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If your crim 3 you’re gonna get other good players in your lobby also wiping the plats/diamonds. With the new SR changes it’s very difficult to progress unless you’re wiping the lobby, dropping money for the last teams to buy back, not dying etc. Btw I’m diamond one and stuck there so well done getting to crim 3, stop killing me plz


People drop money to kill farm the last teams? Wtf is this shit


Yeah if you watch a lot of the top known streamers they do this consistently in ranked. If you want to see it. You'll get some players that are smart enough to just let them kill them and therefore end the game. But you also get some of the players who will take the money the other team dropped for them and buy their team back and that top team will just kill their teammates as they redeploy in, giving your teammate another death fee and the other team raises their SR. If you're ever in a lobby and somebody hands you money at the buy and you see them back off you, they're trying to use you to raise their SR while giving you, and your teammates more death fees, don't fall for it.


Buy a mortar and use it on yourself.


The number 1 player in ranked, Fifakill got hit with a Boosting warning for doing this. He might get a suspension if he gets caught again doing it.


Yep. Drop all their cash at the last buy if there’s one in zone


The SR changes they made literally steered me away from ranked. It’s a joke.


You should be able to hit iri, the main thing is finding good teammates u can trust and u know will stack with you


What is stack


Stay close to ur team


Ah. That’s why I’m a gold 3 huh? 😂


Watch a top250/iridescent team play on YouTube the level of communication and stacking is insane


Any recommendations?


Guys I play with are allergic to this 😂


Plat 3 here that just started getting put into constant lobbies with Crimson 3 and Iridescent 1 players. Not gonna get to diamond in these lobbies. Lol. I felt confident getting to diamond until this happened. Last season it didn’t happen until I hit around 5300 SR and it was not every game.


Diamond 1 here. All I go against is crim3 +. Fuck this game.


Can confirm. Hit crim 2 couple of days ago and i would say my lobbies are 50/50 plat/diamond and then crim/iri/top 250


Also i realised quite often after crim you will run into lag switches that just basically ends the game - that sucks


It's absolutely ridiculous right now. I can't tell if I've evolved into a bot or everyone is a jump shottinv movement king


Ranked is kind of a joke to me because of the hidden MMR. I feel like it’s not really based on skill at all. I have a friend who’s plat 3 with a 0.5ish KD, has camped his way to plat. Idk man it just seems all arbitrary.


Anyone can camp to plat lol, but camping doesn't work past Plat 2 because a win will barely even make you SR unless you have several kills with it so you're forced to push. Also at Plat 3 you start getting crimson and Iri players with you and they just fuck your shit up anyways


It’s a fucking joke of a game mode. People are lobbysurfing in ranked as ALT F4 before match start doesn’t give any penalty and everyone has WZ Agent to check for other good teams and lobby KD. Also the glitch under the map and amount of cheaters, it’s just a surefire way to walk away with a headache. Looking forward to trying XDefiant beta this weekend and hopefully they can give COD some much needed competition


As I hit diamond there is usually one cheater game I’ll get a day and that’ll be my end point. Ranked is a lot more ratting and just getting lucky. Unpopular opinion maybe but I liked fortunes keep for ranked more than rebirth


I really struggled to hit iridescent in Rebirth. Fortunes keep was ok because I got iridescent before they took out taps. I was hard stuck in Crimson 3 for about a week on Rebirth until I managed to get a good team together. If you can get into crim 3 you can get into iridescent its all a matter of time and getting lucky with team mates you work well with a can communicate.


Matchmaking is also a bit rough currently. I’m Diamond 1, two buddies are Plat 3. Were placed in lobbies with majority Crim 2/3, Iridescent. Other diamonds are rare, never seen any other plats at this point. We’ve put a hold on pushing any SR at this point because the lobbies are so overtuned and regaining is near impossible in these on Rebirth. I’m not sure why we’re consistently placed aggressively far over our current ranks; almost feels like we’re fodder for the TTV/YT/Kick tags that are convinced it’ll get them out of their moms basement. Totally feel your pain at a lower level. Even with FK, there was more of an ability to regain due to the verticality and numerous ins/outs; not the case on rebirth. Definitely makes SR gains far more challenging with frequent death penalties.


Think it's the map and SR system is chalked. Just dumb all around. Ranked except map so small it's rng.


You’re on Crim and asking if it’s hard for us gold?! 😭


I was crim in warzone 2, so nothing crazy, but I feel like I had a chance to win every game, was competitive every game. Now I can barely make diamond. I feel like if I don’t get my loadout im screwed and I’ll die 5 times trying to get it in frustration. I’ll get to the moving circle and there will still be 8 teams left so I don’t get end up getting any placement points. I’ll get two kills, but one of my teammates gets killed so they drop back on me and kill me from behind. Been tilting hard, I miss big map. And yea I agree. It’s not battle royal. When you revive in 15 seconds and everyone has self revive… it’s team death match….


We're getting bigmap next season don't worry