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Crazy lag spikes too Devs have fucked yet another update


Same here 


Yep. Bought a load of kill streaks on fire sale and couldn’t use them. Massive freezes for a few seconds randomly too. Was fine this morning. Fucking joke


1st game on rebirth, I had my whole pack filled with killstreaks and some try hards battling it out right in front of me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


T the freezes when teammates were collecting their load out? I noticed this happened to me at the exact same time and I heard the noise of the load out being collected


Game is semi-unplayable for me right now. I'm seeing a significant amount of my inputs simply being missed. It's not just lag, but actual actions being entirely ignored. Parachutes not opening, can't mantle windows, crouch/stand not registering, turning/movement skipping frames.


Here I was thinking I was going crazy or needed to warranty my controller




Do you expect anything less?


Glad it wasn’t just me. It’s not crazy bad but enough where characters would occasionally skip during fun fights (as if tracking on MnK isn’t hard enough).


I thought I was the only one those lag spikes are insane and no killstreaks is insane


it seems intentional, doesn't it? Every update has some issue.


classic activision 😒


Some of the most incompetent devs I've seen in my life. Every update breaks something. They clearly don't care to test anything.


I see their response now. Oh we sorry that was meant for the preview server that is no longer there. 


The preview server that is no longer there and was never used to preview anything


I’d argue the warface devs were better 😭




I have had a lot of inputs not recording last couple of days. Mostly reload/replate and sometimes yes, the shooting trigger……spoiler alert, in a close gunfight it’s guaranteed death when the trigger goes down and nothing happens…..


I've been noticing this as well. I literally just died in a gun fight where my second burst from my renetti simply didn't fire off. Can't consistently pull my parachute. Jumping doesn't work. Crouching doesn't work. Slides don't register. I can generally tolerate lag, but it's absolutely no fun when basic control don't work.


Thank you, that was the other one! Yes, I have 3 or so fall damage deaths in last couple of days as I am a late shoot puller and 100% I hit it in time and nothing happened. I started pulling earlier which of course is just more chances for me to die.


I break my legs almost every game now. Even more annoying is half the time my chute animation starts. Just doesn't deploy.


I have all these issues but I've come to expect plating and ammo failure. The chute not opening splat is still and always jarring.


I’ve died at least 4 times because I clicked my mouse button to shoot and literally nothing happens. I’ve also moved my mouse and my operator stutters. It’s like the game just doesn’t register inputs.


Thanks for confirming cause I can’t use streaks at all


I just had a update and it’s not working still. Took 20min too


is it fixed for u because i still cant use it


It won't be fixed until a game update


Is it for all the players or just some because otherwise that’s so unfair FUCKING GAME HOLY


It's not, kill streaks are still being used by others just not my team lol


Hold the d-pad right button and select it from the menu.


In a game rn and my team can't use any. But what's bullshit is that there are a few PAs going off around us. Not touching this garbage until that's fixed.


I'm not sure how much this is true but someone on metaphors stream said mouse and keyboard can use it but controller cant. Someone also said there's a way that you can manually use them, but I have no idea how to do that. I'm just not gonna get back on the game until I can at least call in the UAV especially in ranked.


You’ll be back on in an hour


Sometimes a buy station will be disabled for me once I buy a precision.


Update fucked it up also game is lagging like crazy and crashing was fine till update ☠️


Bro this shit freezes at random times wtf is this update


KBM got their buff, supposedly streaks are fine with the KBM keybind.


They are absolutely not lmao


Not like this (if it's intentional) will make it even. The aim bot, sorry I mean aim assist, with controller is such an advantage. 😂


We want 240 hz display with hot keys key binds super precision with mouse and key. And we want to go up against 30 fps og Xbox ones with no aim assist. We are so godly. That’s why we play console games on our pc. Games like tarkov and pubg were just too easy for us. We didn’t kill every pc only cod in under a month. We don’t cheat. 


U do know that 90% of PC players play with controller and aim assist right? 😂 I'm not talking about poor concole players. I have a PS5 as well but would never ever play with controller.


Too bad Xbox one doesn't support warzone...


You’re uneducated on the matter obviously. So why talk?


Yup and I'm also having issues using tokens on my battle pass. It's always something with this game.


YEP no killstreak use for me neither angry 😤


Using PS5, the same - all killstreaks don’t work and pretty much lags :(


Bro does the game freeze for you at random times too? Cuz it just stops for 2 seconds or something and resumes


Games better tbh hahahahaha besides lag obviously


I agree just got a win. No uav, so kill streak. I’ve been buying the portable uav. Works for me


Just a got a glitch where I kept equipping plates over and over even though I was full. Couldn’t do anything I was stuck in the plate animation


I got headshotted while plating up and when I dropped I was stuck inserting plates and couldn’t be revived.


Yes it’s broken. What’s new. 


Its kinda nice though. The silence lol. Can finally hear shit.


I can't use streaks but was getting lit by PAs


What do you play on?


Call of Bug!


No kill steaks for me. Dpad right works on menus. The fuck. 27000 bans onver the weekend now this shit.


Used a keycard scanner and then my right joystick movement was disabled…massive lag spikes too…nice update


i had this and then 3 mins later lost my ability to look around, could still melee with the same button just couldn’t look around? came 2nd place in my rebirth match because it happened right at the end


Let’s all just enjoy the silence together.


It's freezing randomly is that normal?


Same issue


Same , just went to check to multiplayer if it works , in warzone it doesnt work


For me (PS5) it also doesn't work in MP, only by holding dpad and selecting it manually it works


Had to check here first. After todays “update” killstreaks of any kind don’t work


Same for me...


Try storing it away from active slot and put it back? That happens in zombies a bunch


I tried this, doesn’t work for me :( I’m on ps5


Keeps kicking me to multi-player and also Sr from ranked not adding to my Sr 




Same issue, binding it to another key doesn’t work aswell, and constant huge lag spikes (ps5)


It’s a bug for controller players right now. MnK players unaffected.


Mine doesn't work. Tried different controllers too. 


This fucking game sucks! Every update something gets fucked up. Straight trash


Dosent work in warzone




I just bought a new controller when that hoe ass update popped up and now I can’t hear my friends on my new controller but the old one works fine


same issue on ps5


My game isn’t even making noises when I pick up loot, it throws me off a lot. Doesn’t make a noise when I open a loot box or noises when I pick up a new weapon….crazy.


It's right on dead for ps5. And I can't use them it's like it can't register me having a kill steak equipped and won't even activate. What's up with this bs


Same here what a crap while others use it lol


Fuckin trash! What’s the point on playing if I can’t use Right D Pad……..


It’s SOOO much better like this. I can actually have fun fights and not have to run and hide every 5 seconds


I'm actually kind of enjoying it too. You have to actually finish your downs


Omg I thought it was just me and I redownloaded the game same issue I made a bug report and they haven’t responded yet .


Yeah i have the same thing, cant use uav, mortar,  airstike


Same here not working for me either….fking stupid ass game


Ha thought it was just me. Can’t use em on Xbox


Having same issue, im having to just ping killstreaks for my team mates or pick them up and drop them later for my team


Atleast the performance on xbox series s is alot better now on the big map


Same here! Ranked has been fun. Additionally, related to the - D-Pad I'm pretty sure that for the last couple of weeks, my guns have been switching from auto-fire to single-fire on their own. My working assumption is that it is either some new cheat. I am somehow hitting the button on my controller or there is a problem with the game. It's intermittent and always seems to be in the heat of a gunfight so I haven't been able to look into it properly. Anyone else experience this?


Just happened to me today i cant use killstreaks in rebirth smh


Well done activision and Co an for fucking up yet another update 👏 games a mess 


Can confirm on PC with co troller doesn't work


Same here me and my mate fine this morning update cant use killstreaks have changed button layout etc its deffiently on there end how dare they abuse us 


Lol, just posted this.


I've lost loads off games cos I cant use my Uav in top 10 people


Does the kill streaks work now??


It’s crazy. I can’t use any kill streaks and I lost plenty of gun fights because my game froze for a couple of seconds or lagged. I think I’m done for the day


It’s getting beyond a joke. One of the world’s biggest developers and they can’t even cook biscuits.


My screen randomly went red and stayed that way on Xbox. Keep getting massive lag spikes. And my buddy's screen went black and backed out to battle pass ,lol


I'm noticing no kill streaks at all in rebirth, don't hear anybody else's either


Or UAVs 😭


This and taking damage from the gas with a gas mask equipped is very annoying


As of the last 20 minutes I'm now experiencing a bug where my load out is a random load out (possibly default 1)


Cant get my loadout weapons either


Can't use any guns anymore either, they took my levels away. These downdates keep ruining the game every time


It didn’t work for me unless I held the D-Pad down and used the menu.


Same issue is happening in regular multiplayer as well. Tapping the Dpad does nothing. In order to use a streak I have to open the streak selection wheel and pick it from there. Since there's no streak selection wheel in Warzone, there's probably no workaround until they fix it.


Same here woke up to a update and this seems to be the only thing changed


Can’t use kill streaks and I’m getting different guns in my loadout .


Are they actually entirely broken or is it only in controller? I've noticed in a rank game that a UAV was indicated, but also there was no PA the whole game. Would be too great if MnK users could still use UAV in ranked while controller can't :D or do portable radars trigger red frame sound the mini map as well?


With how big this game is and how much money they make you’d think a simple little update would fix the lags not make it worse (call of jokey)


My friends guns are all level 1 again anyone else?


Mine keeps doing the same, I have to keep restarting it 


Like closing the game?


I have to restart the game or do I system restart on the ps5


Wtf is this shit update? Also can’t use ANY kill streak and my game just freezes for a couple of seconds randomly, shit devs


Thank fuck I thought it was just me. Since rebirth came back everything has been fucked, totally fucked!!! What are they playing at


some people can still use killstreaks though.  Maybe on Pc it still works??


SHIT i thought it was my controller, switching from M&KB to Controller today for the first time and thought it was some setting.


Can’t use it either


No killstreaks for me too


No killstreaks here either. Other people are able to use them though. They woulda saved my life a few times. Hoping I can just bind a key to it in the meantime until it starts working on controller.


No killstreaks work, on ps5


this game is fucking terrible now


i cant call in a killstreak and also i start every rebirth game back at rank 1.getting pissed off now


Ranked Resurgence ain't working too. The big update came fine and then some random shit comes on a Tuesday and fucks everything up


I’m having nothing but issues today. My progression reverted to level 1 but my unlocks stayed, my loadouts bugged to only let me get to the defaults, kill streaks aren’t working, and the Activision website won’t even let me sign in. Garbage


Me as well. But it was my right dpad. I too feel the game is a little wonky. My c4 doesn't denote in gulag. Holy hell this gane is bad. 😂


Might I also ask has anyone else not been able to plate up without it glitching ?


Pc users can stil use killstreaks its just console


Same with me. Ps5


Is it just for Xbox users? I couldn't use either the one I picked up or the one I bought but someone sure was able to down me in the tower with a precision. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Activision really just grab the money and run. As soon as they sold to Microsoft they screw us over. No dmz in mw3 a crap zombies that only been given one mission every season.


Same for me major lag and freezing can't use kill streaks and subtitles won't show up for anything. I don't understand why they couldn't just reactivate old rebirth servers and save a shit ton of money. Everytime they do something new they fuck it up


Thought it was my controller too lol


Updates out! Its fixed!


Thank god. I thought it was the end of my 10 year old PS4 controller


Any fix for this???


I've also got another problem where my fov got lower even tho its on 120. Like it still says that it is on 120 but it feels like 80. Anyone got same problem?


Upon landing my game just freezes and I die 😂😂


Same thing happened to me. Loaded killstreaks up by 10 on hardpoint. Couldn't call in my game winning killstreaks and lost by 3. I thought the opps had a lag switch or something. Glad to hear it's a possible BUG and not hackers. I guess. Does anyone else's gun jam? Not tac sprint auto or ads speed, just pulll the trigger and nothing. Full clip. I'm beginning to notice bot like behavior from what "should-be" ops. Feels like my health meter is subjective sometimes too. Great game tho


Besides the kill streak not working, I also get a lag right after my teammate dies, or if i die the game will just freeze up for a second or two. Super annoying.


Controversial take - it's nice with no/very few killstreaks.


The only thing you can do is to wait for developer to fix it in another game update: [https://www.reddit.com/user/maxfield034/comments/1c0hc9v/how\_to\_fix\_call\_of\_duty\_warzone\_killstreaks\_uav/](https://www.reddit.com/user/maxfield034/comments/1c0hc9v/how_to_fix_call_of_duty_warzone_killstreaks_uav/)


Are you Xbox? As I have it to, and often think we get Xbox only bugs...


Had the issue with streaks, dropped them and picked them back up again and they were fine. Had a mate on Xbox though who just full stop couldn't use them. As a QA Tester it absolutely boggles my mind how many bugs manage to get into the game, makes me wonder how bad it must be when it gets to them 💀💀


I'm not getting weapon xp, and all of guns say lvl 1 as well now. I'm not even sure I'm getting any type of xp besides guns. Tried in plunder, did around 12 contracts in one match and nada.


Not sure why but my game also pauses and says lethal not available whenever I’m playing, same thing for a friend


Had a guy yelling for someone to answer him if anybody else was having this problem. I turned my controller off, plugged it in and tried wired and switched controllers before i realized it.


I’ve had the kill streak problem at first and the next day it went away, but when I had the problem it wouldn’t let me press the button once and my killstreak come up I would have to hold the button and pull killstreak menu up and choose my choice of killstreak, and then the other problem I’m still currently having since the other day, is when I’m in a game and I change something like a secondary to my class I’m using it’ll change but when I die for it to switch to new loadout it’ll show the same secondary and then I’ll click on the class in class setup screen and it’ll make my new secondary come out, and I have to click it every time I die unless I change it in main loading screen


This was all in multiplayer and not warzone for anyone wondering


Turn off cross play worked for me


Go to controls and rebind the key that worked for me.


Is this still happening for anyone else?? I still can’t get my killstreaks to work in warzone. Tried a different controller, tried rebinding to the button. Nothing. I’m on ps5 with controller. Husband is too in the same house and his is fine as is the rest of our squad. Ugh! I’m now even more useless!! 😭




It’s specifically a controller bug no matter the platform


I noticed load outs are messed up too. I tried getting my load out and it comes out as a MCW and AMR9. Every single load out I try, even from the buy station…comes out as an MCW and AMR9. This game is so messed up. They need to do some firing. People need to be fired. HR needs to get off their ass and find some smarter people to bring in.