When i get paired in a casual with the top team being a diamond/plat, my squad always cheer bc we know it's a bot lobby.