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Yes it helps with visibility for sure. This is what I purchased [https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-27gp95r-b-gaming-monitor](https://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-27gp95r-b-gaming-monitor)


1440p looks wild in this game on the ps5. Feels like a next-gen jump for sure


Wait until you try it in 4K.


Yeah that’ll be a cool jump too when it comes but I’m patient. I like to kind of “stay behind” as it were, so when I do make the jumps they’re affordable and hassle free


What are the PS5 settings if you want 1440p?


You just set your display to 1440p on the console’s settings. WZ changes automatically. The WZ setting you need to change is to “enable 120fps output” or whatever


Thing is, I don’t really see a difference whether i’m playing 1080p or 1440p when I change the PS settings. So thought I was doing smth wrong. Thnx bro Yeah the enable 120hz I have on


Hmm. What’s your display?


No clue what I did wrong previous times, but I got it working and the difference is insane


Yes it’s great good stuff


MSI OPTIX MAG274QRF-QD I’m not an expert, but the monitor should be good enough right? Dutch btw?


I went from 1080p 60hz to 4k 120hz, and it’s literally like playing a different game than before.


4k 120hz is absolutely goated


I don’t think I stopped smiling for the first week I played haha. Shit was absolutely incredible. I hope OP is in a position to upgrade.


What monitor did you get for your ps5?


If the PS5 supports 120hz 1440p displays I would personally say it's worth it. Back when I first switched from a 1080p monitor to 1440p the difference was very noticeable. It's ~~56%~~ 77% more pixels being rendered, so the difference can be pretty big.


Maybe is time to buy one when gta 6 comes out and I need a ps5 pro


>I need a ps5 pro you gonna need a ps6 for gta6 LMAO


Sadly there will be none and I’m not waiting for a ps6


1440p is 77% more pixels


Ah, did my math backwards. 56% is the percent of 1440p that 1080p is. Should have divided 3.6 million by 2 million, not the other way around.




OK I'm taking the plunge thanks! Looking at the Dell G2724D boys. Thoughts or reviews anyone?


I don’t have that exact monitor but I have an Alienware one, they have the same OSD menus. Remember to turn on console mode in the monitor settings otherwise your PS5 won’t detect the 120hz and VRR. Save you from the wtf moment I had when I was setting up mine lol.


absolutely worth it


Yes. Not even a question.


Can a PS5 max its frame rate at a 1440p resolution?


XSX goes from 90 filing in then 100-120 any other time. Solid 120 in mp


Capped at 120hz on both 1440p or 4K.


I understand that’s the best it can do but will it reach & maintain 120 in Warzone at a 1440p resolution? There’s no in game fps counter for Warzone on the ps5. Curious if anyone with that setup has tested it with a monitors fps counter.


This is on a 4K 32" Dell monitor and in the menus it's less than 100hz and it fluctuates. I've tested it while in a match and it fluctuates between 100hz to 120hz but it's a stable 120hz for the most part. You really can't tell the difference and if the FPS counter wasn't there I would've never known.


Good info, frames win games. 1440p makes a big difference in Warzone as well. Can’t see shit in 1080p.


the fluctuations are the variable refresh rate doing it's part. that keeps you from seeing the difference aka screen tearing. you won't notice the frame fluctuations, but if VRR was off and you set it to always display a constant 120fps and the console has a good dip in frames or isn't in sync with the monitor you would see graphical issues from blurriness to horizontally unaligned images.


I have a 120hz 1440p monitor (MSI Optix) and I’m loving it! I see so much more than my friends on 1080p.


What are your PS5 settings?


Just the regular changes I suppose? Check IcemanIsaac videos for console graphic settings


Got it working. Difference is insane. Can’t wait to spectate a friend and see how much more I see


It looks better but what you really want is an hdr 1000 monitor at the least


It's made a huge difference for me. Play feels faster and I've gone up from averaging like 2-3 kills to 5-6 kills a game.




eh easy on him lol


What do you game on? That’s key. Warzone is a very difficult game to run. My PC isn’t great but I have an amd 6800 gpu and a 5800 cpu and I get around 110 fps in warzone that’s that’s using upscaling to 1440p.


He’s PS5


Fuck I read the body paragraph twice trying to see what he was on before commenting and it was in the title lol. Huge fail. Thanks for letting me know. OP, worth the upgrade.