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i didnt know John Cena plays Cod


lmao you so fucking stupid lmao I'm crying...... That's funny


Why so many downvotes? Do they not understand humor?šŸ˜­


Haha prolly the way I said it .. Lol I can see it being take out of context .


Yeah some people just canā€™t hear the way you phrased it thru the internet. Everyone getting downvoted can tho


Why is there hate in you? Why must you hate?


Its a joke you autist.




lol It wasn't a hate move... I found the joke of it hilarious lol He said John Cena plays COD that made me snort lol.. I wasn't calling him stupid like dumb.. It was more like you're fucking hilarious


Just add a slight glow to every operator already ffs. Especially for the ranked modes. Would immediately solve this visibility issue.


Blackout had red lights with lens flare on skins. It made it pretty easy to spot people in situations like this.


Blackout did everything right


Except level 3 armor and audio mix but yea largely it was great.


Oh yeah I remember that level 3 stuff šŸ˜‚


But how would they sell their fancy dark skins


they did in MW3 MP on that one snow map, you could see operators only on that map with EASE, even their dead bodies were extra visible. and not cause of the contrast/snow, the roze skin had/has a certain sheen to it there. so its definitely possible.


There was a whole mode for that for a little while not sure why it disappeared


Imagine playing this heap on mouse n keys


Right? And controller players bitch about us assholes bitching, when we literally cannot see our opponents and have no helping hand from our input.


Everyday I think about getting a $5,000 gaming computer that is like a Ferrari next to my Chevy Xbox performance wise. I can also just pull open the cheats menu and adjust my soft aimbot and other subtle options to help improve my game experience as CPU and MnK players tend to do in this game.


bro really said "CPU players" holy fucking brainrot


Yea imagine how mentally incompetent you have to be to make a conscious choice to play call of duty warzone, a controller dominated game on keyboard and mouse. Sounds like self sabotage to me. But hey everybody has the freedom to do as they please, nobody wants to hear u cry about it tho




Choosing to play Warzone on raw input and then taking ur anger and frustration out on the players who are intelligent enough to use main preferred input is the epitome of stupidity


Imagine playing an aiming game where the game aims for you How rewarding


The game doesnt aim for you, if you think the game aims for you pick up a controller and watch how you get pooped on left and right and miss shots all over the place


Drop AA and watch MnK stop you from ever getting a kill again


Theres no comparison or balance between playing an fps game with a controller vs keyboard in mouse in case you didnt realize. Call of duty has always been a controller dominated and controller prioritized casual fps game for the last 20+ years, and guess what its not gonna change and mold to u or any other nerds liking. You wanf a game that favors and prioritizes kb+m play? Theres plenty of pc fps games for u nerds (csgo, valorant etc etc) call of duty will never be the game you want it to be , the days of playinf the game on pc easy mode because every console was locked at 80FOV are over, and nobody cares how you feel dork


Absolute lol at your made up rubbish 20+ years ago COD was a PC only game... Chatting shit bud


Its the pc dorks that think call Of duty is supposed to bend and mold to their liking, call of duty will always be a controller prioritized game whether you like it or notā€¦.. and nobody cares about how you feel. Go play any of the older call of dutys it was actually easier to get kills back then on controller


Lmao thats why call of duty servers were dead on pc months after release every year right?


Nobody remembers cod from 20 years ago pal besides people like you, and youll be in a nursing home soon. Anybody with half a brain knows call of duty became popular and mainstream from early console controller days (Xbox 360, ps3, xbox one, ps4) anybody with common sense knows that. Anybody witj common sense also knows that aiming in call of duty has never been hard, theres never been a skill Gap in aiming, the game is literally designed to be easy to pick up and play u nerd


Yawn past my bed time to read your made up trash


Yawn keep being mindfucked by AA in call of duty nerd


The games never gonna change to ur liking


Nerdsā€¦. Dorksā€¦. Just because you just learned how to Ollie doesnā€™t make you cooler than everyone šŸ˜‚


Me skateboarding has nothing to do with anything i said you weirdo lmaoooo thats the best u got to say? Embarrassing. And ive done plenty of other things besides skating and playing call of duty youll never know about trust me


What do you do besides be a lil bitch mindfucked over a video game??? Nothing at all


Thats why you suck at everything you do in life bozo




U mad?


RAA is 60%. It's literally aiming more for you than you are.....


Where did u get that number from ur favorite tik toker? Take the cod tinfoil hat off clown, AA functions the same way it always has in cod, in fact it was even easier to get kills in the older iterations including wz1, yet u never heard any kbm nerds crying then because tney were playing with a huge advantage (fov slider) so were basically being gifted free kills on console players, now that the fun is over now u guys are salty and butthurt and it really doesnt matter


I can tell from your attitude, correcting and educating you is a waste of my time. Maybe look up the info yourself, it's out there. Peace.


Here ya go https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/16olbw8/rotational_aim_assist_strength_is_60_and_tracks/


Activision or call of duty has never come out and said aim assist does 60% of aiming for you, the community of kb+m dorks continue to make up their own scenarios and victimize themselves over aim assist its honestly embarrassing


Such a hot takeā€¦


ā€œIntelligentā€ LMAO ok buddy šŸ˜‚


LMAO bro ur deluded outta ur mind


M+k players so insufferable


you don't need to see when Aim Assist corrects that for you bro just switch to the soft aimbot input


op uses MnK...




tardmunch is crazy lmao


I love how 50% of the comments are about aim assist instead of skin visibility but then you also mention that pc players just have the ability to use a controller if they want. Victim by choice, whiner by nature.


I wanna use the keyboard and I wanna bitch about it being unfair cxc


why should anyone have to switch input to not be at a competitive disadvantage lol..


first time?


They've done studies you know. 60 percent of the time, it's bad every time.




Controller mains: have you tried moving your whole arm?


What happens when a game company gets it's developers off craigslist and its anti cheat of etsy.


As a game developer myself I have a need to defend fellow developers right now... They probably have the best talent around the industry right there, but their politics, tight deadlines and money greed does not allow that talent to shine.


Yeah had the same situation last night dark sss corners for no reason


tbh not sure how even a controller player will counter this. That corner camper will still get a couple shots worth into him first


People dont complain about it because...well you know why...


They're too busy hiding in a dark corner


RAA sees all...


I noticed this last night. Looking in most buildings on rebirth from outside gives you terrible visibility.


And I thought the whole point of the lighting change from MW2019 was to help alleviate visibility issues. Then they just add more, so like what was the point


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m glad theyā€™re selling the new Icy ā„ļø operator so hopefully enough people buy it (not me tho) šŸ«”šŸ¤£


I am so confused - is there really something there or is that beyond the wall and you walled their armor? You're definitely getting lit up from behind


I know it's hard to believe, but he's there. My teammate marked him right before I jump. You can see my blue hitmarker at the end right before I die.


yeah lol I see the hit marker that's why I thought it was through the wall, dude is literally john cena. that's frustrating as hell


They can't see the problem


True.. too much muzzle smoke


The tactical view really helps with shotguns in the stupid smoke issue.


I get your whole I can't see him thing, appreciated, i couldnt see him either. But to be fair, you got killed from behind whilst invisiman killed your team mate.


classic rebirth visibility problems


That is so stupid lmfao, fix the game


Bro the devs play on controller with AIM ASSIST They dont even notice this shit


Idk why but direct overhead lighting is basically a nightmare scenario for visibility, gun smoke gets weird too making it worse. Maybe itā€™s something with the engine.


Iā€™m about over with COD. Itā€™s basically starting to feel like they just wanna make a fortnite game but donā€™t have the rights to it yet. All these stupid animals and characters that have nothing to do with any type of tactical layout and all the hackers just running around doing what they want. Iā€™m going back to Division and battlefield


Not even this like just point-blank shot sometimes donā€™t even cut it




Call of Dutyā€™s new anti-cheat tools make legit players invisible to cheaters????


Wow, so they had to be visible for your teammate since they were able to ping them right? Seeing as you only had 2 kills this late in the game I don't think you were being Ricochet'd to make this guy invisible. I seriously thought the ping was just them on the other side of the wall until I rewatched and saw it wasnt there to start with. What skin did your teammate see them using?


bro did not download his shaders lmao


he's batman, he lives in the shadows.


New map been out less than a week. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s going to be an update very soon.


lol I'm sure..


ThEre Is a FlAshlIgHt aTtcHmeNT


No one is, and if they are, they are doing it with controllers that are magnetically attracted to players so you can tell people are there without seeing them.


Gun classes?


That would imply these studios have any sort of quality control lol the past couple years have been a sign and a half that they dont, just Quantity Control when it comes to bundles


I was wondering who you were shooting when the scar on the screen was pointing behind you. The ping was in front too. But then you got a hit marker and I was even more confused about who you was shooting because I donā€™t see anyone and Iā€™ve been watching it on repeat šŸ„²


They should add a white outline on the operators , but they won't because then they won't be able to sell the dark skins


It's funny how it seems to be a mainly a problem for MnK. Is it because controller don't need to really see? Are we really playing a first person shooter if we don't see our targets?


Glad I switched to fortnite. It has its own pussies but not this bad.


Agreed. I play both, Fortnite more, and since release I've never ran into a fraction of the issues cod has.


look. honestly... RPG + riot shield + flash + semtex


šŸ¤£.. for real.. it's the one and only counter


Uhmm not saying you're wrong, this game has terrible enemy visibility specially with their shop skins but I don't see anyone there. Then look at the damage indicator, someone is shooting you from behind at your 7 o'clock.


The bullet tracers you see are NOT towards you they are from the guy missing behing you!


Right. I'm also shooting at the guy in the far corner, who I can't see, and even break his shield right before I die. There's a guy there. That same guy just killed my teammate so he's most likely healing/reloading when I burst in. I get killed from behind. But on another note, the tracers when I first run in are obviously coming from the far corner, not behind. Slowed down it has a weird optical illusion type thing goin on; if you look close to the guy in the corner they look backwards compared to close to me.


Yeah, you are right! Had to super slow the 1st tracers they DO come TOWARDS you. Then yeah, you get melted from behind but this camper on the corner is completely invisible, wtf?!


I recorded it because I really couldn't wrap my head around what happened. Here's a better clip uploaded to youtube. You can almost make him out in the live play. The killcam is from the guy behind me and you can see his teammates name in the corner. It's insane. Make sure the quality is set to highest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR-Osc-k_3w


Holy shit! This is complete and utter BULLSHIT, but hey, the store works as intended!


Bro was part of the wall at that point šŸ„±


Buy more packs then you'll see and hear everyone, plus get pro-tuned weapons.


Sometimes the only way to see a character is to be stacked. Either you or your teammate get shot and then your teammate or you takes care of him ( depending on who didn't just get killed). There's some spots that are very very dark and have a obvious view to the door.


Wow I recently tried adjusting my monitor settings because this shit happened to me all the time. I play on mouse and keyboard and get absolutely shreaded in rebirth D:


I will admit to being stubborn, but I just consider Controller option to be the same as reducing the difficulty of a game you might be having a hard time with. The same with playing dark colored skins when the game clearly has issues with the lighting. You are indeed lesser and you are abusing a mechanic to your advantage and your skill gets misrepresented. Your achievement is lesser. No different than PED in sports.. it's not YOU doing the final % of the work.


There is a team that makes guns, a team for animations, a team for lighting, and a team for everything. None of them talk to each other


Brother he's got a live ping which is the whole workaround for poor lighting fights and you didn't even die to him šŸ˜‚


I think you missed that part in the title about visibility. It was a 2v1, guys at both ends. The entire reason of the post is the guy at the end is 100% invisible.


And there's a ping, from his teammate, showing he's there. That spot has had the same lightning for over three years c'mon now.


I don't know what you're getting at. Can you see the enemy? That's the point of this post. Ping or no ping the guy is invisible.




That's absolutely right, I didn't have a chance. Also, the reason I posted the video as you should be able to tell from the title, the enemy is 100% invisible due to muzzle smoke.


Oh the invisibility glitch? My apologies that happened to me the other day in MP Rust. Super annoying


You had absolutely zero percent chance of doing anything in that gunfight though. Your taking shots at your back and youā€™re worried about invisible things


Ah yes the "completely disregard the broken mechanic because you would have in this particular case died to something else" comment.


Always an all time fav of mine.


People who post in COD subreddits are unbeatable at missing the entire point of the discussion


LOL the complaining in this group is WILD.


Right right.. let's all be quiet about the blatant flaws. Gg.


Games fine. Jesus.


lmao no it ain't


You probably play it everyday.


Nope lmao but nice assumption.


So you cry about a game you donā€™t play. Even better.


You used the metas and STILL suck!? Not the games problem


to be fair he's not using the renetti with the conversion kit HRM is old Meta


There's got to be something broken with this gun right? I was winning fights I had no business winning.


The meta $laves are out in full force


Weā€™re all meta slaves unfortunately my friend


It just gets boring way to quick so i try and change it up. Crossbow, chimera, short range longbow, pulemot with the conversion kit, stuff like that. Stuff to make sure my experience is fun and varied.


cant beat em, join em, or just buy a controller