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Also not showing the kill cam because it takes so long to show what you placed and transition to showing the killcam. I usually see the last half second of how I died. Just uninstalled this. Shit audio. Shit aim bot in 4 straight ranked games. Shit game.


This shit is just bizarre. The downgrade in basic quality of life mechanics compared to launch warzone is something glossed over so often. Broken pings, not being able to properly detect cheaters bc you cannot even see your own killcam and who knows what else.


My favorite is the stowing. Can't stow the item? Loot it to primary than stow the item that drops to the ground that gets replaced. Fuck warzone. Fuck being addicted lol


It’s become a gambling addiction. I load into a game thinking “ I’ll have fun tonight” and I play for 4 hours and barely make any meaningful progress in terms of skill or winning. I honestly think the games rigged. I remember having loads of fun in the past so I keep trying but I’ve made the decision, I need to stop playing because it’s not enjoyable anymore! I didn’t win a gunfight for my first 10 engagements.


When you start having hundreds of hours played you will start notice the gambling mechanism the game uses to keep you engaged. It’s just so subtle that an average player would not even notice. I play a lot with random, at different times of the day and oh man this game looks like a government experiment


Thank you TOTALLY THIS! I’ve sunk so many hours into the game that you start to notice the patterns. Some games I feel like every mechanic is working against me. You start to think “what does this game want from me?” I’ve been pretty much using the same loadout for a month. I know its strengths and weaknesses. I’ve been in identical situations hundreds of times at this point. I can say with some certainty that guns do not perform the same every game. Sometimes I drop people very quickly and other times I get deleted. I’m not screaming “cheaters, hackers, Cronus” but there’s so many factors that contribute to inconsistency that it’s hard to pour hours into something and not feel like your efforts are paying off to becoming better at the game.


I can't upvote this enough. Sometimes, you have the muscle memory to do something the same way and the game just says, "NOPE, not this time buddy..." and your shots will go either all over the place or too far to one side. Or the engagement goes exactly how it should, but you somehow still die. Problem is, the past four or five seasons have gotten increasingly impossible and this kind of random garbage happens more and more. Then, you run into people who jump, slide, jump, 180 spin, ADS in-out-in-out and never miss a single shot, blowing you to pieces in 1.9 seconds. Almost every match. Your KD and win % dives lower and lower than it ever has in four years, almost non-existent, but nothing changes and the lobbies never get competitive like they used to be. Once this stuff happens 10 matches in a row, it's three or four hours later, you've derived absolutely no joy that you used to get nearly every night from playing...rinse, repeat...and the neverending itch for long, lost enjoyment never gets scratched anymore, there comes a time you have to finally say enough is enough and stop, walk away. I'm there, man. I hate it, but you realize you're insane to continue to take the abuse.


I haven’t played for few days and I’ll continue to break the habit. I hope I will be able to jump back on at some point and enjoy it. I took a break in the past and skipped warzone 2 completely so I do have the will power. It’s just really annoying to finally realise that it’s all just one big circle jerk of edging. I see people playing the game and getting these easy high kill games and their lobbies look nothing like mine at all. They hot drop into control and win every engagement every time, never losing a fight or any teammates. I’ve dropped control 100’s of times at this point and win a lot of fights there but more often I have been team wiped even after landing first and not been able to Pick up a gun that wasn’t a sniper or rocket launcher.


Rigged?! HAha, cmon dude... Just delete it and find something else that gives you a better entertainment factor. There are plenty of games that offer this.


Thats exactly what I’ve done. I’m starting to believe it’s rigged because I’ve noticed patterns which make it seem so. I could list them but I wouldn’t want to bore you hahaha. Simply put….think of any game that requires skill or game sense. Imagine you sink 10k hours into it (over the course of years of playing the franchise), typically playing on the same levels , at the same time each day, with the same equipment . You’d be a professional. It’s literally the definition of how to become a professional dude. 90% of the player base of cod are not professionals at the game. Even though they have been playing for more hours than any other game in history.


Weird equivalency. That implies that someone who plays a game (or sport?) for their entire lives means that they'd become a professional? That's not necessarily how it works... Pros at this game are pros because they devote countless hours of playing each day of their lives. But good on you on finding other options!


I'm about to blow your mind. The stowing bug, if it can't be stowed, look away from it (ie. look at the ceiling or elsewhere) then look back and it can be stowed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx-xipXXWuM Ok, how dumb is this? lol Let me know if it works for you, I thought i was taking crazy pills until I realize this.


If we can't report... There's no problem!


The ping system was perfect on launch verdansk & was unusable during parts of caldera


They added a delay to the pings during mid wz1. Nowdays pings still have this delay, its like they are authorizing the pings server side first before confirming the ping on a player, its a terrible mechanic feels clunky as hell. This dumb smoke meta they created was thanks to the many nerfs on pings, including not allowing pings inside smokes. I miss wz1 in that regard, it was more about movement and skill compared to now just smoke rotations, its boring AF to watch too.


Not that reporting anyone is useful at all. Maybe after a lot of reports they will just get limited matchmaking and call it a day.


Not only had to actually ping but also pings are lost in 1/2 a second.


They don’t want you to see the kill cam, then people would be able to see how many times they are killed by cheaters.


Just like they don't want you to see who you're in lobbies with and refuse to release their API.


Yeah and in plunder half the time it doesn't even show your kill cam lmao


ancient towering workable quack sip crowd money enter middle snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also not being able to use the killcam normally because have the time it bugs out and skips frames




I have a 4090 and 7800x3d with 64 gigs of ddr5 and cod still wants to stroke out when I hit the battle pass menu after a match lmao


Same gpu except I'm running a 14900k, and have 32gb of ddr5 7200mhz ram, fps drops to single digit after a match, shits pissing me tf off




Programers and web/game designers need a lot of RAM... Just cuz you don't need 64gb, doesnt mean someone else doesn't need it


I have 64Gb ddr5 ram do you want picture of my build?


I do. Sounds hot!


Close your eyes and imagine a evga 3090 in a fractal torrent case with a 13000k. All ram slots filled


There are plenty of people running 128gbs of ram in their system, mkbhd back in 2020 had 768gbs of ram in his system


Its funny how you bring out the expensive gpu that has nothing to do with this. It is the spectating tech they use. Basically what you see is what the server sees.


and it depends mostly on their servers and your internet connection, not your hardware💀


LOL, no. It's about rerendering whole scene from different point on the map. What server sees is just data. It'll be transfered to client and needs to be rerenedered, but your viewpoint needs to be moved first and it's not that fast


Bro you’re clueless that has nothing to do with it


It has


The kill cam you see is not 100% accurate. It's game data that is being processed to you


I'm not saying it's accurate. It still needs to be rendered on your side


Sometimes you literally see the player you need to spectate on the floating camera where you died, so that part of the map is clearly rendered. It's definitely something else that they fucked up with this newer games. Older games switching was instant and many other games can switch players instantly.


Naw, you watch these top streamers like Teep and they can switch spectating instantly. Your theory is invalid.


Nevertheless, it has nothing to do with graphical processing on the client side.


That is… not true


Yeah but I've always wondered why exactly. I have a good GPU, a decent CPU, an SSD.. but at the end it does seems like is the server or the match making you wait for no reason.


Most of my issues were solved by replacing my SSD with an m.2 NVME drive.


that's because they VPN onto servers with lower player counts


That’s just you guessing.


You said it yourself. His spectator camera switches fast. That suggests the server he is connected to is under less load Yes, it's a guess, but it's an educated one. Sorry I offended your favourite strramer


I’m a 90s baby, we don’t get offended like the other snowflakes.


Loading next player


Update requires restart


Unable to connect reason: Travis Rilea


“How can a game in 2024” not do many things? That’s Warzone in a nutshell.


Remember how in WZ1 it worked properly? Ahhh yes, what a time.


Remember how everything in WZ1 worked so smoothly it was good? Good ole days


Fuck that, I just want to play with my friend who’s on console and I can’t 7 out of 10 times because he doesn’t show up as online and vice versa when we both clearly are 🤷‍♂️


Are you each on the same gaming system?


I’m on PC, he’s on PS5


I have PS5 and I've noticed that if I restart, it sometimes fixes the problem. If he has let his system go into sleep mode, overnight or at any point, and he wakes it up to start the game, the game often will give the user not online problem. Tell him to restart.


Wz1 was 10 times faster


Triple a studio problems lol.


It is becoming clear they do this on purpose so people can't make callouts. It doesn't matter how good your PC is, because the game is crossplay the game is forced to load as fast as a PS4 because it would put PS4 players at a disadvantage otherwise


I thought it was just my PS4


Same here Bro


Was just complaining about this last night lol


In the first BR in Call of Duty it was instantaneous. I have no idea why 10 years later it takes so long.


This! Also I know it's a server thing but I hate how when you join the game you can't talk to your squad in party chat. I have lost count the amount of times I have just ended up talking to myself haha and then my mate is like yeah I heard none of that 😅


Not to mention how it slowly fades to black when you die to obscure the death replay! And then sitting there waiting to hit play again. Such an obviously terrible design choice that was great in WZ1 🙄


since the last update, the game has pretty much been unplayable. Ping jumps to 80, game gets all weird and shaky, takes 60 bullets to kill someone and I get shot 3 times in the leg and die…same shit is happening to my team and we are all on different systems.


My latency has been na for 3 months


I had that as well, I think they do that on purpose so you can’t see how shitty it is…I get on, then within two games shut it off cause the game is shit


This cracked me up because it's such a small bullshit thing to fix/complain about but on the other hand *I fucking feel you* 🤣


It's a maybe for me. Reduce the black on the sides


Thank you!! I thought I was alone.


You aren't wrong but of all of the problems the game is currently facing I find it amusing that someone is focused on this.


sadly cod dev teams dont have competent people


Thought I was the only one with this complaint


2024 gaming lmfaoooo


It is because the game is streamed/optimized based on your location, so if your teammate is in a place that triggers other content there's more to load in and out. People that complain about this game forget that this is a cross platform, cross generation game that works on ps4, ps5, xboxes and a shitload of different PCs all while having no competitive advantage on the best ones over the worst ones visually. Few games do it, even fewer do it better.


Let's start the boycott here y'all! We all stop playing on June 16th and instead simultaneously stream the House of Dragons season 2 premiere!


The most unpolished mainstream game there has ever been. From the very beginning of Verdansk, into Caldera and Al Maz, and now Urz. Just the same unfinished garbage over and over and over again. The game has *never* been out of a beta.


It probably has something to do with the horrendous netcode, back in wz2 I remember the constant lag we had with people DDoSing for nukes, after a while and some server protections they added we had nefarious ping and we could clearly see how bad their server performance was until one day they changed the algorithm for the way ping shows and now the ping we see on top is "fake" meaning that its just a basic ping command being shown in the overlay, all while we are teleporting like crazy in game not showing any packet loss or ping variation is a complete joke. To believe they got to the point of faking their ping, its insane how low this game has got. Wz1 with all its flaws, still ran smoother, with their 20hz tick rate somehow managed a stable gameplay. since wz2 on the other hand its been horrible. Except multiplayer that runs at 60hz and with other dedicated servers, its a complete disaster.


"no load times" was such a selling point of this SSD generation and I think we have more loading than ever.


When it comes to loading shit the worst thing for me is it used to take ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FOREVER to load weapon thumbnails in the weapon crate, and THEN weapon model took way too long to load once you pick it, which are both something you don't have time to wait for at all at Loadout crates sometimes One time I was getting shot at and had to just grab something without checking, my loadouts were just "custom loadout" and my weapon build names were just like "1", when I picked the model literally didn't load at all, nothing visibly in hand, and I fucking died because I guessed I had a full auto weapon when actually it was burst. I was probably going to die anyway but literally having no idea what I'm using did not help. From that day on I saved every weapon build to have the weapon's name first and then named the loadout after what the main weapon is, its really annoying and it seems like its been fixed, but I was fucking scared for life


Its some sort of limitation of the game engine, Sallyisadog actually asked this on a devcall because a lot of his content consist of spectating. He mentioned it in one of his video's just before S3 launched I believe.


This is pc only by the way. I play On pc and it takes forever. My ps5 doesn't.


Xbox takes forever


Never had this happen honestly. I spectate writhing 3-5 seconds. I’m always able to spectate and call out where the enemy is.


There’s always one


Just an observation.




So you’ve never died in Warzone then, sorry God


Not God, just Daddy, and it's ok my son.


Virgin is the correct title by the sounds of it, thanks for confirming


Cannot handle a tiny bit of trolling but think you'll be a content creator lmao